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a propenfity to romance. I wanted to be a hero, or a poet, or rather a fomething fupernatural, and it was experience only that could make me more rational. By my repeated interceffions and pofitiveness in refufing to engage in any other vocation, my guardians were prevailed upon to buy me a commiffion in the army; and I entered it with an incoherent kind of hope of doing extraordinary things; but I had not been in it long before I difcovered that more of mechanism than courage was required: that I must obey orders, and pay a ftrict regard to trifles; that, in order to rife to any very fuperior ftation, I must not only have abilities, but powerful friends; and that, without them, it was as probable I fhould remain obfcure in this, as in any other profeffion.. I was at the battle of Fontenoy; and, though I encouraged the men under my command, and executed the orders I received with the utmoft ardour, yet I was convinced it was very little in the power of an individual to turn the fortune of the day; for, notwithstanding all my heroifm, I was wounded and taken prifoner. Some time after, I was exchanged, and fent to England," when it was my fortune to fall deeply in love with my prefent wife.

"I am forry I have degraded you by the punishment you have fuffered; you are an extraordinary young gentleman, and I have no doubt will one day become an ornament to fociety. Let me, however, caution you against your paffions; they are very powerful, and while they perfuade you that you are doing fomething uncommonly great, or good, may lead "you into very dangerous miftakes. "This fortitude and contempt of pain at your age, would have been beyond praife, had they been exerted upon a proper occafion; as it is, they can only be admired: but your generous protection of the helpless de"ferves every reward and encouragement, and I hope you will hereafter confider me as your friend, and not your mafter, As for your accufers, there is no punishment I can inflict fevere enough for cruelty,cowardice, "and lying, I fhall therefore expel "them, left their examples fhould corrupt others. I perceive you are going to intercede for them: but I will fpare you the pain of being refufed, "by telling you I cannot, in juftice to the other young gentlemen that are entrusted to my care, fuffer boys. "of such vicious difpofitions to affoci"ate with them. Youth is weak and "inconfiderate, and as liable to imi"tate a bad as a good action; it is my "particular duty, therefore, not to per"mit thefe wicked boys to remain among them."

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I have related this adventure, to fhew you the natural warmth and enthufiaftic bent of my temper. I went through a regular courfe of education under the gentleman above-mentioned, whofe friendship I poffeffed till his death, and to whofe advice and inftruction I am greatly indebted. It was the intention of my guardians that I fhould ftudy the law, and become a counsellor. I however had other views; for though, it is certain, no profeilion requires greater acuteness and abilities than this, yet as it is become commonplace to call it dry, tedious, knavish, and fo-forth, it was little alluring to a mind like mine, that had fo ftrong

Hitherto I had cared but little about riches; nay, indeed, as the poets and philofophers I had read ufually affected to defpife them, I did fo too: my amour however brought me to a fevere fenfe of the want of them. My mif trefs was the daughter of a very rich man, and an heirefs; I, a younger brother, with a fmall fortune, rather diminished than increased; and as the peace and half-pay had deprived me) of any farther hopes from the army, I had no apparent means of augmenting my wealth. This made me reflect on the abfurdity of thofe vifionary hopes in the contemplation of which I had formerly indulged myfelf. I began to perceive there was no arriving at perfection in any art, or knowledge or. eminence in any station, but by gradual and almost imperceptible degrees: my paffion was violent, I faw no pro


bable means of obtaining a fortune inftantaneously, nor of gaining the woman I loved without one. The father of Mrs. Egerton fufpected our love, which was mutual; and hinted, in an oblique manner, that he did not wish to fee me any more at his house. After turning every kind of scheme in my mind, I concluded that the most expeditious way of becoming wealthy, would be by going into the fervice of the East India Company; which, after confulting with Mrs. Egerton, and having changed reiterated promifes of fidelity, I refolved to do.

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to be prudent and affiduous, yet while. I feel I have many weakneffes myself, I truft I fhall always have philanthropy, enough to look with an eye of pity on. thofe of others, though I neither wish to encourage theirs nor my own.

