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Jare of the gods- Hindoo, Scandinavian, and
Hellenic !

"I have been thinking of a story, grafted on the amours of a Peri and a mortal-something like, "P. S. 2d. There is an exellent review of Grimm's only more philanthropical, than Cazotte's Diabl Correspondence and Made. de Staël in this No. of Amoreaux. It would require a good deal of poes;; the Edinburgh Review. * and tenderness is not my forte. For that, and othe Jeffrey, himself, was my critic last year; but this reasons, I have given up the idea, and merely is. I believe, by another hand. I hope you are going suggest it to you be 'ause, in intervals of you on with your grand coup-pray do-or that damned greater work, I think it a subject you might make Lucien Bonaparte will beat us all. I have seen much of. If you want any more books, there is much of his poem in MS. and he really surpasses 'Castellan's Mours des Ottomans,' the best com every thing beneath Tasso. Hodgson is translating pendium of the kind I ever met with, in six small him against another bard. You and (I believe, tomes. I am really taking a liberty by taiking in Rogers) Scott, Gifford, and myself, are to be re- this style to my elders and my betters; pardon ferred to as judges between the twain; that is, if you it, and don't Rochefoucault my motives. accept the office.

Conceive our different opinions!

I think we, most of us (I am talking very impudently, you will think-us, indeed!) have a way of our own, at least, you and Scott certainly have."




"August-September, I mean-1, 1873

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"Aug. 28, 1813.

"I send you, begging your acceptance, Castellan, three vols. on Turkish Literature, not yet looked 'Ay, my dear Moore, 'there was a time'-I have into. The last I will thank you to read, extract neard of your tricks when you was campaigning what you want, and return in a week, as they are at the king of Bohemy.' I am much mistaken if, lent to me by the brightest of northern constella some fine Lond `n spring, about the year 1815, that tions, Mackintosh,-among many other kind things time does not come again. After all we must end into which India has warmed him, for I am sure in marriage; and I can conceive nothing more de- your home Scotsman is of a less genial description. lightful than such a state in the country, reading "Your Peri, my dear M., is sacred and inviolable; the county newspaper, &c., and kissing one's wife's I have no idea of touching the hem of her petticoat, maid. Seriously, I would incorporate with any Your affectation of a dislike to encounter me is so woman of decent demeanor to-morrow-that is, I flattering, that I begin to think myself a very fine would a month ago, but, at present, * *.fellow. But you are laughing at me-stap my "Why don't you, parody that Ode?'*-Do you vitals, Tam! thou art a very impudent person;" think I should be tetchy? or have you done it, and and, if you are not laughing at me, you deserve to won't tell me?-You are quite right, about Giam- be laughed at. Seriously, what on earth can you, ot schid, and I have reduced it to a dissyllable within have you, to dread from any poetical flesh breaththis half-hour. I am glad to hear you talk of ing? It really puts me out of humor to hear you Richardson, because it tells me what you won't-talk thus.

that you are going to beat Lucien. At least, tell "The Giaour I have added to a good deal; but me how far you have proceeded. Do you think me still in foolish fragments. It contains about twelve less interested about your works, or less sincere hundred lines, or rather more-now printing. You than our friend Ruggiero? I am not and never will allow me to send you a copy. You delight me



