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constituted our party. At one of these meetings, On the evening that Goldsmith produced "Rean idea was suggested of extemporary epitaphs upon taliation" he read it in full club, and the members the parties present; pen and ink were called for, were afterwards called on for their opinions. Some and Garrick off hand wrote an epitaph with a good expatiated largely in its praise, and others seemed deal of humour upon poor Goldsmith, who was the to be delighted with it; yet, when its publication first in jest, as he proved to be in reality, that we was suggested, the prevailing sentiment was decommitted to the grave. The dean also gave him cidedly hostile to such a measure. Goldsmith hence an epitaph, and Sir Joshua illuminated the dean's discovered, that a little sprinkling of fear was not verses with a sketch of his bust in pen and ink, an unnecessary ingredient in the friendship of the inimitably caricatured. Neither Johnson nor Burke world; and though he meant not immediately to wrote any thing; and when I perceived Oliver was publish his poem, he determined to keep it, as he rather sore, and seemed to watch me with that kind expressed himself to a friend, "as a rod in pickle of attention which indicated his expectation of for any future occasion that might occur." But something in the same kind of burlesque with this occasion never presented itself: a more awful theirs, I thought it time to press the joke no far-period was now approaching.

ther, and wrote a few couplets at a side-table; A short time previous to this, he had projected which, when I had finished, and was called upon an important literary work, under the title of "A by the company to exhibit, Goldsmith, with much Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences." In agitation, besought me to spare him; and I was this undertaking he is said to have engaged all his about to tear them, when Johnson wrested them literary friends, including most of the members of out of my hand, and in a loud voice read them at the table. I have now lost all recollection of them, and in fact they were little worth remembering; but as they were serious and complimentary, the effect they had upon Goldsmith was the more pleasing for being so entirely unexpected. The concluding line, which is the only one I can call to mind, was

'All mourn the poet, I lament the man.'

This I recollect, because he repeated it several times, and seemed much gratified by it. At our next meeting, he produced his epitaphs as they stand in the little posthumous poem abovementioned; and this was the last time he ever enjoyed the company of his friends."

The delicacy with which Mr. Cumberland acted on this occasion, and the compliment he paid to our author, were not thrown away. In drawing the character of Cumberland in return, Goldsmith, while he demonstrated his judgment as a critic, proved his gratitude and friendship at the same time, in designating him,

the Literary Club, particularly Johnson, Reynolds,
and Burke, who promised to promote the design
with all their interest, and to furnish him with
original articles on various subjects to be embraced
by the work. So much had he this project at
-so sanguine was he of its success,--and so
little doubt did he entertain of encouragement from
the booksellers, that without previous concert with
any one of the trade, he actually printed and pub-
lished the Prospectus at his own expense. These
gentlemen, however, were not, at that time, dis-
of course received his proposals so coldly, that he
posed to enter upon so heavy an undertaking, and
found himself obliged to abandon the design. It is
supposed that he had fondly promised himself re-
lief from his pecuniary difficulties by this scheme,
and consequently his chagrin at the disappointment
was the more keenly felt. He frequently lamented
the circumstance to his friends; and there is little

doubt that it contributed, with other vexations, to
aggravate the disease which ended in his dissolu-

Goldsmith had been, for some years, occasionally "The Terence of England, the mender of hearts." afflicted with a strangury. The attacks of this Other members of the club, however, were hit off disease had latterly become more frequent and viowith a much smaller portion of compliment, and lent; and these, combined with anxiety of mind on for the most part with more truth than flattery; the subject of his accumulating debts, embittered yet the wit and humour with which he discrimi- his days, and brought on almost habitual desponnated their various shades of character, is happily dency. While in this unhappy condition, he was free from the slightest tincture of ill-nature. His attacked by a nervous fever in the spring of 1774. epitaph on Mr. Burke proves him to have been in- On Friday, the 25th of March, that year, finding timately acquainted with the disposition and quali- himself extremely ill, he sent at eleven o'clock at ties of that celebrated orator. The characteristics night for Mr. Hawes, an apothecary, to whom he of Mr. Burke's brother are humorously delineated, complained of a violent pain extending all over the and were highly appropriate; the portrait of Dr. fore-part of his head; his tongue was moist, he had Douglas is critically true; but the most masterly a cold shivering, and his pulse beat about ninety sketch in the piece is undoubtedly the character of strokes in a minute. He said he had taken two Garrick, who had been peculiarly severe in his ounces of ipecacuanha wine as a vomt, and that it epitaph on Goldsmith. wa nis intention to take Dr. James's fever pow

ders, which he desired might be sent him. Mr. Hawes replied, that in his opinion this medicine was very improper at that time, and begged he would not think of it; but every argument used seemed only to render him more determined in his own opinion.

