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Sen. & H. of R.]

Settlement of the Oregon.

[DEC. 22, 1824.

many instances, as security or payment, those lands to the land in question. He thought that the suits now which they had loaned the money to purchase; and, if instituted would operate to try the question, inasmuch the Government would now receive those lands back, as they would give to Mr. Cox an opportunity to prove either from the purchasers or the banks, it would even-his title; and he deemed it a right of the present holder tually realize the whole or a part of the amount now due to have his claim fairly investigated by law, provided by the Western and Southwestern banks to the Treasu- that, in pursuing it, he interposed no unnecessary dery. Mr. J. argued at some length to show the expedi- lay. ency of such a measure, and its analogy to the cases which produced the beneficial relief law of 1820, which passed the Senate with so much harmony and unanimity. At any rate, as the resolution simply proposed inquiry into the subject, he hoped it would be agreed to.

Mr. EATON thought the scheme suggested by the resolution an impracticable one, or, at any rate, one of much difficulty, and one which, he believed, the Senate would not agree to. Therefore, as the inquiry would be one of much trouble, probably, to the committee, should it be referred, and a useless trouble, believing as he did believe, that, after all, the Senate would not sanction the measure, he thought it unreasonable to require a Jabor of the Committee on Public Lands which would result in nothing; and he, as one of the members of that committee, was therefore opposed to the resolution. Moreover, the duty of realizing whatever was possible from the debts of those banks had been assigned to the Secretary of the Treasury, and he was unwilling to change the arrangement for one so difficult and uncertain, if not impracticable, as the one proposed by the resolution.

Mr. JOHNSON replied, and Mr. EATON rejoined; when, on motion of Mr. KING, of Alabama,

The resolution was ordered for the present to lie on the table.



The resolution, offered by Mr. BRENT some days since, in relation to the claim of the representatives of the Marquis de Maison Rouge, to refer that claim to a committee, was taken up.

Mr. BRECK spoke in opposition to the resolution, on the ground that the claim in dispute had been submitted by Mr. Cox, the present holder of the vast tract of land concerned, to a judicial tribunal; in which case, he thought all legislative interference, on the part of this House, would be highly improper. Mr. B. stated a number of facts in support of this view of the case.

Mr. CAMPBELL, of Ohio, (Chairman of the Committee on Private Land Claims,) replied to Mr. BRECK; and understanding that the suits instituted by Mr. Cox, are only against persons settling on the land without any title at all, (squatters,) thought that these suits, however decided, could not settle the question between the claim of the Marquis de Maison Rouge, and that of the United States.

Mr. BRENT followed, in support of the resolution. He went at some length into the facts of the case, and denied that any suit had been instituted, or, if any, none which could try the claim. No suit could be instituted against the United States, without a law of Congress expressly for the purpose. He knew the settlers personally, and he asserted that not one of them held under any title derived from the Government of the United States; they held under titles from the Spanish Government, and no suit against them could settle the question of Maison Rouge's claim. If Mr. Cox wished to bring his claim before the courts of the United States, his proper course would be, not to oppose the interference of this House, which alone could enable him to accomplish that object, but rather to invite it to act upon the subject.

Mr. RANKIN replied to Mr. BRENT, and detailed the history of the claim, as it had been for five years successively presented to Congress, together with the different general acts of the Government in their application |

The debate was farther continued by Mesrss. BRENT, RANKIN, BRECK, and CAMPBELL; but, as it turned chiefly on the minutia of the land laws, it was not reported with particularity.

[The lands involved are of great extent and value, occupying almost the whole of the county of Ouachita, in Louisiana. They remain unsettled-have never been exposed to sale, on account of the claim of the Marquis de Maison Rouge. The tract is in possession of Mr. D. W. Cox, of Philadelphia, who holds under the marquis.]

