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especially welcome. Communications to J. Bragg, Hamstead Mount, Handsworth, Birmingham.

holding about 350 people, with suit. able ante-rooms. As a matter of course, the ladies of the congregation took an active interest in the project, and as a BOLTON.-On Thursday night (April result of their labours a grand bazaar 29) a presentation tea party of a very was held in the Public Hall on Monday, pleasant character was held in the New Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 3rd, 4th, Jerusalem School Rooms, Higher Bridge and 5th inst. The hall was tastefully Street, the occasion being a presentation decorated with flags and flowers, and a by the younger female members and large company assembled on Monday, at teachers of a beautiful hair-seated rock- three o'clock, the hour fixed for the foring chair to Mrs. Smith, the wife of the mal opening. The articles offered for minister, and the presentation by the sale were of the usual miscellaneous young men of a tall and beautifully- character, the useful predominating. designed writing desk to the minister, The bazaar was opened by the singing Mr. G. H. Smith. The presentation of a hymn, and after prayer had been was made, on behalf of the young people offered by the minister (Mr. Deans), associated with the place, by Mr. William R. Gunton, Esq., of London, addressed Graham, who spoke of the high appre- the assemblage on the object of ciation, and the sincere and unanimous the bazaar, and the great necessity regard which Mr. Smith has already existing for immediate steps being taken won for himself from all connected with to relieve the scholars and teachers of both school and church. The evening's the school from their present uncom proceedings were rendered additionally agreeable by the presence amongst them of the Rev. Wm. Westall of Salford, for many years the esteemed minister of this Society, and the reverend gentleman's address, which was partially of a retrospective character, mainly dwelt upon the mutual duties of minister and congregation. The address was of a character calculated both to instruct and delight, and was listened to with evident interest. The evening was additionally enlivened by various readings and songs by Messrs. Firth, Fryer, Spencer, Mason and Hargreaves. The usual vote of thanks to the chairman terminated one of the most pleasant and successful meetings which the Society has had for a long time.

BRIGHTLINGSEA.-The Colchester Mercury gives the following account of the Bazaar, recently held in this place, in aid of the School Building Fund :-"The friends of the Sunday-school in connection with the New Jerusalem Church in Brightlingsea, having for the past two years found their schoolroom much overcrowded, recently started a fund for the purpose of securing increased accommodation. Their first idea was to enlarge the present room, which stands behind the church, but further reflection induced them to prefer utilizing a much more eligible site bought at the same time the place of worship was erected. They propose to build a room capable of

fortable position. After urging the friends to be liberal in their purchases, the business of the day commenced." This is followed by a description of the several stalls, the Report concluding as follows :-"The bazaar was liberally patronized by all sections in Bright lingsea and the surrounding places, who expressed their great satisfaction with the arrangements made for the comfort of visitors. Each evening selec tions of music, vocal and instrumental, were given by the Misses Gunton, Tall, Parker, Aldous, Day, Riches, Mrs. J. Aldous, and Messrs. Adams, A. Went, A. Bragg, and John Gees. On Tuesday evening hearty votes of thanks were tendered to these ladies and gentlemen, and to Mr. Gunton. The result of the effort was that about £80 was transferred from the pockets of the visitors to the boxes of the ladies-a sum exceeding their highest anticipations. Two of the stalls were cleared to within 4s. worth of their contents, and the other stalls looked desolate."

BRISTOL. -This Society has been visited by Mr. Gunton, who delivered, on April 15, a lecture on "Geology and Genesis in harmony." A second lecture in explanation of the sin against the Holy Ghost was delivered the following even. ing, when it was found necessary to occupy the larger room of the Oddfellows' Hall, as the one rented for the occasion was not large enough; many of the

cism permitted at close, when done in a good spirit, is very interesting, and is calculated to improve the tone and quality of the papers delivered, and to strengthen all. The papers closed on March 18th, and the session was brought to a close by the now "Annual Social Assembly," on the evening of Friday, April 2nd, when over forty ladies and gentleman were present. The Secretary, Mr. Manson, had got up a beautiful programme of select pieces of music, etc., carefully executed on piano, etc., by ladies and gentleman of the Society, and a most useful session was brought to a close by a most pleasant entertainment.

