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Grammatical Usage and Pronunciation

Absolute, III. i. 7, positive, not |
doubtful; Ham., V. i. 140, V.
i. 66, perfect; Oth., II. i. 219.
Absolutely, IV. ii. 220, entirely.
Abuse, V. i. 233, deception; Ham.,
IV. vii. 55.
Accommodations, III. i. 16, com-
forts; Oth., I. iii. 264.
Action, II. i. 181, lawsuit; Tw.
Night, IV. 1. 34, IV. i. 43,


Advertise, I. i. 47, V. i. 423, stress
on second syllable, ad-ver'-tise;
instruct; Hen. VIII, II. iv. 214.
Advice, V. i. 515, reflection; Two
Gen. of Ver., II. iv. 211.
Affect, I. i. 7, love; Mer. Wives,

II. i. 103.
Affection, II. iv. 182, feeling; III.
i. 108, passions.
After, II. i. 239, at the rate of;
III. i. 27, like.
All-building, II. iv. 102, which is
the foundation of all (?).
And (an), II. i. 164, V. i. 91, if.
Answere (answer), II. iv. 80,

Appliances, III. i. 102, remedies;
2 Hen. IV, III. i. 31.
Appointment, III. i. 67, prepara-
tion; 1 Hen. IV, I. ii. 166.
Approbation, I. iii. 177, probation,

Apt, V. i. 553, ready.
As, II. iv. 97, although; Ant. &
Cleo., II. ii. 66; as then, V. i.
90, at the time.
Assay, III. i. 183, trial.
Attempt, IV. ii. 102, tempt; Loves'
Lab., Í. ii. 164.

Aves, I. i. 79, two syllables; ac-

Avis'd (avised), II. ii. 160, ad-
vised, cognizant; Mer. Wives,
I. iv. 94.

Bar'de (bared), IV. ii. 188,
shaved and tied.

Barke (bark), III. i. 83, strip.
Bastard, III. ii. 4, sweet wine.
Bay, II. i. 240, window or door.
Beholding, IV. iii. 177, under obli-

gation; Mer. Wives, I. i. 248.
Belongings, I. i. 35, endowments.
Bestow'd on, III. i. 247-8, left


Betroathed (betrothed), III. ii.
275, three syllables.
Billets, IV. iii. 59, small logs.
Blench, IV. v. 7, start away;
Wint. Tale, I. ii. 385.

Blood, II. i. 15, animal passion.
Boldness, IV. ii. 167, confidence.
Bonds, V. i. 12, obligations.
Boote (boot), II. iv. 13, advan-

Bore in hand, I. iv. 57-8, kept
in expectation; cf. Much Ado,

IV. i. 311; borne up, IV. i. 53,

Bosome (bosom), IV. iii. 149,
heart's desire.

Brakes, II. i. 45, thickets (?); cf.
Hen. VIII, I. ii. 95.

Bravery, I. iii. 13, splendour, fin-
ery; Tam. of Shr., IV. iii. 63.
Breeds, II. ii. 171, gives birth to
new thoughts.
Bring, I. i. 70, escort.
Bulke (bulk), IV. iv. 27; see

Bum, II. i. 15, 16, buttocks.
Bunch of Grapes, II. i. 132-3, a
room in the inn.

Caracts (characts), V. i. 68, dis- | Concupiscible, V. i. 121, concupis-
tinctive marks.

Censur'd (censured), I. iv. 80,
censure, II. i. 18, 32, sentence,
judge; Lear, V. iii. 6.
Character, I. i. 33, mark; IV. ii.
205, handwriting.
Chastisment, V. i. 291, stress on
first syllable.

Cheape (cheap), III. i. 201, little

Circummur'd (mured), IV. i. 32,
walled around.

Clack-dish, III. ii. 125, beggar's


Clap into, IV. iii. 44, begin
promptly; As You, V. iii. 12.
Close, V. i. 379, make terms;
Hen. IV, II. iv. 324.
Close, IV. iii. 133, silent, secret;
Rom. & Jul., I. i. 151.
Clutch'd, III. ii. 48, closed,
clenched; John, II. i. 620.
Cold, IV. iii. 108, cool, deliber-


Combynate (combinate), III. i.
242, affianced, contracted.
Combined, IV. iii. 160, three sylla-
bles; bound.

Come, III. ii. 41, be brought.
Comes off, II. i. 64, is told.
Commission, I. i. 53, four sylla-
bles, com-mis-si-on.
Commoditie (commodity), parcel ;
Tw. Night, III. i. 45.
Commune, IV. iii. 113, stress on
first syllable; consult.
Compact, V. i. 275, stress
second syllable; leagued.
Companion, V. i. 385, knave, used
contemptuously; Mer. Wives,
III. i. 108.


Compel'd (compelled), II. iv. 62,
stress on first syllable, because
immediately preceding its noun;
not voluntary.

Compleat (complete), I. iii. 5,
stress on first syllable when fol-
lowed directly by its noun, as
here; perfect; Love's Lab., I. ii.


Complexion, II. iv. 140, III. i. 26,
outward appearance.
Composition, I. ii. 4, V. i. 250,
agreement, compact.

Concerning, IV. i. 46, which it is
important for her to observe.

cent, desirous.

Confessor, IV. iii. 143, stress on
first syllable, con'-fes-sor.
Confixed, V. i. 263, three syllables,
con-fix'ed; fixed, stationary.
Conjure, V. i. 60, stress on first
syllable; Errors, IV. iii. 68.
Conserve, III. i. 101, preserve.
Constantly, IV. i. 25, firmly;
Tro. &. Cres., IV. i. 46.
Consummate, V. i. 417, being fin-
ished, consummated.
Continue, IV. iii. 91, keep as be-
fore; Hen. VIII, II. iv. 56.
Contract, I. ii. 143, stress on second

Contrarious, IV. i. 69, contradic-

Convenient, IV. iii. 112, fitting.
Convented, V. i. 185, summoned ;
Hen. VIII, V. i. 64.

Countenance, V. i. 143, authority,
patronage; Jul. Cæs., I. iii. 177.
Covent (convent), IV. iii. 143,

Creation, II. iv. 138, nature.
Credent, bulke (bulk), IV. iv. 27,

weighty reputation that is trusted.
Credulous, II. iv. 141, yielding,

Cry you mercy, IV. i. 13, beg
your pardon; Mer. Wives, III.
v. 25.
Cucullus non facit monachum,
cu-cul'-lus, mon'-a-cum, V. i.
297, the cowl does not make the

Cunning, IV. ii. 168, sagacity.

Damned, IV. iii. 137, two syllables.
Dares, IV. iv. 26, defies, chal-
lenges (?).

Deaths (death's), III. i. 13, char-

acter in old religious plays.
Dedicate, II. ii. 183, frequently
used for the past participle ' dedi-

Defiance, III. i. 163, indignant re-

Definitive, V. i. 473, resolved, not
to be moved; cf. definit, Cymb.,
I. vi. 50.

Delighted, III. i. 139, endowed
with pleasurable qualities;
Cymb., V. iv. 107.
Denies, V. i. 457, refuses.

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