
While all her thousand fingers play,
With bud and bird, in games of life?
To her I turn'd yet turn'd in vain ;
A hopeless discontent I bear;
1 snap, at each remove, some chain,
Yet never snap the chain I wear !
Yet if the wizard be-whose pow'r

May set my heart and passions free,
And still restore youth's perished flow'r,
And hope's gay season thou art she."
A kindred life with these I ask-

Not beauty, not the scent we seek;
But in thy sunshine let me başk,
My heart as glowing as my cheek.
An idle heart, that would not heed
The chiding voice of duty come,
To take the soul, new-nerved and freed,
Back to close task and gloony room.
Thou, Nature, that magician be!
Give me the old-time peace-the joy
That warmed my heart, and made me free,
A wild, but not a wayward boy.

.And I will bless thee with a song,
As fond as hers-that idle bird-
That sings above me all day long,

As if she knew I watch'd and heard.



THE seat of Sir Edward Kerrison is one of those elegant English
mansions delightfully situated, which, whether beheld by the
passing stranger, or only in a picture, at once tells much of its
own story. It is in the vicinity of Eye, anciently Eay, which
is said to signify an island, the town being almost to this day
surrounded by water. In the adjoining fields small rudders,
iron rings, and other articles of shipping tackle, have been
frequently turned up by the plough, confirming the tradition
that the river had formerly been navigable to it from Cromer.
Sir Edward is patron of the living of Eye, which is a vicarage,
in the hundred of Hartismere, county of Suffolk.
He was
created baronet in 1821.

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ALTHOUGH the summer fashions may now be said to be fixed, yet to the eye of the attentive observer novelties arise every day, if not in forms, at least in trimmings and accessories of one kind and another. Thus. for instance, we have seen lately


several bonnets of the finest Italian straw, ornamented only with a very broad ribbon brought round the bottom of the crown, tied on one side, and fringed at the ends. We see also a great number of crape drawn bonnets, but the style in which they are trimmed gives a certain degree of elegance which prevents them from appearing common. We may cite as examples, those of pink or water-coloured crape with the brims drawn, but the interior lined with a voilette of English point lace, which, turning over the outside of the brim, fell in lappets on each side. We should observe that flowers are placed on the voilette in the interior in such a manner as to give considerable softness to the countenance. Some other novel

ties well worthy the attention of our fair readers are the new shot silk bonnets: they are pink pou de soie shot with white, and trimmed with wreaths of roses cent-feuilles, which encircle the bottom of the crown. A deep point of English point lace is placed above the wreath like a demi voilette, and descending on each side of the brim, it turned into the interior where it was intermingled with bouquets of roses. We have observed that lilac bonnets both crape, gauze, and silk are very numerous; the prettiest are those of crape, trimmed with a demi wreath of white beath blossoms, small in the centre, and forming bouquets which fall very low on each side of the brim.

Shawls, mantelets, and scarfs have resumed all their vogue; we have seen several of the former of rich black silk figured in patterns of one colour only, as gold colour, blue, or pale rose; they are finished by a broad and rich fringe. Mantelets are like those of the last year, composed of embroidered muslin lined with coloured silk, and trimmed with lace; or else they are of plain or shot silk bordered with white or black lace. We observe that black mantelets trimmed with black lace are even in greater vogue than last season. Some both black and coloured, are made with a large collar forming a pelerine, others, and these last we consider very graceful, have the fronts formed to the shape by folds. Pelisses both of silk and muslin lined with taffetas are coming much into vogue; the first are ornamented with the material of the dress disposed en tablier, either in a bias band arranged in full hollow plaits and headed by a rich cord, or else the tablier is formed by fancy silk ornaments. Muslin pelisses are usually of the clear kind, and they are trimmed in an exceedingly novel and elegant style with detached embroidery in the form of brandebourgs, which ornament the front of the corsage in the form of a V and descend in a reverse direction down the front of the skirt; each brandebourg

is encircled by a narrow lace set on full; the sleeve is demi large, and the shoulder piece and cuff are ornamented en suite; the lining is always of a light colour. We observe that blue, lilac, and pea green are very prevalent.

The grand question of the forms of robes, and above all of sleeves, can scarcely yet be said to be settled. There is no doubt tight sleeves will be partially adopted for silks, mousselines de laine, and the fancy materials composed of silk and wool, but we repeat they will be only partially adopted, at least for this season, although we know that a very strong effort will be made to bring them into general use. We have seen some cut quite bias, and entirely to the shape of the arm, with a single seam; the upper part of the sleeve is decorated either with folds, which are nearly but not quite as tight, or else with an open jockey, or a mancheron sitting close to the arm, but terminated by a pointed piece which turns up near the shoulder; the cuff corresponds, and each is ornamented with a gold filigree button, or one of fancy silk. The demi large sleeve will continue its vogue for muslin and organdy dresses, but the form of the ornaments at the top will be varied. Jockeys composed for the most part of lace, are beginning to be introduced, and open mancherons trimmed with lace set on very full, are also in favour. As to corsages we do not find that any actual change is contemplated in those of the materials we first mentioned; they will continue to be made as at present, tight to the shape; but those of muslin and organdy will be arranged en gerbe with a little fulness at the bottom of the waist before and behind. Corsages pointed at bottom, will be adopted only in full dress, which is nearly tantamount to laying them aside, for full dress, as all our fair readers know, is but little worn during the summer.

