
To count, among the youthful train,
Her own, the fairest flower;

And though her efforts seem half vain,
Ne'er yield instruction's hour:

To blend with sad rebuke the tone
Of love without alloy :

Or hoard, as gold, mind's jewels strown-
This is a mother's joy.

And when its tender frame doth prove
By strange, quick pain distress'd:
When its appealing look doth rove,
O'er all her face perplex'd;

To seek the weak, scarce-b reath'd request,
The bitter draught decoy,

And feel each change is for the best-
This is a mother's joy,



He lean'd beneath the casement, and his gaze
Went forth upon the night, as if his thoughts
Held dark communion with its secret shadows;
And as the light stole in among the leaves,
There might be traced upon his marble brow
The lines that grief, not time, had written there,
He rested on his harp, and as his hand
Sweptly lightly o,er its strings, its sadden'd tone
Seem'd like the echo of some spirit's moan.

Lady! the dark long night

Of grief and sorrow,

That knows no cheerful light
No sun-bright morrow,

Is gath'ring round my heart,
In gloom and tears,

That will not can not part,

For long, long years.

Oh! would that thought could die;

And memory

Pass, like the night wind's sigh,

Away from me.

There is a resting place,

Cold, dark and deep;

Where grief shall leave no trace,

And misery sleep.

Would I were slumb'ring there
From life's sad dream;

The tempest's cold, bleak air.

My requiem.

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WE greet our gentle subscribers with a homely old English wish, that they may each have a happy new year, and a great many of them! We are, for our parts, great admirers of the old cu tom of presenting new year's gifts; and therefore we lay ours at the feet of our fair readers, in the form of a collection of the newest and most tasteful fashions; an offering which we trust will be peculiarly acceptable at this moment when the gaieties of the season are about to commence.

Comfort seems the order of the day in promenade dress. Cloaks, such as we have already described, being much more generally adopted than shawls; these latter are now always of velvet, but we see comparatively few trimmed with fur: one reason probably is, that 'sable fur is the only fur actually considered fashionable; and its price, if it is of the best kind, is excessive: the trimmings are either chenille fringe, which appears to be the most in vogue, or a rich bouillon fringe. Black bonnets, both of velvet and satin are coming a good deal into vogue for the promenade, particularly the former. We see a good many that are trimmed only with an intermixture of velvet and lace. Others are ornamented with feathers or flowers; but feathers are most in request.

Paletots increase in favour in carriage dress; in fact the paletot and the bournouss are quite the prevalent forms. We have no change to announce in their make, and indeed none can be expected to take place. The materials also continue the same: velvet, satin, or Cachemere; but we see some change in the trimmings, besides those of fancy silk and fur: we have seen several trimmed with black lace. A few satin mantelets have appeared; they are made with hoods of an exceedingly pretty form; they are drawn in the Capuchin style; quilled, wadded, and trimmed with lace, with which we should observe the mantelet is edged. There is something trés distingue as well as novel in these pretty appendages.

We may cite among the most novel carriage bonnets, those composed of a mixture of velvet and satin, and trimmed with Argus feathers. We see also a great many of velours mousse, a new and extremely beautiful material. It is difficult to say what are the predominant colours for carriage bonnets, or rather what will be; but from the orders that we find have been given, we know that light hues will at least be in a


respectable minority, and that black, groseille, deep blue, and brown will be the dark colours most in request. We have reason to believe, also, that ostrich feathers of an extremely light kind, and of the colour of the bonnet, will in some degree supersede the shaded feathers at present so prevalent.

Silk robes, with velvet corsages, will be much in favour in evening dress. Some are made with the corsage of the colour of the robe, but others are of black velvet. We may cite as a very elegant model of this kind, a robe of azure blue reps, with a corsage of black velvet descending in front of the waist in a rounded point; it was edged with a long knotted fringe of black chenille, which falling over the waist, formed a Spanish basquine. Short sleeve, composed of the material of the dress disposed in bias bouillons, intersected with velvet. A fringe, corresponding with that of the waist, encircles the border of the dress. Our fair readers will see by our prints that what may be called the Pompadour style of costume; we mean the excessively long-peaked waists and wide skirts, have lost nothing of their vogue; they will, indeed, be adopted even for ball dresses. Some of those now in preparation are composed of gaze Sylphide. The corsage à trois pieces, deeply pointed and cut low round the bust, is encircled with four rows of bouillonnée. The short sleeve is composed of four rows with a full bouffant in the centre. A gerbe of roses without foliage marks the middle of the drapery, and the bouffant of each sleeve is ornamented with a rose. The skirt is trimmed very high with rows of bouillons, upon which roses are scattered irregularly. Small coiffures, with foundations of velvet, will be very much in favour this season. We may signalize as one of the most elegant, the little bonnet à la Duchesse, a pretty mixture of coques of velvet and lace descending on the cheeks, and with a small open foundation. There is no change in fashionthis month. able colours


