KIDD'S OWN JOURNAL; FOR INTER-COMMUNICATIONS ON NATURAL HISTORY, POPULAR SCIENCE, AND THINGS IN GENERAL. CONDUCTED BY WILLIAM KIDD, OF HAMMERSMITH. VOLUME V. A DEEP mysterious SYMPATHY doth bind But this full well we know,-When ill doth fall Upon us, when our hearts are sear'd and riven, "Tis then we seek the shade, and raise our eyes to HEAVEN, R. NICOL. LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR WILLIAM KIDD, BY GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS, 5, PATERNOSTER ROW; AND PROCURABLE, BY ORDER, OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. M. DCCC. LIV. TO THE READER. ANOTHER HALF-YEAR has very quickly passed away. AGAIN are we called Since our last Preface was penned, the whole aspect of affairs has undergone a Literature, too, has quite altered its healthy tone. The better class of our There is no denying the fact, that public taste now inclines towards the vilest At this peculiar crisis, prudence bids Us (for the present) back out of the field. very last); but as an equivalent, we preserve, intact, a tender heart and an honest What our labors have been for the last few years (and our heavy loss by the KIDD'S JOURNAL owes little indeed of its popularity to the Editor. It is to the Contributors that ALL praise is justly due. By their noble sentiments-as nobly and honestly expressed, they have given birth to a standard work,-imperishable in interest, and one which has done good to an incalculable extent both at home and abroad. Better than all,—it has "won," not forced its way to the hearts of May OUR JOURNAL long continue to extend its genial influences (for we Crystal Palace, The, at Sydenham, 52, 258, 316, Dew, and its Phenomena, 69 Dog, The, 41, 43, 103, 154, 171, 237, 298, 356 ESSAYS AND SKETCHES. Analysis of Society, An, 204; Auction, An, 113; Babies and their Smiles, 349; Bright Side of Nature, The, 193; Ceylon, Recollections of, 12; Colney Hatch, 33; Destiny, Fate, and Conduct, 129; Dignity and Duty, 9; "Doctors' Com- mons, 135; Fashion's Looking Glass, 204; Friendship, 119, 314; God made the Country, 65; Happy Thoughts, 1; Hope, 4; Humanity and Inhumanity, 273; Infidelity, 320; Inno- cence, Guilt, and Suspicion, 257; "Laugh and Grow Fat!" 208; Little Kindnesses, 17; Living and the Dead, The, 300; Love Lane, 263; Man and his Food, 141; Man and his Idol, Gold, 338; Meditation and Books, 353; Natural History, On the Study of, 234; Our Early Flowers, 97, 163, 225; Our Wild Flowers, 291; Our Mirror of the Months, 35, 105, 174, 229, 293, 358; Philosophy, The, of Common Life, 370; Plurality of Worlds, The, 324; Profound Talkers, 336; Prose and Poetry, 271; Reason and its Shadow, 33; Rome and Naples, 3; Snow Balls, 50; Sympathy and its Delights, 321; Tongue, The Human, 72; "The Man for |