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LODGE 284.-(James J. Cavanaugh, New Haven, Conn.) We are still doing business at the same old place. Our goat has been very busy, as we have been initiating candidates at every meeting lately and expect to continue the good work until the supply of new material is exhausted.

We have a new educational feature for the membership under the jurisdiction of our lodge. It consists of stereopticon lectures, covering breakdowns on all locomotives operated on our road. General Air Brake Inspector Joy has secured from the Westinghouse Air Brake Company a set of air brake slides on the ET equipment, which we expect to start on as soon as the weather gets a little cooler. These lectures are interesting as well as educational, and I hope our members will avail themselves of this opportunity to get posted on these subjects. More information can be derived from one of these lectures in two hours than can be acquired from months of book study, because one is brought in direct contact with the knowledge he is seeking.

We were so nonplussed by hearing of Bro. A. P. Kelly's retirement from the third vice-presidency that we have not gotten over our surprise yet. As our General Chairman, he was always governed by a high sense of duty towards his fellow-man and able to analyze any proposition submitted to him, and when he got through with it it spelled the word "right."

When Brother Kelly was elected to the General Chairmanship, the firemen on the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. did not have any working agreement with the above company, and it was through Brother Kelly of Lodge 284 and Brother Murphy of Lodge 478 that Brother Kelly obtained an agreement on this road, which afterwards was cited as a criterion for all roads east of Chicago. It consisted of miles and hours for overtime and promotion in senority standing. Brother Kelly also succeeded in having a fireman's term of service cut from five years to three years. When he took office the company could hire all their engineers if they so desired, and he (Brother Kelly) made an agreement that all men who

had fired for three years would first be given an opportunity to qualify for engineer before engineers were hired.

The members of our lodge believe that the place vacated by Brother Kelly in the Grand Lodge will be hard to fill with a man that will have the command over men that Brother Kelly had. His word was done with a will by all, and only those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance can realize what we have lost. We wish Brother Kelly all kinds of success in whatever he may follow, and trust that his reward will be such as "cometh to him who doeth all things well."

LODGE 564-(James E. Wheelan, Chicago, Ill.) Frank B. Thomson Lodge 564 is prospering and continuing to grow. One of the special features of its activities during recent months has taken the form of joint meetings with Virginia Lodge 146, Ladies Society, six such meetings having been held since December 19, 1909. The latest, which was held on June 25th last, 'was the most enjoyable of all. James E. Wheelan, recording secretary of Lodge 564, acted as temporary president of the secret session. With the assistance of President Anna Watson, of Virginia Lodge, the meeting was opened in due form. The hymn "America" was rendered on the piano by Sister Margaret Powley and was sung by all present. Sister Josephine Watts, of Hazel Lodge 3, Peoria, Ill., was then called upon to address the meeting for the purpose of instruction, and spoke on the form of conducting joint meetings. Her address was fully appreciated. Visiting sisters from other lodges in this city expressed their approval of joint meetings.

After the secret session, invited guests and a number of friends of the members were admitted, and an entertainment was participated in, which opened with an address by Sister Josephine Watts, who spoke on the history of the Ladies Society, its past relationship to the Brotherhood and the bright future in store for both organizations. Amidst much applause, Sister Watts concluded by expressing the satisfaction which comes

from two progressive lodges joining hands and romping on toward that goal of perfection described in the word Charity. Next on the program was a solo by Bro. William Lucas, accompanied on the piano by Miss Burge. The next was a phonograph selection (Edison Record), contributed by Mr. Walter Moore, of the B. of L. F. and E. A special feature provided as a surprise was that of Miss Nettie McPhearson, the celebrated Scotch character dancer, who danced her special ty. "The Highland Fling," accompanied by genuine Scottish bagpipes. Concluding the entertainment numerous other specialties were provided, after which a light lunch was served by the ladies, assisted by our brother waiters. The floor was then cleared for dancing, popular music being rendered on the piano by Miss Burge.

Each of these joint meetings is an improvement on the last one. Our membership is becoming acquainted and attending the joint meetings in greater numbers. With live committees, who have the ambition to do a great good for a greater number, these meetings are a success.

LODGE 26-(R. A. Mathews, Baraboo, Wis.) The members of Alpha Lodge 26 are very enthusiastic over the results obtained by Bro. G. N. DeGuire, special organizer for the Grand Lodge, in his visit here during the first ten days of July, fifty-five new members having been admitted to the lodge in that time. Prior to the time of Brother DeGuire's visit the situation was practically the same here as in a great many other places where the nonunion firemen are slow to join the ranks, that is, most of them are willing enough to file their applications, but when it comes to the initiation they seem to lose heart. In years past the ideas prevailing amongst outsiders regarding the initiatory ceremony were such that it required courage to undergo it.