The hour devoted by the rules of the House to the consideration of resolutions having elapsed, the debate was cut short by the Speaker's calling the orders of the day; when

The bill from the Senate, "making provision for Gen. LAFAYETTE," was taken up and read a first time; and, on motion of Mr. MALLARY, was laid for the present upon the table.


The House then resumed the consideration of the bill providing for the occupation of the Columbia or Oregon River; and the question being put on striking out the third section of the bill, (which proposes to grant land to settlers in that territory,) it was decided in the affirmative, ayes 101: so the section was stricken out.

Mr. WICKLIFFE moved to amend the bill by inserting the following section :

Be it enacted, &c. That, for the better security and protection of the rights of persons who may settle in or near the said military post, or who may carry on trade and commerce there, it shall be the duty of the President of the United States to prescribe such rules and regulations as he shall deem fit and proper; which rules and regulations shall be by him submitted to Congress, for their approbation, at their next session.

Mr. W. supported his motion by observing, that he did not contemplate, in proposing this amendment, to concede any of the legislative powers of this House to the President of the United States. He would reserve them in their full extent. But, if any thing like a settlement of the country on the Oregon was seriously intended, we must expect that there would soon be on that river something more than a mere guard of soldiers; the number of the settlers would greatly exceed that of any military force that it might be necessary to post there; but he conceived that we were all, at present, too imperfectly informed as to their situation and circumstances, to be in a situation to enact regulations for their government which should be suited to their condition and character. He therefore thought it was proper to refer the subject to the President, and to empower him, as the person most fit, from his situation, for such a task, to digest a system of rules and regulations for the govern ment of this infant territory, which should be submitted to the approbation of Congress when it should next meet. As an American citizen, he was indisposed to subject the civil rights of the settlers to the caprice of military rule; and, though we might not at present be in circumstances to establish a territorial govemment on that river, yet we might prepare the foundations of one, with which view he had offered to add this feature to the bill.

The question being put upon Mr. WICKLIFFE's amendment, it was lost by a large majority.

At the request of Mr. HAMILTON, of South Caroli na, the bill was then read with the amendments adopted yesterday, and was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading to-morrow.

DEC. 22, 1824.]

Gratitude to Lafayette.


On motion of Mr. LITTLE, of Maryland, the House resumed the consideration of the bill yesterday reported by a committee of the House, "concerning General Lafayette."

Mr. SLOANE, of Ohio, moved that the bill be postponed until Monday next, and that a committee be appointed "to report a statement of the facts and accounts on which it is founded."

[H. of R.

er of the House had been directed by an equally unanimous vote, to present the acknowledgments not only of the nation, but of this House, of the important services rendered to the country by General Lafayette, the committee would not have supposed themselves deficient in their duty if they failed to report facts or a statement of accounts in regard to that distinguished man. Speaking for myself, said Mr. L. I considered the proposed appropriation not as an affair of account-not as the payment Mr. TUCKER, of Virginia, said he was willing to post- of a debt to General Layfayette, but as the expression pone the bill, if any gentleman desired it for his accom- of a national sentiment, which would do honor not only modation, but, for his part, he wanted no further inform-to this House, but to this People-as an act which would, ation on this subject; neither, he presumed, did any gentleman of this House. He, therefore, moved to strike out the part of Mr. SLOANE's motion which proposed the appointment of a committee.

Mr. SLOANE thought the nature and importance of the question now depending, called for such information as he asked to obtain. Indeed, Mr. S. said he had no wish for a postponement of the bill if he was to get no additional information by it. The question, whether one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand dollars, or whether any thing, should be voted to General Lafayette, would depend upon the state of the accounts between him and the United States.

