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of labour, which I trust may with God's blessing do something towards the building up of the Lord's New Church. For you it is the commencement of a renewed work. For us all it is the beginning of renewed responsibilities, and the commencement of happy labour in the Lord's vineyard. We must work together as one man; and it may be profitable to keep in mind a proverb very familiar to everybody"God helps those who help themselves." There is a motto carved on the lintel of our entrance which has a special significance just now. Though the artist or craftsman who carved that motto may have had little sympathy with our cause, he fashioned for us a inotto which will have special force as long as we continue to pass under that lintel, as long as these stones can contain our numbers. "Labor omnia vincit,' "Labour conquers everything." Look at the word "everything; that word is the only rule I know that is without exception. Patient, prudent labour will accomplish everything. You can't raise your little finger in a good work without a good result. I believe in the doctrine of the conservation of energy -not that we believe in people merely raising their little fingers; we want a trine in all our action-heart, head, and hands-we want love, good sense and hard work; were this the place, were this the time for such discussion, it might be shown that of this God-like trio none can exist save in union with the other two. How have other works been accomplished in the world? You see we call a thing that is done a work," and if the New Church be not a work in the world, 'tis nothing. Just as everything is accomplished by hard work-so literally nothing can be done without it. We are not to be the judges of the results of our work. It would indeed be a very narrow view which weighs the results by what we see, by the increase in the number of our friends, by the increase of those who receive the doctrines of the Church. We don't know how far our efforts reach, our part is

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"Trust in God and do the right." We have a system of philosophy the most perfect the world has seen. It is not a philosophy which is all heart and no head; it is not a philosophy which is all head and no heart; it is a philosophy which is soul-satisfying. Does a

man want to know why he is? what he is? where he is? what consciousness is? how it comes about? what he exists for? We have the philosophy which answers all to the soul's satisfaction, a philosophy which clearly teaches the intimate relation between the finite and the infinite. The God we worship is not the unknown God, not Dame Nature, not some system of laws, not some metaphysical entity, but a single Divine Person,-the infinite Divine Man. The doctrine of the Lord is the corner-stone of our temple, we know whom we worship. Something of the inspiration of the Divine Word has been given to us. The Bible is no longer merely a book, but the expression of the Divine truth-in the letter a sense for the lowest capacities, but sense above sense for angels, and the Lord at the top of it.

See our doctrine of the Divine Providence that all evil, though permitted, is overruled for some good purpose. How it explains to us all suffering, and makes clear to us the mysteries of our eventful lives.

See our philosophy of the other world. When our dear friends are taken from us-it is best for them and for us too. Think that that powerful advocate of the truth, our dear friend, the Rev. J. Hyde, is nearer to us, is helping us far more successfully than when he was with us in the flesh. Think that he is with us, helping us in our work. Think of our philosophy of prayer. How clearly it teaches the duty of prayer. How clearly it shows how prayer effects its end by changing us, not the Lord. There is the world wanting to know what to do with its hands and its feet; we have the philosophy to teach it how to work, what to work for-shows why work is necessary, and how the work accomplishes the purposes for which it was intended. Above all, our philosophy teaches us to trust in God and do the right. The watchword is work, action; not a mistaken asceticism which fancies separation from men is a going nearer to God; never was a sadder mistake than this, for don't we get nearer to God by getting nearer to our fellows? Not a philosophy which is lazy, and does not court inquiry, but a godlike fearless philosophy, confident of its God-given truth; not a philosophy which says, do your duty, and never mind anything else; we do not know that man is immortal, but he may be, so it is best to do your duty, for fear

that there may be a hereafter; not a philosophy which mistakes frenzy for inspiration and excitement for conversion. It is a philosophy which makes a man from the hair of the head to the sole of the feet. So convincing is the truth that I will make a bold assertion. Never did any man or woman read and conscientiously and unbiassedly study this philosophy, but sooner or later was convinced of the truth. But, my friends, it is not for ourselves alone, it is for the whole world that we hold these truths in trust-truths which will comfort the sorrowing, relieve the distressed, help men and women to be better men and women, and, with God's help, will some day kill the devil Selfishness, spite of his wily arts, despite his many aliases. This is the work we are to do-to make known the glorious truths of the New Dispensation. You have asked me to help you in this work. That I will do as far as I am able, and I doubt not that you, too, will industriously work to the best of your abilities in this noble duty. We are but a poor handful-but with God and the truth on our side, we shall succeed in using the sword of truth in slaying falsity, and use the trammel in building up a beautiful edifice.

