language throws light on every other There is not a single foreign tongue which will not suggest to a maneof sense some new considerations respecting his own. We acknowledge, too, that the great body of our educated countrymen learn to grammaticise their English by means of their Latin. This, however, proves not the usefulness of their Latin, but the folly of their other instructors. Instead of being a vindičation of the present system of education, it is a high charge against it. A man who thinks the knowledge of Latin essential to the purity of English diction, either has never conversed with an accomplished woman, or does not deserve to have conversed with her. We are sure that all persons who are in the habit of hearing public speaking must have observed, that the orators who are fondest of quoting Latin, are by no means the most scrupulous about marring their native tongue. We could mention several members of Parliament who never fail to usher in their scraps of Horace and Juvenal, with half-a-dozen false concords. . . }) 1 1 Are there any questioning members in this extract, the first words of which are under the dominion of emphasis? Point out those answers which, being modified by succeeding members, assume the rising slide. This sentence is one example, This however does not. Were Latin not followed by the succeeding 'member, but the folly, it might take the falling inflection, but as it now stands it must have the rising. I FIND myself existing upon a little spot, surround بية ed every way by an immense unknown expansion Where am I? What sort of a place do I inhabit ? Is it exactly accommodated in every instance to my convenience? Is there no excess of cold, none of heat, to offend me? Am I never annoyed by animals either of my own kind or a different? Is every thing subservient to me, as though I had ordered all my self? No nothing like it the farthest from it pos sible. The world appears not, then, originally made for the private convenience of me alone?It does not. But is it not possible so to accommodate it, by my own particular industry?-Ifto accommodate man and beast, heaven and earth, if this be beyond me, it is not possible. What consequence then follows; or can there be any other than this-If I seek an interest of my own, detached from that of others, I seek an interest which is chimerical, and can never have existence? - How then must I determine? Have I no interest at all? If I have not, I am a fool for staying here: 'tis a smoky house, and the sooner out of it the bet ter. But why no interest? Can I be contented with none but one separate and detached? Is a social interest, joined with others, such an absurdity as not to be admitted? The bee, the beaver, and the tribes of herding animals, are enough to convince me that the thing is somewhere at least possible. How, then, am I assured that it is not equally true of man? Admit it; and what follows? If so, then honour and justice are my interest; then the whole train of moral virtues are my interest: without some portion of which, not even thieves can maintain society. But farther still-I stop not here I pursue this social interest as far as I can trace my several la pass from my own stock, my own neighbourhood, my own nation, to the whole race of mankind, as dispersed throughout the earth. Am I not related to them all, by the mutual aids of commerce, by the general intercourse of arts and letters, by that common nature of which we all participate? Again-I must have food and clothing. Without abproper genial warmth, I instantly perish. Am I not related, in this view, to the very earth itself? to the distant sun, from whose beams I derive vigour? to that stupendous course and order of the infinite host of heaven, by which the times and seasons ever uniformly pass on? Were this order once confounded, I could not probably survive a moment; so absolutelyndo Ibdepend on this common general welfare. ༣ What, then have I to do, but to enlarge virtue into piety? Not only honour and justice, and what Isowe to man, is my interest; but gratitude also, acquiest cence, resignation, adoration, and all It owe to this great polity, and its greater Governor, our common Parent! dard of ex abort. Hit rated w #7 In this extract, the questioning and answering states will, to some of our readers, be more evident. It presents some very plain and good illustrations of the rule of the influence of emphasis founded on the sense. The sentence, The world appears not, is marked with an interrogation, and yet it has no external or vulgar sign authorizing that point. This is completely in dance with our notions of the subject Many writers would not have sanctioned such a mark here and this arises from ignorance. There are many parts of sentences as strictly interrogative as pos sibility can admit, but ignorance has prevented the mark from be ing affixed. From this it may be inferred, that many parts of sentences are transferred from the questioning to the answering state; and thus the sense of an author in a great measure lost.From this we likewise infer that the inflection of a member is a sine