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the Lord alone is Judge, and that from Him into them flow all things which they enjoin to the chastising and instructing spirits, and that it appears as if it was from them.

1739. In the earth Jupiter, spirits speak with man, but man in his turn does not speak with spirits, only these words when he is instructed, I will do so no more: nor is it allowed him to tell any one that a spirit has spoken with him, for if he does this, he is afterwards punished. — E. U. 64-75.

there are also some who call themselves saints, and who command their servants, of whom they wish to have great numbers, to give them the title of lords, threatening them with punishment if they omit it: they likewise forbid their servants to adore the Lord of the universe, saying that themselves are lords-mediators, and that they will present the supplications of others to the Lord of the universe. They call the Lord of the Universe, Who is our Lord, not only the Lord, as the rest do, but the supreme Lord, by reason that they call themselves also lords. The sun of the world they 1740. Besides the spirits above mentioned, there call the Face of the Supreme Lord, and believe are also spirits who suggest contrary persuasions; that His abode is there, wherefore they also these are they, who, during their abode in the adore the sun. The rest of the inhabitants hold world, were banished from the society of the rest them in aversion, and are unwilling to converse on account of their wickedness. What they say with them, as well because they adore the sun, as is directly contrary to the instructions which the because they call themselves lords, and are wor-instructor spirit gave from the angels, and is to shipped by their servants as mediatory gods. this purport, that they need not live according to 1735. It is common in the earth Jupiter for instruction, but according to their own will and spirits to discourse with the inhabitants, to instruct pleasure, without any check or restraint. They them, and also to chastise them if they have done generally make their approach as soon as the evil. The reason why spirits in that earth dis- former spirits are departed; but the men on that course with men is, because they think much about earth are aware who and what those spirits are, heaven and a life after death; and because respec- and therefore are unconcerned about them; nevertively they are little solicitous about the present theless they are taught hereby what is evil, and life; for they know that they shall live after their consequently what is good. E. U. 77. decease, and in a happy state according to the state of their internal man, formed in the world. 1736. As to what particularly concerns the presence of spirits with the inhabitants of Jupiter, there are some spirits who chastise, some who instruct, and some who rule over them. The spirits who chastise apply themselves to the left side, and incline themselves towards the back, and when they are there, they press forth from man's memory all that he has done or thought; for this is an easy thing to spirits, inasmuch as when they come to man, they enter into all his memory. If they find that he has done evil, or has thought | evil, they reprove him, and also chastise him by pain in the joints of his feet or hands, or about the region of the belly; this also spirits can effect with much dexterity when they are permitted; on the approach of such spirits to man, he is struck with horror attended with fear, and hence he is aware of their coming.

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1741. There are also spirits amongst those from the earth Jupiter, whom they call sweepers of chimneys, because they appear in like garments, and likewise with sooty faces; who they are, and what is their nature and quality, I shall also describe. One of these spirits came to me, and anxiously requested that I would intercede for him to be admitted into heaven; he said, that he was not conscious of having done any evil, only that he had reprimanded the inhabitants of his earth, and that after reprimanding, he instructed them: he applied himself to my left side, a little lower than the elbow, and spake as it were with a divided faith: he had also the power of exciting pity; but all I could say in reply was, that it was not in my power to help him, for that all help was from the Lord alone; nor could I intercede for him, because I did not know whether it was useful or not; but that if he was deserving, he might have hope: at that instant he was remanded back amongst some upright spirits from his own earth, but they said that he could not be in consort with them, because he differed in quality; still, however, he requested with an intense desire to be let into heaven, and in consequence thereof he was introduced to a society of upright spirits of this earth; but these also declared that he could not abide with them: he was likewise of a black color in the light of heaven; but he himself said that he was not a black color, but of a darkish brown. I was informed that they are such at first, who are afterwards received amongst those who constitute the province of the SEMINAL VESSELS in the GRAND MAN, or heaven; for in those vessels the semen is collected, and is encompassed 1738. It man, after chastisement and instruction, with a covering of suitable matter, fit to preserve again does evil, or thinks to do evil, and does not the prolific principle of the semen from being discheck himself by the precepts of truth, when the sipated, but which may be put off in the neck of chastising spirit returns he is punished more the uterus, that thus what is reserved within may severely; but the angelic spirits moderate the serve for conception or the impregnation of the punishment according to the intention in what was ovulum; hence also that seminal matter has a done, and according to the will principle in what strong tendency and as it were a burning desire to was thought. Hence it may appear, that their put itself off, and leave the semen to accomplish angels, who sit at the head, exercise a species of its end: somewhat similar to this appeared likejudicatory power over man, inasmuch as they per-wise in this spirit. He came again to me, in vile init, moderate, restrain, and operate by influx; but raiment, and again said, that he had a burning t was declared, that they do not judge, but that desire to be admitted into heaven, and that now

