Shakespeare Survey, 第 24 卷Kenneth Muir, Jonathan Bate, Michael Dobson Cambridge University Press, 2002年11月28日 - 204 頁 Shakespeare Survey is a yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production. Since 1948 Survey has published the best international scholarship in English and many of its essays have become classics of Shakespeare criticism. Each volume is devoted to a theme, or play, or group of plays; each also contains a section of reviews of the previous year's textual and critical studies and of major British performances. The books are illustrated with a variety of Shakespearean images and production photographs. The current editor of Survey is Peter Holland. The first eighteen volumes were edited by Allardyce Nicoll, numbers 19-33 by Kenneth Muir and numbers 34-52 by Stanley Wells. The virtues of accessible scholarship and a keen interest in performance, from Shakespeare's time to our own, have characterised the journal from the start. For the first time, numbers 1-50 are being reissued in paperback, available separately and as a set. |
Sound and Meaning in Antony and Cleopatra | 1 |
Some Uses and Limitations of Visual Symbolism | 13 |
Shakespeare and the Limits of Language | 19 |
Revenge Retribution and Reconcilation | 31 |
Shakespeare the Professional | 37 |
Shakespeares Talking Animals | 47 |
The Morality of Loves Labours Lost | 55 |
the Image of the Masque in Romeo and Juliet | 63 |
The Hamlet in Henry Adams | 87 |
Pericles and the Dream of Immortality | 105 |
The Royal Shakespeare Season 1970 Reviewed | 117 |
Free Shakespeare | 127 |
The Years Contributions to Shakespearian Study | 137 |
2 Shakespeares Life | 154 |
3 Textual Studies | 170 |
180 | |
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action actors Adams's Antony and Cleopatra Antony's audience become Berowne Berowne's Caesar Cambridge characters Christopher Gable Claudius comedies comic Coriolanus critical Cymbeline death director dramatic dramatist dream Ducis Ducis's edition Education Elizabethan English essay fact Falstaff feeling Folio Gertrude Hamlet hath hear Henry Adams human ibid imagination John King Lear language lines literary Literature London Love's Labour's Lost lovers Macbeth Marina masque mind moral nature Notes and Queries oral Othello Pericles Peter Peter Brook play's plot poet poetry Polonius Prince production Quarto reader revenge rhetoric Richard Richard III role Romeo and Juliet Royal Shakespeare scene seems sense Shake Shakespeare Quarterly Shakespeare's plays Shakespearian soliloquy Sonnets Sparing Discoverie speak speare speare's speech stage Stratford Studies suggest talk Tamburlaine Tempest theatre theatrical thou thought tion tone tragedy tragic verbal Winter's Tale words writing