India muslin and organdy begin to be in a majority in evening dress, but the new spring silks are still in a very respectable minority. The trimmings are principally of lace, the vogue for which is quite as great as it ever was. Where lace

is not employed, we observe that bias folds are rather more adopted than flounces. We have seen some dresses trimmed with the former, either three or five round the border; they were composed of organdy, with the folds lined with pink or blue gauze, and the corsages and sleeves trimmed with knots of ribbon to correspond. We have nothing new to notice in coiffures, except that those of hair are coming every day more into favour. Fashionable colours remain the same as those we announced last month.

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NEVER were our promenades more brilliant than at present: there is so much variety both in the forms and materials of dresses, that to an admirer of the modes, a walk in the Tuileriesgardens is really a treat. Let us see what we can find among these elegant promenaders most novel and worthy of the attention of our fair readers. First then, the mantelets Echarpes, composed of blue or rose-coloured pou de soie glace de blanc, are very much and very deservedly in vogue; they are of a large size, and disposed in folds on the front of the bust in such a manner as to form the shape very advantageously. They are always trimmed with Mechlin, Brussels, or English point lace. Much more showy, but not so elegant, at least in our opinion, are the Scots plaid, silk scarfs, some of them, indeed, actualty copied from those of the most distin> guished clans of Scotland. Others are what may be called fancy patterns. All are trimmed with a broad, rich silk fringe, composed of the same colours as the scarf. We say nothing of the lace and muslin mantelets, because they afford no novelty; but we cannot pass in silence the new shawl mantelets of white Cachmere, encircled with an embroidery in silk of delicate patterns and colours, and edged with a frange moussu in corresponding hues. Let not our fair readers be startled at hearing of summer shawls composed of Cachmere, for it is so extremely light and fine, that it is scarce warmer than muslin, and they are cut in such a manner that they drape most gracefully without forming a single fold too much. Although the majority are white, we have, however, seen some of drab colour embroidered in groseille and very dark blue and trimmed with blue and groseille fringe. Others have an embroidery in two strongly contrasted shades of green upon an écru ground. Some have hoods, which form a very pretty sitting pelerine. Others are trimmed with a small lappel of the shawl form, trimmed by cords and tassels.

English straw and Italian straw are both in request for chapeaux and capotes, but the former is adopted in deshabille only, and is always of the capote form; the trimmings consist of ribbons, either of figured taffetas, or else of plaided velvet. Green and lilac are the predominant colours in the former. Chapeaux of Italian straw continue to be trimmed as described in our last number, and some of the latest that have appeared, are ornamented with a very broad ribbon disposed round the

bottom of the crown, and tied in a bow with very long floating ends at the sides: the ends are fringed. Transparent capotes have lost nothing of their vogue; the most novel and elegant are those of embroidered organdy; the material is even more transparent than gauze, and the embroideries in coloured silks are so disposed as to follow the contours of the crown and brim; thus, for instance, three small wreaths of forget-menots, worked in white, green, and blue silk mark at three different distances the contour of the brim; the same wreaths encircle the bands of organdy that form the trimming. The interior of the brim is decorated with small tufts of forget-menots. We have noticed among the most novel rice straw hats, those ornamented with a ribbon twisted with sprigs of small flowers which drooped almost as low as the neck. No change in fashionable colours this month.


Carriage Bress.

ROBE of pink pou de soie. Corsage à la Vierge, draped in front, and wrapping to the left side; it is trimmed with a Brussels lace Berthe. Demi large sleeve, the upper part decorated with three volans. The skirt is ornamented in a very novel style with embroidery and volans; the latter crossing in front, and forming a tablier of an entirely new description. Rice straw bonnet, an open brim made very low at the ears; it is trimmed in the interior with lace, put very low down, and descending below the brim; the exterior is decorated with white ribbon, and a white ostrich feather.

Publie Promenade Bress.

LAVENDER grey gros de Naples pelisse. The corsage quite high behind, and moderately open in front, is trimmed with a shawl pelerine edged with a wreath formed of plaits disposed lengthwise. The same kind of trimming, but much larger, descends down the front of the skirt. Bishop's sleeves, with a light shoulder piece. Bonnet of spring green gros de Tours, the interior of the brim is lined with white, and trimmed with lace, intermixed with roses; the exterior edge of the brim is finished with a green ruche. A demi wreath of the same, from which a shaded marabout descends, adorns the crown. Green and white striped ribbon complete the trimming.

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