people who came to hear the first lecture having failed to gain admission. The larger hall, which will hold about 300 people, was comfortably filled on Friday evening, and also Sunday morning and evening, when two sermons were delivered; the first on the " Divinity of the Word;" the second on the "One God, the Creator, manifest in the Lord Jesus." Much interest was taken in these lectures and sermons, questions were asked, and letters written to Mr. Gunton, more especially on the subject of the atonement. The largest gathering of people was on Sunday evening. The large congregation listened with intense interest for two hours, and many loitered behind to ask for more information. After this late hour (8.30) HULL.-The anniversary services of 120 volumes of The Future Life and this Society were held on Sunday, May Spiritual World, and a bundle of Dr. 2nd, when two sermons were preached Bayley's Sermons were sold. These by Mr. G. M. Pulsford of Sheffield. meetings were the most successful ones The subjects discussed were, in the ever held in Bristol, and good missionary morning, "The building of the Lord's service was done; but the dragon has house" (Haggai i. 7, 8); and in the been giving us some work to do since, evening, "Heaven and its Delights" by following us up with its flood each (Ps. xvi. 11). The attendance was good, Friday evening since, debating the sub- and the congregation delighted with jects of atonement and resurrection. We the preacher's clear elucidation of his have been able, however, to hold our subjects. On the Monday evening own, and have made favourable impres- following, the Society's annual tea meetsions on the mind of strangers who came ing was held, when eighty sat down to to listen. We find Unitarians and tea, provided by the ladies. After tea sceptics as well as the well disposed are a public meeting was held, which was our confederates in these debates; pro- numerously attended. Speeches suited bably by their being more in the rational plane than those of faith alone. We are inclined to look upon the interest taken in New Church teaching in this westerly part of England as an indication that the Lord is making progress with the New Church, and that there are many anxious inquiring minds ripe for the seed of truth. As yet the Bristol Society is but feeble, and its subscribing members few, or we should decide to have these meetings every quarter, both for the increase of our numbers and for the spreading of the truth to others.

to the occasion were made by Mr. Bastow, who was in the chair, Mr. Pulsford, and by several members of the Church. Four members have recently been added to the Church, one of whom has been a preacher in another denomination, and promises to be useful in disseminating the doctrines of the New Church. The Society is now looking forward to the opening of their new church, which is approaching completion. The increase of their members, and the interest of all in the work in which they are engaged, is a happy prelude to their entrance on their new habitation, in EDINBURGH.-During the last session which we hope for them increased of the "Edinburgh New Church Recrea- activity and usefulness. The Committee tion Society," a large number of subjects of the Society desire to tender their best on scientific and literary questions have thanks to the friends who have so been introduced by members of the generously contributed to the bazaar, Society, and discussed at their fort- which has added £130 to the building nightly meetings. The interest in the fund. Society increases, and its meetings are looked forward to with pleasure. The Society is open to any one, and the criti

LONDON-Camberwell. - The South London Press of April 24th gives the fol

unknown. The portrait is considered very satisfactory and is well executed; it is placed in the vestry of the Church, and will doubtless be viewed with interest by visitors to Manchester on the occasion of the Meeting of Conference in August next.

lowing notice of one of the series of that Mr. Broadfield's services and worth sermons to children: "At the New are thus recognised. The names both of Jerusalem (Swedenborgian) Church, the donor and of the artist are at present Flodden Road, Camberwell, on Sunday, the disposition of the congregation presented a somewhat novel as pect, the whole of the front seats being occupied by children, on whose behalf the ordinary occupants of those sittings were temporarily dispossessed. The occasion was the delivery of a sermon, addressed especially to the young-a practice which is gradually being adopted in almost all religious bodies-the present being the third of such discourses preached in this place of worship. The theme selected by the preacher (Mr. Austin, the minister of the church) was the attractive Bible narrative of "The Little Captive Maid," by whose direction Naaman, the Syrian, resorted to the prophet Elisha in order to be cured of his leprosy. Mr. Austin paraphrased the simple story in a manner well calculated to interest his youthful hearers, and, while doing so, from time to time pointed out, in a quiet but effective style, the practical teachings of his text. These latter, though urged in terms suited more especially to the comprehension of the juniors of the congregation, were yet, as the preacher remarked, not wholly beneath the consideration of the seniors. The building was very well filled, to which resultespecially in the case of the children-a lovely spring morning no doubt greatly assisted." Another issue gives a similar notice of one of the usual services at this church. The public press is thus become the means of giving extended publicity to the church and its instructive