GRAND parties have not yet commenced, but they very soon will; in the meantime our élégantes are occupied in preparations for them, but their dresses for balls and soirées do not

so wholly occupy their attention, as to render them careless of their promenade costumes, or their demi toilettes; let us see what novelties in both, we have to lay before our fair readers.

Sable fur muffs and boas are generally adopted in promenade costume, but we do not yet see many mantles lined or trimmed with fur, except as evening wraps, for which they are becoming very general. Cachemere mantles of that kind, styled a la Lucie, that is, plaided in black and brown, or dark blue and grey are a good deal in vogue, and likely we think to be more so; they are trimmed very complete, with a round pelerine of a moderate size, and a small hood; the latter, very open and displaying the lining, which is always composed of satin, and is either blue of various shades, oiseau, or light green; there are no sleeves, but the armholes and pelerine are ornamented with fancy silk trimming. Another material that is coming much into use for mantles, is twilled Cachemere of dark hues, figured in detached sprigs of flowers of one vivid hue, with a very light green foliage. The lining is either shot silk of the two colours of the flower and foliage, or else plain satin of one of the colours. These cloaks are made in the pelisse style, tight at the back, and with sleeves; they have also always hoods which are frequently lined with velvet; the trimming is only a cord and tassel at the throat, and a rouleau of the lining all round the cloak.

Cachemere shawls are for the moment so much in the ascendant, that we see scarcely any others, but there is no doubt that those of velvet will resume their reign as soon as the frosty weather sets in, because at that time the douillettes (wadded pelisses) will begin to be adopted, and velvet shawls lined, and perhaps trimmed with fur, will be worn with them. We know this from good authority, and we may add also that an attempt will be made to bring in wadded bonnets, but it is generally thought that will fail. The materials mentioned in our last number for bonnets continue their vogue. We see also that those of peluche are becoming very fashionable; they are trimmed in the same style as velvet bonnets, that is with the material of which it is composed, and feathers; ribbon being but little employed for velvet or peluche, though always adopted for other materials.

The redingote form retains its vogue in half-dress: the most novel are those composed of the rich new material velours Eglinton; they are made with high corsages, and sleeves a la

Duchesse, and trimmed ronnd the border with three velvet biais; we 'should observe that the corsage is also ornamented with velvet lappels of a very small size,

The velours Eglinton continues its vogue in full dress; Pekin, pekinet, and the many other rich and beautiful materials which we have already spoken of, are also in favour. The corsages continue to be deeply pointed, and we observe that those a trois pieces are most in request. We have already seen some velvet robes with the corsages trimmed with ermine disposed in the form of a pointed Berthe, and the short tight sleeve surmounted by a mancheron of the demi Venetienne form, bordered with ermine. The skirts made with a demi train are encircled with a border of the same costly fur. Tulle robes over satin, trimmed either with flounces of the same material, or else with those of dentille de soie, will be very much in vogue. The corsage and sleeves being always trimmed to correspond. Tulle is expected to be the most fashionable material in ball dress, over satin of course. We may announce as a most decided novelty, a style of trimming that is likely to have a great run; it consists of several rows of bouillons interspersed with roses. The low corsage and short sleeve is trimmed to correspond. Petits bords and coiffures moyen age will be decidedly in vogue. We have no change to announce in fashionable colours this month.


Ball Bress.

VERY pale pink tulle robe over satin to correspond; the border is trimmed with several rows of tulle bouillonnee, interspersed with roses. The corsage is pointed at bottom, formed to the shape by nervures, round and not very low at top, where it is trimmed en pelerine with bouillon nees, in the centre of which a half wreath of roses is placed. Short sleeves, formed of bouillons, with a bouffant in the middle. Turban composed of pink gaze diaphane; the front low over the forehead, and full at the sides, is arranged in folds of a very novel form; an end of the gauze, fringed with silver, droops on the right side,

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