Mr. HERRICK, of Maine, after inquiring whether such motion would be in order, moved to postpone the bill indefinitely.

as far as it goes, serve to take away from us the reproach that Republics are ungrateful. I thought it would not be doing justice to our constituents, if we made this award a matter of valuation-an affair of dollars and cents: I thought a different mode of treating it most respectful to the House--most befitting the dignity of this government. Other gen tlemen, it appears, entertain different views: perhaps they are more correct views. I do not stand here to set up my sentiments against those who think the matter ought to have been treated in a different way. Some think, and I have no doubt they very honestly and sincerely think, that they have no power to express the national gratitude in the manner proposed, or to vote away public money in any case to which a claim to it could not be substantiated on such evidence as would establish it in a court of justice. It was not for the want of such evidence, that the committee did not report it. The evidence in their possession was such as would, if duly weighed, satisfy the most scrupulous, of the justice of giving not only the amount proposed by the committtee, but even double that amount.

The motion of Mr. TUCKER was negatived. Mr. COOK, of Illinois, said that the Senate, it appeared, had passed a bill on this subject, from the features of which it seemed that they entertained a different view from that presented by the committee of this House, as to the mode of awarding this money to General Lafayette: and what the Senate would do with this bill, if sent to that body, he could not say. To give time to consider of the proper mode of finally arranging this mat- The services of General Lafayette during the war of ter, Mr. C. proposed to recommit the bill to a commit- the Revolution, Mr. L. said, were known to, and must tee of the whole, so as to endeavor, at least, to act in be acknowledged by, every one. He came to this counharmony and concert on it. This was what was expect- try at the commencement of the Revolution. He coned from Congress by the People, and he hoped they tinued his personal services until very shortly before the would not be disappointed. If the bill was recommit- termination of that war by the treaty of peace. He ceasted, it could be called up and acted upon with some-ed those personal exertions here only to render them in thing like unanimity whenever the House was prepared the same cause where, at the time, they were more useto act definitively upon it. ful. He was, indeed, very instrumental in bringing about The motion to recommit the bill was declared by the that peace so important to us. At that time, yet in proSpeaker not to be in order whilst a motion for postpone-sperity, he would have refused any compensation for his ment was pending. services and sacrifices, had they even been greater than they were. When oppressed by adversity, after the confiscation of the remainder of his princely estates, he accepted from the United States, what he would never Mr. LIVINGSTON, of Louisiana, rose, as one of the before receive, the pay of a Major General, the rank members of the committee who reported the bill, to which he held during the war. But, besides that, he speak to the merits of it. The delay in doing so, which was entitled, upon every principle of strict justice, to had taken place on the part of the committee, would the half pay of a Major General for life. Owing to the not have occurred if it had been thought necessary to civil mission, which had already been referred to, Geneoffer to the House any explanation on the subject. The ral Lafayette was not in service at the close of the war, committee, however, thought it would have been only and had not a legal title to this half pay, but his right to necessary to echo the voice which is heard from one end it, on every principle of equity, could not be questioned. of the country to the other. They thought the import- To the representatives of another distinguished offiance and value of the services of General Lafayette had cer, (General Hamilton,) similarly situated, Congress been so generally known, that it was unnecessary to re-granted the amount of half pay which would have been port the facts, in regard to the services of General La- due to him, and that without commutation. The two fayette, on which they thought it expedient to recom- cases were nearly parallel. The officers had, generally, mend the passage of the bill now before the House. the option, and almost, if not quite all, availed themThey hoped that the proceedings of this House, when, selves of it, of receiving a commutation in lieu of half by an unanimous vote, at the last session, they acknow. pay. General Layfayette had not this option, however, ledged the value of those services, would have made from the circumstance already mentioned, of his absence such a report unnecessary. By that vote, Congress sub-in Europe at the conclusion of the treaty of peace. What jected the country to an expense, nearly, if not quite, would be the amount of half pay for the more than forty equal to the amount of the proposed appropriation, by years that have since elapsed, and the long life, which, agreeing to send out a ship of the line to convey Gener Mr. L. said, he trusted this venerable man would still al Lafayette to this country. The committee did not live to enjoy? Twenty added to the forty years already calculate, after having done so, and his declining to put expired, would not be deemed an extravagant estimate: the United States to that charge, there would have been these sixty years of half pay, without calculating interany objection to remunerating General Layfayette, in est, would alone amount to something like eighty thousome degree, for his services and sacrifices in the cause sand dollars. Would any gentleman in this hall say, of the United States. When, more recently, the Speak-that General Lafayette was not as well entitled to his

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Gratitude to Lafayette.

half pay as the family of General Hamilton were, after his decease?

