I PREFACE. T will appear to any one who will give him felf the trouble of examination, that no fair and exact collation of Shakespeare hath yet been presented to the public. Great were the hopes that Mr. Capel's edition would have at length gratified their curiosity, in giving them with his text, the various readings of the old editions in one view, that every reader might be furnished with materials to judge, and that with ease and readiness, what might be Shakespeare's, and what not. But so far from such a desirable end being answered by his edition, we are only farther led in the dark thereby; and are held in trust for notes, which might much better have been inferted with the text. But he was afraid his notes placed with the text should spoil the beauty of the book. If they are good ones they would not: for that man must be greatly mistaken in his ideas of beauty, who prefers the handsome appearance of a page in black and white, to the quick and easy information of his readers in matters necessary to be known for their becoming proper judges of the sense of the author, and the goodness of the edition, Would not Mr. Capel's readers have been much more obliged to him, if with the text he had given his notes, which (supposing them valuable) would, in such a fituation, have had additional value, in being easily perused, without the trouble of turning over pages, and interrupting, for a longer time than was necellary, thar: way through the author? for this will be the case when his notes do appear. : His method in compiling the text was to print after what he thought the best edition of each play, with such alterations as he saw fit to make, giving notice what those alterations were. And |