
their fears were not well-founded:-Rev. E. Britenbaugh, Bushey, each $20; Henry Bushey and M. Nead, each $15; J. Dauberman, H. Summers, B. Walter, Margaret Hawkins and Rosa Kisecker, each $10; Anna Gordon, Albertus A. Miller, Catharine Phillipa, Lydia Diehl and Eli Huber, each $5; John Shrader, John Coffey, Peter Young, Elvira Wallace, Mary Wilson, Elizabeth Glewicks, each $3; Elizabeth Ebbert, and J H. Tritle, each $2.50; D. Shook, Eli Fuss, J. Leinenger, E. Wilhelm, Benj. Palmer, S. M. Michael, each $2; P. Seinler, D. Thompson, Mary Faust, J. Shillito, Mary Yaus, A. Kunkel, J. Clapsaddle, each $1.Total amount subscribed, $187; paid, $102. H. and M Bushey, B. Walter and E. Huber deserved, and I herewith tender them my sincere thanks; but I scarcely know how to thank Brother Britenbaugh and his estimable lady sufficiently for what they have done to make me comfortable, during my sojourn amongst them. May the God of all grace be with them to bless them and their dear little children. Being in Greencastle on Thanksgiving day, I availed myself of the opportunity of hearing a Thanksgiving sermon which was preached in the Presbyterian church by Brother Britenbaugh, on Prov. xiv. 34 "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." I was much pleased with the excellent sermon I heard, and all present could not but be profited by the wholesome instruction the speaker imparted on that occasion.

On Friday morning I bid adieu to Greencastle and rode with Brother Britenbaugh in his rockaway as far as Chambersburg, where we dined with our mutual friend and brother, Sill, and his dear family. After dinner he proceeded on his way to Shippensburg to assist Brother Ulsick at communion; and I took the stage to Gettysburg where I arrived at half-past 6 o'clock, P. M. My nephew, A. B. Kurtz, Esq., awaiting my arrival at the stage office, kept by Mr. John Tate, escorted me to his own house, all of whom gave me a hearty welcome and treated me with the utmost kindness, for which I desire to feel very grateful. I resided in Gettysburg, and served as pastor of St. James' church for the space of fifteen years and three months. I also served Flohr's, Arendt's and Mark's churches in connection with St. James' fourteen years, and Christ's church eighteen months. I left the people so dear to me, with many tears, on the 27th of October, 1851, for the purpose of collecting funds towards the endowment of the German Professorship in our institution at the above named place. Since I left the congregation of St James, it was successively served by the Brethren Anstadt and Hill. The congregation is, however, now again without a pastor, Brother Hill having accepted a call from the Lutheran congregation at Hagerstown, Md., whither he removed with his family, on Tuesday, the 8th inst. But it is time that I should give the subscriptions I obtained here:-Geo. Shyrock and And. Polly each $50; Samuel Weaver and Conrad Snyder, each $25; Henry Rupp, $15; John Berocharts, $10; Jacob Culp, Win. C. Stattsmith, H. S. Minnegh, John Ropp, Isaac Deardorff, Henry Culp, and Geo. Chrityman, each $5; Geo. Bushman, J. G. Plaueh, and Cath. Hesman, each $2.50; Cash, J. Sweikest, H Thomas, D. Shaeffer, Jos. Less, sen., J. A. Rindlaub, S. Foot, M. Saltzgiver, each $2; A. Faus, H. Gaslack, L Plaup, L. Weipest, E. Pityer, Jos. Leas, jr., Lydia Human, E. Menchey, Julian Wei