One of the greatest difficulties there is to overcome is the prejudice that has grown against the old-time custom of giving a member "his money's worth" at the initiation. In spite of the fact that this has long since been discontinued, it is very difficult to convince the prospective member of this fact. The present system of initiation, as employed by the special organizer, is so simple and convenient

that no excuse can be offered for not becoming a member.

Alpha Lodge now has a membership of 205, which means that practically every fireman on this division (the Madison division of the Chicago and Northwestern) is a member of the order. There are also sixty-five engineers who still retain their membership with us. During the last two years we have lost but five members through withdrawals. Our local committee is of the best and there is seldom any dissatisfaction.

In conclusion, will say that I strongly recommend the services of a special organizer in localities where nonunion fire

men are numerous

LODGE 203--(Member, Garrett, Ind.) Brothers, we are still in the line of advancement. We have had a deep problem to solve and I am glad to say we have got the matter straightened out by the assistance of our worthy Fourth Vice-President, Bro. C. V. McLaughlin. He gave us several new ideas and told us how to act on this one question. We feel that he is a Brotherhood man from head to foot.

I am glad to say that we are still taking in new members and as a rule everybody is keeping himself in good standing every month. We only carry brothers that are sick or out of employment. Our rule is, if you are working pay your dues, no exceptions. Our total membership at present is nearly 160 in good standing. I have seen no reply to my question regarding Sunday meetings. Brothers, think this over and let us try to get some action from our next convention on this question. Week day meetings are a great success for 203. Our Joint Board has convened and adjourned, obtaining for us a small raise. We get $3.10 per hundred on the Mikados now. Our local chairman, Brother Fisher, is not exactly satisfied, but on the other hand the company has given us ample time to take lunch along the road. Business is still very dull here, although a fireman is being hired every now and then. Two of our brothers who were let out have been reinstated without our General Chairman, Brother Roberts. having to handle the matter. Several of our members have taken a leave of absence during depression of business.


Addresses Wanted.

Persons requiring the address of or any information concerning another, will please communicate with the secretary of the lodge located nearest the residence of the person making such request. Upon receipt of a communication from the secretary of such lodge, requesting that a notice be published in the Magazine inquiring for such address or other information, same will be complied with. However, the Magazine cannot undertake the office of a collecting agency, and must decline to lend itself to such purpose. The following requests have reached this office since the last issue. Information should be sent to the person specified in the notice:

J. E. Rose. Was engaged in railroad service. Was employed on Southern Pacific on pile driver, working out of Houston, Texas. Last heard from was at Houston in May, 1905; is about 34 years of age, is 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs about 165 pounds. Belongs to Branch 43 Catholic Knights and Ladies, Jonesboro, Ark. Any information regarding his whereabouts will be appreciated by the above named branch, or his sister, Lizzie Rose. 604 First street. Jackson, Mich., or write to Omar Throgmorton. recording secretary Lodge 204, Box 444, Jonesboro, Ark.

E. B. Culver.-Is an engineer. Last heard of was running out of Needles, Cal. Any information as to his whereabouts will be appreciated by his relatives. Address W. West, 4415 Wesley ave.. Los Angeles, Cal.

J. Ben Ferguson.-Is a member of the B. of L. F. and E. When last heard from he was, in Pueblo, Colo, about May, 1911, firing for the Rio Grande R. R. Any information concerning his whereabouts will be appreciated by his brother. Address all communications to W. Gray Ferguson, member of Lodge 426, Ensley, Ala.

H. M. Gaskins.-Was for years a member of the B. of L. F. and E. at Fort Worth, Texas, Has not been heard

from for five years. His brother is very anxious to locate him. All communications should be addressed to W. B. Gaskins, 821 Garfield ave., Portland, Ore.

Lost Traveling Cards, Etc.

This office has been notified of the less of the following traveling cards, receipts. etc.. and the request is made that all members be on the lookout for them. Should they be discovered in the possession of persons not entitled to them they should be retained and forwarded to the owner or to the secretary of the lodge which issued them:

Black russet leather card case containing receipts and traveling card, service letter from the C. P. R., also personal letters and receipts from Dominion of Canada Insurance Company and bank heck for sixteen cents on the Bank of Montreal belonging to J. A. Maddox, member of Lodge 635. Was stolen at Kansas City, Mo.. in a rooming house on the night of July 20, 1911. If located return to A. H. Mace, recording secretary Lodge 635, Box 1872, Calgary, Alta., Canada.

Traveling card good until September 30, 1911, and receipts good until December 31, 1911, belonging to E. F. Ray, member of Lodge 18, were recently lost or stolen. If found please take up and return to Wm. Walden, secretary Lodge 18. Slater, Mo.

Pocketbook containing railroad pass. lodge receipts for two years and $13,00 belonging to James T. Tagg, member Lodge 214, was recently lost in or around Baltimore, Md. If found please return to James T. Tagg, 2614 Maryland ave.. Baltimore, Md., or G. P. Wills, recording secretary, Lodge 214, 2610 Huntingdon ave., Baltimore, Md.

