2221 SOUTH SEAS. Authentic Narrative of four Years' Residence at Tongataboo, one of the Friendly Islands, 1810Savage's Account of New Zealand, plates, 1807-Bond's Account of the Colony of Port Jackson, 1806-Popham's (Sir Home) Account of the Prince of Wales Island, 1805, in 1 vol. 8vo. neat, 5s 2222 SOUTHEY'S (Robt.) History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols. 4to. COMPLETE, bds. £2. 2s 1823-32 2223 SPADON (N.) Studio di Curiosita nel quale si tratta di Fisonomia, Chiromantia, Metoposcopia, 18mo. half calf, 3s Venet. 1667 2224 SPALDING. Account of the Gentleman's Society at Spalding, being an Introduction to the Reliquiæ Galeanæ, 4to. half calf, 12s 1784 2225 SPEECHLEY'S Treatise on the Culture of the Pine Apple, 8vo. plates, bds. 2s 1779 2226 SPELMAN'S (Sir H.) Churches not to be Violated, 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d. Oxf. 1841 2227 SPENCE'S Observations, Anecdotes and Characters of Books and Men, edited by Malone, post 8vo. bds. 4s—Another, new, half calf, 58 1820 2228 SPENSER'S Farie Queene, collated with the original editions, with a new Life of the Author, and a Glossary by Birch, 3 vols. 4to. 32 plates after the designs of Kent, FINE COPY in old calf gilt, £2. 28 1751 2229 SPERLINGII. Dissertation de Numis non Cusis tam Veterum quam Recentiorum, 4to. neat, 38 Amst. 1700 2230 SPILSBURY (John) GEMS.-A Collection of Fifty Prints from Antique Gems in the Collections of Earl Percy, C. F. Greville, Esq., and T. M. Slade, Esq. 4to. VERY FINE BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES, very neat and gilt, £1. 1s 1785 2231 SPORTSMAN'S (The) Dictionary, enlarged by Pye, 4to. 17 engravings, bds. 4s 6d 1807 2232 SPORTSMAN (The) in Ireland, and Summer Route through the Highlands of Scotland, 2 vols. post 8vo. bds. 4s 6d 1840 2233 SPRATS' (Bishop) True Account and Declaration of the Horride Conspiracy against the late King, folio, plan of Rye House and Grounds, GOOD COPY, in the old calf gilt, 1685 58 2234 SQUIRE'S (Dr. S.) Indifference for Religion Inexcusable, 12mo. very neat, 28 1763 2235 ST. FRANCIS. Histoire Admirable de la Vie du Pere Seraphic S. Francois exemplair de toute la perfection Evangelique, 18mo. many very curious plates, 6s Anvers, 1648 2236 ST. JOHN'S (J. Aug.) Residence in Normandy, 12mo. bds. (a very amusing volume) 2s 1831 2237 ST. GEORGE'S Archdeacon's Examinations for Holy Orders, according to History and Canons, 1751-Duncan Forbes on the Sources of Incredulity with regard to Religion, 1752-Leechmann on the Advantages of Prayer and the Character of a Minister of the Gospel; in 1 vol. 12mo. very neat, 38 Glasgow, Foulis, 1749 2238 ST. PATRICK. La Vie admirable du grand St. Patrice, Patriarche d'Hibernie, avec l'histoire Veritable de son fameux et renommé Purgatoire, 12mo. fine copy, in vellum, scarce, 98 Brux. 1640 2239 ST. PATRICK'S Purgatory; or Essays on the Legends of Purgatory, Hell, and Paradise, current during the Middle Ages, post 8vo. cloth, 68 A very curious and amusing book. 1844 2240 STÆHLIN'S Account of the New Northern Archipelago lately discovered by the Russians, 8vo. map, bds. 3s 1774 2241 STANLEY'S (Thomas) Poems, 1651-Anacreon, Bion, and Moschus, with other Translations, 1651, both edited by Sir 1814 2242 STARKEY'S (Geo., who is a Philosopher by Fire) Pyrotechny asserted and illustrated to be the surest and safest means for Art's Triumph over Nature's Infirmities, 12mo. half calf, 38 6d 1658 2243 STARKEY'S Nature's Explication, or a Short and Sure Way to a Long and Sound Life, 12mo. half bound, 3s 6d 1798 1657 2244 STAUNTON'S (Sir Geo.) Historical Account of the Embassy to China, 3 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, new, half calf gilt, 98 2245 STERNE'S Sentimental Journey, with a Continuation by another hand, in 1 vol. post 8vo. half calf, 38 1791 2246 STEPHANI, Thesaurus Græcæ Linguæ, editio nova auctior et emendatior, cura Valpy, 8 vols. folio, cloth lettered, £7. 