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the true light, which lighteneth (the adoption of sons. And, be

every man that cometh into the cause ye are sons,

God hath sent

the world was made by him, and your hearts, crying, Abba, Faworld. He was in the world, and forth the Spirit of his Son into

Wherefore thou art no

the world knew him not. He ther. came unto his own, and his own more a servant, but a son; and received him not. But as many if a son, then an heir of God, received him, to them gave he through Christ.

power to become the sons of The Gospel. St. Matt. i. 18. wed, even to them that believe THE birth of Jesus Christ was his name: Which were born,[

on this wise: When as his mo

bot of blood, nor of the will of ther Mary was espoused to Jothe flesh, nor of the will of man, seph, before they came together, but of God. And the Word was she was found with child of the made flesh, and dwelt among us, Holy Ghost. Ther: Joseph her (and we beheld his glory, the glo-husband, being a just man, and ys of the only begotten of the not willing to make her a public Father) full of grace and truth.

The Sunday after Christmas-day. away privily.

The Collect.

example, was minded to put her But while he thought on these things, behold, ALMIGHTY God, who hast the angel of the Lord appeared Son to take our nature upon him, seph, thou son of David, fear not given us thy only begotten unto him in a dream, saying, Joand as at this time to be born of to take unto thee Mary thy wife; being regenerate and made thy is of the Holy Ghost: And she pure Virgin: grant that we, for that which is conceived in her may daily be renewed by thy ho-shalt call his name Jesus; for he children by adoption and grace, shall bring forth a Son, and thou Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth sins. Now all this was done, that and reigneth with thee and the it might be fulfilled which was ever one God, world spoken of the Lord by the pro




without end. Amen.

The Epistle. Gal. iv. 1.

phet, saying, Behold, aVirgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth

long as he is a child, differeth Emmanuel, which being interas a Son, call his name he be lord of all; but is under seph being raised from sleep, did Bothing from a servant, though preted, is, God with us. Then Jobutors and governors, until the as the angel of the Lord had bidtime appointed of the father. den him, and took unto him his Even so we, when we were chil-wife: And knew her not till she had dren, were in bondage under the brought forth her first-born Son; elements of the world; but when and he called his name Jesus. the fullness of the time was come,]

God sent forth his Son made of a
Woman, made under the law, to

The Circumcision of Christ.
The Collect.

redeem them that weré under ALMIGHTY God, who madest

the law, that we might receive]

thy blessed Son to be circum


cised, and obedient to the law for this thing which is come to pass, inan; grant us the true circum-which the Lord hath inade known. cision of the Spirit, that, our unto us. And they came with hearts and all our members being haste, and found Mary and Jomortified from all worldly and seph, and the babe lying in a carnal lusts, we may in all things manger. And when they had obey thy blessed will, through seen it, they made known abroad the same thy Son Jesus Christ the saying which was told them our Lord. Amen. concerning this child. And all The Epistle. Rom. iv. 8. they that heard it wondered at BLESSED is the man to whom those things which were told the Lord will not impute sin. them by the shepherds. But Cometh this blessedness then Mary kept all these things, and upon the circumcision only, or pondered them in her heart. And upon the uncircumcision also? the shepherds returned, glorifyFor we say, that faith was reckoning and praising God for all the ed to Abraham for righteousness. things that they had heard and How was it then reckoned? when seen, as it was told unto them. he was in circumcision or in un-And when eight days were accircumcision? Not in circumci-complished for the circumcising sion, but in uncircumcision. And of the child, his name was called he received the sign of circumci-JESUS, which was so named of sion, a seal of the righteousness the angel before he was conceivof the faith which he had, yet be-ed in the womb. ing uncircumcised; that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circum

The same Collect, Epistle, and Gospel shall serve for every day after, unto the Epiphany.

cised; that righteousness might The Epiphany, or the Manifesta

tion of Christ to the Gentiles.

The Collect.

God, who by the leading of a
Star didst manifest thy only

be imputed unto them also: And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, begotten Son to the Gentiles; which he had, being yet uncir-mercifully grant that we, who cumcised. For the promise, that know thee now by faith, may afhe should be the heir of the ter this life have the fruition of world, was not to Abraham, or thy glorious Godhead, through to his seed, through the law, but Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. through the righteousness of faith.| The Epistle. Ephes. iii. 1. For if they which are of the law FOR this cause, Paul, the pri

be heirs, faith is made void, and soner of Jesus Christ for you the promise made of none effect. Gentiles; if ye have heard of the The Gospel. St. Luke, ii. 15 dispensation of the grace of God, AND it came to pass, as the which is given me to you-ward· angels were gone away from How that by revelation he made them into heaven, the shepherds known unto me the mystery (as I said one to another, Let us now wrote afore in few words, wherego even unto Bethlehem, and see by, when ye read, ye may under