Another's woe thy heart could always melt;
None gave more free,--for none more deeply felt.
Sweet bard, adieu! thy own harmonious lays
Have sculptured out thy monument of praise;
Yes, these survive to time's remotest day,
While drops the bust, and boastful tombs decay.
Reader, if number'd in the Muses' train,
Go, tune the lyre, and imitate his strain;
But, if no poet thou, reverse the plan,
Depart in peace, and imitate the man."

Mr. Hawes knowing that on former occasions Goldsmith had always consulted Dr. Fordyce, and that he entertained the highest opinion of his abilities as a physician, requested permission to send "Of poor Dr. Goldsmith," said Johnson, in an for him. To this, with great reluctance, he gave swer to a query of Boswell's, "there is little to be consent, as the taking of Dr. James's powders, ap- told more than the papers have made public. He peared to be the only object that employed his at- died of a fever, made, I am afraid, more violent by tention; and even after he had given his consent, uneasiness of mind. His debts began to be heavy, he endeavoured to throw an obstacle in the way, and all his resources were exhausted. Sir Joshua by saying, that Dr. Fordyce was gone to spend the is of opinion, that he owed no less than two thouevening in Gerrard-street, "where," added he, "I sand pounds.* Was ever poet so trusted before?" should also have been myself, if I had not been indis- The extraordinary sum thus owing by Goldposed." Mr. Hawes immediately dispatched a mes-smith excited general surprise after his death, and senger for Dr. Fordyce, whom he found at home, gave rise to some ill-natured and injurious reflecand who instantly waited upon Goldsmith. tions. To those, however, who were intimately Dr. Fordyce, on perceiving the symptoms of the acquainted with his careless disposition and habits, disease, was of the same opinion with Mr. Hawes the wonder was not, that he should be so much in respecting Dr. James's powders; and strongly re-debt, but, as Johnson remarks, that he should have presented to the patient the impropriety of his tak- been so much trusted. He was so liberal in his ing that medicine in his present situation. Un- donations, and profuse in his general disbursehappily, however, he was deaf to all remonstrances, ments; so unsettled in his mode of living, and imand persevered in his own resolution.

prudent in gaming; and altogether so little accustomed to regulate his expenses by any system of economy, that at last his debts greatly exceeded his resources; and their accumulation towards the close

On the following morning Mr. Hawes visited his patient, and found him very much reduced; his voice feeble, and his pulse very quick and small. When he inquired of him how he did, Goldsmith of his life was by no means matter of astonishment. sighed deeply, and in a very low and languid tone said, "he wished he had taken his friendly advice last night."

These debts, however, consisted chiefly of sumз that he had taken up in advance, from the managers of the two theaters, for comedies which he had Dr. Fordyce arrived soon after Mr. Hawes, and engaged to furnish to each; and from the bookselsaw with alarm the danger of their patient's situa- lers for publications which he was to finish for the tion. He therefore proposed to send for Dr. Tur- press;-all which engagements he fully intended, ton, of whose talents and skill he knew Goldsmith and would probably have been able to fulfil, as he had a great opinion: to this proposal the patient had done on former occasions in similar exigencies; readily consented, and ordered his servant to go di- but his premature death unhappily prevented the rectly. Doctors Fordyce and Turton accordingly execution of his plans. met at the time appointed, and had a consultation. The friends of Goldsmith, literary as well as perThis they continued twice a day till the 4th of sonal, were exceedingly numerous, and so attach April, 1774, when the disorder terminated in the ed to his memory, that they determined to honour death of the poet, in the forty-fifth year of his age. his remains with a public funeral, and to bury him Goldsmith's sudden and unexpected dissolution in Westminster Abbey. His pall was to have created a general feeling of regret among the litera-been supported by Lord Shelburne, Lord Louth, ry cles of that period. The newspapers and pe- Sir Joshua Reynolds, the Hon. Mr. Beauclerk, riodi publications teemed with tributary verses Mr. Edmund Burke, and Mr. Garrick. Some cirto his emory; and perhaps no poet was ever more cumstances, which have never been explained, oclament in every possible variety of sonnet, elegy, ccurred to prevent this resolution from being carriepitaph,nd dirge. Mr. Woty's lines on the oc-ed into effect. It is generally believed that the chief casion weelect from the general mass of eulogy.