Traveling card and receipts good until September 30, 1911, belonging to D. L. Hardman, member of Lodge 273, were recently lost. If found please return to S. G. Payne, secretary, Lodge 273, 427 Jason st., Denver, Colo.


Mrs. Charles D. Tweedy, Roanoke, Va., widow of Bro. Chas. D. Tweedy, who was a member of Lodge 182, desires to thank the Grand Lodge for the prompt payment of his claim, also the officers and members of Lodge 182 for their assistance and kindness at the time of her bereavement.

Mrs. Blanche M. Smith, Huttonville, W. Va., desires to express her heartfelt thanks to the officers and members of

Lodge 785, Elkin, W. Va., of which her husband, Bro. Russell E. Smith, was a member, for their loving sympathy and great kindness to her at the time of his death. She also wishes to thank the Grand Lodge for the prompt payment of his claim.

Bro. J. H. Puckett, member of Lodge 530, desires to thank the Grand Lodge for the prompt payment of his disability claim, also the officers and members of his lodge who so kindly assisted him.

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Miscellaneous.-Two boxes of cigars and tobacco from Thos. H. Hiner, Division 23, B. of L. E.

Respectfully submitted,
Sec., Treas., and Mgr., R. R. M. H.


| Ledge No.



Beneficiary Statement

PEORIA, ILL., August 1, 1911.


The following is a statement of receipts in the Beneficiary Department for the month of July,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

43 174 90 116 44 231 55 117 45 473 55 118 46 30 80 119 47 308 00 120 48 265 10 121 49 160 05 122 50 87 45 123 51 171 05 124 52 299 75 125 53 118 25 126 54 388 30 127 55 50 60 128 56 255 20 129 57 407 00 130 58 127 60 131 59 380 60 132 60 427 35 133 61 105 05 134 62 97 90 135 63 162 25 136 64 167 30 137 65 191 40 138 66 105 05 139 67 59 95 140 68 107 25 141 69 73 70 142 70 131 45 143 71 240 35 144 72 295 90 145 73 208 45 146

129 25 197 31 35 198 104 50 199 188 10 200

94 05 188 105 05 189 91 85 190 39 05 191 94 60 192 153 45 193 416 90 194 48 40 195 196

244 75 261

79 75 201 199 65 202 265 10 203 35 75 204 89 65205 274 45 206 67 65 207 107 25 208 73 15 209

183 15 262 39 60 263 604 45 264 326 15 265 112 75 266 283 80 267 89 10 268 197 45 269 70 40 270 265 65 271 180 40 272 31 35 273 116 60 274

56 65 329 107 80 330 81 95 331 62 15 332 225 50 333 58 30 334 304 15 335 177 65 336 56 10 337 230 45 338 180 95 339


48 40 341 276 65 342 267 30 343 83 05 344 40 15 345 167 75 346 99 00 347


201 85 211 414 70212 254 65 213

[blocks in formation]

63 80 402 234 30 403 95 70 404 94 05 405 232 65 406 196 35 407 47 85 408 75 90 409 258 50 410 113 30 411 67 10 412 106 70 413 134 20 414 152 90 415 49 50 416 156 20 417 197 45 418 15 40 419 58 85 420 195 80 421

95 15 472 156 20 473] 226 05 474 88 00 475 39 60 476 113 85 477 292 60 478 61 05 479 373 45 480 227 70 481 217 80 482 147 95 483 155 65 484

30 80 544 231 55 545

70 95 546 116 60 547 121 00 548

65 45 549 271 15 550 128 15 551 74 80 552 36 85 553 106 15 554

152 35 485

20 35 486 135 30 487

136 95 555 40 70 556 101 20 557 862 40 558 66 00 559

85 80 488 221 10 489

77 00 490 119 35 491

53 90 493 58 85 494

213 40 349 100 65 350 14 85 351


240 35 286

[blocks in formation]

111 10 353 196 90 354 25 851355 84 15 356 466 95 357 275 00 358 217 25 359 886 05 360 106 70 361 156 20 362 143 55 363 37 40 364 22 55 365

205 70 422 58 30 423 36 30 424 203 50 425 124 30 426 240 90 427 200 20 428 323 40 429 55 00 430 151 25431

91 85 432 104 50 433 122 65 434

80 30 435 1009 80 436

154 55 437

30 80 438

90 75 495 31 90 496 173 80 497 79 20 498 199 65 499 86 90 500 68 20 501 96 80 502 97 90 503 59 40 504 211 75 505 77 00 506 166 651507 91 85 508 197 45 509 28 05 510


99 55 492

34 10 560 33 55 561 121 00 562 151 25 563

57 75 564 198 00 565

64 35 566 94 60 567 45 10 568 88 55 569 127 05 570

78 10 571 13 75 572 107 25 573 171 60 574 168 30 575 103 95 576 59 40 577 43 45 578 97 90 579 178 75 580 213 95 581 77 00 582 123 75 583

311 30 584

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