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Worman's First French Book.

On same plan as the German and Spanish. The scholar reads and speaks from the first hour understandingly and accurately. 83 pages.

Worman's Second French Book.

Continues the work of the First Book, and is a valuable Elementary French Reader. 96 pages.

Worman's Le Questionnaire.
98 pages. Cloth.

Exercises on the First French Book.

Worman's Grammaire Française.

Written in simple French, but based on English analogy. It therefore dwells upon the Essentials, especially those which point out the variations of the French from the student's vernacular. 184 pp.

Worman's Teacher's Hand-Book.

Or Key to the Grammaire Française.

Worman's French Echo.

This is not a mass of meaningless and parrot-like phrases thrown together for a tourist's use, to bewilder him when in the presence of a Frenchman.

The "Echo de Paris" is a strictly progressive conversational book, beginning with simple phrases and leading by frequent repetition to a mastery of the idioms and of the every-day language used in business, on travel, at a hotel, in the chit-chat of society.

It presupposes an elementary knowledge of the language, such as may be acquired from the First French Book by Professor Worman, and furnishes a running French text, allowing the learner of course to find the meaning of the words (in the appended Vocabulary), and forcing him, by the absence of English in the text, to think in French.

CHER MONSIEUR WORMAN, -Vous me demandez mon opinion sur votre "Echo de Paris" et quel usage j'en fais. Je ne saurais mieux vous répondre qu'en reproduisant une lettre que j'écrivais dernièrement à un collègue qui était, me disait-il, "bien fatigué de ces insipides livres de dialogues.'

"Vous ne connaissez donc pas," lui disais-je, "l'Echo de Paris,' édité par le Professor Worman? C'est un véritable trésor, merveilleusement adapté au développement de la conversation familière et pratique, telle qu'on la veut aujourd'hui. Cet excellent livre met successivement en scène, d'une manière vive et intéressante,

toutes les circonstances possibles de la vie ordinaire. Voyez l'immense avantage il vous transporte en France; du premier mot, je m'imagine, et mes élèves avec moi, que nous sommes à Paris, dans la rue, sur une place, dans une gare, dans un salon, dans une chambre, voire même à la cuisine je parle comme avec des Français; les élèves ne songent pas à traduire de l'anglais pour me répondre; ils pensent en français; ils sont Français pour le moment par les yeux, par l'oreille, par la pensée Quel autre livre pourrait produire cette illusion? .

Illustrated Language Primers.



Votre tout dévoué,




The names of common objects properly illustrated and arranged in easy lessons.

Pujol's Complete French Class-Book.

Offers in one volume, methodically arranged, a complete French course— usually embraced in series of from five to twelve books, including the bulky and expensive lexicon. Here are grammar, conversation, and choice literature, selected from the best French authors. Each branch is thoroughly handled; and the student, having diligently completed the course as prescribed, may consider himself, without further application, au fait in the most polite and elegant language of modern times.


Pujol's French Grammar, Exercises, Reader.

3 vols.

These volumes contain Part I., Parts II. and III., and Part IV. of the Complete ClassBook respectively, for the convenience of scholars and teachers. The Lexicon is bound with each part.

Maurice-Poitevin's Grammaire Française.

American schools are at last supplied with an American edition of this famous textbook. Many of our best institutions have for years been procuring it from abroad rather than forego the advantages it offers. The policy of putting students who have acquired some proficiency from the ordinary text-books, into a Grammar written in the vernacular, cannot be too highly commended. It affords an opportunity for finish and review at once, while embodying abundant practice of its own rules.


Worman's First Spanish Book.

On same plan as Worman's first German and French Books. Teaches by direct appeal to illustrations, and by contrast, association, and natural inference. 96 pp.

These little books work marvels in the school-room. The exercises are so developed out of pictured objects and actions, and are so well graduated, that almost from the very outset they go alone. A beginner would have little use for a dictionary in reading. The words are so introduced, and so often used, that the meaning is kept constantly before the mind, without the intervention of a translation.




Searing's Virgil's Eneid, Georgics, and Bucolics.

1. It contains the first six books of the Eneid and the entire Bucolics and Georgics. 2. A very carefully constructed Dictionary. 3. Sufficiently copious notes. 4. Grammatical references to four leading Grammars. 5. Numerous illustrations of the highest order. 6. A superb map of the Mediterranean and adjacent countries. 7. Dr. S. H. Taylor's "Questions on the Æneid." S. A Metrical Index, and an essay on the Poetical Style. 9. A photographic fac-simile of an early Latin MS. 10. The text is according to Jahn, but paragraphed according to Ladewig. 11. Superior mechanical execution.

"My attention was called to Searing's Virgil by the fact of its containing a vocabulary which would obviate the necessity of procuring a lexicon. But use in the class-room has impressed me most favorably with the accuracy and just proportion of its notes, and the general excellence of its grammatical suggestions. The general character of the book, in its Johnson's Persius.

paper, its typography, and its engravings, is highly commendable, and the jac-simile manuscript is a valuable feature. I take great pleasure in commending the book to all who do not wish a complete edition of Virgil. It suits our short school courses admirably." HENRY L. BOLTWOOD, Master Princeton High School, Ill.

The Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus, edited, with English notes, principally from Conington. By Henry Clark Johnson, A. M., LL.B., Professor of Latin in the Lehigh University.

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