We are always apt enough to in-, dulge hopes of fuccefs when we with it. I could not fummon up the courage to wait on Mrs. Egerton's father, and explain my felf to him in perfon.. I knew my fortune, though in this its improved ftate, was by no means equal to what he had a right to expect from the husband of his daughter. But as my family was refpectable, and as I had ufed fuch efforts to make myself more worthy, 1 fuppofed it poffible, when these things were enumerated, that they might have fome influence on the mind of the old gentleman. for which reafon I refolved to write to him, and tell him what I had done for his daughter's fake, and what I would do if he would but permit her to be mine. I did fo, and foon received for answer the painful mortification of a pofitive refufal, which threw me into a state of defpair that had like to have proved fatal to me. An accident, however, accomplished that which all my former efforts had failed to do. I received intelligence from Mrs. Egerton that her father was going into the country, under the pretence of taking her to enjoy the beauties of the fpring, but in reality to keep her from the fight of me. I no fooner heard this, but I refolved to ride after them at a distance, to follow them down, and to difguife myfelf and live in the neighbourhood while they should remain there. It was fortunate for her father that I did fo. I communicated my fcheme to Mrs. Egerton, and though the diffuaded me from putting it in practice, it was in a way that fhewed the but half difapproved my intention. I therefore executed my plan, by taking the dress of an ordinary tradesman, hiring a lodging in the neighbourhood, and pretending I was ordered by the physicians to live fome time in the country for a change of air, as being apprehenfive of falling into a confumption; and, as

My family connections, and the money I could command to begin with, gave the means of going out in a refpectable light: and I embarked, though with an aching heart, not without hopes of returning to enjoy the fruits of my induftry and love. I was abroad about three years, during which time I gained a confiderable fund of worldly knowledge, and an infight into the ways, , motives, and manners of men. The facts were fome of them not very much to their honour, but they taught me to think more confiftently. I do not mean by this to cenfure the men of the world univerfally: there are many, within my own knowledge, of the ftricteft probity; but thefe, I have ob ferved, never, unlefs by fome accident, become fuddenly rich. For my own part, I made but moderate advances; and this flow progress, with the letters I received from Mrs. Egerton, and the continual anxiety of fo long an abfence, made me refolve to return. When I arrived in England, I found I had a legacy left me by a relation. This, added to my little ftock, made, in the whole, almost eleven thoufand pounds; for I had been as ftrict an economist, while in India, as the natural warmth of my temper would permit me to be: but there are weak, indolent, and unfortunate men in all places, that must ever be a tax on the more induftrious and fuccefsful, who have fome pity, fome generofity, and no exceffive degree of felfishness, among which number I hope I fhall always remain; for though it is incumbent on every man

ill-health always attends any extraordinary agitation of the mind, I had a temporary palenefs and dejection that made this pretext very plaufible. I had given Mrs. Egerton fo many proofs of the purity of my intentions, and the ftrict honour by which I was actuated, that I had prevailed on her, while in town, to admit me to converfe with her, in the prefence of her maid, in an evening, when her father was gone to reft; and this, in confequence of the preffing earneftnefs of my folicitations, was repeated in the country. One evening, about midnight, when the whole houfe, except Mrs Egerton and her maid, was gone to bed, and every thing was ftill and filent, as we were fitting indulging our melancholy, and renewing those proteftations of conftancy which lovers never think can be often enough repeated, we heard a noife over our heads, in the chamber where her father flept, as of perfons walking without their fhoes. We were all alarmed, Mrs. Egerton particularly; who exclaimed, "Good God! there is fomebody in my father's room, going to murder

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perhaps." We listened, and fently heard perfons speaking in a low voice, who were answered by the old gentleman; this was almoft immediately fucceeded by a noife of ftruggling, and the father's begging for God's fake that they would fpare his life. I inftantly fnatched up the poker and the candle, flew up ftairs, and burft open the door, where I beheld the old gentleman gafping for breath, beneath two villains who were endeavouring to ftrangle him. My appearance was fo fudden, and the force of guilt fo ftrong, that I made an eafy conqueft. The houfe was inftantly alarmed by the cries of Mrs. Egerton and her maid, and the fervants coming to my affiftance, the affaffins were bound and fecured. It appeared they were diffolute fellows in the neighbourhood. They had crept into the house, concealed themselves under the bed, waited till they fuppofed every body gone to reft, and then, after having obliged the old gentleman to deliver his keys,

endeavoured to ftrangle him, left he fhould wake his fervants, before they could accomplish their purpose. The horror of the attempt made fo strong an impreffion upon his mind, that when he came to himself, and faw his deliverer, he wept, embraced me, clafped my hand, bleffed me, called me his fon, his best fon, his preferver, and feemed delighted that he could, in fome measure, beftow a recompence for the fervice I had done him by giving me his daughter.