1737. The spirits who instruct, apply themselves also to the left side of the persons instructed, but more to the front; they reprove, likewise, but mildly, and presently teach them how they ought to live. When the instructing spirits are present, angelic spirits are present also, sitting close to the head, and filling it in a peculiar manner; their presence likewise is perceived there like a mild and gentle aspiration, for they are afraid of man's perceiving the least pain or anxiety from their approach and influx: they govern the chastising and instructing spirits, preventing the former from putting man to more pain than is permitted by the Lord, and prompting the latter to teach what is


he perceived himself to be qualified for that pur- those who are to die within a year, and that they pose; it was given me to tell him, that possibly instantly prepare themselves. The inhabitants of this was a token that he would shortly be admit- that earth do not fear death, except on this acted at that instant the angels called to him to count, that they leave their conjugial partner, their cast off his raiment, which he did immediately children, or parents, for they know that they shall with inconceivable quickness, from the vehemence live after death, and that in dying they do not quit of his desire; whereby was represented what is the life, because they go to heaven; wherefore they nature of their desires, who are in the province to do not call it dying, but being heaven-made. Such which the seminal vessels correspond. I was in- amongst them as have lived in true conjugial love, formed that such, when they are prepared for and have taken such care of their children as beheaven, are stripped of their own garments, and comes parents, do not die of diseases, but in tranare clothed with new shining raiment, and become quillity as in sleep; and thus they emigrate from angels. They are likened unto caterpillars, which the world to heaven. The age to which the inhaving passed through that vile state of their ex-habitants live, is, on an average, about thirty years, istence, are changed into nymphs, and thus into estimated according to years on our earth: it is butterflies, in which last state they are gifted with new clothing, and also with wings of various colors, as blue, yellow, silver, or golden; at the same time they have liberty to fly in the open air as in their heaven, and to celebrate their marriages, and to lay their eggs, and thus to provide for the propagation of their kind; and then also sweet and pleasant food is allotted them from the juices and odors of various flowers.

by the providence of the Lord that they die at so early an age, lest their numbers should increase beyond what that earth is capable of supporting; and whereas, when they have fulfilled those years, they do not suffer themselves to be guided by spirits and angels, like those who are not so far advanced in age, therefore spirits and angels seldom attend them when arrived at their thirtieth year; they come to maturity sooner than on our earth; even in the first flower of youth they connect themselves in marriage, and then it is their chief delight to love the partner of such connection, and to take care of their children; other delights they indeed call delights, but respectively external.-E. U. 79-84.

The Planet Saturn.

1742. Hitherto nothing has been said concerning the nature and quality of the angels who are from the earth Jupiter; for they who come to the men of their earth, and sit at the head, are not angels in their interior heaven, but are angelic spirits, or angels in their exterior heaven. Presently the angels of that earth approached, and it was given to perceive from their discourse that they differed altogether from the angels of our earth; for they did 1747. The spirits from the earth Saturn appear not discourse by verbal expressions, but by ideas in front at a considerable distance, beneath in the which diffused themselves through every part of my plane of the knees, where the earth itself is; and interiors: and hence also they had an influx into when the eye is opened to see thither, a multitude the face, so that the face concurred in every par- of spirits come into view who are all from that ticular, beginning from the lips and proceeding to-earth; they are seen on this part of that earth, wards the circumference in every direction.

1743. I afterwards discoursed with the angels concerning some extraordinary particulars on our earth, especially concerning the art of printing, concerning the Holy Word, and concerning the doctrinals of the Church derived from the Word; and I informed them, that the Word and the doctrinals of the Church were printed and published, and were thus learnt; they wondered exceedingly that things of such a nature could be made public by writing and printing.

1744. It was given to see how the spirits of that earth, when they are prepared, are taken up into heaven, and become angels; on such occasions there appear chariots and bright horses as of fire, by which they are carried away in like manner as Elias: the reason of this appearance of chariots and bright horses as of fire, is, because thus it is represented that they are instructed and prepared to enter heaven, inasmuch as chariots signify the doctrinals of the Church, and bright horses signify an enlightened understanding.

and to the right of it. It was given, also, to discourse with them, and thereby to discover their natures and qualities in respect to others; they are upright, and they are modest; and inasmuch as they esteem themselves little, therefore they also appear little in another life.