178 6d It cost the subscriber £44. 10s. 1816-29 2247 STEVENS' Continuation to Dugdale's Monasticon, folio, vol. 1, plates, calf, 18s 1722 It contains the monasteries of the Benedictines and Franciscans, the Coventry Mysteries, names of all the monasteries in England and Wales, with their valuations; much information respecting York and Yorkshire, &c. &c. 2248 STEVENS' History of our Customs, Taxes, Subsidies, Aids, National Debt, &c., from William the Conqueror, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. neat, 38 1761 2249 STEWART'S (Major C.) History of Bengal, 4to. large map, bds. 7s 6ď 1813 2250 STEWART'S (C. S.) Visit to the South Seas in the United States Ship Vincennes, 1829-30, 2 vols. post 8vo. bds. 68 16s 1832 2251 STEWARTS.-Genealogy of the Stewarts refuted, in a Letter to Andrew Stewart, Esq. 8vo. large genealogical table of the family of Bonkill, 8vo. bds. scarce, 78 6d 1799 2252 STILLINGFLEET'S (Bp.) Fifty Sermons, folio, port. neat, 1707 2253 STILLINGFLEET'S Origines Sacre; or a Rational Account of the Grounds of Natural and Revealed Religion, folio, port. by White, neat and clean, 9s 1709 2254 STILLINGFLEET'S Unreasonableness of Separation, or the History of the present Separation from the Church of England, 4to. neat and clean, 6s 2255 STOCKDALE'S Excursions through Cornwall, royal 8vo. 50 fine plates, (wants the portrait), LARGE PAPER, haif calf extra, 78 6d 1681 1824 1824 2256 STOCKDALE'S Excursions in the County of Cornwall, royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, 50 plates, bds. 7s 6d 2257 STONE ALTARS. The Holy Table, Name, and Thing, more anciently, properly, and literally used under the New Testament than that of an Altar, 4to. neat, scarce, 15s Printed for the Diocese of Lincoln, 1637 2258 STONE'S (F.) Picturesque Views of all the Bridges in the County of Norfolk, oblong 4to. 84 plates, cloth, 18s 2259 STONEHOUSE'S Sick Man's Friend, (Religious,) 12mo. ninth edition, bds. 2s 1818 2260 STOTHARD'S (Mrs. C., now Mrs. Bray the Novelist) Tour through Normandy, Brittany, and other parts of France, many plates, some coloured, 1820-Hoare's (Sir R. C.) Tour through the Island of Elba, fine plates, 1841, in 1 vol. 4to. new, half calf gilt, 18s V. Y. 2261 STRADA, (Fam.) De Bello Belgico, thick 12mo. many ports. vellum, 3s Antv. 1640 2262 STRADA'S (F.) Siege of Antwerp, Englished by Tho. Lan 1650 caster, 12mo. original binding, 28 2263 STRADA'S (F.) History of the Lowe Countrey Warres, Englished by Sir Rob. Staplyton, folio, portrait of Staplyton by Marshall, very neat and clean, 78 6d 2264 STRAITH'S (Capt. of Addiscombe College) Treatise on Fortification, 8vo. and 4to. vol. of plates, cloth, 88 6d 1833 2265 STRUTT'S Dresses and Habits of the People of England from the Saxons to the present time, a new edition, enlarged by Planché, 2 vols. royal 4to. 153 plates, COLOURED, half morocco extra, gilt tops, £4. 14s 6d (pub. at £7. 78) 1842 2266 STRUTT'S Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, 8vo. 140 woodcuts, bds. 4s 6d Hone, 1838 2267 STRUVE'S Asthenology, or the Art of Preserving Feeble Life, and of supporting the Constitution under the influence of Incurable Diseases, by Johnson, 8vo. very neat, scarce, 4s 6d 2268 S 1801 (T.) Margariton. A Rich Treasure discovered of Problems, and their Resolves, Amorous, Natural, and Moral, 3 parts, 18mo. front. half bound, 5s 1640 2269 STUART'S (R.) Caledonia Romana, a Descriptive Account of the Roman Antiquities of Scotland, 4to. many plates, cloth, 188 A very cheap and interesting book. 66 1845. 1773 2270 STUART'S (And.) Stinging" Letters to Lord Mansfield (on the celebrated Douglas Cause), 8vo. bds. 28 2271 STUKELEY'S (Dr.) Palæographia Britannica, or Discourses of Antiquites that relate to the History of Britain, plates, 4to. three parts complete, hf. bd. lettered, rare, 15s 1746-53 This copy contains a learned and highly interesting MS. letter from Beaupre Bell, junior, to Dr. Stukeley, on the subject of the work. Also MS. remarks on the work by Parkin, the editor and continuator of Bloomfield's History of Norfolk. And also the book-plate, arms, and autograph of Gough, the modern Camden. These render this an unique copy of the work. 2272 STUKELEY'S Description of Stonehenge and Abury, Temples of the British Druids, 2 vols. in 1, folio, numerous plates, bds. £1. 