[DEC. 22, 1824.

He withdrew the location he had made on a most valuable land, now worth 400,000 dollars, and transferred it to land hardly worth a dollar an acre. Mr. Livingston said he knew an idea had been held out, that the remainder of the land granted to the General by Congress had been sold very well. What had been obtained for it, he did not know; but he could say, for certainty, that, if any body had given one dollar an acre for it, they had made a bad bargain. That part of it which he was acquainted with he would not have for a gift. The lands which the General yet held were of no value, as the expense of raising the levee, &c. on the bank of the river, would be greater than the value of the land after it should be so improved.

Knowing a good deal of the circumstances connected with General Lafayette, and having been a member of the committee who reported this bill, he had thought proper to state them, and he hoped what he had said would serve to remove whatever doubts existed on the minds of gentlemen on this subject.

The SPEAKER here corrected an error into which he had fallen in supposing that a motion for indefinite postponement took preference of a motion to postpone to a day certain. The question being then stated to be on Mr. SLOANE's motion to recommit with instructions, &c.

But was this all? No, said Mr. L. it is not all. It is known as a public historical fact, that Lafayette, when he came to this country, brought also important and very necessary supplies to a large amount-an immense amount, considering that it was the offering of a single individual. What was the cost of those supplies, is information which chance alone has thrown in our way. Every one knew that it was great; but a mere fortuitous circumstance led a gentleman, lately at Paris, to inquire into what had been the pecuniary sacrifices of Lafayette in the cause of the United States, during the Revolution; and he obtained a document which shows precisely what money Lafayette did expend in onr cause at that time. [Mr. L. here made a statement corresponding with that yesterday made in the Senate, by Mr. HAYNE, establishing that the expenditure of Lafayette, for the use of the United States, during the War of the Revolution, was 700,000 francs, or 140,000 dollars, besides sums modestly kept out of the account, which would have increased that sum.] Add this amount to that which is justly due to him for half pay for life, said Mr. L. and say whether a fair, honest, and equitable settlement of the account between him and the United States, would not leave us in debt to him, interest included, more than double the amount which the commit- Mr. McDUFFIE, of South Carolina, addressed the tee had reported in his favor. Here, then, sir, is an ac- chair. He repeated the terms of the motion, to recomcount of dollars and cents, since gentlemen desire it: mit with instructions to report a statement of facts and here is something to satisfy the most scrupulous. When accounts, &c. because it more clearly indicated the you offer to General Lafayette these two hundred thou- genius of the opposition to this bill, and the principles sand dollars, you do not pay the debt-you do not pay on which that opposition was based, than any illustration what you justly owe to him. I am very much afraid, sir, could do. The motion involved the principle that Conthat, in going through this detail, I may wound the deli-gress was about to render compensation to General Lacacy of the gentleman concerned; for I am persuaded fayette under the obligation of a bond. Put it upon that no circumstances would have induced him to bring that footing, said Mr. McD. and I shall vote against the forward, as a debt, what he gave to us. Half of his bill. Put it upon that footing, and General Lafayette princely estates he freely spent in our service, without would disdain your offer of payment. What were the any other recompense than the secret satisfaction of aid- services which he rendered to this country, and what the ing the cause of liberty, to which he from his cradle had motives upon which they were rendered? Did he rendevoted himself. der those services, and make those disbursements, upon Mr. L. said he would not press upon the House argu- any calculation of future retribution? Did he enter into ments drawn from the feelings of the People of the a computation of what benefits he was thereafter to deUnited States on this subject. Those feelings, said he, rive from them? Not so, sir: they were the magnaniare well known: and from what I know of the temper mous sacrifices of a heart devoted to liberty, reckless of of this House, and of the feelings of the gentlemen who consequences, succoring a people struggling for liberty. compose it, there is not one of them who will not regret When we come to consider these services, rendered unthat any consideration of what he believes to be his duty der such circumstances, shall we enter into a cold calcuwill prevent him from giving his assent to this bill. Ilation as to what was the actual amount of the sacrifices vet trust, however, that the vote on this bill will be una- of General Lafayette, and hold out to the world that we nimous. I hope it will be seen that the whole House is are rendering him this tardy tribute, not as a voluntary moved by one consentaneous feeling, of obedience to offering of the heart, but as the obligation of a bond? the wishes of our constituents—one desire of expressing I admit, sir, the extent of the services of this individual; the sentiment of national gratitude which we owe to the I am perfectly satisfied, indeed, that, upon a fair calculanature of the government under which we act-one tion, the interest alone of the money which he spent in wish to satisfy our own feelings. I do not believe there our service up to this time would more than double the is one gentleman in this House who will not excessively amount which this bill proposes to appropriate for his regret, that any notion of his duty, or regard to the dis- use. The extent of his services might well be a motive position of the funds of the country, would prevent his of this grant; but to refer this bill back to a committee, giving a vote for this bill. to make a minute calculation of the money he advanced for us, would be an act of ingratitude and disrespect to his higher and more elevated claims upon the country. Do you expect to obtain vouchers, said Mr. M'D. for what was a grant to you, which the generous donor never wished nor in: ended to reclaim?