In that thing of mine, the 'English Bards,' much by telling me that I am in your good graces, at the time when I was angry with all the world, I and more particularly as to temper; for, unluckily, neverdisparaged your parts,' although I did not I have the reputation of a very bad one. know you personally; and have always regretted that they say the devil is amusing when pleased, and I you don't give us an entire work, and not sprinkle must have been more venomous than the old seryourself in detatched pieces-beautiful, I allow, and pent, to have hissed or stung in your company. It quite alone in our language, but still giving us a may be, and would appear to a third person, an inright to expect a Shah Nameh (is that the name ?) credible thing, but I know you will believe me when as well as Gazels. Stick to the East; the oracle, I say that I am as anxious for your success as one Staël, told me it was the only poetical policy. The human being can be for another's,-as much as il North, South, and West, have all been exhausted; I had never scribbled a line. Surely the field of fame but from the East, we have nothing but Southey's is wide enough for all; and if it were not, I would unsaleables, and these he has contrived to spoil, not willingly rob my neighbor of a rood of it. Now by adopting only their most outrageous fictions. you have a pretty property of some thousand acres His personages don't interest us, and yours will. there, and when you have passed your present EnYou will have no competitor; and if you had, you closure Bill, your income will be doubled (there's a ought to be glad of it. The little I have done in metaphor, worthy of a Templar, namely, pert and that way is merely a voice in the wilderness' for low,) while my wild common is too remote to incom you; and, if it has had any success, that also will mode you, and quite incapable of such fertility. I prove that the public are orientalizing, and pave the send you (which return per post, as the printer path for you. would say) a curious letter from a friend of mine

The Ode of Horace,

"Natia in usum lætitiæ," &c.,

some passages of which Mr. Moore told him might be parodied, in allusion o some of his late adventures:

"Quanta laboras in Charybdi!

Digne puer mellore flamma!"

In his firet edition of the Giaour he had used this word as a trisyllable, Bright as the gem of Giamschid,"-but on Mr. Moore's remarking to him, pon the authority of Richardson's Persian Dictionary, that this was incorrect, e entered it to "Bright as the ruby of Giamschid." On seeing this, how cver, Mr. M. wrote to him, "that, as the comparison of his heroine's eye to ruby' might uulnckily call up the idea of its being bloodshot, he had setter change e line to Bright as the jewel of Giamachid;'"-which he ordingly did a the following edition

"Albany, Monday, Aug. 31, 1811

• See Heaven and Earth, page 248. The following letter of Lord Sligo.— "My Dear Byron, "You have requested me to tell you all that I heard at Athens whom the affair of that girl who was so near being put an end to while you were there; you have asked me to mention every circumstance, in the remetest degre lating to it, which I heard. In compliance with your wishes, i write to fa all I heard, and I cannot imagine it to be very far from the face, as the ci cumst ince happened only a day or two before I arrived at Athors, and com sequently was a matter of common conversation at the time.

"The new governor, unaccustomed to have the same intercourer with as Christians as his predecessor, had, of course, the barbarous Turkish ideas ed regard to wemen. In consequence and in compliance with the

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"You need not tie yourself down to a day with Toderini, but send him at your leisure, having anatomized him into such anrotations as you want; I do not believe he has ever undergone that process before, which is the best reason for not sparing him





"Sept. 8, 1813.

"I am sorry to see Tod again, so soon, for feat your scrupulous conscience should have prevented you from fully availing yourself of his spoils. By this coach I send you a copy of that awful pamphlet. the Giaour,' which has never procured me half so high a compliment as your modest alarm. You will Rogers has returned to town, but not yet recov- (if inclined in an evening), perceive that I have ered of the Quarterly. What fellows these review-added much in quantity,-a circumstance which urs are! these bugs do fear us all.' They made may truly diminish your modesty upon the subject. you fight, and me (the milkiest of men) a satirist, You stand certainly in great need of a 'lift' and will end by making Rogers madder than Ajax. with Mackintosh. My dear Moore, you strangely I have been reading Memory' again, the other day, and 'Hope' together, and retain all my preference of the former. His elegance is really wonderful There is no such thing as a vulgar line in his book.


underrate yourself. I should conceive it an affectation in any other; but I think I know you well enough to believe that you don't know your own value. However, 'tis a fault that generally mends; and, in your case, it really ought. I have heard him speak of you as highly as your wife could wish. and enough to give all your friends the jaundice.