1748. In acts of divine worship they are exceedingly humble, for on such occasions they account themselves as nothing. They worship our Lord, and acknowledge Him as the only God: the Lord also appears to them at times under an Angelic Form, and thereby as a Man, and at such times the Divine [nature or principle] beams forth from the face and affects the mind. The inhabitants, also, when they arrive at a certain age, discourse with spirits, by whom they are instructed concerning the Lord, how He ought to be worshipped. and likewise how they ought to live. When any attempt is made to seduce the spirits who come from the earth Saturn, and to withdraw them from faith in the Lord, or from humiliation towards Him, and from uprightness of life, they say that they 1745. The heaven, into which they are carried would rather die; on such occasions there appear away, appears on the right to their earth, conse- in their hands little knives with which they seem quently separate from the heaven of the angels of desirous to strike their bosoms; on being questioned our earth. The angels who are in that heaven, why they do so, they say, that they would rather appear clothed in shining blue raiment, spotted die than be drawn aside from the Lord; the spirits with little stars of gold, and this by reason of their of our earth sometimes deride them on this achaving loved that color in the world, and having count, and infest them with reproaches; but their believed also that it was the very essential celestial color, and especially because they are principled in such good of love as that color corresponds to.

1746. There appeared to me a bald head, but only the upper part thereof, which was bony; and I was told, that such an appearance is seen by

reply is, that they are well aware they do not kill themselves, and that this is only an appearance flowing from their will principle, inclining them rather to die than to be withdrawn from the worship of the Lord.

1749. They said, that sometimes spirits from our earth come to them, and ask them what God

they worship; and that the answer they give them is, that they are out of their senses, and that there cannot be a greater proof of insanity than to ask what God any one worships, when there is but one only God for all in the universe to worship; and that they are still more beside themselves in this, that they do not acknowledge the Lord to be that one only God, and that He rules the universal heaven, and thereby the universal world; for Whosoever rules heaven rules also the world, inasmuch as the world is ruled by and through heaven.

1750. They said, that on their earth there are also some who call the nocturnal light, which is great, the Lord, but that they are separated from the rest, and are not tolerated by them. That nocturnal light comes from the great belt, which at a distance encompasses that earth, and from the moons which are called Saturn's satellites.

1751. They related further, that another kind of spirits, who go in companies, frequently come to them, desiring to know all particulars relative to their circumstances, and that by various methods they extract from them whatever they know; they observed concerning these spirits, that they were not beside themselves, only in this, that they desire to know so much for no other intent than to possess knowledge. They were afterwards instructed that these spirits were from the planet Mercury, or the earth nearest the sun, and that they are delighted with knowledges alone, and not so much with the uses thence derived.

1752. The inhabitants and spirits of the planet Saturn have relation, in the GRAND MAN, to the MIDDLE SENSE BETWEEN THE SPIRITUAL AND THE NATURAL MAN, but to that which recedes from the natural and accedes to the spiritual.

1753. I was further informed by the spirits of that earth respecting the consociations of the inhabitants, with several other particulars. They said, that they live divided into families, every family apart by itself; each family consisting of a man and his wife with their children; and that the children, when they enter the married state, are separated from the house, and have no further care about it; wherefore the spirits from that earth appear two and two: that they are little solicitous about food and raiment; that they feed on the fruits and pulse which their earth produces, and that they are clothed slightly, being encompassed with a coarse skin or coat, which repels the cold: moreover, that all on that earth know that they shall live after death; and that on this account also they make light of their bodies, only so far as regards that life, which they say is to remain and serve the Lord; it is for this reason likewise they do not bury the bodies of the dead, but cast them forth, and cover them with branches of forest trees. 1754. Being questioned concerning that great belt, which appears from our earth to rise above the horizon of that planet, and to vary its situations, they said, that it does not appear to them as a belt, but only as somewhat whitish like snow in the heaven in various directions.-E. U. 97-104.

changes; and that therefore angels and spirits may by such changes be apparently translated from one place to another, and from one earth to another, even to earths at the extreme boundaries of the universe. E. U. 125. (See also 775-789.)