One circumstance there was, in relation to General Lafayette, which, though it did not come strictly into account, as forming a demand upon this government, furnished an argument which could not but strongly appeal to this House, in favor of that distinguished indivilual. [Mr. L. here stated the circumstance of the loca- Mr. McD. did not intend to express any thing disretion of part of General Lafayette's land in the vicinity of spectful to the supporters of the pending motion, but New Orleans, and his giving it up to the city, &c. sub- he must be allowed to say there was a degree of indelistantially as stated in the Senate yesterday by Mr. cacy in it which would shock the sensibility of any honHAYNE. Mr. L. had the advantage of personal know- orable mind, and particularly of him whom it was proledge of the facts, and of having been the medium of posed to call upon to be an agent in a case so nearly afcommunication with General Lafayette on that subject.] fecting himself. I very much doubt, whether, if he General L. declared, on that occasion, he would enter heard this discussion, he would receive your donation. into no litigation with any one in regard to a grant which I trust we shall put this offer of an expression of our grathe United States had thought proper to make to him.

Ititude on such grounds, that he will be induced to re


DEC. 22, 1824.]

Gratitude to Lafayette.

[H. of R.

ceive it: that we shall not render it as a debt due to him, ced against this bill, than this bill does-instances of but as a gratification of our own feelings, and of the feel-money granted merely in the way of gratuity, the preAnd, notwithstanding what has oc- sent case being by no means one of that character. ings of this nation. curred here, I trust he will accept the off r, not as his Was it, at this day, to be seriously argued that General right to receive, but as ours to give, as a gratification to Lafayette stood, in relation to our Revolution, on the ourselves, and as a small testimony of the gratitude of footing of one of the people whose liberties were assertthe nation. Mr. McD. trusted that the House would not ed by it? The correct distinction between the two attempt to investigate what cannot be proved, and will cases had been drawn elsewhere, that, where a foreign not; that it would not descend to the investigation of enemy invades a country, all its inhabitants are equally embarked in the contest, and must abide by the consefacts which are known to the whole world, and are in terwoven with the most interesting and important parts quences of it, it not being in the power of the govern ment to indemnify all individual losers in such a war. of our own history. But was that the case with a generous foreigner, whose fortune and talent are liberally embarked in the defence of the oppressed party in the contest? Surely not. never can be the feeling of America that we should deal to him precisely the measure of strict right. But, let the present case be put even on that ground: it was proved by the exposition of the gentleman from Louisiana, and by facts of historical notoriety, that the proposed grant would still be inadequate to the demands of justice. Mr. M. therefore expressed an earnest hope, that, as Gen. Lafayette had set up no claim in this case, inasmuch as he was not a plaintiff in this action, and the case was not to be tried upon technical pleadings, that the services which he rendered in the morning of his fortunes, would be met by this nation in a corresponding spirit, now that he is in the eve of his life.

