ePub 版

The Holy Eucharist one of the means of grace. Principle of the
two extreme theories. The Church of England holds what is Scrip-
tural and true in both. Rejecting Transubstantiation, she holds the
true spiritual Presence and reception. Caution respecting the use of
metaphorical language. Defective theories on the Holy Eucharist :
The opposite errors, Transubstantiation and the Sacrifice of the Mass,
shewn to be neither Scriptural nor Catholic. Besides the doctrinal
errors of Rome, additional errors in practice, such as Private Mass,
Denial of the cup, the Priest's intention.

Transcendental nature of the grace conferred in the Holy Eucharist.

P. 199-237.

The improvement of the means of grace. The causes which hinder
it; either, 1st, theoretical or practical Rationalism; 2ndly, Formalism;
3rdly, Partial use.

The result advocated in these Lectures is the combined and har-
monious use of all the means of grace. Grounds for this conclusion.
Grace so improved, if it may not be called a means of grace, is at least
a condition accompanied with a promise; this is shewn from the Text,
and from the parable of the Talents.

The course of Christian life (in its great features uniformly fitted for
all) in the use of all the means of grace, from the font to the grave.
Conclusion. P. 279-315.


P. 317-397.

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