MANCHESTER. - Peter Street. · This Society has during the past month been presented with a life-size portrait in oil of its respected and valued friend, John Broadfield, Esq. The donor desires thus to testify his high appreciation of the eminent virtues of Mr. Broadfield's private character, as well as of his services to this Society, and of his warm and active interest in all that concerns the welfare and progress of the New Church. It is confidently believed that a large number of the readers of the Intellectual Repository will desire to unite with the Society in its hearty appreciation of this gift, and in its feeling of gratification

ST. HELIERS, JERSEY.-The New Church continues to make most satisfactory progress under Mr. E. M. Pulsford, a gentleman who has proved himself eminently well qualified to lead the cause in Jersey. Though slowly, converts are continually being made to the faith of the New Jerusalem. One of those who have most recently be come receivers, has published and extensively circulated among the mem bers of the Wesleyan body, to which he formerly belonged, a pamphlet giving a full statement of his reasons for joining the New Church, and adducing numerous texts from Scripture in support of his new views. It was arranged in the winter that, as soon as the weather became favourable, Mr. Pulsford should deliver a series of lectures at the small town of St. Aubin's. A convenient room near the railway station was accordingly secured, and Mr. Puls ford preached for the first time on Sunday afternoon, May 2nd, from the text,


The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto leaven (Matt. xiii. 33), to a numerous and attentive congregation. The number that attended on the following Sunday was still greater, and it is confidently hoped that the attendance will go on increasing. This effort on behalf of the Church seems to be viewed with great discomposure by certain parties at St. Aubin's, who have posted numerous placards about the town and its neighbourhood with the heading "Beware of false prophets." But the friends of the New Church are in no wise dismayed at this sign of hostility, as they believe the chief effect of it will be to direct the attention of the public to the fact that the New Church doctrines are being preached in the neigh bourhood, and to induce many to come whose attention would otherwise not have been aroused.

WIGAN.-The first effort to reduce

the debt upon the schools in connection bazaar, and inspected the school-rooms. with the New Jerusalem Church, War- They expressed themselves highly derington-lane, Wigan, has been made lighted with the general arrangements. by a bazaar of useful and fancy goods There was a tea-party on Thursday evenbeing held in the schoolroom; and ing at the schools, which was numerously thanks to the assistance of several attended. The proceeds of the bazaar friends living near and far, and to the amounted to about £450. countenance given by several ladies living in Wigan, the attempt to reduce the


"To the Rev. Thomas Chalklen. "SIR,-In the name of many New Church friends, allow me to hand over to you a purse of twenty sovereigns, given, firstly, as a proof of our esteem for your Christian and manly character while among us; and, secondly, as some slight compensation for the sale of your household goods, and consequent loss incurred when coming to us.

"We all unite in affectionate regards for you, and on your now leaving us wish you God-speed.-Believe me, yours faithfully, F. TENNYSON."