Mr. MANGUM, of North Carolina, expressed his deep regret that, at this stage of a business which must for three weeks past have occupied a considerable portion of the attention of the members of this House, a motion should have been made to recommit this bill to investigate facts in the case: and he said he could not view the present motion in any other light than as one which was in effect to test the success of the present measure. On this subject, Mr. M. said, he most heartily concurred in the views of the gentleman who had just taken his seat. What, said he, is the object of this reference? To go into a calculation of pounds, shillings, and pence, with our distinguished benefactor, which he would reject with disdain, and which could not but fill his breast with scorn at the proposition. Such an investigation would be, besides, absolutely impracticable, except by submitting the private concerns and feelings of this distinguished person to a scrutiny which he would shrink Are we to from, and which we ought not to require. call upon that individual to lay before us his vouchers for voluntary donations for our benefit forty years ago? Are we thus to compensate those services which are known even to every school-boy in our country? I should deem such an examination, if its institution was thought necessary, fatal to this bill, because the objects which it would profess to seek after could never be obtained. And is it believed, by the mover and supporters of this proposition, that General Lafayette, his fortunes being reduced, has been invited to our shores in the imposing manner we have seen; that he has been received every where with an enthusiasm which does honor to the sons of heroes-to be called upon here to produce vouchers for his claims upon our gratitude?


The present motion, said Mr. M. I must consider as testing the strength of the bill; and sure I am, that, if we listen to the voice of all those people, who, in their person, felt the horrors and privations of the Revolution, or of the true descendants of their fathers who did feel them, we shall very much misrepresent them if we refuse to make the old age of Lafayette easy and comfortable. As one of the committee. I have felt it my duty to say that I decline a technical examination of the services of this veteran, because his services were never rendered in that spirit, and the people do not wish to meet them in it.

Mr. HERRICK, of Maine, then rose, and said, that from the motion that he had submitted to the House, it might be supposed that he was in favor of the indefinite postponement of the bill, as being opposed to the bill itself. He was glad to have an opportunity to explain his views, I have great respect, said Mr. M. for the scruples of and remove any false impression which might have been gentlemen on the score of precedent; but, for myself, made in this particular. So far from being opposed eiI believe that such a case as this can never again occur; ther to the principle or to the form of the bill, he was, and, if it shall, will this people shrink from meeting it? on the contrary, prepared to vote for almost any sum The gentleman from Louisiana has given an exposition which the House should think fit to give, and had flatwhich, it appears o me, must satisfy every one who tered himself that the bill, as introduced by the comheard it as to the right of General Lafayette to receive mittee, would have passed the House without opposition: compensation from the United States for services and he did hope that there would not even be one word of sacrifices. But, sir, are we to spread a Procrustean bed discussion on the subject; but, from the course which for the feelings of that distinguished individual to be tor- things had already taken, he felt apprehensive that any tured upon? Are we to give the exact pound of flesh, thing which the House might now do would be ineffecwithout one jot of blood? Is such the feeling in which tual, as he greatly doubted whether, after what had hapThis was one of those acts, of the proceeding towards General Lafayette originated? pened, the individual concerned would accept the donaIf it is, the reproach is yet just, the adage is ratified, tion, should it be made. that Republics are ungrateful. I hope, sir, that the bill which it might emphatically be said, that, if done at all, will not be recommitted, and that this House will not un-it must be done quickly. If we are to sit, in cold debate, dertake to render justice to merits and services such as discussing and disputing the minutiae of such a bill, our Lafayette's under the influence of a petifogging disposi- pass ng it, he feared, would be in vain. Yet, still, if gention adapted to no higher vocation than litigation in tlemen shall conclude to pass this bill, they might rely small affairs before inferior courts. I could wish, for the upon it, that he, for one, would never oppose its pashonor of the American name, and still more for the hon- sage, when that question was fairly presented to him. or of this House, that no such affair as this should have been meditated, unless we get out of the discussion of it in a manner more reputable than I begin to apprehend