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1756. At a time when I was broad awake, I was led as to the spirit by angels from the Lord to a certain earth in the universe, accompanied by some spirits from this orb; our progression was in a direction to the right, and continued for two hours. Near the boundary of our solar system there appeared first a whitish cloud, but thick; and behind it a fiery smoke ascending from a great chasm; it was a vast gulf separating, on that side, our solar system from some other systems of the starry heaven; the fiery smoke appeared at a considerable distance. I was conveyed through the midst of it, and instantly there appeared beneath in the chasm or gulf several men who were spirits (for spirits appear all in a human form, and are actually men); I also heard them discoursing with each other, but whence they were, or of what sort, it was not given me to know; one of them, however, told me that they were guards, to prevent spirits passing from this world to any other in the universe without having obtained leave. That such was the case, was also confirmed by this circumstance, that some spirits, who were in company, to whom it was not permitted to pass, when they came to that great gulf or interstice, began to cry out vehemently that they were lost and undone; for they were as persons struggling in the agonies of death, wherefore they halted on that side of the gulf, nor could they be conveyed further; for the fiery smoke exhaling from the gulf affected them powerfully with its influence, and thus put them to torture.

1757. After I was conveyed through that great chasm, I at length arrived at a place where I stopped; and immediately there appeared to me spirits from above, with whom it was given to discourse; from their discourse, and their particular manner of apprehending and explaining things, I clearly perceived that they were from another earth, for they differed altogether from the spirits of our solar system; they also perceived from my discourse that I came from afar.

1758. After discoursing for some time on various subjects, I asked what God they worshipped? They said, that they worshipped some angel, who appeared to them as a divine man, being bright and shining with light; and that he instructed them, and gave them to perceive what they ought to do. They said further, that they knew that the Most High God is in the Sun of the angelic heaven, and that He appears to His angel, and not to them; and that He is too great for them to dare to adore Him. The angel, whom they worshipped, was an angelic society, to which it was granted by the Lord to preside over them, and to teach them the way of what is just and right; therefore they have light from a kind of flame, which appears like a torch, fiery and yellow to a considerable degree; the reason is, because they do not adore the Lord, Earths of other Solar Systems. consequently they have not light from the Sun of 1755. He who is unacquainted with the arcana of the angelic heaven, but from an angelic society, heaven, cannot believe that man is capable of see- for an angelic society, when it is granted of the ing earths so remote, and of giving any account Lord, can exhibit such a light to spirits who are of them from sensible experience: but let such a in an inferior region. That angelic society was one know, that the spaces and distances, and con- also seen by me, and was on high above them; sequent progressions, which exist in the natural there was also seen the flaming principle whence world, are, in there origin and first cause, changes the light proceeded. of the state of interior things, and that with an- 1759. As to the rest of their character, they gels and spirits they appear according to such were modest, somewhat simple, but still under tal

erably good influence as to their thoughts. From the light which was amongst them might be concluded what was the nature and quality of their intellectual principle, for the intellect is according to the reception of the light which is in the heavens, inasmuch as Divine Truth, proceeding from the Lord as a Sun, is what shines there, and enables the angels not only to see but also to understand.

1760. I was instructed that the inhabitants and spirits of that earth, in the GRAND MAN, have relation to somewhat in the SPLEEN, in which I was confirmed by an influx into the spleen whilst they were discoursing with me.

1761. Being questioned concerning the sun of their system, which enlightens their earth, they said, that the sun there has a flaming appearance, and when I represented the size of the sun of our earth, they said, that theirs was less; for their sun to our eyes is a star, and I was told by the angels that it was one of the lesser stars. They said also, that from their earth is likewise seen the starry heaven, and that a star larger than the rest appears to them westward, which was declared from heaven to be our sun.

1762. After this my sight was opened, so that I could look in some degree upon their earth; and there appeared several green fields, and forests with trees in full foliage, and also fleecy sheep. Afterwards I saw some of the inhabitants, who were of the meaner class, clothed nearly like the country people in Europe. There was seen also a man with his wife; she appeared of handsome stature and a graceful mien, so likewise did the man; but what surprised me, he had a stately carriage, and a deportment which had a semblance of haughtiness, but the woman's deportment was humble: I was informed by the angels, that such is the fashion on that earth, and that the men, who are such, are beloved, because they are nevertheless well disposed. I was informed likewise, that it is not allowed them to have more wives than one, because it is contrary to the laws. The woman whom I saw, had before her bosom a cloak or covering, broad enough to conceal herself behind it, which was so contrived that she could put her arms in it, and use it as a garment to cover her, and so walk about her business; it might be tucked up as to the lower part, and when tucked up, and applied to the body, it appeared like a stomacher, such as are worn by the women of our earth, but the same also served the man for a covering, and he was seen to take it from the woman, and apply it to his back, and loosen the lower part, which thus flowed down to his feet like a gown, and clothed in this manner he walked off. The things seen on that earth were not seen with the eyes of my body, but with the eyes of my spirit, for a spirit may see the things which are on any earth, when it is granted by the Lord. E. U. 128-134.