REV. T. CHALKLEN.-Sir, I think debt by the process now so universally it due to Mr. Chalklen-whose feelings adopted in this country, was attended have been severely tried since his with success more than the most san- residence in Jersey, and who is leavguine could have expected. The princi- ing the island,-to make it known, pal room where the bazaar proper was with your permission, that I have held was filled with stalls and tables, had the pleasure of presenting him upon which were displayed fancy and with a testimonial on behalf of many useful goods in great variety, there Jersey friends who honour him, and being in the same room, in addition to sincerely regret his departure. the usual concomitants of a bazaar, a following is a copy :display of cups on which there were views of the New Jerusalem Schools, and a number of bright medals, a remarkably artistically executed floral painting by Miss Eliza Millard, and many other attractive articles. Mr. J. Lancaster, ex-M.P. for Wigan, under whose auspices the opening ceremony was conducted, was accompanied by the Mayor (Mr. J. Burrows), the Revs. J. Hyde, J. Keeley, and P. Ramage, the President of the Bazaar Committee, Mr. J. Johnson, the Treasurer, Mr. R. Middlehurst, and the Secretary, Mr. Thomas Lowe. The proceedings were commenced with the singing of the hymn, Help us to help each other," at the conclusion of which prayer was offered up by the Rev. P. Ramage. Addresses were delivered by Rev. J. Hyde, the Mayor (who said "he had heard from various sources of the large amount of good which had been accomplished by the schools,") and Mr. Lancaster, who in the course of his address, said :"Labour, when properly applied, was never cast away. He regretted that the debt was so large, but at the same time those connected with the schools had shown great courage in adapting themOn April 25th, at 128, The Grove, selves to such a large expenditure. He hoped that they would be rewarded, and Camberwell, S. E., Mrs. Charles Higham, that they would have the consolation of of a son. knowing they had worked out a scheme for a noble end. He thanked his Worship the Mayor for his countenance and presence, and said he felt sure it would give satisfaction to the town at large.' During the day Thomas Knowles, Esq., M.P., accompanied by the Mayor and Mr. Ralph Darlington, visited the

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GENERAL CONFERENCE.-The Secretary announces that Applications and Notices of Motion intended for insertion in the yearly circular, must be in his hands not later than Monday, the 14th of June. Applications for Societies to be received into connection with Conference, and for ordination of ministers, are specially included in this requirement: also such Notices of Motion as contemplate alterations in the Rules.



Departed this life, on the 8th of April, at Brightlingsea, in the 78th year of his Deceased age, Mr. Shadrach Martin. first joined the New Church Society in the year 1816, and from that time was ever an admirer of the doctrines of the

New Dispensation. Intellectually discerning the truth, beauty, and reality of a brighter and purer life beyond, he enjoyed a perfect resignation to the will of the Lord. He was for a long time a member of the committee, and treasurer for the sacramental fund, and ever willing to perform any office for the benefit and advancement of the New Church. The immediate cause of death was an apoplectic fit; he retired to rest in his usual state of health (which owing to his advanced years was not very good), and a short time after he was taken and expired almost before his loving partner could summon assistance. He has left a large family, all of whom have grown up receivers of the truth of the Heavenly Doctrines of the New Jerusalem. A discourse relative to his death was delivered by Mr. Deans on Sunday, 18th April, from the words "Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." The Bury Times of May the 8th gives the following notice of an esteemed member of the Society of the New Church, at Stand Lane, Radcliffe. Mr. Ellerbeck was a member of the Committee, and at the time of his death was also one of the deacons. "On Tuesday the remains of Mr. Richard Brown Ellerbeck, of Blackburn Street, Radcliffe, were interred in the burial-ground attached to the New Jerusalem Church, Stand Lane. Just a week previous he appeared to be in his usually good health, but he was seized with a violent attack of diarrhoea, under which he sank so rapid

ly that all the efforts of medical skill were fruitless, and he died on Friday morning, in the 41st year of his age, deservedly regretted by all who had the pleasure of his acqaintance. He was a native of Radcliffe, and was a member of the firm of Messrs. James Heywood and Sons, with which he was connected for upwards of twenty years, and was, in fact, the principal working partner. He was also a member of the Whitefield Local Board, and at the time of the failure of the Radcliffe and Pilkington Loan and Investment Com pany he was appointed one of the liqui dators of its affairs. To this task he devoted a great deal of time and energy, and it was mainly through his indomi table perseverance that the handsome dividends, amounting in all to 138. 4d. in the pound, were secured to the depositors. Independently of the many other claims which he had upon the gratitude of his fellow townspeople, for these achievements alone his name deserves to be perpetuated. He was a warm-hearted, generous benefactor, a strict and consistent teetotaller, a true friend, and a thorough Christian. In demeanour he was genial, kind, and exceedingly courteous towards all, and his gentlemanly manner and ever-present desire to exercise charity and do good in all things had endeared him to the hearts of a wide circle of sorrowing rela tives and acquaintances. With Mr. Ellerbeck life was not a state of rest, but of incessant occupation, a continual circulation of action and being."

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