we shall.

Mr. BARTLETT said, that he rose, not to discuss the measure before the House, but to submit a proposition, which he hoped would render discussion unnecessary. He should regret deeply to see the Journal burdened Mr. M. said he did not understand, from what had with records of yeas and nays, motions and amendments, been said, that any opposition was made to this bill on in a case like this. He had hoped that this bill would have the score of principle. If we turn over our records, said passed in a manner as spontaneous as unanimous. he, we shall find divers instances of appropriations in a had hoped that, when we sent for Gen. Lafayette, and much stronger manner impugning the principles advan-invited him, by a public act, to our shores, it was not to


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Gratitude to Lafayette.

[DEC. 22, 1824.

ask who he is, what he has done, and why we have call- principle of the bill before then, for, on that topic, he ed him; he had supposed that we knew who Gen. La- was persuaded there existed within those walls but one fayette was, and that none needed to ask what he had sentiment. He rose chiefly with the view of corrobodone. But he had had reason, since the delay and op-rating some of the statements which had been submitposition which had occurred to such a bill as this, to ted to the House by the honorable member from Louisiathink that it would be more honorable to the country, na, (Mr. LIVINGSTON.) In doing so, he thought he should that yet further delay should now take place, in order, be able to win to the support of the bill the honorable if possible, to give unanimity to its act on the subject. member from Ohio, (Mr. CAMPBELL ;) and, in so desig I cannot but remember, said he, that it is scarce ten days nating him, he did not use the language of ordinary since we passed, with great unanimity, a bill to reward courtesy, for he cherished habitual respect for his nonour own services, and I did suppose that the services of orable friend. He rose, Mr. M. said, with no faint hope, Lafayette were at least as well known, and as highly es- however feeble his resources for the task, that he should timated, as ours. He was desirous that the bill should prevail on all the gentlemen, who, to his great regret, pass, not as a forced, but as a deliberate measure. He was differed from the majority of the House on the details unwilling to press it against an opposition which, if per- of the bill, and for whose scruples he entertained the severed in, must operate to take away all the grace of most indulgent respect, to unite with the friends of the our gratuity. And, under these impressions, he was de- bill in an unanimous vote. The question presented by sirous of postponing the motion to recommit, and this the opponents of the bill, admitted of but two doubts, whole subject, till Monday next. of the facts or the inferences from them, on which the assertion is grounded, that the grant proposed by the bill, to our illustrious guest, falls short of his pecuniary claims upon our justice.

Having been himself the medium through whom the manuscript which had been just read, had passed into the hands of the honorable member from Louisiana, he felt it to be incumbent on him to verify its authenticity. On its very face, which bore marks of antiquity correspondent with its ancient date, it carried strong internal evidence of its truth, which was corroborated by a knowledge of the highly respectable channel through which it had very recently reached America. It moreover referred to a prior document submitted by the writer, who had charge of the estates of General Lafayette, to the Bureau of Emigrants of the Department of the Seine, early in the year 1793; at a time when the Revolutionary government of France sought to accomplish two purposes by inquiring into the condition and the causes of the dilapidation of the estates of General Lafayette, then proscribed, and driven from France by their crimes and their injustice.