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"What say you to Bonaparte? Remember, I back him against the field, barring Catalepsy and the elements. Nay, I almost wish him success "Yesterday I had a letter from Ali Pacha. against all countries but this,-were it only to choke brought by Dr. Holland, who is just returned from the Morning Post, and his undutiful father-in-law, Albania. It is in Latin, and begins Excellentiswith that rebellious bastard of Scandinavian adop- sime, nec non Carissime,' and ends about a gun he tion, Bernadotte. Rogers wants me to go with him wants made for him; it is signed Ali Vizir.' on a crusade to the Lakes, and to beseige you on our What do you think he has been about? H. tells This last is a great temptation, but I fear it me that, last spring, he took a hostile town, where, will not be in my power, unless you would go on forty-two years ago, his mother and sisters were with one of us somewhere-no matter where. It is treated as Miss Cunigunde was by the Bulgarian too late for Matlock, but we might hit upon some cavalry. He takes the town, selects all the surviv scheme, high life or low, the last would be much ors of this exploit-children, grandchildren, &c., tu the best for amusemen.t. I am so sick of the other, the tune of six hundred, aud has them shot before that I quite sigh for a cider-cellar, or a cruise in a his face. Recollect, he spared the rest of the city, sinuggler's sloop. and confined himself to the Tarquin pedigree,which is more than I would. So much for deares friend.'"'

"You cannot wish more than I do that the Fates were a little more accommodating to our parallel lines, which prolong ad infinitum without coming jot the nearer. I almost wish I were married too, which is saying much. All my friends, seniors and juniors, are in for it, and ask me to be godfather,the only species of parentage which, I believe, will ever come to my share in a lawful way; and, in an unlawful one, by the blessing of Lucina, we can never be certain,-though the parish may. I sup



"Sept. 9, 1815.

"I write to you from Murray's, and I may say, from Murray, who, if you are not predisposed in of the Mahommedan law, he ordered the girl to be sewed up in a sack, and favor of any other publisher, would be happy to thrown into the sea,-as is, indeed, quite customary at Constantinople. As treat with you, at a fitting time, for your work. I you were returning from bathing in the Pirrus, you met the procession going can safely recommend him, as fair, liberal, and atdown to execute the sentence of the Waywoda on this unfortunate girl. Re- tentive, and certainly, in point of reputation, he port continues to say, that on finding what the object of their journey was, stands among the first of the trade.' I am sure and who was the miserable sufferer, you immediately interfered; and on he would do you justice. I have written to you so some delay in cheying your orders, you were obliged to inform the leader of much lately that you will be glad to see so little You drew a pistol, and told him, that if he did not immediately obey your now. Ever, &c., &c." orders, and come back with you to the Aga's house, you would shoot him dead. On this, the man turned about and went with you to the governor's house; here you succeeded, partly by personal threats, and partly by bribery and entreaty, to procure her pardon on condition of her leaving Athens. 1 was told that you then conveyed her in safety to the convent, and despatched ber off at night to Thebes, where she found a safe asylum. Such is the story I heard, as nearly as I can recollect it at present. Should you wish to ask me any further questions about it, I shall be very ready and willing to answer them. "I remain, my dear Byron,

the escort that force should make him comply;-that, on farther hesitation,

"Yours, very sincerely,



"Sept. 27, 1813.

"THOMAS MOORE, "(Thou wilt never be called true Thomas,' like "I am afraid you will hardly be able to read this scrawl; but I arr, hur he of Ercildoune,) why don't you write to me?-as you won't, I must. I was near you at Aston the


vied with the preparations for my journey, that you must excuse it."