bel and Mary Chretzman, each $1; Samuel Hesbert, $1.50; Sum total subscribed, $245; paid, $88.50. My worthy and esteemed friend, Samuel Weaver, rendered me great service by taking me around in the country two days, for which kindness I am greatly indebted to him. My subscriptions in Christ church are as follows: -Dr. S. S. Schmucker, $20; Fahmerloch & Bros., $15; Drs. Krauth, Baugher, Schaeffer, $5; Profs. Stover and Muhlenberg, each $10; D. Ziegler, M. and W. M'Clean, D. A. Buehler, Mrs. A. M. Geiger, each $5; Revel P. Anstadt, $7.20; D. Culp and Dr. A. S. Huber, each $2; Wm. Boyer and John Tate, each $1; total subscription $118.20; paid, $71.70. Sum total subscribed in Gettysburg, $363; paid, $160.20. I would here state that the $150 subscribed by my worthy and highly esteemed friends, Shyroch, Polley, Weaver, and Snyder, were subscribed by them at my request, for the purpose of furnishing stereotyped plates, in order to enable the Board to publish a new and handsome English edition of C. H. V. Bogazky's Golden Treasury, translated from the original German. This little work I have used in the German language, every morning, for more than forty years; and I can testify before God that it was often a means, under the influence of his Spirit and grace, of comforting and refreshing my soul. I could therefore wish that it might be put into every house and every hand, it may prove a blessing to thousands of souls, when the bodies of the donors are resting in their graves. Before I close, I must yet add a few words in reference to our Institutions, and the town in which they are located. Pennsylvania College is in a flourishing state, the Professors labor together in harmony and peace; and the students, generally, as far as I could learn, conducted themselves in a measure creditable to their teachers, as well as themselves. Our Theological Seminary is also doing well. Dr. Schmucker told me that they have twenty-three students at present, and three more are expected, a number larger than they have had at one time for the last ten years, and it is still more gratifying that one half study GerThe Synod of Pennsylvania has, therefore, no cause to regret that they have placed a German Professor in our Institution at Gettysburg Doctor C. F. Schaeffer is accomplishing great good in his department, as well as his colleagues in theirs, and he is highly pleased with the number of the students that attend his instruction in the College and Theological Seminary. In the town, I observed a remarkable improvement. Since the railroad is building from Hanover to Gettysburg, a number of fine houses have been put up, old ones have been enlarged, improved, and beautified. And as to regularly graded streets and good pavements, Gettysburg surpasses any town of its size I have ever been in. But what is better than all this, the citizens are religious and church-going people. This latter consideration, should be a strong inducement for parents to send their sons to Pennsylvania College, as here they are not exposed to the many and strong temptations so prevalent in large cities and towns, besides, when the railroad is finished, Gettysburg will be as easy of access as any other place. The total amount subscribed on this trip is $683.70; paid, $336.20. During the winter, I shall, God willing, prosecute my agency here in the city; you will, therefore, not receive a letter from me for some time. Yours truly, BENJAMIN KELLER.


Editorial Miscellany.

TIME HASTENS ON, and soon will be closed the lingering dirge of the parting year, bearing on its wings the tears and smiles, the joys and pains of many of earth's pilgrims. Some of those who hailed its birth have passed to that bourne whence there is no returning and others have come to fill their places, and taste the mingled cup Time bids us drink. Such is life! an ever-changing scene of sunshine and of shade!

Scarce heeding this mournful plaint of departing days, the New-born Year, with song and glee, with the boom of cannon and the sound of many voices, breaks in upon usstriving, with its wild revelry, to drown into forgetfulness the records of the past, while it also points, with tempting hand, to fond hopes-never to be realized—and to joys seen only in prospective; winning us, by these fond allurements, to the syren cups, filled with earth's pleasures, and which, like the ruby wine, gives ease for a moment, but in the end is an ever-springing fount of care and


We bid thee farewell, Old Year! Would that the thoughts and feelings thou hast nursed might, with thee, as easily sink to rest! And to thee, New-Comer, we give a welcome in the hope that, as thou passest on, we may learn many a lesson of wisdomand, in remembrance of the past, cull but the flower, and reject the thorn.

