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happy to send you some good. The Duke ' of Hamilton is perfectly well, and behaving,

'in every respect, as his family would wish. 'He showed much sensibility at B's 'misfortune' (the bankruptcy). 'Jack is in Igood health, and doing very well; and I 'never was better, nor happier, in my life ' when this sad news came,-which, how'ever, I shall struggle to get above, that I

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may be able, in every respect, to perform

my duty to the Duke, and to my own family.

At this distance I can give you no very

particular advice about anything; you must

' act as your own judgment directs. Let me 'know the extent of my misfortune, and 'what hopes there are of anything being recovered.

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'My affectionate compliments to Mrs. J., your brother, and J, and B-.' (The partners of the unfortunate commercial house.) 'God Almighty preserve and support you, my dear.

'I ever am sincerely yours,

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John Moore, when ten years old, to his


Geneva, Dec. 7th, 1772.

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'Ma chère Mama,-Je vous écris en Fran

çois, et Jeany vous traduira ma lettre en Anglois. J'aime beaucoup Genève parceque 'j'entends le François assez bien à présent,

et j'ai un grand nombre de camarades Fran

çois, Allemands, et Genevois, aussi bien que 'des Anglois; et j'ai fait connoissance avec

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beaucoup de familles ici, qui ont beaucoup 'd'amitié pour moi.

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Papa est très satisfait parceque je m'ap'plique assez bien au Latin, au François, et 'à l'écriture; et je suis résolu à faire tout 'mon possible, pour que ma chère Mama ' n'ait point de raison de rougir pour moi.

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Faites mes amitiés à ma chère sœur, à

'mes frères, et à mes parens, et à tous

mes camarades, particulièrement à Peter et Jaques Murdoch.

'Je suis, très, très chère Mama, votre obéis

'sant et affectionné fils,


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John Moore to his Mother:

'Chatelaine, Oct. 27th, 1773.

Dear Mama.-It always makes me very

happy to hear that you and Jeanie, and 'my brothers are well. I believe this is a 'very healthy climate; at least the Duke

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' and Papa, and I, have always been in good health since we came here. The Duke and Papa live in a vineyard, and I 'am with them twice a week, and get as many grapes as I please. I am very sorry we cannot send them to you.

'I apply pretty much, but find the Latin 'more difficult than the French. I am at

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the writing and arithmetic school, and

Papa has learned me geography so nicely, ' that I know every part of the world. An English gentleman here, made me a present ' of a fine set of mathematical instruments.

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They are of no use to me yet, but I hope they will be of use soon. I am trying all

I can to make myself good for something. I will do whatever I am fit for, and Papa ' and you please.

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Compliments to my Brothers, and tell 'them to apply well, for without talents a man 'is despised when he comes abroad. I have 'seen some English that were ridiculed by

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every body, though they were rich, be'cause they knew hardly anything but

" nonsense.

Faites bien mes complimens à ma chère 'sœur. Elle est bien heureuse d'être toujours auprès de vous. J'espère qu'elle fait tout son 'possible pour vous soulager et vous amuser pendant l'absence de notre cher Père, c'est 'le seul moyen d'être aimé du monde ou con'tent d'elle-même. Adieu, ma très chère 'Mama. Je suis tout à vous,


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Dr. Moore continues :

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My Dear. You desired that I might send 'you some of Jack's writing. I desired him 'to write to you before I left Geneva, and he

gave me what is on the other side, by which 'you will perceive he is much improved. The Duke and I are on a tour through a

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great part of France. We passed by Lyons, 'where we found them making great prepa'rations to receive the Princess of Savoy, 'who is to be married to the Comte d'Artois, 'the French king's grandson. From that 'we came down the Rhone to this place, 'which took us three days. We have been 'two nights here, and have been examining 'everything curious. As this town was the ' residence of several Popes, you may believe 6 it is well provided with holy relics, and 'much trumpery of that kind. To-morrow 'we will set out for Aix, in Provence, and 'from thence to Toulon. When I have 'got to the side of the Mediterranean, I will 'send you off this letter. In the meantime, 'I assure you that the Duke and I are in ' good health. I was much surprised and 'affected, to find poor Jack all in tears the 'night before we came away. He told me 'he could not bear the thoughts of parting 'so long; he had never expressed any senti'ments of this kind before, otherwise I be

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lieve I should have been weak enough to have taken him with me; especially as the

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