Mr. CAMPBELL, of Ohio, then rose, and observed, that, having yesterday had the courage, perhaps some would say the audacity, to make some little opposition to this bill, which had been precipitated into this House like a comet through the atmosphere, it might be expected that he should give some explanation of the reasons which had influenced him. He did not rise to oppose the resolution for postponement, for he was himself in favor of it. He wished, for himself, some further time for reflection, and he could not but say that there was some little ill nature in the remark of the gentleman from North Carolina, (and he was sorry to say so, for no gentleman on that floor was, in general, more decorous in debate,) that two weeks had already been spent in this subject. But why had this time been allowed the committee, unless to give them opportunity, by reflection, to mature the measure they should present to the House. The gentleman should remember, that to the House nothing like this time had been allowed-indeed no time at all. And though the minds of the gentlemen of the committee might be fully made up, yet they were not to expect that, therefore, the minds of other gentlemen This agent, Mons. Morizet, with a modesty derived must also be so. It was not strange that, on a subject from the example of the amiable man he served, reduces like this, there should exist some diversity of opinion. the sum of those expenditures which General Lafayette For his own part, Mr. C. said, he had never been op- had incurred in the service of the United States, the posed to the principle of the bill, and he would candid- cost of two voyages to France, and had in this account, ly state how far he had felt willing to go. He would stricken from the entire sum of 1,033,000 francs, have been in favor of granting a sum of $50,000, and al- 333,000. But, as these voyages, attended at the lowing General Lafayette the pay of a Major General time with peculiar hazard, were undertaken at the refor life. Had this been done, would it not have been quest of General Washington, and for the obvious benquite as decorous, as attempting to force the bill through efit of the United States, these expenses, instead of bethe House in its present form, without one word of ex-ing deducted, should be added to the account. 1o a planation from the committee? Let us, said Mr. C. have time to commune with each other, and with the gentlemen who brought in the bill, as they have had time to commune with each other; but, if we must be taken by surprise now, I, for one, shall oppose the bill, and am willing to meet the consequences of that opposition, be they what they may even though I may be so unhappy as to incur the displeasure of the gentleman from Louisiana, whose good opinion I confess I value as much as that of any other citizen I know. I feel that I have a duty to perform; I certainly shall perform it, nor can any power of man prevent me from doing it. With these observations, Mr. CAMPBELL expressed a hope that the motion of the gentleman from New Hampshire (Mr. BARTLETT) would prevail, for a postponement of this question for a few days.

sum, therefore, exceeding two hundred thousand doilars, should be added the interest for the forty three years which have elapsed since the last expenditure of this long acccount, which would swell it to thrice the amount of the proposed appropriation.

The honorable member from Louisiana very justly computed the half pay equitably due to General Lafay ette, for the same period; but, in omitting to notice the interest as equitably due on it, he left out a sum which would have swelled that single item to an amount equivalent to the object of our present debate.

With respect to the generous release, by General Lafayette, of the land which he had acquired near New Orleans, under our own grant, Mr. M. said he was perfectly acquainted with all the circumstances attending the transaction, through the voluntary communication of the Commissioner of the Land Office; and that they left no doubt on his mind of the validity or value of the title which General Lafayette had released, with equal generosity and delicacy.

After some explanation from the SPEAKER, as to the point of order, Mr. TUCKER, of Va. moved to lay the bill on the table, his object being to give time for conciliating an unanimous vote on the bill. The question being taken, this motion was negatived by a large majo- The United States granted to General Lafayette, in rity. part as his legal bounty, and in part as a manifestation of Mr. MERCER, of Virginia, then rose, not, he observ-their esteem, 11,540 acres of land, to be chosen out of ed, to wound the feelings of the House, by debating the any of the public lands of the United States. He chose,

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