qua non; in short, a something with which it cannot dispense with which, at least, we know Nature never does dispense... It is much to be regretted that the abolitionists and the planters have hitherto stood at such an impracticable distance from each other; and more espe cially that a whole class of men, comprising in it many humane and accomplished individuals, should have had such an indiscriminate stigma affixed to them, by the more intemperate advocates of a good cause. There is a sacredness in property, which a British legislature, in that calm and equitable spirit by which it is so honourably characterised, will ever hold in reverence; and every thing ought to be done, consistently with the great object of a full and final emancipation, to tranquillize the natural fears of the slave-holders, and, it may be added, to meet and to satisfy their natural appetite for justice. On the ๆ and part of the abolitionists, there is a frequent appeal to the abstract band original principles of the question! Butyron the part of the proprietors, it may be asked, Who ought to be at the expense of reforming the mischief that has arisen from the violation of these principles ?—whether the traders who have hitherto acted under the sanction and the shelter of existing laws, or the government that framed these laws ?-whether the party that have been lured into a commerce which they found to be tolerated and protected by the state, or the party that, by this very toleration, may be said to have given their promise and their authority in its favour?-whether the children who have been misled, or the parent who has misled them?—whether, in a word, the men who have been singled out for the execration of the public, or that same public, under whose observation, by whose connivance, the property that they would now seize upon has been legalized, and its present possessors have made their sacrifices of time, and labour, and money, to obtain it? It were a noble achievement, this conversion of slaves into free-men and therefore the more important for its ultimate success, that in every step of its prosecution there should be an even-handed justice to all the parties concerned. More especially, would it serve to accredit the philanthropy that is now so widely and so warmly embarked upon this undertaking, did they who advocate its designs also bear their part in the expenses of them; and it would do much to allay the fermentation that now is among the West India planters, could they have any satisfying demonstration from Parliament, that, however intent on the emancipation of their slaves, it should be so devised and carried into effect as not to infringe on the present worth of their patrimony. This piece has been selected in consequence of the ors which it contains. We consider the word, should, understood. It will then be expressed thus:-Should the traders who have hitherto acted under the sanction and the shelter of existing laws? Or, Should the government that framed these laws? It matters little whether we consider them as two separate and independent questions or as one. In the latter view, we have existing laws assuming, the rising emberbut slide, because there is something to come the penultimate m ut the following laws led to the downward slide, as should is emphatic. god H benroth 45mdb bas boggans molon zill-.dgid Wore ofT--.wod sdr worth 9H-2979 eld bu di 9 boold in Est naivle - o--- Polite) to 193dgnab sát bollsɔ bir vm ( Body Comal and Galvinasaol 901 m 19W? 2617856 P650 gm7294 Tod digagac Wolf Savoi Y MOURNFUL is thy tale, son of the car," said Carril of other times. It sends my soul back to the ages of old, and to the days of other years. Often have I heard of Comal, who slew the friend he loved ;byet victory attended his steel; and the battle was con sumed in his presence.tuor < ---[[[$) I 990 90 to Comal was the son of Albion; the chief off-ahundred hills. His deer drank of a thousand streams. Asthousand rocks replied to the voice of his dogs! His face was the mildness of youth-His hand the death of heroes. One was his love, and fair was shet the daughter of mighty Conloch. She appeared like a sun-beam among women.-Her hair was like the wing of the raven.-Her dogs were taught to the chase. Her bow-string sounded on the winds of the forest. Her soul was fixed on Comal.-Often met their eyes of love. Their course in the chase was one. Happy were their words in secret-But Gormal loved the maid, the dark chief of the gloomy Ardven. He watched her lone steps in the heath; the foe of unhappy Comal! tou 916 978 W - One day, tired of the chase, when the mist had! concealed their friends, Comal and the daughter of Conloch met, in the caves of Ronano It was the wonted haunt of Comal. Its sides were hung with his arms. A hundred shields of thongs were there ç[ a hundred helms of sounding steel Rest here,' he said, my love, Galvina; thous light of the cave of RonandA deer appears on Mora's brow-ligo; but I will soon return. I fear,' she said, dark GorinalI my foe; he haunts the cave of Ronan! I will resti among the arms but soon return, my love.”ed dɔidw U |