other day and hope I soon shall be again. If so,| "Saturday morn.-Your letter has cancelled a you must and shall meet me, and go to Matlock and my anxieties. I did not suspect you in earnest, Elsewhere, and, take what, in flash dialect, is poeti- Modest again! Because I don't do a very shabby cally termed a lark,' with Rogers and me for ac- thing, it seems, I don't fear your competition. L complices. Yesterday, at Holland House, I was it were reduced to an alternative or preference, ! introduced to Southey the best looking bard I have should dread you, as much as Satan does Michael. seen for some time. To have that poet's head and But is there not room enough in ou respective shoulders, I would almost have written his Sapphics. regions? Go on-it will soon be my turn to forgive He is certainly a prepossessing person to look on, To-day I dine with Mackintosh and Mrs. Stale-38 and a man of talent, and all that, and-there is his John Bull mey be pleased to denominate Corinne eulogy. whom I saw last night, at Covent Garden, yawning read me part of a letter from you. By the over the humor of Falstaff. foot of Pharoah, I believe there was abuse, for he "The reputation of gloom,' if one's friends are stopped short, so he did, after a fine saying about not included in the reputants, is of great service; our correspondence, and looked-I wish I could re- as it saves one from a legion of impertinents, in the venge myself by attacking you, or by telling you shape of common-place acquaintance. But tho that I have had to defend you an agreeable way knowest I can be a right merry and conceited telwhich one's friends have of recommending them-low, and rarely larmoyant. Murray shall reinstate selves, by saying, Ay, ay, I gave it Mr. Such-a- your line forthwith. I believe the blunder in the one for what he said about your being a plagiary, motto was mine; and yet I have, in general, a and a rake, and so on.' But do you know that you memory for you, and am sure it was rightly printed are one of the very few whom I never have the satis- at first. faction of hearing abused, but the reverse ;-and do you suppose I will forgive that?

"I do blush' very often, if I may believe Ladies H. and M.-but luckily at present, no one sees me. Adieu."



"Nov. 30, 1813.

"I have been in the country, and ran away from the Doncaster races. It is odd,-I was a visitor in the same house which came to my sire as a residence with Lady Carmarthen (with whom he adulterated before his majority-by-the-by, remember, she was not my mamma)-and they thrust me into an old room, with a nauseous picture over the chimney, which I should suppose my papa regarded with due respect, and which, inheriting the family "Since I last wrote to you, much has occurred, taste, I looked upon with great satisfaction. Igood, bad, and indifferent,-not to make me forget stayed a week with the family, and behaved very you, but to prevent me from reminding you of one well-though the lady of the house is young, and who, nevertheless, has often thought of you, and to religious, and pretty, and the master is my particu- whom your thoughts, in many a measure, have fre lar friend. I felt no wish for any thing but a poodle quently been a consolation. dog, which they kindly gave me. Now, for a man near neighbors this autumn; and a good and tod of my course, not even to have coveted is a sign of neighborhood it has proved to me. Suffice it to say, great amendment. Pray pardon all this nonsense, that your French quotation was confoundedly to the and don't snub me when I'm in spirits.' purpose, though very unexpectedly pertinent, a you may imagine by what I said before, and my silence since. However, Richard's himself again,' and, except all night and some part of the morning, I don't think very much about the matter.

"Ever yours, "BN." "Here's an impromptu for you by a person of quality,' written last week, on being reproached for Low spirits.

"When from the heart where sorrow sits,* &c.



"October 2, 1813.

We were once vert

"All convulsions end with me in rhyme; and to solace my midnights, I have scribbled another Turk ish story+-not a Fragment-which you will receive

• The motto to the Giaour, which is taken from one of the Irish Melad had been quoted by him incorrectly in the first editions of the Poema He made afterward a similar mistake in the lines from Burne prefixed to the Bride of Abydos.

↑ The Bride of Abydos. To this poem he made additions, in the course al

lines, "Know ye the land," &c.,supposed to have been suggested to hom
by a song of Goethe's,-were among the number of these new inn,
&c. Having at first written the line in stanza vi.,

were also those veraes, "Who hath not proved how feebly worda sauny,

"You have not answered some six letters of printing, amounting altogether to near two hundred lines; and the opening mine. This, therefore, is my penultimate. I will write to you once more, but after that-I swear by all the saints-I am silent and supercilious. I have met Curran at Holland Housef-he beats every body;-his imagination is beyond human, and his humor (it is difficult to define what is wit) perfect. he afterward altered it to— Then he has fifty faces, and twice as many voices, when he mimics;-I never met his equal. Now,

"Mind on her lip and music in her face,"

"The mind of music breathing in her face,"

were I a woman, and eke a virgin, that is the man But, this not satisfying him, the next step of correction trough the ve I should make my Scamander. He is quite fasci- what it is at presentrating. Remember, I have met him but once; and

"The mind, the music breathing from her face."

you, who have known him long, may probably de- The whole passage which followe

duct from my panegyric. I almost fear to meet him again, lest the impressien should be lowered.