stand my knowledge in the mys-born. And they said unto him, tery of Christ) which in other In Bethlehem of Judea: For thus ages was not made known unto it is written by the prophet, And the sons of men, as it is now re-thou Bethlehem, in the land of vealed unto his holy Apostles and Juda, art not the least among the Prophets by the Spirit; that the princes of Juda; for out of thee Gentiles should be fellow-heirs, shall come a Governor that shall and of the same body, and par-rule my people Israel. Then Hetakers of his promise in Christ, rod, when he had privily called by the Gospel whereof I was the wise men, inquired of them nade a minister, according to the diligently what time the star apgut of the grace of God, given peared. And he sent them to anto me by the effectual working Bethlehem, and said, Go, and of his power. Unto me, who am search diligently for the young les than the least of all saints, is child, and when ye have found this grace given, that I should him, bring me word again, that I preach among the Gentiles the may come and worship him also. Gesearchable riches of Christ; When they had heard the king, and to make all men see what is they departed: and lo, the star the fellowship of the mystery, which they saw in the east went which from the beginning of the before them, till it came and stood world hath been hid in God, who over where the young child was. -treated all things by Jesus Christ: When they saw the star, they reto the intent that now unto the joiced with exceeding great joy. principalities and powers in hea-And when they were come into venly places might be known, by the house, they saw the young the Church, the manifold wisdom child with Mary his mother, and of God, according to the eternal fell down and worshipped him : purpose which he purposed in And when they had opened their Christ Jesus our Lord; in whom treasures, they presented unto we have boldness and access with him gifts; gold, and frankincense, confidence by the faith of him. and myrrh. And being warned of God in a dream, that they

The Gospel. St. Matt. ii. 1. WHEN Jesus was born in should not return to Herod, they Bethlehem of Judea, in the departed into their own country days of Herod the king, behold. another way.

The first Sunday after the

The Collect.

there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where| is he that is born king of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the Lord, we beseech thee mer east, and are come to worship cifully to receive the prayers him. When Herod the king had of thy people who call upon thee; beard these things, he was trou-and grant that they may both perbled, and all Jerusalem with him. ceive and know what things they And when he had gathered all ought to do, and also may have the chief priests and scribes of grace and power faithfully to fulthe people together he demanded fil the same, through Jesus Christ of them where Christ should be our Lord. Amen.

all of us grace, that we may been pleased to deliver from his henceforth obediently walk in thy bodily sickness this thy servant, holy commandments; and, lead-who now desireth to return thanks ing a quiet and peaceable life in all unto thee, in the presence of all godliness and honesty, may con- thy people. Gracious art thou, tinually offer unto thee our sacri- O Lord, and full of compassion fice of praise and thanksgiving to the children of men. May his for these thy mercies towards us, heart be duly impressed with a through Jesus Christ our Lord. sense of thy merciful goodness, and may he devote the residue of

Amen. For Deliverance from great Sickness his days to an humble, holy, and and Mortality. obedient walking before thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Lord God, who hast wounded us for our sins, and consumed us for our transgressions, by thy late heavy and dreadful visita- For a safe Return from Sea. tion; and now, in the midst of MOST gracious Lord, whose judgment remembering mercy, mercy is over all thy works; hast redeemed our souls from the we praise thy holy name, that jaws of death; we offer unto thy thou hast been pleased to conduct fatherly goodness ourselves, our in safety, through the perils of souls and bodies, which thou hast the great deep, this thy servant, delivered, to be a living sacrifice who now desireth to return his unto thee; always praising and thanks unto thee, in thy holy magnifying thy mercies in the Church: May he be duly sensimidst of thy Church, through ble of thy merciful providence toJesus Christ our Lord. Amen. wards him, and ever express his For a Recovery from Sickness. thankfulness by a holy trust in God, who art the giver of life, thee, and obedience to thy laws, of health, and of safety; we through Jesus Christ our Lord. bless thy name, that thou hast Amen.



To be used throughout the Year.

The first Sunday in Advent.

The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, give us grace

to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious Mathat we may cast away the jesty to judge both the quick and works of darkness, and put upon dead, we may rise to the life imus the armour of light, now in mortal, through him who liveth the time of this mortal life, injand reigneth with thee and the which thy Son Jesus Christ came Holy Ghost, now and ever. Amen.

This Collect is to be repeated every Day done, that it might be fulfilled with the other Collects in Advent, until which was spoken by the prophet, Christmas-day. saying, Tell ye the daughter of The Epistle. Rom. xiii. 8. Sion, Behold, thy King cometh OWE no man any thing, but to love one another; for he that unto thee, meek, and sitting upon loveth another hath fulfilled the an ass, and a colt the foal of an law. For this, Thou shalt not ass. And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them; commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou and brought the ass and the colt, shalt not bear false witness, Thou and put on them their clothes, shalt not covet ; and if there be and they sat him thereon. And a any other commandment, it is very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut briefly comprehended in this say-down branches from the trees, ing, namely, Thou shalt love thy and strawed them in the way. neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour; there- And the multitudes that went fore love is the fulfilling of the before, and that followed, cried, law. And that, knowing the time, saying, Hosanna to the Son of that now it is high time to awake David: blessed is he that cometh out of sleep; for now is our salva- in the name of the Lord; Hosantion nearer than when we believ-na in the highest. And when he ed. The night is far spent, the was come into Jerusalem, all the day is at hand; let us therefore city was moved, saying, Who is cast off the works of darkness, this? And the multitude said, and let us put on the armour of This is Jesus the Prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. And Jesus went light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and into the temple of God, and cast drunkenness, not in chambering out all them that sold and bought and wantonness, not in strife and in the temple, and overthrew the envying. But put ye on the Lord tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them that sold Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the doves, and said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called lusts thereof. the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

The Gospel. St. Matt. xxi. 1. WHEN they drew nigh unto

The second Sunday in Advent.
The Collect.

Jerusalem, and were come to Bethpage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two dis-BLESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be ciples, saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and written for onr learning; grant straightway ye shall find an ass that we may in such wise hear tied, and a colt with her: loose them, read, mark, learn, and inthem, and bring them unto me. wardly digest them, that by paAnd if any man say ought unto tience, and comfort of thy holy you, ye shall say, The Lord hath Word, we may embrace, and ever need of them; and straightway hold fast the blessed hope of he will send them. All this was everlasting life, which thou hast

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