"Adieu, weet bard! to each fine feeling true,

Thy virtu many, and thy foibles few;

Those fornt to charm e'en vicious minds and these
With harms mirth the social soul to please.

reason was a feeling of delicacy, suggested by the disclosure of his embarrassed affairs, and the extraordinary amount of his debts. He was, therefore, privately interred in the Temple burying-ground,

*40004-Campbell's Biography of Goldsmith

In addition to this eulogium on the literary qualities of his friend, Johnson afterwards honoured his memory with the following tetrastick in Greek. Τον ταφον εἰσορας του Ολιβαριαιο, κονίην

Αφρισι μη σεμνήν, Ξενε, πόδεσσι πατε
Οίσι μεμηλε φυσις μετρων χαρις, έργα παλαίων
Κλαίετε ποιητην, ἱστορικῶν, φυσικών.

a few select friends paying the last sad offices to his remains. A short time afterwards, however, the members of the Literary Club suggested, and zealously promoted, a subscription to defray the expense of a monument to his memory. The necessary funds were soon realized, and the chisel of Nollekens was employed to do honour to the poet. The design and workmanship of this memorial were purposely simple and inexpensive. It was erected in Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey, between the monument of Gay and that of the Duke of Argyll. On this occasion, the statuary is admitted to have produced a good likeness of the person commemorated. The bust of Goldsmith is exhibited in a large medallion, embellished with literary ornaments, underneath which is a tablet of white marble, with the following Latin inscription be no way so good as that of a Round Robin, as the sailors by Dr. Johnson.


Poeta, Physici, Historici, Qui nullum ferè scribendi genus non tetigit,

Nullum quod tetigit non ornavit:

Sive risus essent movendi,
Sive lacrymæ,
Affectuum potens at lenis dominator:
Ingenio sublimis, vividus, versatilis,
Oratione grandis, nitidus, venustus:
Hoc monumento memoriam coluit

Sodalium amor,
Amicorum fides,
Lectorum veneratio.

Natus in Hibernia Fornia Longfordiensis,
In loco cui nomen Pallas,
Nov. xxix, MDCCXXXI.
Eblanæ literis institutus.

Obiit Londini,
April. iv. MDCCLXXIV.

*This Latin inscription having been undertaken at the sug gestion of a meeting which took place in the house of Mr. Cumberland, when some members of the Literary Club were present, Johnson, either out of deference to them, or from the carelessness and modesty which characterised him as to his own writings, submitted the composition to the revisal of Sir Joshua Reynolds, with a request to show it afterwards to the Club for their approval. "I have been kept away from you," says he, in a card to Sir Joshua, "I know not well how; and of these vexatious hindrances I know not when there will be an end. I therefore send you the poor dear Doctor's epitaph. Read it first yourself; and, if you then think it right, show it to the Club. I am, you know, willing to be corrected. If you think any thing much amiss, keep it to yourself till we come together." The epitaph was accordingly laid before the Club Boon afterwards, and though no alteration was made, yet it gave rise to a great deal of discussion, and was productive of a curious literary jeu d'esprit, not only singular in itself, but remarkable for the celebrated names connected with it.

"Thou beholdest the tomb of Oliver! press not, O stranger, with the foot of folly, the venerable dust. Ye who care for nature, for the charms of song, for the deeds of ancient days, weep for the historian, the naturalist, the poet."