Other interesting and earnest addresses were given by Revs. R. Storry and W. O'Mant, Mr. Cameron, Mr. Stephenson, Drs. Rhodes and D. Goyder, and by other friends. The meeting was also enlivened by an appropriate selection of music, and appeared to yield warm enjoyment to the number of friends who had assembled to welcome the young pastor on the commencement of his work.

EDINBURGH.-The National Missionary Society having contributed towards the expenses of a visit to the New Church at Edinburgh, I preached in that city on the two Sundays, August 29th and Sept. 5th, and gave a lecture on Thursday evening, September 2nd.

All the services were advertised, and our friends thought the attendance very satisfactory. They usually muster twenty to twenty-five at morning service, and the evening service had been omitted for some time; but during my stay the numbers, morning and evening, were from forty to fifty, and the attention all that could be desired.

The evening of the lecture, “On Everlasting Punishment," was a "Scotch mist," and a very small attendance was

expected, but I found forty-four persons present, and among them a good many strangers.

On the whole, I cannot doubt that many strangers were favourably impressed with the truths as presented in these services, and the warm expressions of the members of the Society were sufficient proof of their kindly appreciation; but it is doubtful whether they are yet in a position to support a minister whom they might present with confidence to a learned and polite audience in Edinburgh, although, as far as I could judge, the tone of the public mind is greatly softened, and inquiry is more free than formerly.

On taking leave of our friends, the Secretary asked me to write them a letter, giving my impressions of the Society, a task for which I had not sufficient materials to make my opinion of much value, in consequence of the severe illness of the Secretary himself during several days, which prevented a general tea-meeting, at which I had hoped to become socially acquainted with the members. I, however, complied with the request, and ventured to sketch a bold plan for beginning a new era in the New Church history of Edinburgh, though I scarcely thought they would have the courage to adopt it. Perhaps, indeed, they could not, without liberal help from "The Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund," and the last report of the condition of that fund is not favourable.

Perhaps I may allowably say in this connection that it would probably be better if that fund were divided into two separate heads; for while there are some who do not see it to be part of the duty of the New Church to imitate the old Church by the intellectual education of young men for the ministry as a special vocation which they may afterwards turn out to be unfit for, none who do not altogether object to a paid ministry can doubt that it is desirable to sustain in that office respectable men whom Divine Providence has well educated in every way without any previous expense to the collective Church, and who might be usefully employed in new and large centres of educated and thinking people.

Edinburgh seems to me to be such a centre now, and much as I dislike display of any kind, and especially in matters directly relating to Divine Truth, it is perhaps due to the spint of

enthusiasm which is latent in that city in fire. After the sermon I baptized

and its neighbourhood to mention, that one of our friends who had walked five miles to the service, told me he would walk fifty if he had the opportunity of attending again.

If such a spirit were general and sustained, one cannot doubt that reasonable help would be well bestowed, and that a steady increase of the Society might be expected.

I cannot conclude without mentioning with unfeigned gratitude the kind attentions paid me by our friends, and especially by Mrs. Manson, with whom I lodged during my stay. Having travelled by sea, and suffered for my temerity accordingly (the weather being rough), I was in a condition to appreciate a thoroughly home hospitality.


HULL AND LEEDS.-At the close of the discussion in the General Conference on Baptism, Mr. W. H. Bastow, the leader of the Hull Society, and also Mr. O'Mant, minister of the Leeds Society, requested me to introduce them publicly into the New Jerusalem by the sacrament of Baptism. In accordance with the wish of the former, I went to Hull, and on the 15th August, administered that rite to Mr. and Mrs. Bastow and their family, and also to Mr. Best, the former leader of the Society.

The service, which took place in their newly-erected place of worship, was preceded by a brief exposition of the River of Water of Life proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev. xxii.), and was witnessed by a large congregation.

