Ifidore, J Ventidius, one of Timon's false Friends. Cupid and Maskers. Phrynia, Timandra, Mistresses to Alcibiades. Thieves, Senators, Poet, Painter, Jeweller, Mercer and Merchant; with divers Servants and Attendants. SCENE Athens, and the Woods not far from it. The hint of part of this play taken from Lucian's Dialogue of Timon. POPE. ΤΙΜΟΝ ΤΙΜΟΝ of ATHENS. ACTI. SCENE I. A Hall in Timon's House. Enter Poet, Painter, Jeweller, Merchant, and Mercer, at feveral doors. Pain. It wears, Sir, as it grows. Poet. Ay, that's well known. Pain. I know them both; the other's a jeweller. Jew. Nay, that's most fixt. Mer. A most incomparable man, breath'd as it were To an untirable and continuate goodness. Jew. I have a jewel here. Mer. O pray let's fee't. For the Lord Timon, Sir? Jew. If he will touch the estimate: but for that A 3 Poet. Poet. When we for recompence have prais'd the vile, It stains the glory in that happy verse Which aptly sings the good. Mer. 'Tis a good form. [Repeating to bimself. [Looking on the jewel. Jew. And rich; here is a water, look ye. Pain. You're rapt, Sir, in some work, some dedication To the great Lord. Poet. A thing flipt idly from me. Our poefie is as a gum, which issues Provokes it self, and, like the current, flies Let's fee your piece. Pain. 'Tis a good piece. Poet. So 'tis, This comes off well and excellent. Poet. Admirable! how this grace Speaks his own standing! what a mental power Pain. It is a pretty mocking of the life: Here is a touch - is't good? Poet. I'll fay of it, It tutors nature, artificial strife Lives in these touches, livelier than life. Enter certain Senators. Pain. How this Lord is followed! Poet. The fenators of Athens! happy 'man! Pain. Look, more! Poet. You fee this confluence, this great flood of visitors. 1 chases. old edit. Theob. emend. ... ... 2 when I have, ! ! I have, in this rough work, shap'd out a man Pain. How shall I understand you? : You fee how all conditions, how all minds, Pain. I saw them speak together. Poet. I have upon a high and pleasant hill Whom Fortune with her iv'ry hand wafts to her, Pain. 'Tis conceiv'd 7' to th' scope: (a) Anciently they wrote upon waxen tables with an iron style. 4 But 5 creatures, 7w...ald edit. Theob. emend. 6 abhor himself; |