the right. Inasmuch as remoteness in the spiritual world does not arise from distance of place, but from difference of state, as was said above, therefore the tediousness of my progression thither. 1765. When I arrived thither, the earth was not seen by me, but only the spirits who were from that earth. Those spirits were at a considerable height above my head, whence they beheld me as I approached. From their state of elevation they observed, that I was not from their earth, but from some other at a greater distance; wherefore they accosted me in questions concerning various particulars, to which it was given me to reply; and amongst other things I related to them to what earth I belonged, and what kind of earth it was; and afterwards I spake to them concerning the other earths in our solar system; and at the same time also concerning the spirits of the earth or planet Mercury, in that they wander about to several earths for the purpose of procuring for themselves knowledges of various matters; on hearing this they said, that they had likewise seen those spirits amongst them."

1766. It was told me by the angels from our earth, that the inhabitants and spirits of that earth, in the GRAND MAN, have relation to KEENNESS OF VISION, and therefore they appear on high; and that they are also remarkably clear sighted. In consequence of their having such relation, and of their seeing clearly and distinctly what was beneath them, in discoursing with them I compared them to eagles, which fly aloft, and enjoy a clear and extensive view of objects beneath; but at this they expressed indignation, supposing that I compared them to eagles as to their rapaciousness, and consequently that I thought them wicked; but I replied, that I did not liken them to eagles as to rapaciousness, but as to sharpsightedness.

1767. Being questioned concerning the God Whom they worshipped, they replied, that they worshipped a God visible and invisible, a God visible under a Human Form, and a God, invisible not under any form; and it was discoverable from their discourse, and also from the ideas of their thought as communicated to me, that the visible. God was our Lord Himself, and they also called Him Lord.-E. U. 137-141.

1768. The spirits who were seen on high were questioned, whether on their earth they live under the rule of princes or kings? to which they replied, that they know not what such rule is, and that they live under themselves, being distinguished into nations, families, and houses: they were questioned further, whether they are thus in a state of security? they replied in the affirmative, inasmuch as one family never envies another in any respect, or desires to deprive another of its just rights. They expressed a degree of indignation at being asked these questions, as arguing a suspicion of their hostility, or of their want of protection against robbers. What, said they, have we need of but food and raiment, and thus to live content and quiet one under another.

1763. At length there was presented to my view the hell of those who are from that earth, and very terrible was the appearance of the infernals seen therein, insomuch that I dare not describe their 1769. Being further questioned concerning their monstrous faces. There were seen also female earth and its produce, they said, that they had magicians, who practise direful arts; they ap- green fields, flower gardens, forests full of fruit peared clad in green, and struck me with horror. trees, and also lakes abounding with fish; and that 1764. I was afterwards led of the Lord to an they had birds of a blue color, with golden feathers, earth in the universe, which was farther distant and also greater and lesser animals; amongst the from our earth than the foregoing, of which we lesser they mentioned one sort, which had the back have just been speaking; that it was farther dis-elevated like camels on our earth; nevertheless that tant was plain from this circumstance, that I was two days in being led thither, as to my spirit: this earth was to the left, whereas the former was to

they did not feed on their flesh, but only on the flesh of fishes, and besides on fruits of trees and pulse of the earth. They said, moreover, that they

did not live in houses regularly built, but in groves, in which amongst the leaves they made to themselves shelter against the rain and the heat of the


1770. Being questioned concerning their sun, which appears as a star from our earth, they said, that it has a fiery appearance, and not larger to look at than a man's head. I was told by the angels, that the star, which was their sun, was amongst the lesser stars, not far distant from the equator.

that earth made light of them, calling them marble images; and then related that they have more magnificent objects with them, which are their sacred temples, not built of stone, but of wood. When it was objected that these were still terrestrial objects, they replied, that they were not terrestrial, but celestial, because in beholding them they conceived not a terrestrial, but a celestial idea; believing that they should see like objects in heaven after death.