The general cast of Goldsmith's figure and physiognomy was not engaging, and the impression made by his writings, on the mind of a stranger,

propose them to him? At last it was hinted, that there could

call it, which they make use of when they enter into a conspi. racy, so as not to let it be known who puts his name first or last to the paper. This proposition was instantly assented to; and Dr. Barnard, dean of Derry, now bishop of Killaloe, drew up an address to Dr. Johnson on the occasion, replete with wit and humour, but which, it was feared, the Doctor might think treated the subject with too much levity. Mr. Burke then proposed the address as it stands in the paper in writing [the pa per was enclosed,] to which I had the honour to officiate as clerk.

"Sir Joshua agreed to carry it to Dr. Johnson, who received it with much good-humour, and desired Sir Joshua to tell the gentlemen that he would alter the epitaph in any manner they pleased, as to the sense of it; but he would never consent to disgrace the walls of Westminster Abbey with an English inscription. I consider this Round Robin," continues Sir William, "as a species of literary curiosity worth preserving, as it marks, in a certain degree, Dr. Johnson's character.” The following transcript of it, as given by Mr. Boswell, may gratify such of our readers as are curious in literary anecdote. We, the circumscribers, having read with great pleasure an intended epitaph for the monument of Dr. Goldsmith, which, considered abstractedly, appears to be, for elegant composi tion and masterly style, in every respect worthy of the pen of its learned author, are yet of opinion, that the character of the deceased, as a writer, particularly as a poet, is perhaps not delineated with all the exactness which Dr. Johnson is capable of giving it. We, therefore, with deference to his superior judgment, humbly request that he would at least take the trouble of revising it, and of making such additions and alterations as he shall think proper, upon a further perusal. But if we might venture to express our wishes, they would lead us to request, that he would write the epitaph in English, rather than in Latin; as we think that the memory of so eminent an English writer ought to be perpetuated in the language to which his works are likely to be so lasting an ornament, which we also know to have been the opinion of the late Doctor himself.

The circumscribers to this curious remonstrance, agreeably to their respective signatures, were as follows: viz-Edm. Burke, Tho. Franklin, Ant. Chamier, G. Colman, Wm. Vackell, J. Reynolds, W. Forbes, T. Barnard, R. B. Sheridan, P. "This jeu d'esprit," says Sir William Forbes, in a letter to Metcalfe, E. Gibbon, Jos. Warton. This hasty composition, Mr. Boswell, "took its rise one day at dinner at our friend Sir as remarked by Mr. Boswell, is one of the thousand instances Joshua Reynolds's. All the company present, except myself, which evince the extraordinary promptitude of Mr. Burke, were friends and acquaintance of Dr. Goldsmith. The epi- who, while he was equal to the greatest things, could adorn taph, written for him by Dr. Johnson, became the subject of the least; could with equal facility embrace the vast and com. conversation, and various emendations were suggested, which plicated speculations of politics, or the ingenious topics of it was agreed should be submitted to the Doctor's considera- literary investigation. It is also an eminent proof of the reBut due question was, Who should have the courage to verence with which Johnson was regarded by some of the

[ocr errors]

was not confirmed by the external graces of their consistent with probability. The truth, however, author. In stature he was somewhat under the may have been, that Goldsmith, having constantmidddle size; his body was strongly built, and his ly before him the example of extraordinary conlimbs, as one of his biographers expresses it, were versational abilities in Johnson, either from the more sturdy than elegant. His forehead was low. spirit of competition, or the ambition to excel in and more prominent than is usual; his complexion such a fascinating talent, was tempted to a frepallid; his face almost round, and pitted with the quent display of his own powers in the same line. small-pox. His first appearance was therefore by Our excessive anxiety to do any thing well, often no means captivating: yet the general lincaments defeats the end we have in view; and it is not unof his countenance bore the stamp of intellect, and likely that, on such occasions, this was the fate of exhibited traces of deep thinking; and when he Goldsmith. Yet, notwithstanding all his mistakes, grew easy and cheerful in company, he relaxed in- he had gleams of eloquence; and, although Mr. to such a display of benevolent good-humour, as Boswell studies to make him a foil to Johnson, soon removed every unfavourable impression. His there are instances among the conversations repleasantry in company, however, sometimes de- ported by that gentleman, where Goldsmith shines generated into buffoonery; and this circumstance, as the most rational and elegant interlocutor of the coupled with the inelegance of his person and deportment, often prevented him from appearing to so much advantage as might have been expected from his learning and genius.