"Thou, my Zuleika, share and bless my bark,**

The line." And tints to-morrow with prophetic ray," was originally an airy

"And tints to-morrow with a fancied ray,"

He talked a great deal about you-a theme never was sent in successive scraps to the printer, correction following corrective tiresome to me, nor any body else that I know. What a variety of expression he conjures into that naturally not very fine countenance of his! He bsolutely changes it entirely. I have done for can't describe him, and you know him. On Sunday I return to ✶ ✶, where I shall not be far from you. Perhaps I shall hear from you in the mean time. Good night.

See Poems, p. 544.

+ See Memoranduma,

the following note being annexed:-" Mr. Murray,-Choose which of S
two epithets, fancied,' or airy,' may be the best; or, if nettherề m
tell me, and I will dream another," In the long passage just referred e
the six lines beginning "Blest as the Muezzin's strain," &c., having best

despatched to the printer too late for insertion, were, by his demure, mhbed a
an errata page; the first couplet, in its original form, being an fallows ;-
"Soft as the Mecca-Muezzin's strains jovite
ilim who hath journey'd far to join the rita."

"Believe me very truly and affectionately yours

soon after this. It does not trench upon your King-sterling talent and at the expense of some suffering. dom in the least, and, if it did, you would soon re- You have not, I trust, abandoned the poem you were auce me to my proper boundaries. You will think, composing, when Moore and I partook of your hos and justly, that I run some risk of losing the little pitality in the summer. I hope a time will come I have gained in fame, by this further experiment on when he and I may be able to repay you in kind for public patience; but I have really ceased to care on the latter-for the rhyme, at least in quantity, you that head. I have written this, and published it, for are in arrear to both. the sake of the employment,-to wring my thoughts from reality, and take refuge in imaginings,' however 'horrible;' and, as to success! those who succeed will console me for a failure-excepting yourself and one or two more, whom luckily I love too well to wish one leaf of their laurels a tint yellower. This is the work of a week, and will be the reading of an hour to you, or even less,-and so let it go

"P. S. Ward and I talk of going to Holland. I want to see how a Dutch canal looks, after the Bosphorus. Pray respond."




#4, Bennet street, Dec, 2, 1813.




"Dec. 8, 1913. "Your letter, like all the best, and even kindest, things in this world, is both painful and pleasing. But, first, to what sits nearest. Do you know I was actually about to dedicate to you,-not in a formal inscription, as to one's elders,-but through a short prefatory letter, in which I boasted myself your in timate, and held forth the prospect of your Poem, when, lo! the recollection of your strict injunctions of secrecy as to the said Poem, more than once re peated by word and letter, flashed upon me, and marred my intents. I could have no motive for repressing my own desire of alluding to you, (and not "Few things could be more welcome than your a day passes that I do not think and talk of you,) note, and on Saturday morning I will avail myself of but an idea that you might, yourself, dislike it. Yor your permission to thank you for it in person. My cannot doubt my sincere admiration, waiving pertime has not been passed, since we met, either profit-sonal friendship for the present, which, by-the-by, ably or agreeably. A very short period after my is not less sincere and deep-rooted. I have you by ast visit, an incident occurred, with which, I fear, rote and by heart; of which ecce signum!' When you are not unacquainted, as report, in many mouths was at, on my first visit, I have a habit, in and more than one paper, was busy with the topic. passing my time a good deal alone, of-I won't call Taat, naturally, gave me much uneasiness. Then it singing, for that I never attempt except to myself I nearly incurred a lawsuit on the sale of an estate; -but of uttering, to what I think tunes, your Oh but this is now arranged: next-but why should I breathe not,' When the last glimpse,' and When go on with a series of selfish and silly details? I he who adores thee,' with others of the same minmerely wish to assure you that it was not the frivo-strel ;-they are my matins and vespers. I assuredlous forgetfulness of a mind occupied by what is ly did not intend them to be overbeard, but, one called pleasure, (not in the true sense of Epicurus,) morning, in comes, not La Donna, but Il Marito, that kept me away; but a perception of my, then, with a very grave face, saying, 'Byron, I must reunfitness to share the society of those whom I value quest you won't sing any more, at least of those and wish not to displease. I hate being larmoyant, songs. I stared, and said, 'Certainly, but why?" and making a serious face among those who are -To tell you the truth,' quoth he, they make my wife cheerful. ery, and so melancholy, that I wish her to hear no more of them.'