You may eafily imagine the temporary flow of happiness that fucceeded; it was all rapture, love, gratitude, thanks, acknowledgments, and congratulations. But thefe violent delights cannot long exift; they have too often, as Shakespeare expreffes it, violent ends*. This, however, happily, has not been my cafe: they have fubfided into a calm and temperate tranquillity. New fcenes opened upon me. I became a father; when the anxieties of a parent, with the experience I had had, foon made me regard my former vifionary fchemes in a more fober and rational light. It is true, they left a warm glow upon my mind, that has always kept it alive to certain sensations, which those who have once poffeffed never with entirely to lose. It has enlarged my ideas, and given me a habit of extending my views to objects that, with fome people, are out of fight. I encourage the effufions of fancy, I remember the agreeable dreams of my youth with pleasure, and fome of them I have realized.

'One of my chief cares has been the education of my children. I can never forget the strong impreffion reading made upon me, when very young. This, I am convinced, may be turned to the greatest advantage, by thofe who have the care of youth. Moral tales, well told, in which the good and ill effects of the paffions are confpicuous, have a greater influence over the conduct of the youthful mind, and will do more in the improvement of the heart, than punishment or advice can ever effect. We are the creatures of imitation, and our most prevalent paffion is * Romeo and Juliet.


vanity. This is the rein by which the kilful inftructor fhould guide his pupil. Till a certain age, fear and correction fhould have their influence; after that, praife and example will be moft prevalent. This, at leaft, is my opinion. For this reafon, I have adopted the method I ufe at prefent. I have formed a reading-fociety among my own family. My children affemble every day in the library. Hiftory and biography are the great refources, as thefe furnish continual and real examples of the effects of the paffions; to thefe are added, fuch tales of fiction as I think well calculated to point out the good or ill confequences of particular virtues and vices. It has been a conftant fource of delight to me, to obferve the progrefs of the mind, and the natural propenfity of the human heart to rectitude and virtue. I have five children, three boys and two girls, the eldest is nineteen, and the youngest eight. They have all been educated at home, becaufe I have been afraid of their contracting the bad habits of their companions, had I fent them to fchools. I am fenfible this mode of education has its difadvantages, but as it has been the bufinefs and the delight of myself and Mrs. Egerton, to apply ourselves to this, and this only, and as we have been fortunate in finding men of genius to affift us in the task, I am inclined to fuppofe we have avoid ed many of the inconveniences, and fapplied fome of the defects.

There is one thing we have been particularly attentive to, which is, candour. We have always fpoken our fentiments with fimplicity and fincerity. We have never difguifed our meaning by endeavouring to deceive a child into virtue; for we believe all deceit to have a dangerous tendency. We have encouraged truth and opennefs, and taken every poffible precaution to detect, punish, and expofe, the contrary. We have talked to our children rather as friends than mafters, and have become their confidants; for as we have never expected perfection, but have been always ready to forgive errors that have been ingenuoufly con

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feffed, prevarication and falfhood, after a certain age, have feldom been attempted by our pupils. It is in confequence of fuch methods, that our little fociety has acquired an air of freedom and fimplicity, that cannot exift where artifice is not defpifed. There is a natural averfion in the mind to confefs its foibles. Vanity is continually intent upon drawing comparifons in its own favour, and this principle is infeparable from humanity. To correct it, to make the mind open to conviction, and willing to obferve and detect its real motives, is peculiarly the duty of teachers. Eftimable as fcientific knowledge is, this knowledge is far more estimable, becausė. upon this depends our happiness, and the execution of all the focial duties.

Our family meet every evening (except interrupted by being visited, or going to vifit) in the library; which is very commodiously adapted for either a fummer or a winter room, There are folding doors that open to the park. In the front is an extenfive and variegated landscape, which includes fome. of the most beautiful fcenery that this part of England affords. On the right is a ftupendous craggy rock, that projects from the fide of a high mountain, both of which are feen over a very spacious foreft. Thefe form a delightful contraft to the fresh verdure, the water, the cattle, and other paftoral fubjects immediately in fight. On the left is the pleasure-garden, the fhrubbery, and the nurfery. The fcene is fo capacious, and prefents itfelf in fuch a variety of forms, and with fuch a profufion of objects, which the alteration of the feafons, and other accidental caufes are continually diverfifying, that the eye, is never tired. When the weather permits the doors are thrown open; when it is very fine we fit on the outfide, and enjoy the funfhine or cool fhade, as circumftances invite; in winter the room is fufficiently warm for the fea fon, and we still enjoy the fatisfaction of contemplating nature, amidft hoar frofts, fnows, clouds, ftorms, and all the magnificence of her diftréfs.'



