The Poetical Works of Robert HerrickWilliam Pickering, 1825 |
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agen ANTHEA blesse blush brave breath brest canst chaste cheek Chor christall co'd cowslips creame CROSSE AND PILE crown'd dainty dayes dead Dean Prior do's doth eares EPIG eternall eyes faire fate feare feast fire flame flie flowers flowrie frankincense give grace griefe haire hand heart Herrick Hesperides honour Hymen I'le JOHN SELDEN Jove Julia keep kings kisse lady lillies lips live look love's Lycidas maids Mirt mirth mirtle MISTRESSE ne'r night numbers o're once pearle perfume Perilla pitty poet poetry poore PRINCE ravisht ROBERT HERRICK roses shew shine sho'd sing sleep smell smile soft spring St John's College stay storax sweet teares tell thee thine things thou art thou dost thou hast thou shalt tongue tree turn'd twas twill unto verse Vertue virgins wassails we'l weep wine wo'd y'are yeere you'l