ePub 版


"GOLDEN SANDS!" exclaimed Kate, "'tis all our editors talk about!" and with an impatient gesture, she laid the paper upon the table.


However, I wish I had a bag full of that very golden sand," said she to herself, and listlessly reclining upon the sofa, she thought of what she would do, and of what she would not do, if a bag of gold was only in her possession; her own to dispose of as she pleased. She soon found herself in the land of Dreams, walking along the banks of a deep quiet stream.

The long green grass was interwoven with golden and purple flowers; the willows hung from the margin where they grew, almost down to the water, as if to admire their own graceful motions in the crystal mirror, or to kiss the benefactor who nourished their roots, and caused them to be so flourishing.

"All alone, amid the quietude of nature," said Kate aloud; "now is the time for me to meditate upon the past, and look forward with hope to the future. I am young, and why may not I become a gold seeker like hundreds of others? At least, I might collect some golden sands, and leave the lumps of gold to older ones than myself. This river may contain the precious metal as well as the far famed Sacramento!"

Saying this to herself, she continued her walk along the banks of the stream, until she came in sight of a beautiful grove a few rods distant.

She heard the sound of pleasant voices, and proceeding a few steps farther, she saw within the grove a large number of people of both sexes, variously engaged. Some were seated by themselves writing, others reading, others engaged in animated cheerful conversation; and other some were singing most enchantingly.

Kate's heart fluttered not a little, fearing she should be discovered, and be deemed by this goodly company an ignorant intruder; not knowing that those persons whose minds and hearts are attuned to enjoy such intellectual pursuits are always happy to welcome to their society the young aspirer for knowledge.

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