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"It is my wish that our acquaintance, or, if you please to accept it, friendship, may be Now, my dear Moore, the effect must have been permanent. have been lucky enough to preserve some friends from your words, and certainly not my music. I from a very early period, and I hope, as I do not (at merely mention this foolish story, to show you how least now) select them lightly, I shall not lose them much I am indebted to you for even your pastimes. capriciously. I have a thorough esteem for that in-A man may praise and praise, but no one recollects dependence of spirit which you have maintained with but that which pleases-at least, in composition.

in a few hours after, another scrap was sent off, containing the lines thus-
"Blest as the Muezzin's strain from Mecca's dome,
Which welcomes Faith to view her Prophet's tomb,'

with the following note to Mr. Murray :—

"December 3, 1813. "Look out in the Encyclopedia, article Mecca, whether it is there or at Moa he Prophet is entombed. If at Medina, the first lines of my

ters to ust run

"Blest as the call which from Medina's dome

Invites Devotion to her Prophet's tomb, &c.

Though I think no one equal to you in that department, or in satire, and surely no one was ever so popular in both,-I certainly am of opinion that you have not yet done all you can do, though more than enough for any one else. I want, and the world expects, a longer work from you; and I see in you what I never saw in poet before, a strange diffidence of your own powers, which I cannot account for, and which must be unaccountable, when a Cossack like me can appal a cuirassier. Your story I did not, could not, know-I thought

If a Mecca, the lines may stand as before. Page 45, Canto 11., Bride of only of a Peri. I wish you had confided in me,



not for your sake, but mine, and to prevent the world from losing a much better poem than my "You will find this out either by article Mecca, Medina, or Mohammed. own, but which, I yet hope, this clashing will no

have no book of reference by me."


even now deprive them of. Mine is the work of a week, written, why I have partly told you, and "Did you look out? Is it Medina or Mecca that contains the Holy Sep partly I cannot tell you by letter-some day I will.

Inmediately after succeeded another note:

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"Go on-I shall really be very unhappy if I at all interfere with you. The success of mine is yet

Notwithstanding all these various changes, the couplet in question stands, problematical; though the public will probably

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being on the spot; and that rely amounts to
saving me the trouble of turning er books, which
I had better read again. If your chamber was
furnished in the same way, you have no need to go
there to describe-I mean only as to accuracy-be- "MY DEAR SIR,
cause I drew it from recollection.


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"Nev., 1812.

"I hope you will consider when I venture on a any request, that it is the reverse of a certain Dedica "This last thing of mine may have the same fate, tion, and is addressed not to The Editor of the and I assure you I have great doubts about it. But, Quarterly Review,' but to Mr. Gifford. You will even if not, its little day will be over before you are understand this, and on that point I need trouble ready and willing. Conie out-screw your courage you no farther.

