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Special Advertising Offer

We have made arrangements with three publishers to make the following special offer for the next ten days.

FICTORIAL REVIEW, 1 year, 12 issues, @ 15c. = $1.80

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Special Ten Day Price for All Four, $ 2.00

PICTORIAL REVIEW The fashion pages of this magazine have won for it

a circulation of over 600,000 copies monthly. Its styles and patterns are famous the world over. Ask your dressmaker. She knows. The special articles, fiction stories and household departments are timely and instructive reading for every woman who does her own thinking for herself. PICTORIAL REVIEW is a necessity in the economical management of the home and the wardrobe. You will get this magazine each month for one year.

MODERN PRISCILLA is recognized as the leading fancy work magazine of America. It is to-day the undisputed authority on all kinds of embroidery, crochet, lace, lingerie and home decoration. There are several departments devoted to china, oil and water color painting, stenciling, pyrography, leather-work, basketry, etc. You will get this magazine each month for one year.

LADIES' WORLD is a thoroughly practical and upto-date household magazine, and treats of every subject of interest to women and the home. Its household departments are as good as a course in Domestic Science. Its stories, verses, and entertainments for children always please and interest. You will get this magazine each month for a year.

Send Your Order at Once-NOW-Before You
Forget It-to


Note. The Jeffersonian may be substituted for Watson's Magazine, or both publications may be included in this offer for $2.50, making four splendid magazines and one weekly paper for a year.

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Open June to October

Maplewood, Bethlehem, N. H.

The Social and Scenic Centre, in

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Fine Livery. Magnificent Drives. Ample
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Send for Special Folder Describing Twelve
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Write for Booklet and Information.
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In writing to advertisers please mention Watson's.

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Contains a biographical sketch written by himself, and a careful selection of addresses made by him during the last thirty years.

These speeches cover a great variety of subjects. They begin with a eulogy which Mr. Watson delivered in the Georgia Legislature on Alex H Stephens. They contain some of his Commencement speeches. They also contain his Labor Day speech, and many of his political and economic addresses, the result of years of the closest research and study. These speeches cover the Child Labor question, National Finance, discussion of the Tariff System, of the National Banking System, the Government Ownership of Railroads, the corrupt legislation put upon the country by the two old parties, a thorough exposition of the principles of Jeffersonian Democracy and a thorough treatment of the evils of class legislation which now oppress the people.

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THE FUNNIEST OF ALL THE FUNNY MAGAZINES Brimful of wholesome wit and humor. Join the campaign for One Million subscribers by sending CENTS in or five(5)

25 Coin for

One Year separate

subscriptions for $1.00. Foreign sub'ns, 25 cents extra. THOMPSON'S MAGAZINE, Dept. DA, 328 Federal St., Chicago

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In writing to advertisers please mention Watson's.




We have obtained over a thousand signatures to the petition which is printed at the bottom of this page, and we are assured that ten thousand more stand ready and willing to sign it.

A temporary organization will be effected as soon as possible, and in the meantime the work of organizing the counties of Georgia will begin. We would like to hear from all who are interested, and especially from those who are willing to give us their active assistance to build up the League, anywhere in the United States.

Such an organization is absolutely necessary if we expect to bring the work of Watson's Magazine and The Jeffersonian to a successful issue. For the last five years our publications have been carrying on their work of education, and it has had its influence on the half-million people who are regular readers.

When all these voters, whom we have educated, are organized in a solid phalanx, they will exercise their real power. Without organization, their every effort at influencing legislation is lost and their strength dissipated.

You, who read these pages, know the crying need for the work of reform. Unaided, you cannot lift the burden of the tariff on necessities-the high cost of living-from your shoulders. United, you are helping yourself and

memur brothers, and you will become a power to be reckoned with by every

member of Congress.

Sign the coupon and mail it to us.

Believing it necessary to have an organization, in order that the people may be properly represented in Congress; and that the present iniquitous tariff system, which taxes the food and clothing of the poor man to increase the gigantic fortunes of the rich, may be swept away; and to bring the government closer to the people, we agree to act together and work as a unit to secure the triumph of Progressive Democracy; and for that purpose we hereby enroll our names.

We will stick together in defense

Our key-note will be "Reciprocity." of Jeffersonian principles. We will do our best to support the Jeffersonian publications and to extend their circulation. In our business dealings we will give the preference to those who advertise in our papers and magazine, and we hereby pledge ourselves to get all our friends to do the same.

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Something Extraordinary


By that well-known Authoress and Lecturer, Mrs. Florence Edyth Blake-Hedges. Begins in March Number of the Lyceum World.


The following series of articles on Psychotherapy will prove among the most interesting ever Healing, Immanuel published, and all students of the New Psychology, New Thought, Mental Movement, etc., should make sure to read these articles which bring the LATEST news on these subjects.

These articles will be written by that SPECIALIST in this realm, Mrs. Florence Edythe BlakeHedges, author of the great psychological novel “I AM,” lecturer on Psychotherapy, and writer for the leading magazines in the country. These articles will cost about two thousand dollars, and dollar for 2 year's subscription to THE you get them, and many other fine things, for one LYCEUM WORLD. Subscribe NOW and tell your friends.

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2. Divine Healing.

3. The Emmanual Movement.

4. The March of the 20th Century.

Note-Besides the above, Prof. Joseph T. Spencer continues his Shakespearean articles, and. Rev. W. F. Hertel begins his startling series of articles on HOW WHITE SLAVES ARE PROCURED, in which he tells in detail just how girls are trapped into a life of shame. To stop this crime, know how it is fed and stop its feeders. Every earnest person should read these articles and help keep our girls-and boys, too-. from a life of shame.

Send today one dollar for a subscription to

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In writing to advertisers please mention Watson's.

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