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On the morning of the 29th of August, I had the pleasure of listening to a fine discourse of the Rev. W. O'Mant of Leeds, from Isaiah xli. 15, on the New Threshing Instrument with Teeth," and felt truly thankful to the Lord for His infinite goodness in raising up such a minister in the present crisis of the New Jerusalem. We need to pray to the Lord of the harvest in our corporate association to send forth labourers into His harvest. In the even ing I preached from John i. 25, "Why baptizest thou, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet?" and pointed out some of the more prominent distinctions between baptism by John in water, baptism in the Holy Spirit by the Lord Jesus, and baptism

Mr. O'Mant and his daughter, and, at his own request, according to the Revised Liturgical Service of the New Church; and a most interesting occasion it proved to be. This, I apprehend, is the first instance of an ordained minister of the Old Dispensation undergoing the sacred rite of baptismal initiation into the Lord's New Church, according to the New Liturgy. That the Divine blessing of Him that dwells in the bush that burns but is not consumed, may rest upon these two ministers, and abide with them, and with their flocks, is the sincere prayer of yours faithfully,


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LONDON (Argyle Square).—The usual quarterly meeting of this Society was held on Wednesday, 13th October. After the reception of nine new members and the reading of the Conference Address, an incident of a very pleasing nature occurred. Mr. Henry Butter, who is now in his 81st year, having resigned his position as reader, it was felt by the friends of the Society that it was only right to embrace this opportunity of giving expression in some tangible form to the general feeling of affectionate esteem for one who had, without fee or reward, for such a very long period, rendered such valuable service to the Society. The presentation consisted of a very handsome silver salver and claret jug bearing the following inscription, Presented to Henry Butter, Esq., by the members of the Argyle Square Society of the New Jerusalem Church, in testimony of the high esteem and respect in which he is held, and as a slight recognition of his valued services as reader for a period of fortysix years." Mr. Watson, in making the presentation, said,-Dear friends, for very many years there has been in our midst a gentleman so identified with this Society that he might well be looked up to as its father as well as its senior member. Sunday after Sunday, some of us for all our lives, and others as long as they have belonged to the church, have seen our friend Mr. Butter in the reading-desk of this church, where his ready intelligence, venerable appearance and clear voice have always made the Word of God and the prayers of the Church delightful to be listened to. Our friend has now signified his wish to be relieved of the office, and in accepting


More gratifying still is the thoroughly united and earnest spirit which pervades the whole of the Society; this, coupled with the fact that a steadily increasing number regularly attend the services (especially noticeable in the case of morning service), are clear evidences of a living spirit of religion amongst us, and of the Lord's blessing on our labours. Amongst other business transacted, two new members were elected; the New Conference Liturgy was, after mature deliberation, adopted, and will be used on and after Sunday, November 7th; and a course of Sunday evening lectures by Mr. Dicks was resolved upon. The meeting was one of the most agreeable and successful ever held, order and harmony prevailed throughout.

his resignation, the Committee thought it a fitting occasion to offer a small token of the Society's appreciation of his long services and of their affectionate regard. This desire has resulted in the substantial forms of the silver salver and claret jug which are now before you. Turning to Mr. Butter, Mr. Watson continued,-In presenting these articles to you, my dear sir, we, as members of the Society and as individuals, trust that you will accept them in the spirit in which they are offered, and that you may be spared for many years to remain amongst us. Among the many privileges we enjoy as members of a community, perhaps there is none more pleasing and satisfactory than that which enables us to mark those whose peculiar excellence and great usefulness have endeared them to Such feelings, dear sir, have the LONDON ASSOCIATION OF THE NEW friends experienced who now offer you CHURCH.-The quarterly meeting of this sincere token of their regard. And this Association met on Thursday, Septhey pray that the Lord may bless_tember 2nd, at Devonshire Street, Isling you with a continuance of health and ton. Mr. Austin, the President, took the love and esteem of your friends. the chair at seven o'clock, and the Rev. After many other friends had given Dr. Bayley opened the meeting with utterance to similar expressions of affec- prayer. The Secretary read the minutes tion and esteem, Mr. Butter, with evident of the preceding meeting, the most emotion, replied that, taken entirely by important and interesting of which were surprise as he had been, his friends those relating to the appointment of the could easily understand his inability to sub-committee which was entrusted find words to express his feelings. He with the arrangements for giving a could assure them that he had never befitting public welcome to the Rev. looked for any reward. He had received Chauncey Giles, on the occasion of his that from year to year. He could only visit to the metropolis, and for the thank his friends for this renewed mani- preparation of an address to be prefestation of their affection and goodwill, sented to him on behalf of the United and trusted that the Divine blessing New Church Societies in London. This might ever rest upon the members of was effectively carried out on the 19th the Argyle Square Society. The hymn of July at Argyle Square, when the hearty commencing" Where men with mutual delight enjoyed by the New Church kindness glow" terminated this interest- friends of London in Mr. Giles's visit ing portion of the evening's proceedings. was unanimously and affectionately expressed. It was, however, regretted by LONDON (Buttesland Street). The this Association that there had not been quarterly meeting of this Society was sufficient time to have made even more held on Monday, October 11. Tea was perfect arrangements in regard to this provided at six, and the chair taken meeting, and a lively conversation enfor business at seven. The attendance sued upon the subject. The speeches was very good, fully three-fourths of at the meeting were reported by two the members being present. From members of the Auxiliary Society, a the various reports presented we learn good account of which appeared in the that the Society is progressing very Intellectual Repository for August and favourably. Several new members have the New Jerusalem Messenger for August been added during the year; the Society 14th. has cleared off all its outstanding liabilities, and has a nice balance in hand. This is quite a new feature in the Society's history, and speaks well for the earnestness of those engaged in the cause.

