of God; that is, that Jesus Christ is the Deliverer and Saviour of us which were holden bond, and fast tied with impiety and wickedness, and wrapped in the snares of eternal death, and holden thrall in foul bondage of the serpent the devil. Te CHAPTER Of Jesus Christ the Son of S SECTICS L "ALL the Prophets and the Law meses John." The preparatory seces i Leva type and prophecy, was coucanet til the west almost arrived for the coming vf the par and Accomplisher of Preterior to rent t mediate fore-runner and heruit of the bertour he world appeared in the person of his ministerial office calet the Base T SEHE of all the Prophets had been amor spired writers; and the Jews fotonet weet were not the expected Messi plicitly declared the true cure fac ment, and acknowledget the shortinink to that of Jesus, his kenar covering in the forc Born of the family of Aart aged parents, filled from us via the E Ghost, living an austere and secutetine se went forth to prepare the way of the Lant ing of his approach, -by preaching the pentance for the remission of st of God; that is, that Jesus Christ is the Deliverer and Saviour of us which were holden bond, and fast tied with impiety and wickedness, and wrapped in the snares of eternal death, and holden thrall in foul bondage of the serpent the devil. CHAPTER II. Of Jesus Christ the Son of God. SECTION I. "ALL the Prophets and the Law prophesied untif John." The preparatory series of Revelations by type and prophecy, was continued till the period had almost arrived for the coming of the great Antitype and Accomplisher of Prediction. At length the immediate fore-runner and herald of the Saviour of the world appeared in the person of John, on account of his ministerial office called the Baptist. This greatest of all the Prophets had been announced by the inspired writers; and the Jews doubted whether he were not the expected Messias. He, however, ex. plicitly declared the true nature of his own appointment, and acknowledged the subordination of his rank to that of Jesus, his kinsman according to the flesh. Born of the family of Aaron, and miraculously of aged parents, filled from his birth with the Holy Ghost, living an austere and secluded life, he at last went forth to prepare the way of the Lord, by testifying of his approach, -by preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, and baptizing in the wilderness," in the prospective faith of the promised Messias. When John had delivered his solemn testimony to the person of the Redeemer, made known to him by a supernatural discovery from heaven, and had baptized Him of whom he had " need to be baptized," his functions ceased, and he was heard no more. § 2. When "the fulness of the time was come, when that hour arrived which had been clearly pointed out by the sure word of prophecy, and the minds of men were thus to a certain degree prepared;-when the general expectation of a deliverer or enlightener prevailed, both in Judæa and among the Gentiles ;• when from the wide extension of the Roman Empire, and the dispersed condition of the Jews, from the high advancement of philosophy, and the fruitlessness of its researches after religious truth, the world was in a state of peculiar fitness for the reception of a celestial visitor :-" God sent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." The seed of the woman promised in Paradise, of the family of Abraham and house of David, He who was to bruise the serpent's head, and in whom all families of the earth should be blessed, was born into the world, in order that he might purchase redemption for the fallen race of Adam, and restore to them the inheritance they had forfeited, even an heavenly Canaan. §3. Jesus of Nazareth was the true Messiah; for in him, and in none other, was concentrated and fulfilled all that had been prefigured and foretold with regard to that illustrious personage. With respect |