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Sing to the Lord a new-made song Sing to the Lord a new-made song Speak, O ye judges of the earth

51 To God, in whom I trust 52 To God I cry'd, who to my help 39 29 To God, our never failing strength 43

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77 To God, with mournful voice 10 To my complaint, O Lord my God 46


To my just plea and sad complaint





Sure wicked fools must needs suppose 7 To God your grateful voices raise That man is blest who stands in awe 61 To God the mighty Lord

Thee I will bless, my God and King The heavens declare thy glory, Lord The king, O Lord, with songs of praise

The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God

The Lord himself, the mighty Lord The Lord, the only God, is great The Lord to thy request attend

The Lord unto my Lord thus spake The man is blest that fears the Lord The spacious earth is all the Lord's The wicked fools must sure suppose Through all the changing scenes of life

Though wicked men grow rich or great

Thou, Lord, by strictest search hast known

Thy chastening wrath, O Lord, restrain

Thy dreadful anger, Lord, restrain
Thy mercy, Lord, to me extend
Thy mercies, Lord, shall be my song
Thy presence why withdraw'st thou,

To bless thy chosen race

To celebrate thy praise, O Lord

11 To Sion's hill I lift my eyes


To thee, my God and Saviour, I 26 To thee, O God, we render praise 13 To thee, O Lord, my cries ascend 25 We build with fruitless cost, unless 71 11 When I pour out my soul in prayer 53 60 When Israel, by th' Almighty led 62 71 When Sion's God her sons recall'd 13 When we, our weary limbs to rest 28 Who place on Sion's God their trust While I the King's loud praise rehearse


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Why hast thou cast us off, O God 75 With cheerful notes let all the earth 68

With glory clad, with strength ar20 ray'd

4 With my whole heart, my God and 29 King

47 With restless and ungovern'd rage



With one consent let all the earth 52

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To find Psalms suited to particular Subjects and Occasions.

ADORATION of God, Psalms 8, 65, 95, 96 and 145. (See Praise.)
Adoration of the second person in the Trinity, Psalm 47.

Advent, Psalms proper for, 18, verse 8, &c. 50, 89, 96, 97, 98, and 146, verse 6, kc.
Afflicted, prayer of, Psalms 13, 42, 94, 102, 119, verse 81, &c. and Psalm 143.
Afflicted, comfort of, Psalm 119, verse 49, &c.

Afflicted, complaint of, Psalms 42, 77, 102, 114, verse 81, &c. and Psalm 143.

Afflicted, Psalm proper for, 119.

Afflictions, benefits of, Psalm 94, verses 12, 13, and 14, Psalm 119, verses 65, 66,
67, 68, 71 and 75.

Afflictions, deliverance from them celebrated, Psalms 34 and 107.

Aged Saint, prayer of, Psalm 71, verses 17 and 18.

Alms-giving, Psalm 41, verses 1, 2 and 3, and Psalm 112.

Angels guard the righteous, Psalm 34, verse 7, and Psalm 91, verses 11 and 12.).
Angels called on to praise the Lord, Psalm 103, verses 19, 20, and 21.

Ascension, Psalms 24, 47, and 68, verse 18, &c.

Ash-Wednesday, Psalms proper for, 51 and 130. (See Penitential.)

Assistance from God, Psalms 138 and 144.

Atheism, practical, punishment denounced against, Psalm 14.

Atheism, prevalence of, lamented, Psalms 10 and 12.

Attributes of God, Psalm 36, verse 5, &c. Psalms 111, 145, 146 and 147.

Blessing of God on temporal business and comforts, Psalm 127.

Blessings of a family, Psalm 128.

Blessinge, temporal, promised, Psalm 144, verse 12 to the end.

Blessings, promised to the righteous, Psalms 1, 32, 122 and 128.

Blood of Christ, cleansing from sin, prefigured by the ceremonies of the law,

Psalm 51.

Brotherly love, Psalm 133.

Care of God over his Saints, Psalm 34.

Charity to the poor. (See Alms-giving.)


Charitable man, blessings promised to, Psalm 41, verses 1,2 and 3.

Children, comforts of, Psalm 127, verses 3, 4 and 5.

Children instructed in God's law, Psalm 78, verse 6, &c. Psalm 119, verse 9, &c.

Christ, the true David, Psalms 35 and 89. (See David.)

Christ, covenant made with him typified by David, Psalm 89.

Christ, divinity of, Psalm 45, verse 6, &c. Psalms 47 and 110.

Christ, his incarnation, Psalm 40, verse 6, &c.

Christ, David in the person of, describes his sorrows and the malice and per-
secution of his enemies, and prays for deliverance, Psalms 22, 35, 41 and 55.
Christ, his death and sufferings set forth in the person of David, Psalms 22, 40,
41, 35, 55 and 69.