whole. Hence it is reasonable to conclude, that the accounts which have been transmitted of the weakness or absurdity of Goldsmith's conversation are greatly overcharged. Be that as it may, if the The aptitude of Goldsmith to blunder in conver- conversation of Goldsmith was so confused and sation has excited considerable surprise when con- inaccurate as has been generally reported, it is an trasted with his powers as a writer. His literary eminent instance, among many others, in which associates used to be struck with the disparity, and the conversation of literary men has been found some of them puzzled themselves to account for it. strikingly unequal to their works. It forms also Sir Joshua Reynolds once mentioned that he had an illustration of the observation of Cicero, that it frequently heard Goldsmith talk warmly of the is very possible for a man to think rightly, and yet pleasure of being liked, and observe how hard it want the power of conveying his sentiments in bewould be if literary excellence should preclude a coming language: "Fieri potest ut recte quis senman from that satisfaction, which he perceived it tiat, sed id quod sentit polite eloqui non possit." often did, from the envy that attended it. "I am, Perhaps the chief fault of Goldsmith in conversatherefore, convinced," said Sir Joshua, "that he tion, as has been remarked by one of his biograwas often intentionally absurd in conversation, in phers, lay in his being always overhurried; so that order to lessen himself in social intercourse, trust- he was too apt to speak without reflection, and ing that his character would be sufficiently sup- without a sufficient knowledge of the subject. He ported by his works." But this appears to be the himself humorously used to remark, that he always excess of refinement in conjecture; and Mr. Bos-argued best when he argued alone. The same well's reason, which ascribed it to Goldsmith's circumstance was noticed by Johnson, and gave "vanity, and an eager desire to be conspicuous rise to the observation, "that no man was more wherever he was," though less charitable, is more foolish when he had not a pen in his hand, or more wise when he had."

ablest men of his time, in various departments, and even by such of them as lived most with him.

If it must be admitted that Goldsmith had no talent for oral display, it will not be disputed that in the solitude of the closet, "when he argued alone," he was almost unrivalled. A celebrated critic remarked of him, that "whatever he com

Although Johnson was in great good-humour with the production as a jeu d'esprit, yet, on seeing Dr. Warton's name to the suggestion that the epitaph should be in English, he observed to Sir Joshua, "I wonder that Joe Warton, a scholar by profession, should be such a fool." He said too, "I should have thought Mund Burke would have had more sense." Mr. Posed, he did it better than any other man could." Langton, who was one of the company at Sir Joshua's, like a It has been objected to the moral essays of Goldsturdy scholar, resolutely refused to sign the Round Robin. smith, that they present life under a gloomy asOn another occasion, when somebody endeavoured to argue pect, and leave an impression of despondency on in favour of its being in English, Johnson said, "The lan- the mind of the reader. Whether to paint life as guage of the country of which a learned man was a native, is it is, be a fault in a writer, is a question that will not the language fit for his epitaph, which should be in ancient and permanent language. Consider, sir, how you should feel admit of a considerable dispute; but it will not be were you to find at Rotterdam an epitaph on Erasmus in denied, that when he pictures the woes and vaniDutch!" Perhaps on this subject Mr. Boswell's suggestion is ties of existence, he only repeats the lessons of exthe best. "For my part," says he, "I think it would be pro-perience. It ought also to be recollected that an per to have epitaphs written both in a learned language and in author's writings are generally a transcript of his the language of the country, so that they might have the advantage of being more universally understood, and, at the own feelings. If the moral productions of Goldsame time, be secured of classical stability." smith are sometimes gloomy and despondent, we

should take into account the circumstances under again." A similar impression, or something anawhich they were written:-when he was obscure logous to it, is felt by every reader of the poetry and friendless, oppressed with want, sick of the of Goldsmith. His course has been through a rich past, and almost despairing of the future. The and highly cultivated country, where sweet fruits language of his prose works, in general, is admitted and fragrant flowers regaled his senses at every step; to be a model of perfection. His very enemies where every object that he passed was blooming in used to acknowledge the superiority of his taste in composition, and the unrivalled excellence of his style. It was not without reason, therefore, that Johnson at one time exclaimed, "Where is there now a man who can pen an essay with such ease and elegance as Goldsmith?"

beauty, and pregnant with interest; and where he himself never for a moment felt any intermission of enjoyment.

