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into blood: fo that they might not drink of the rivers.

46 He fent lice among them, and devoured them up and frogs to destroy them.

47 He gave their fruit unto the caterpiller: and their la bour unto the grafhopper.

48 He deftroyed their vines with hail-ftones: and their mulberry-trees with the froft.

49 He fmote their cattel alfo with hail-ftones: and their flocks with hot thunder-bolts.

50 He caft upon them the furioufness of his wrath, anger, displeasure and trouble: and fent evil angels among them.

51 [He made a way to his indignation,] and spared not their foul from death: but gave their life over to the peftilence. 52 And fmote all the firftborn in Egypt: the most principal and mightiest in the dwellings of *Ham.

53 But as for his own people, he led them forth like fheep: and carried them in the wildernefs like a flock.

54 He brought them out fafely, that they should not fear: and overwhelmed their enemies with the fea.

55 And brought them [within the borders of his fanctuary:] even to his mountain which he purchased with his right-hand.

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Josh. xii, xiv, xxì.

43, 44.

58 [Like a Bow, which being broke of a fudden, difappoints the aim of the Archer.] Jud. vi. 25. X. 6.

Sam. iv. 3, 4. Jer. vii. 12.

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62 [The Ark which was the main ftrength

of Ifrael, because it was the token of God's Pre

56 He caft out the heathen alfo before them: caufed their land to be divided among them for an heritage, and made the tribes of Ifrael to dwell in their


57 So they tempted and difpleafed the most high God: and kept not his teftimonies;

58 But turned their backs, and fell away like their forefathers: [ftarting afide like a broken bow.]

59 For they grieved him with their hill-altars: and provoked him to displeasure with their images.

60 When God heard this, he was wroth and took fore difpleasure at Ifrael;

61 So that he forfook the tabernacle in Silo: even the tent that he had pitched among men.

62 He delivered [their power] into captivity: and their beauty into the enemies hand.

fence, and the great Ornament of their Country, the defire of their Eyes,] Ezek. xxiv. 21.

1 Sam. iv. 10.

65 [And their Wives didong furvive to

them their Funeral Refpects.] Sam.iv.20.

63 He gave his people over

alfo unto the fword: and was wroth with his inheritance.

64 The fire confumed their youngmen: and their maidens were not given to marriage.

65 Their priests were flain with the fword: [and there were no widows to make lamentation.

66 So the Lord awaked as one out of fleep: and like a giant refreshed with wine.

67 He fmote [his enemies] in the hinder parts: and put them to a perpetual fhame.

68 [He refused the tabernacle of Jofeph: and chose not the tribe of Ephraim;]

69 But chofe the tribe of Juda: even the hill of Sion which he loved.

70 [And there he built his temple on high: and laid the foundation of it like the ground which he hath made continually.]

71 He chofe David alfo his fervant: and took him away from the fheep-folds.

72 As he was following the ews great with young ones he took him that he might feed Jacob his people, and Ifrael his inheritance.

73 So he fed them with a faithful and true heart: and ruled them prudently with all his power.

67 [The Idolatrous Philistines.] Sam. v. 6, 9, 12.

68 [He did not think fit that the Ark should be restored to the Tabernacle in Shiloh

which stood in the Tribe of Ephraim, one of Jofeph's Sons.]

70 [And there he has cauled a moft Magerected, which is not nificent Temple to be moveable as the Tabernacle was, but whose Foundations are fixt and firm like the ground on which it stands, made for a long continuance of time.

The Sixteenth Day. Morning Prayer.

A Pfalm of Afaph on occafion of the Outrages committed by Nebuchadnezzar. See Jer. x. 25.

Deus, venerunt. Pfal. LXXIX.

God, the heathen are come

into thine inheritance:

thy holy temple have they de

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s[The Anger which thou haft conceived a

gainst thy People for their Idolatry. Exod.

XX. 5.

10 t Is it not because

filed, and made Jerufalem an heap of stones.

2 The dead bodies of thy fervants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the air: and the flesh of thy faints unto the beafts of the land.

3 Their blood have they shed like water on every fide of Jerufalem: and there was no man to bury them.

4 We are become an open fhame to our enemies: a very fcorn and derifion unto them that are round about us.

5 Lord, how long wilt thou be angry: fhall [thy jealoufie] burn like fire for ever?

6 Pour out thine indignation upon the heathen that have not known thee: and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy Name.

7 For they have devoured Jacob and laid waste his dwelling-place.

8 O remember not our old fins, but have mercy upon us, and that foon: for we are come to great mifery.

9 Help us, O God of our falvation, for the glory of thy Name:. O deliver us, and be merciful unto our fins for thy Names fake.

10 Wherefore do the heathen thou hast hitherto delay'd fay: Where is now their God?+

to manifeft thy Power in our behalf?


ITO let the vengeance of thy fervants blood that is fhed: be openly fhewed upon the heathen in our fight.

12 O let the forrowful fighing of the prifoners come before thee: according to the greatnefs of thy power preferve thou thofe that are appointed to die.

And for the blafphemy wherewith our neighbours have blafphemed thee: reward thou them, O Lord, seven-fold into their bofom.

14 So we that are thy people and fheep of thy pafture, fhall give thee thanks for ever: and will alway be fhewing forth thy praife from generation to generation.


A Pfalm of Afaph on the fame fubject with the former.


Qui regis Ifrael. Pfal. LXXX. Ear, O thou fhepherd of Ifrael, thou that leadeft Jofeph like a fheep: fhew thy felf alfo, [thou that fitteft upon the Cherubims.]


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I- Sometimes Jofeph, that is, the two Tribes of Ephraim and Manaffes, denotes the whole

People of Ifrael. See

Pfal. lxxx. 5 Obad. 18. refide over the Cheru


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