Christ, his resurrection predicted, Psalm 2, Psalm 16, verse 9, &c. Psalm 69,
verse 29, &c. Psalm 118, verse 22, &c.

Christ, his ascension celebrated, Psalms 24, 47, 68, &c.

Christ, his exaltation in his human nature to his Mediatorial Kingdom, Psalm

verse 7 to the end, Psalms 8,21, 72, 89, 110, 118 and 132.

Christ, his glorification in his human nature, Psalm 8.

Christ, his love to his Church celebrated, Psalm 45.

Christ, his love to his enemies, Psalm 35, verse 11, &c.

Christ, his glory and power, Psalm 45, verse 2, &c.

Christ, his kingdom among the Gentiles, Psalms 72, 87, 110 and 132.

Christ, a Priest and King. Psalm 110.

Christ, our strength and righteousness, Psalm 71, verses 14, 15 and 16.

Christ, his first and second coming, Psalms 50, 96, 97 and 98.

Christmas day, Psalm 45, Psalm 85, three last verses, Psalm 89, 110 and 152

Church, established by God, Psalm 44.

Church built on Jesus Christ, Psalm 118, verse 22, &c..

Church gathered and settled, Psalm 132.

Church, its beauty, worship and order, Psalms 48 and 122.

Church, the birth place of Saints, Psalm 37.

Church, safety and joy in it, Psalm 27, verse 4, &c. Psalms 48 and 84.

Church, destruction of its enemies, Psalm 76.

Church, Gentiles gatbered into it, Psalms 45 and 47.

Church, God defends it and fights for it, Psalms 20, 46, 125 and 135.

Church, Christ's love to it, Psalm 45.

Church, God's presence in it, and delight in it, Psalms 34 and 132.

Church, the garden of the Lord, Psalm 92, verse 12, &c.

Church, the spouse of Christ, Psalm 45.

Church, its increase, Psalm 67,

Church, in affliction, Psalms 44, 80, and 89, verse S8, &c.

Church, comforted, Psalm 125.

Church, the honour and safety of a nation, Psalm 48.

Church, its festivals joyfully attended, Psalm 122.

Comfort and support in God, Psalm 4, Psalm 16, verse 5, &c. Psalms 32, 34, 46,

and 94, verse 12, &c.

Comfort and support in God from a view of his past mercies, Psalm 77,

verse 10, &c.

Comfort and support in sadness, prayed for, Psalms 102 and 142.

Comfort and support of God's spirit prayed for, Psalms 42, 43, and 51.
Communion of Saints, Psalm 16, verses 4 and 5, Psalm 133.

Complaint of absence from public worship, Psalm 42.

Complaint of sickness, Psalm 6.

Complaint of temptation and spiritual affliction, Psalm 42.
Complaint of the prevalence of impiety and wickedness, Psalms 10 and 12.

Complaint of quarrelsome neighbours, Psalm 11.

Complaint of heavy afflictions in mind and body, Psalms 102 and 143.
Compassion of God, Psalms 103 and 145, verse 9 to the end.

Confession of sin, repentance and pardon, Psalms 32, 38, 51, 130, and 143.
Confirmation, Psalms proper for, 19, verse 7, &c. 25, verse 7, &c. 34, verse 11, kc.

51, verse 9, &c. 119, verse 9, &c. verse 33, &c. verse 103, &c.

Conscience, its guilt relieved, Psalms 32 and 130.

Consecration of a Church, Psalm 132, verse 7, &c. (See Office of Consecration.)

Contention, complained of, Psalm 120.

Contrition, an act of, Psalms 25 and 51.

Converse with God, Psalm 63.

Conversion of Jews and Gentiles, Psalms 87, 96, 106, and 126.

Corruption of manners in general, Psalms 11 and 12.

Counsel and support from God, Psalms 16 and 119.

Courage in death, Psalm 16.

Covenant made with Christ in the person of David, Psalm 89.
Creation and Providence, Psalms 33, 104, 135, 136, 147, and 148.

Creatures, no trust in them, and God all sufficient, Psalm 33, verse 12 to the end,

Psalms 62 and 146.

Creatures praising God, Psalm 148.

David, in his suferings, deliverances, kingdom, &c. a type of Christ, Psalms 2,
18, 21, 22, 35, 40, 44, 45, 55, 69, 72, 89, 109, 110, 118, and 132. (See Christ.)

Death, courage in, Psalm 16, and Psalm 23, verse 4, &c.

Death, deliverance from, Psalm 31 and 118.

Death of Christ, Psalms 22 and 69.