to the sticking-place.' Except the Post Bag (and "You have been good enough to look at a thing surely you cannot complain of a want of success of mine in MS.-a Turkish story, and I should there), you have not been regularly out for some feel gratified if you would do it the same favor in its years. No man stands higher,-whatever you may probationary state of printing. It was written, 1 think on a rainy day, in your provincial retreat. cannot say for amusement, nor obliged by hunger 'Aucun homme, dans aucune langue, n'a, ete, and request of friends,' but in a state of mind. peut-être, plus complètement le poète du cœur et le from circumstances which occasionally occur to us poëte des femmes. Les critiques lui reprochent de youth,' that rendered it necessary for me to apply n'avoir representé le monde ni tel qu'il est, ni tel my mind to something, any thing but reality; and qu'il doit être; mais les femmes répondent qu'il l'a under this not very brilliant inspiration it was com represents tel qu'elles le désirent.-I should have posed. Being done, and having at least diverted thought Sismondi had written this for you instead me from myself, I thought you would not perhaps of Metastasio. be offended if Mr. Murray forwarded it to you. has done so, and to apologize for his doing so a second time is the object of my present letter.

"Write to me, and tell me of yourself. Do you remember what Rousseau said to some one Have we quarrelled? you have talked to me often, and never once mentioned yourself.'


I as

"I beg you will not send me any answer. sure you very sincerely I know your time to be you read; you are not to be bored with the fatigue occupied, and it is enough, more than enough, d of answers.

A word to Mr. Murary will be sufficient, and send

"P. S. The last sentence is an indirect apology for my own egotism,-but I believe in letters it is allowed. I wish it was mutual. I have met with an odd reflection in Grimm; it shall not-at least, it either to the flames, or the bad part,-be applied to you or me, though one of us has certainly an indifferent name-but this it is: Many people have the reputation of being wicked, with whom we should be too happy to pass our lives.' I need not add it is a woman's saying-of a week, and scribbled stans pede in un' (br It deserves no better than the first, as the work Mademoiselle de Sommery's."

A hundred hawkers' load,

Ou wings of winds to fly or fall abroad."

the-by, the only foot I have to stand on) and 1 promise never to trouble you again under forty cantos, and a voyage between each.

"Believe me ever

"Your obliged and affectionate servant,



"Dec. 4, 1813.



"Nov. 12, 1813.

"I have redde through your Persian Tales, and have taken the liberty of making some remarks on the blank pages. There are many beautiful passages, and an interesting story; and I cannot give you a stronger proof that such is my opinion than by the Sharpe) have advised me not to risk at present "Two friends of mine (Mr. Rogers and Mr date of the hour-two o'clock, till which it has kept any single publication separately, for various reame awake without a yawn. The conclusion is not sons. As they have not seen the one in question, quite correct in costume: there is no Mussulman they can have no bias for or against the merits (if suicide on record, at least for love. But this mat- it has any) or the faults of the present subject of ters not. The tale must have been written by some our conversation. You say all the last of the Giaone who has been on the spot, and I wish him, and our' are gone-at least out of your hands. Now, he deserves, success. Will you apologize to the if you think of publishing any new edition with the author for the liberties I have taken with his MS.? last additions which have not yet been before the Had I been less awake to, and interested in, his reader, (I mean distinct from the two-volume publi theme, I had been less obtrusive; but you know Ication,) we can add the Bride of Abydos, which always take this in good part, and I hope he will. will thus steal quietly into the world: if liked, we It is difficult to say what will succeed, and still can then throw off some copies for the purchasers more to pronounce what will not. I am at this of former Giaours; and, if not, I can omit it in moment in that uncertainty, (on our own score,) and any future publication. What think you? I really it is no small proof of the author's powers to be am no judge of those things, and with all my natable to charm and fix a mind's attention on similar ural partiality for one's own productions, I would subjects and climates in such a predicament. That rather follow any one's judgment than my own. he may have the same effect upon all his readers is very sincerely the wish, and hardly the doubt, of yours truly,

⚫ illerim, &c., by Mr. Knight


"P. S. Pray let me have the proofs I sent, all to-night. I have some alterations that I wish to make speedily. I hope the proof will be on separate pages, and not all huddled together on a milelong ballad-singing sheet, as those of the Giaour sometimes are; for then I can't read them distinctly."

The Bride of Abydos.

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