CP. 17.2 -Shapergh Ful Jan 16, April 25 Jul, 25, Oct 10 1867 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by WARREN F. DRAPER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. 1921 44-49 5-16 CONTENTS OF VOL. XXIV. I. THE TWOFOLD FUNDAMENTAL LAW OF RHYTHM AND ACCENTUATION; OR, THE RELATION OF THE RHYTHMICAL TO THE LOGICAL TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF PROF. HUPFELD BY REV. Zellers's Lectures and Treatises on Historical Subjects, Hofmann on the Scriptures of the New Testament, Matthias on the Epistle to the Galatians, Niedner's Hand-book of the History of the Christian Church, 186 Schröter's Critrique of Dunasch Ben Labrat, Keerl's The God-man the Image of the Invisible God, X. NOTICES OF RECENT PUBLICATIONS, Dr. James Freeman Clarke on Orthodoxy, Milman's History of Christianity, BY REV. DANIEL J. NOYES, D.D., PROFESSOR IN DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. |