11s 6d Reprint, 1836 2273 STUKELEY'S Medallic History of Carausius, Emperor in Britain, 2 vols. in 1, 4to. plates, neat, £1. ls 1757 2274 STYLES'S History and Antiquities of Pershore Abbey Church, 4to. plates, 58 6d 1838 2275 SURREY. Description of the Parish of Clapham, Surrey, 12mo. plates, bds.-38 1827 2276 SUSSEX. Topographical Description of Sussex, by Shoberl, royal 8vo. plates, bds. 4s 6d 2277 SYDENHAM (Thom. MD.) Opera Universa, 8vo. portrait, neat, 38 6d 1685 2278 SYMEONI (Gab.) Illustratione de gli Epitaffi et Medaglie Antiche, 4to. many cuts, calf, 38 6d 1558 2279 SYMOND'S (Rev. B.) Suffolk Sportsman, 12mo. boards, 38 1825 2280 SYSTEM of Order and Training for the Cumberland Rangers by H. Howard, of Corby, 8vo. neat, 38 Carlisle, 1803 2281 TABLEAU de Moeurs au Xe Siècle, ou la cour et les lois de Howel-le-Bon, Roi d'Aberfraw de 907 a 948 avec cinq pieces de la langue Française telle qu'elle se parloit en Angleterre d'apres la Conquête, par Peignot, imp. 8vo. sewed, 108 1832 2282 TACITURNA and Jocunda, or Genius Alaciel's Journey through these two Islands, 12mo. neat, 28 1760 2283 TALLEYRAND. Life of Prince Talleyrand, 4 vols. in 2, 8vo. new, half calf gilt, 14s 1834-6 2284 TARLETON'S History of the Campaigns of 1780-81 in the Southern Provinces of North America, 4to. many plates, neat, half calf, 98 1787 2285 TATHAM (W.) on the Culture and Commerce of Tobacco, 8vo. bds. scarce, 48 1800 1657 2286 TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Collection of Polemical Discourses, folio, portrait by Lombart, neat, 10s 2287 TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Ductor Dubitantium, or the Rule of Conscience, folio, portrait, best edition, neat, 148 1696 2288 TAYLOR'S (Rev. C. B.) Records of a Good Man's Life, 2 vols. 12mo. calf extra, 8s 6d 1832 2289 TEALE'S Lives of English Laymen- Falkland, Walton, and Nelson, 12mo. portraits, cloth, 28 6d 1842 2290 TEMPLE'S (Sir W.) Works and Life, 2 vols. folio, neat and clean, 88 6d 1740 2291 TESTAMENT (The) in the Erse Language, 8vo. half calf, 4s 6d Whitehaven, 1775 2292 TEUTSCHE Denkmaler, Part I. imp. 4to. containing 35 very curious plates of the illuminations in early MSS. in the Anglo-Saxon style, sewed, 78 6d Another copy, wanting a leaf of descriptions, 48 6d 2293 THACKERAY'S Researches into the Ecclesiastical and Political State of Great Britain, under the Roman Emperors, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 88 6d (pub. at £1. 4s) Two very interesting volumes, evincing great research. Heid. 1820 1843 2294 THE BAIRNSLA Foaks' Annual, an onny body els as beside, for't years 1842 and 1943. Be Tom Treddlehoyle. To which is added the Barnsley and Village Record, or the Book of Facts and Fancies. By Ned Nut, 12mo. pp. 100, 1s 2295 THE MASQUE of the League and the Spanyard discovered, faythfully translated out of the French coppie [by Anthony Munday], small 4to. 4to. £2. 28 Printed by I. Charlewood, 1592 Dedicated to "the Right worshipful Mistris Dorothy Edmonds, one of the Gentlewomen of her Majestie's most honourable privie Chamber." As this copy has the royal arms stamped on the cover, and Queen Elizabeth's autograph, written on the reverse of the dedication page, it was probably a presentation copy. 2296 THE Pleasant and Princely History of the Gentle Craft, a discourse containing many Matters of Delight very pleasant to read, shewing what famous men have been ShoeMakers in time past in this land, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality, 4to. curious wood-cuts, half russia, 10s 6d Lond. H. Rhodes, N. D. |