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HE Lord my Pafture fhall prepare,
And feed me with a Shepherd's Care;
His Prefence fhall my Wants fupply,
And guard me with a watchful Eye;
My Noon-day Walks he fhall attend,
And all my Midnight Hours defend.

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Though in the Paths of Death I tread,
With gloomy Horrors over-fpread;
My ftedfaft Heart fhall fear no Ill,
For thou, O Lord, art with me ftill:
Thy friendly Crook fhall give me Aid,
And guide me through the dreadful Shade.


Though in a bare and rugged Way,
Through devious lonely Wilds I ftray;
Thy Bounty fhall my Pains beguile,
The barren Wildernefs fhall fmile,
With fudden Greens and Herbage crown'd,
And Streams fhall murmur all around.





Clap your Hands with one Accord!

Praife with melodious Notes the Lord! 2. With Terror he the World commands: He only gives us Victory,


Under our Feet the Nations lie,
And Ifrael fhall divide their Lands.

4. Facob he loves, and will advance,
And fet out his Inheritance;
5. Ascending, he in Triumph fits:


With Trumpets to our King rejoice, With Understanding raife your Voice; 7. To his Commands the World fubmits.

8. Exalted on his facred Throne,

He o'er the Heathen reigns alone:
9. And now the Peoples Leaders yield,

With thofe of Abram's God to join;
Whose Glory rais'd on high, does fhine,
And guards the World as with a Shield.



By the fame.

LORD, let the King thy Judgments fhare,
And to his Son thy Wisdom give;

2. That under his judicious Care,

The People happily may live.

3. Then from the Mountains Peace fhall flow,

And Plenty from the Hills below.


4. The Low don't his Protection want, With Judgment he the Poor fecures : 5. God, their Oppreffors fhall fupplant;

Thy Fear, as Sun and Moon endures. 6. He, as the Dew on Grafs diftils,

As Rain the Earth, with Riches fills.

7. The Righteous fhall abound in Peace,
Until the Moon her Motion ends;
8. His large Dominions fhall increase,
As far as Sea or Land extends:
9. In him the Wildernefs fhall truft,
And all his Foes fhall lick the Duft.

10. Sheba and Seba, with their King

Of th' Islands, and Arabian Shore; 11. All Princes fhall their Prefents bring,

And the whole World this Prince adore : 12. To the Diftrefs'd his Aid appears, And when the Wretched cry, He hears.

13. The Needy he not only loves,

But fhews to them his faving Light; 14. From Fraud and Force he them removes, Their Blood is precious in his Sight:

15. To him who fhall for ever live,
Their Gold fhall the Sabeans give.

He first our fervent Pray'rs fhall hear,
And then our everlafting Praise:

16. The Mountains Corn and Trees fhall bear,
Such as proud Libanus does raife;
And his lov'd City he fhall blefs
With ever-flourishing Increase.

17. His bleffed Name fhall Time outlive,
His Glory fhall outfhine the Sun;
18. Then Ifrael Praife to him fhall give,
For all the Wonders he has done.
And all Mankind his Fame rehearse,
Whofe Glory fills the Universe.

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By the fame.

1. FROM Age to Age I will record
The Truth and Mercy of the Lord:
2. His Faithfulness as firmly ftands

As Heaven, establish'd by his Hands.

3. A Cov'nant he with David made,
And to his Chofen, fwearing, faid;
4. Thy Offspring fhall be blefs'd, thy Throne
Shall ftand for ever, like my own.

5. Angels thy heavenly Wonders fhow;
Thy Saints declare thy Works below.
6. Celeftial Pow'rs thy Subjects are,

Then what can Earth to Thee compare?

7. With Rev'rence all his Saints appear,
And round him ftand with awful Fear;
8. The Lord of Hofts with Strength abounds,
And Faithfulness his Throne furrounds.

9. Thy Breath with Rage the Sea does fill,
And at thy Word the Storms are still:
10. Thy Voice, like Death, has Rabab broke;
Thy Focs lie fcatter'd by thy Stroke.

11. Thy Bounty Heav'n and Earth did found,
From whence with Fulness they abound:
12. The North and South thy Hand did frame,
Tabor and Hermon praife thy Name:
13. Thy mighty Arm in Strength excels,
And Valour in thy right Hand dwells.

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14. THY Throne is fix'd on Judgment's Base, And Mercy ftands before thy Face:

15. Thrice happy they, thy Voice who hear, And by thy Law their Courses steer!

16. Exalted

16. Exalted in thy Righteousness,

They to thy Name their Pray'r addrefs; 17. Their Strength is by thy Glory born, Thy Favour fhall exalt their Horn.

18. We fafe in thy Protection dwell, Thou Holy One of Ifrael.

19. "Twas God, who in a Vifion faid,
I on the Mighty Help have laid.

20. David my Servant firft I chofe,
His Head my facred Oil o'erflows.
21. Firmly fupported by my Hand,
His Strength fhall conquer, and command.

22. His Enemies fhall ne'er prevail;
The Sons of Wickednefs fhall fail,
Caft down before his Face; and all
Who hate him, by my Plagues fhall fall.


24. Mercy and Faithfulness his Ways

Shall point, my Name his Horn fhall raife. 25. He o'er the Sea fhall ftretch his Hand, And mighty Rivers fhall command.

26. Me for his Father he fhall own,

His faving Rock; for he's my Son, 27. The First-born of my heav'nly Race; Above all Empires is his Place.

28. With him my Cov'nant fhall ftand faft, My Mercy fhall for ever laft.

29. His Seed for ever fhall endure, His Throne as Heav'n itself fecure.

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