ePub 版
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It has been announced by the Corresponding Secretary of the Baptist General Convention, that "the Board of Managers, impressed with the conviction that the American Baptist Magazine ought to present to the Churches and to the public, not only missionary intelligence, but also other’articles adapted to promote the interests of Christian truth and piety, have appointed" the undersigned "to edit the work, except the part which is to contain missionary and religious intelligence; and this part has been committed to the particular charge of Mr. E. Lincoln, of Boston.” In the same announcement the hope has been expressed, "that a vigorous effort will now be made to increase the number of subscribers; and that all our brethren and friends will feel the importance of contributing their aid, and co-operating to sustain the common cause.

In this way, many of the benefits which might have arisen from the Repository and Christian Review, may be secured in addition to those arising from the regular organ of the Board for communicating intelligence from all our missions."

After this statement, it may be proper to remark, that circumstances beyond our control, suspended the publication of the Repository and Christian Review; circumstances which it is not necessary to mention, but which released us entirely from any obligation to proceed. And we are happy to add, they were circumstances which permit us yet to hope that the good sense of our Denomination, when properly addressed, will not reject the advantages of a publication possessing substantially the same character as the one which was proposed, however its form may be modified. Especially do we hope this in reference to the American Baptist Magazine.


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