The President suggested that the Association should consider the advisability of the Sunday schools of each of the London Churches joining together for purpose of mutual aid, as was done

in the North by the Sunday School Church, and as memento of his visit to Union. England.

The want was acknowledged by other speakers, but no hope was entertained of being able to carry out the object at present. Mr. Milton Smith suggested that the Juvenile Magazine might be illustrated and its circulation increased, instead of venturing upon anything new. Other matters in connection with the Sunday schools were spoken upon by Mr. John Smith, Mr. Skelton, Mr. Higham, Rev. Dr. Bayley, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Gunton, and Mr. Howe, and it was ultimately resolved to appoint a subcommittee to consider the question of Sunday school work. The next meeting of the Association will be held at Palace Gardens Church on Thursday, December 2nd.

Mr. Dicks thought it a desirable thing, and mentioned some of the bene- YORK.-On Sunday, August 8th, the fits that might be expected from such a Rev. Wm. Ray of Newcastle visited this union; he drew attention to the great Society and delivered two discoursesattachment children had to illustrated in the morning, on Preparation for the periodicals, and the want of a New Lord's coming (Luke xii. 35, 36), and in Church illustrated publication for New the evening, on the Fall of Babylon Church Sunday Schools, and said that (Dan. v. 3-6). The subjects were treated the Band of Hope, British Workman, very instructively; the first showing and other illustrated periodicals were the necessity of not only having truth largely made use of in our Sunday in the intellect, but also a sincere and Schools instead of the Juvenile Maga- obedient love in the heart-these two, zine. He thought this Association truth and love, so operating as to promight be able to do something in such duce, in the outward life, all manner of a matter, if it could be done. good works of love, charity and use. The evening discourse included vivid descriptions of ancient Babylon in its splendour, and in its irretrievable fall. From historic events connected therewith, and also from what is related concerning Babylon in the Apocalypse, a lesson was drawn exhibiting the danger of spiritual pride, and how in its progress it becomes the lust of dominion, to the utter destruction of the heavenly virtues of humility, love, gentleness and desire to promote the happiness of others. On Sunday, August 22nd, the Rev. Joseph Deans of Brightlingsea conducted our services; his sermon in the morning being founded on Ezek. xxxvii. 1-10the vision of the valley of dry bones; his evening discourse consisting of a reply to the question "Can man keep LONDON.-The Rev. Chauncey Giles, the commandments?" In these two on his return from the Continent, and discourses it was shown, in language at prior to his departure for America, once attractive and convincing, that the preached twice in Camden Road Church All-good and All-wise Creator, knowing on Sunday, October 10th. His return what was in man, would most certainly was unexpected, and his intention to give such laws for the regulation of his preach was so little known, that the life in this world, as would, being obeyed, morning service was not so well fit him for his Father's kingdom above. attended as it might have been, but Also, that mere knowledges of truth in in the evening the church was crowded. the mind, however various, however It is needless to say that all were deeply extensive, were like the dry bones in impressed as well as greatly delighted the valley unless they are put in order, with the discourses. On Monday evening, the 11th, a large number of friends assembled at the house of Mrs. Mosley, where Mr. Giles was staying, to meet her distinguished guest before his departure for America on the following day. In the course of the evening a piece of plate, in the form of a salver, was, after a few remarks by the Rev. W. Bruce, presented to him by Mrs. Mosley as a mark of the esteem entertained for him by the members of Camden Road

conjoined with love, and vivified with life from the Lord; then, and not till then, do they become in us "a mighty army," by which we fight our battles against evil and falsehood. On Sunday, September 5th, the Rev. Wm. O'Mant of Leeds favoured us with two discourses. His sermon in the morning, from Isaiah lxv. 22, was on "Trees and their Correspondence." The law according to which the Divine Word is written was explained, and the final end or use of the

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