"HOW ABOUT THE EAST INDIA COMPANY?" "What will be the future policy, socially and politically, of the British home government, in regard to its Asiatic Territory?" These questions may be answered in a few words. The Company has virtually ceased to exist. Hindostan will, by royal proclamation, be erected into an independent "Empire," and Victoria is its "Empress." The old native kingdoms, rajahships, and more modern "presidencies" will be abolished, and their landmarks removed as effectually and as expeditiously as possible. Dusky kings and their phantom courts will be swept away. Mysore, Lahore, Bijapooran, Delhi, Oude, Napaul, Agimeer, Asam, &c. &c., each divided and subdivided, like other parts of Anglo-Saxondom, into civil districts, will become, as with the old provinces of France, mere historical sections of one national whole. Semi-British Calcutta, not only the capital of Bengal, but the metropolis of Imperial Hindostan. In

Calcutta will-not a "Governor-General," but a Viceroy, keep his vice-regal court; and it will not be hazarding too much, to predict that Queen Victoria, whose peripatetic taste is almost morbid, will there herself hold court ere long, and inaugurate the event of a new and overshadowing dynasty by a "royal progress," with its most imposing oriental accessories, through the fair domain of India.


paper states that near the village of Arnaoutli, not far from Pharsalia, a tomb has just been that of Hippocrates, the great physician, an discovered, which has been ascertained to be inscription clearly enunciating the fact. In the tomb a gold ring was found, representing a serpent-the symbol of medical art in anti

quity-as well as a small gold chain attached to a thin piece of gold, having the appearance of a band for the head. There was also lying with these articles a bronze bust, supposed to be that of Hippocrates himself. These objects, as well as the stone which bears the inscription, were delivered up to Housin Pacha, governor of Thessaly, who at once forwarded them to Constantinople.

EGYPTIAN CURIOSITIES.-Dr. Abbot has sent to the Museum in New York another collection of Egyptian curiosities, among which there is a mummy supposed, from very strong evidence, to contain the remains of one of the Pharaohs, who lived at the time of Mycernus, the builder of the third pyramid of Ghizeh, whose bones are now in the British Museum. At all events, it is certain that this is the oldest specimen of the kind in the United States.

THE FRONTISPIECE.-Our readers will notice the present number is embellished with a beautiful steel engraving, which will thus form an elegant frontispiece for the bound volume. We have gone to this expense, confidently relying upon the prompt payments and anticipated support of our subscribers. We will cheerfully publish as many such as our means will afford. Let every friend of the enterprise, and we consider every subscriber as a friend, furnish us at least one or two new paying subscribers. We wish our list may be sufficiently enlarged to enable us to issue one each month.

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"Blanchard has failed, and they say a very large amount. It seems he has been doing business on credit and buying largely to get in his fall stock and not being able to collect his outstanding debts it has swamped him."

"Well, I sincerely pity him, for he is a very worthy young man, and one whom I always considered as prudent and upright in business matters, and exemplary in his private life."

"I don't know that you need expend quite so much sympathy on him. I suppose it is his own fault that he is unable to meet his liabilities, and it seems evident

that he could not have exercised much prudence, or foresight or he could not have allowed his debts to accumulate. He is like hundreds of others who live beyond their means." So much for the sympathy of the world.

It matters not to others what had brought about his adverse fortune-friends did not stop to inquire into the cause that led to his failure, and those of his neighbors who had looked with a jealous eye upon his increasing business, took a malignant pleasattributing it to carelessness or want of ure in spreading the news of his downfall, prudence, extravagancy of living or wild either of his circumstances or mode of speculation; although they knew nothing


And thus it ever is, those who fawn and flatter in times of prosperity, are the first to desert when calamity comes, and poverty and want threaten. The same thing that swelled the "Hosanna to the to Jerusalem, joined in the cry "Crucify son of David" at his triumphant entry inhim, Crucify him," when he became unpopular.

fraud. We hear one say-in vulgar parBankruptcy does not necessarily imply lance-"I am broke;" another has suspended; a third has asked for an extension That evening Mr. Blanchard went home of credit; a fourth has taken the benefit to his little family sad and dejected—with of the bankrupt law, and all these notwiththe stigma of bankruptcy upon him, he standing their misfortunes may be virtuhad tried hard to avert the crisis, had madeous, God-fearing men, who have endeavorevery sacrifice possible, but owing to the ed to act honestly and avert the crisis, but failure of others to meet their engage- have had at length to yield to the pressure ments, he had been unsuccessful, and now under which others have succumbed. The his hopes of future prosperity in business world-in its cold heartlessness makes no were blighted for years, if not forever, and distinction between the fraudulent insolvensimply because in the opinion of the world cy and that which is brought about by the he was a bankrupt. malpractice of others, and in which the


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