From the characteristics of the poet we turn to the qualities of the man. Goldsmith was mild and gentle in his manners, warm in his friendships, In poetry Goldsmith confessedly shines with and active in his charity and benevolence. So great lustre. But, viewing him as a scholar, it is strongly did he use to be affected by compassion, surprising how little of his imagery is drawn from that he has been known at midnight to abandon reminiscences of the classics. His verses are ut- his rest in order to procure relief and an asylum terly void of the machinery of ancient polytheism, for a poor dying object who was left destitute in and scarcely a single mythological person is ever the streets. The humanity of his disposition was invoked by him. In truth, he seems to have had manifested on every occasion that called for its exno partiality for the family of gods, goddesses, and ercise; and so large was his liberality, that his last demi-gods, and to have discarded as useless the guinea was the general boundary of his munifiwhole race of fauns, satyrs, dryads, and hamadry-cence. He had two or three poor authors always ads. He is one of those who seek to please chiefly as pensioners, besides several widows and poor by an exhibition of nature in her simplest and housekeepers; and when he happened to have no Inost familiar views. From these he selects his money to give the latter, he sent them away with objects with equal taste and discretion; and in no shirts or old clothes, and sometimes with the coninstance does he ever represent what would excite tents of his breakfast table, saying, with a smile of disgust, or cause pain. In the poetry of Goldsmith satisfaction after they were gone, "Now let me there is nothing that strikes us as merely ideal. suppose I have eaten a heartier breakfast than Every thing is clear, distinct, and palpable. His usual, and I am nothing out of pocket." His gevery imagery is tangible. He draws it from ob- nerosity, it is truc, used often to be carried to exjects that act at once upon the senses, and the cess. He gave frequently on the mere impulse of reader is never for a moment at a loss to discover the moment, and without discrimination. If the its application. It is this that makes Goldsmith so applicants for his bounty were poor and friendless, easily understood, and so generally admired. His it was all that he asked to know. Like his own poetical landscapes and portraits are so many tran- village pastor, he overflowed with benevolence, and scripts from living nature; while every image, every "Careless their merits or their faults to scan, thought, and every sentiment connected with them, His pity gave ere charity began." have a corresponding expression of unaffected truth This profuse and undistinguishing liberality has and simplicity. It was said of him by Mr. Bos- sometimes been imputed to him as a fault; but it well, that "his mind resembled a fertile but thin at least attested the excellence of his intentions soil; there was a quick, but not a strong vegetation and the kindness of his heart. The humanity and of whatever chanced to be thrown upon it. No benevolence, however, that characterised the poet's deep root could be struck. The oak of the forest disposition, were unhappily contaminated by a did not grow there; but the elegant shrubbery, jealousy of the attainments and the reputation of and the fragrant parterre, appeared in gay suc- others. He was feelingly conscious of this failing, cession." This is a poetical description, and, with and often used to complain of the uneasiness it cost some limitation, may be admitted as an approach him. In the minds of those who heard him on to the truth. The characteristics of Goldsmith's such occasions, all sense of the evil passion was poetry are ease, softness, and beauty. He can be lost in their amusement at the novelty and simplicommended for the elegance of his imagery, the city of his confessions. Vanity was another of the depth of his pathos and the flow of his numbers. weaknesses of Goldsmith; but it was rather amusHe is uniformly tender and impressive, but rarely ing than offensive in its operation. He was vain sublime. The commendation which he himself of his literary consequence, as was strongly discohas bestowed on the poetry of Parnell may justly vered in the complaint he once made with regard be applied to his own. "At the end of his course," to Lord Camden.-"I met him," said he, "at says he, "the reader regrets that his way has been Lord Clare's house in the country, and he took no so short; he wonders that it gave him so little more notice of me than if I had been an ordinary trouble; and so resolves to go the journey over man."

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