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HERE is my love! (pale Mary cried,
Her tender brain distraught with for-

Where is my love! fo late the pride,
So late the blooming pride of Yarrow!

Tell him, my fond, my aching heart,

To him was true, was conftant ever: Oh, let us meet! no more shall art,

No more fhall envy, make us fever!

Tell him, the falfe deceiver came,
With many a well-concerted story:
That Connal blafted Mary's fame;

Her fame, the tender virgin's glory!
Tell him-But, ah! mistaken maid!

Who fhall speak peace to the departed?
Or who shall foothe the fleeting shade
Of a fond lover broken-hearted?
Ye kind companions of my woe,
Whose tender bofoms melt with forrow,
Lead me where Connal lies fo low:

Perhaps, distracting thought! to-morrow
My eye might wander o'er that face,
Which now midft thousands 'twould discover,
And memory refuse to trace

The features of my injur'd lover!

Ah, me! is that the youthful cheek

Where health and beauty late were glowing? Is that the eye which fhone fo meek;

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The lip from which foft founds were flowing?

Oh! yet if near this fatal tide,

Too kind and too deferving lover;

If here, where truth, where honour died,
Thy tender fpirit loves to hover;

To Mary's agonizing heart,

With penitence and forrow breaking, Guide, quickly guide! the icy dart,

That death is, yet at diftance, shaking!

And at this spot, ye weeping fair,

Sweet flowers and fweeter tears bestowing, Still dread your firft vows to forfwear,

And here let every sweet be blowing!

The kindly tear refus'd to flow,

Nor longer did the maiden languish; Befide her lover, cold and low,

She funk, at once, opprefs'd with anguish.

There, on her Connal's early grave,

Who fell by false detraction's arrow,

Silent the fleeps, befide the wave,
The melancholy wave of Yarrow!

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HILE war's fierce standards wave upon
the plain,

Oft do our virgins mourn a lover flain;
Oft the fond bride her husband's death deplore,
And parents part with fons, to meet no more.
Ye hapless train, who have these forrows known,
In hearing Laura's woes, forget your own;
Lament the fate, the matchlefs truth re
Of Laura bleeding on her lover's bier.
Ye British youths, pour the lamenting train
O'er Henry, in the caufe of Britain flain.

Where Sol's fierce rays through fhady vallies

And gentle Iber rolls his filver ftream,
There liv'd a gentle maid, unknown to fame,
In beauty rich, and Laura was her name.
All-bounteous Heaven had adorn'd her mind
With ev'ry charm that captivates mankind;
Virtue in her fair breast had fix'd her throne,
And Wisdom call'd the blooming maid her own.
Amid the youths who figh'd at Laura's feet,
Would Henry oft his love-fick tale repeat;
By manly charms diftinguish'd from the reft;
The first in power, as in worth, confefs'd.
Laura, whofe noble mind fhunn'd all difguife,
Check'd not the melting softness in her eyes,
And scorn'd o'er a fond heart to tyrannize.
She fix'd the day, she nam'd the happy hour,
When he should lead her to the nuptial bower.
'Tis vain with the decrees of Heaven to strive;
That hour, 'twas fated, never should arrive!
For while the maids prepare the choral lay,
And rural fports, to celebrate the day;
While Henry, panting for his Laura's charms,
Expects the morn that gives her to his arms;
And Laura, with sweet virgin modefty,
Shuns the triumphant gaze of Henry's eye;
Ah, lucklefs pair! fee, each fond with is loft;
The treach'rous Frenchmen land on Jersey's coaft!
With fire and fword our hated foes invade
The foft recefs of Jerfey's peaceful fhade;
Like lions, rush at midnight on their
Whilft rape and murder mark their ruthless way.
At length young Henry led a chosen train,
To oppofe the wild invaders on the plain;
His martial ardour fired every breaft;
The lover and the foldier fhine confefs'd.

On, on, my friends! (he cried) maintain your

For honour, love, and liberty, we fight!→→→
On every fide the trembling cowards fly,
And leave the field to us and victory.

But Henry fell a bleeding facrifice,

And in his country's quarrel nobly dies.
His comrades, weeping, place him on a bier,
And to his aged fire the hero bear.

* See the beautiful Poem of Connal and Mary, in Mr. Harrifon's Collection, Vol. IV. p. 385. VOL. III.


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