Death of saints and sinners, Psalms 37 and 49.

Death, the effect of sin, Psalm 90.

Defence and salvation in God, Psalms 3, 18, 61, and 121.
Delaying sinners warned, Psalm 95, verse 7, &c.
Delight in God, Psalms 18, 42, 63, 73, and 84.
Deliverance begun and perfected, Psalm 85.
Deliverance from despair, Psalm 18.

Deliverance from deep distress, Psalms 34 and 40.
Deliverance from death, Psalm 31 and 118.

Deliverance from oppression and falsehood, Psalm 56.
Deliverance from persecution, Psalms 5, 7, 53, and 94.

Deliverance from slander, Psalms 5, and 31.

Deliverance from shipwreck, Psalm 107, verse 23.

Deliverance by prayer, Psalms 34, and 40.

Desertion and distress of soul, Psalm 13, Psalm 25, verse 16, &c. Psalms 38,

and 143.

Desire of knowledge, Psalm 119, verse 33, &c.

Desire of holiness, Psalm 119, verse 36, &c.

Desire of comfort and succour, Psalm 119, verse 39. &c.

Desire of quickening grace, Psalm 119, verse 25, &c.

Desolations, the Church safe in them, Psalm 46.

Devotion, Psalm 184.

Devotion in sickness, Psalms 6, and 39.

Direction, prayed for, Psalm 25.

Distress relieved, Psalms 34. 40, and 130.

Divinity of Christ, Psalm 45, verse 6, &c. Psalm 110.

Dominion of man, Psalm 8, verses 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Doubts and fears suppressed, Psalms 3, 31, and 42.


Easter Eve, Psalms proper for, 16, verse 9, &c. and 40, three first verses.
Easter, Psalms proper for, 2, verse 7 to the end, Psalm 30, Psalm 57, six last

verses, and Psalm 118.

Education, religious, Psalm 34, verse 11, Psalm 78, verse 4, &c. Psalm 119,
verse 9. &c.

Egypt's plagues, Psalm 105.

End of righteous and wicked, Psalms 1 and 37.

Enemies of Christ and the Church (typified by the enemies of David and
Israel) Psalms 18, 48, 68, 74, 76, 83, and 102, verse 13, &c. (See Christ, Church,

Envy and unbelief cured, Psalms 57, and 49.

Epiphany, season of, Psalms proper for, 22, verse 27, Psalms 45, 47, 67, 72, 87, 96,

98. (See Gentiles, Kingdom of Christ.)

Equity and wisdom of Providence, Psalm 9.

Evening Psalms, 4, verse 3, &c. Psalm 63, 3d and 4th stanzas.

Evidences of grace, Psalms 15, and 26.

Evil times, Psalm 12.

Evil neighbours, Psalm 120.

Evil magistrates, Psalms 58, and 82.

Exaltation of Christ, Psalm 2, verse 7 to the end, Psalms 8, 21, 72, and 110.

Examination, Psalm 26, Psalm 139, three last verses.

Faith in divine power and mercy, Psalms 57, 62, and 130, four last verses.

Faithfulness of God, Psalms 89, 105, 111, 145, and 146.

Falsehood, blasphemy, &c. Psalms 12, and 56.

Family love and worship, Psalm 143.

Family blessings, Psalm 128.

Fear in the worship of God, Psalm 89, verse 7, &c. Psalm 98.


Fear and reverence of God, Psalm 33, verse 8, &c. Psalm 128. (See God, his

power and majesty.)

Fears and doubts suppressed, Psalms 3, 31, 34, and 42.

Flattery and deceit complained of, Psalms 12, and $6.

Formal worship, Psalm 50, 4th Stanza, &c.

Forgiveness of sin prayed for, Psalms 8, 38, and 51. (See Penitential, Pardon.)
Frailty of man, Psalm 39, verse 7, &c. Psalm 89, verses 47, and 48, Psalm 90,

Psalm 144, verses 3, and 4.

Fretfulness discouraged, Psalm 37.

Friendship, its blessing, Psalm 133.

Funeral, Psalms proper for, 39, verse 7, &c. Psalm 89, verse 47, and 48, Psalm

90, Psalm 144, verses 3, and 4.

Gentiles given to Christ, Psalms 2, 22, 27, and 72.

Gentiles gathered into the Church, Psalms 45, 47, 67, 87, and 96.

Gentiles owning the true God, Psalms 65, 67, 96, and 98.

Glorification of Christ in his human nature, Psalm 8.

Glory of Christ, Psalm 45, verse 2, &c.

Glory and grace promised, Psalm 34, Psalm 97, last three verses.

God, his greatness and g

glory, Psalm 8, four first and last verses.

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