General rejoicing on the return of Buonaparte. Advances made to him on all sides. - Napoleon coalesces with Siêyes. -Revolution of the 18th Brumaire (Nov. 9). Clashing Views of the Councils of Ancients, and the Five Hundred. -Barras and his Colleagues resign.-Proceedings of the Councils on the 18th and 19th-Sittings removed from Paris to St Cloud. - Commotion in the Council of Five Hundred.-Napoleon menaced and assaulted, and finally, extricated by his Grenadiers.-Lucien Buonaparte, the President, retires from the Hall-Declares the Council dissolved. Provisional Consular Government of Buonaparte, Siêyes, and Ducos.
BUONAPARTE had caused himself to be preceded by an account of his campaigns in Africa and Asia, in which the splendid victory over the Turks at Aboukir enabled him to gloss over his bad success in Syria, the total loss of his fleet, and the danger of Malta, which was closely besieged by the English. Still, however, these despatches could never have led any one to expect the sudden return of a