1776. They then represented their sacred tem1771. There were seen some spirits, who were ples before the spirits of our earth, who declared, like what they had been during their abode on that they never saw any thing more magnificent; their earth as men; they had faces not unlike those and as they were seen also by myself, therefore I of the men of our earth, except that their eyes can describe them. They are constructed of trees and noses were less; this appearing to me some- not cut down, but growing in the place where what of deformity, they said, that little eyes and a they were first planted: on that earth, it seems, little nose were accounted marks of beauty with there are trees of an extraordinary size and height; them. A female was seen, clad in a gown orna- these they set in rows when young, and arrange mented with roses of various color; I asked, whence them in such order, that they may serve, as they they were supplied with materials for clothing on grow up, to form porticoes and galleries; in the their earth? they answered, that they gathered mean while, by cutting and pruning the tender from certain plants a substance which they spun shoots, they fit and prepare them to intwine one into thread; and that immediately afterwards they with another, and join together so as to form the laid the threads in double and triple rows moisten- groundwork and floor of the temple to be coning them with a glutinous liquor, and thus giving structed, and by a side elevation to serve as walls, them consistence; afterwards they color the cloth and, being bended into an arch above, to make the thus prepared with a substance procured from roof; in this manner they construct the temple the juices of herbs. It was also shown me how with admirable art, elevating it high above the they prepare the thread; the women sit down ground; they prepare also an ascent into it, by on the ground, and wind it by means of their continuous branches of the trees extended from toes; and when wound they draw it towards them, and with the hand spin it out to any fineness they please.

1772. They said also, that on that earth every husband has no more than one wife; and that the number of children in a family is from ten to fifteen. They added, that there are found likewise harlots amongst them, but that all such, after the life of the body, when they become spirits, are magicians, and are cast into hell. - E. U. 143


1773. Of a third earth in the starry heaven, the locality was not made known to me. The spirits from thence were unwilling to think at all about the body, or even about any thing corporeal and material, contrary to the spirits of our earth; hence it was that they were not willing to approach; nevertheless, after the removal of some of the spirits of our earth, they came nearer and discoursed with me.

1774. They said that the men of their earth make no account of their bodies, but only of the spirit in the body, as knowing that the spirit will live forever, but that the body must perish; they said also, that several on their earth believe that the spirit of the body has existed from eternity, and was infused into the body when they were conceived in the womb; but they added, that now they know that it is not so, and that they repent for having even entertained so false an opinion.

1775. When I asked them whether they were willing to see any objects on our earth, informing them that it was possible to do so through my eyes, they answered first, that they could not, and afterwards that they would not, inasmuch as they were merely terrestrial and material objects, from which they remove their thoughts as far as possible. Nevertheless, there were represented to their view magnificent palaces, resembling those in which kings and princes dwell on our earth; for such things may be represented before spirits, and when they are represented, they appear exactly as if they existed; but the spirits from

the trunk, and firmly connected together. Moreover they adorn the temple without and within in various ways, by disposing the leaves into particular forms: thus they build entire groves. But it was not given to see the nature of the construction of these temples within, only I was informed, that the light of their sun is let in by apertures amongst the branches, and is every where transmitted through crystals, whereby the light falling on the walls is refracted in divers colors like those of the rainbow, particularly the colors of blue and orange, which they are most fond of. Such is the nature of their architecture, the works whereof they prefer to the most magnificent palaces of our earth.

1777. They said further, that the inhabitants do not dwell in high places, but on the earth in low cottages, by reason that high places are for the Lord, Who is in heaven, and low places for men, who are on earth. Their cottages were also shown me; they were oblong, having within along the walls a continued couch or bed, on which they lie one next to another; on the side opposite to the door was a kind of alcove, before which was a table, and behind it a fireplace, by which the whole chamber is enlightened; in the fireplace there is not a burning fire, but a luminous wood, from which issues as much light as from the flame of a common fire; they said, that in an evening this wood appeared as if it contained in it lighted charcoal.

1778. They informed me further, that they do not live in societies, but in houses apart by themselves: and that they are joined in societies when they meet at divine worship; and that on these occasions, they who are teachers walk beneath in the temple, and the rest in piazzas at the sides; and that at their meetings they experience interior joys, arising from the sight of the temple, and from the worship therein celebrated.

1779. In respect to divine worship, they said, that they acknowledged God under a Human Form, consequently our Lord. I asked, what became of

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