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A Well and Happy Child

is properly nourished and withstands infantile diseases more easily than a baby insufficiently nourished. Good digestion and proper food are all important to a baby's health. Mellin's Food is specially adapted to this end and babies raised on it are well nourished, have good digestions and strong, rugged bodies that resist disease.


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the heading) are to

These (called

be sent, postage fully paid, en-
closed with a sheet of
per stat-
of paper
ing competitor's full name and ad-
dress and
the number of coupons
sent in, to Lever Bros.,
York, marked on outside Wrapper
(top left hand corner) with Num-
ber of the District competitor lives
in. The districts are as follows:

New York City, Brook1 lyn, Long and Staten Islands, and New Jersey. New York State (outside of NY. City, Brooklyn, Long

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and Staten Islands). Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia and District of Columbia.

4 The New England States

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RULES. 1. Every month during 1897, in each of the four districts, prizes will be awarded as tollows:

The 1 Competitor who sends in the Largest Number of coupons from the district in which he or she resides will receive $100 Cash.

The 5 Competitors who send in the Next Largest Numbers of coupons from the district in which they reside will Each receive at winner's option a lady's or gentleman's Pierce Special bicycle, price $100.00.

The 10 Competitors who send in the Next Largest Numbers of coupons from the district in which they reside will Each receive at winner's option a lady's or gentleman's Gold Watch, price $25.00.

2. The Competitions will Close the Last Day of Each Month during 1897. Coupons received too late for one month's competition will be put into the next.

3. Competitors who obtain wrappers from unsold soap in dealer's stock will be disqualified. Employees of Lever Brothers, Ltd., and their families, are debarred from competing.

4. A printed list of Winners in
The Bicycles are the celebrated Competitor's district will be for
Pierce Special, 1897 Pattern,
m'f'd by Geo, N. Pierce & Co., of warded to Competitors in about 21
Buffalo, Boston and New York, days after each competition closes.
Fitted with Hartford Tires, First-
class Nickle Lamp, New Depart endeavor to award the prizes fair-
5. Lever Brothers, Ltd., will
ure Bell, Standard Cyclometer, ly to the best of their ability and
and Hunt Lace Saddle.
judgment, but it is understood
that all who compete agree to ac
cept the award of Lever Bros.,
Ltd., as final.


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The Outlook is a Weekly Newspaper, containing this week 68 pages.
Price. The subscription price is Three Dollars a year, payable in advance. Ten cents a copy.
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13 Astor Place, New York.

Dark Colors in Summer Dress Fabrics

Ladies who prefer, for whatever reason, dark colors in washable dress materials, and who have noticed how largely the light colors predominate in the sheer summer fabrics, will appreciate this suggestion from

"The Linen Store"

We are showing some beautiful effects in dark Silk Weft Zephyrs, Azalee, and Brillian

Nuns Veilings


Rice Grenadines.

are open weave and sheer to show the Silk lining; These novelties have just been received; both lines new blues, greys, cadets.

Fifteen styles in Covert-weaves, whipcords, corkscrews and coaching twills; all the shades that tailors are using.

Cloths for Bicycle Suits,-Tweeds and Coverts, brown and tan Overchecks, heavy, particularly good value, at $1.00 a yard.

White Accordion-plaited skirt patterns for graduates; also full line of Plaited Robes, on counter at Eleventh Street entrance.

Full Summer stock of Challies now ready.


tee fabrics, which, while subdued enough in James McCreery & Co.,

color, are at the same time comfortably cool.


14 West 23d Street, New York

Broadway and 11th Street, New York.


"Built Like a Watch"

Of all things in the world that should be good, your bicycle should be the best, for it is a friend and companion that will be taken on many a journey.

The best is none too good, and to have the best you must get a


It costs but a trifle more than inferior makes, and it lasts.




Vol. 56

Published Every Saturday

May 15, 1897

HE tariff bill reported to the Senate is an entirely new measure. The estimates submitted by Mr. Dingley are rejected as worthless, and Senator Allison, of the Senate Committee, is quoted as saying that the Dingley Bill would not have added $15,000,000 to the revenues during the first year. As Mr. Dingley estimated the increase at over $60,000,000-on the supposition, it is true, that the measure should be passed promptly by both Houses the figures of the Senate and the House Committees are as far apart as if they had been submitted by the representatives of opposing parties. The differences in the proposed methods of increasing the revenue are hardly less striking. The Dingley Bill assumed that increased revenue from imports and increased protection to competing American products could be simultaneously secured by raising the tariff rate, and that the entire deficit could be met by increased protection. The Senate bill assumes that protective taxes must be supplemented by revenue taxes in order to meet the deficit which would otherwise occur until all goods imported under the present tariff shall have been consumed. With this end in view the Senate bill establishes for the next two and a half years an additional tax of 44 cents a barrel on beer and a new tax of 10 cents a pound on tea. These two taxes are expected to yield approximately $17,000,000 and $8,000,000 respectively, or $25,000,000 together. Every one admits that beer is at present lightly taxed; but the tax on tea is likely to be almost as unpopular among free-traders as among protectionists; for although the proceeds of the tax will go entirely to the Government, as the free-trade theory demands,

No. 3

few free-traders believe that a necessity like tea or coffee should be taxed even for revenue. It is doubtful if the Republicans in Congress will permit this tax to be retained. Certainly the bulk of their constituents would prefer that Government expenses should be reduced rather than that this tax should be levied.

Apart from these taxes for revenue only, the principal changes made by the Senate Committee are the rejection of the retroactive clause of the House bill, the taxation of all sugar imported, including that coming from the Hawaiian Islands, the lowering of the duty on the finer grades of wool and the raising of the duty on the coarsest grade, the imposition of a protective tariff of 12 cents a pound on hides, and a slight lowering of the Dingley rates in most of the remaining schedules. The retroactive clause in the House bill was rejected because of its general impracticability as well as the doubt as to its constitutionality. Indefinite confusion and very little revenue would certainly have been the result of an attempt to tax imports imported before the law went into effect. The taxation of sugar imported from the Hawaiian Islands means a gain of about $3,000,000 a year to the Government. Under the reciprocity treaty which went into effect in 1876, the United States has admitted Hawaiian sugar free of duty. As the Hawaiian producers have not on that account sold their sugar any cheaper than the Cuban and European producers who paid the tax, our Government has simply presented them with the amount of the duties remitted. This amount has been during the twenty-one years over $60,000,000. The Senate bill proposes that henceforth the taxes paid by American consumers on imported products shall go into the public treasury. The lowering

of duties on the higher grades of wool and raising them on the lowest grade are changes in the interest of the manufacturers of woolen clothing and of the producers of low-grade or carpet wool on the Pacific coast. The raising of the duty on carpet wools was one of the concessions demanded by Senator Jones, of Nevada, whose vote was essential to the reporting of any tariff bill from the Senate Finance Committee. The other concession which he demanded and obtained is even more important. A tariff on raw hides which was done away with in the early seventies is now restored. The restoration of this tax has been strenuously fought by the New England leather manufacturers, who have declared that it would cripple their capacity to export. This is doubtless the case if it be admitted that the tariff is a tax, but inasmuch as the New England manufacturers have denied this, their position is a difficult one.

The taxation of the Eastern manufacturers for the protection of Western cattle-raisers against foreign competition is a new phase of tariff development, but it is a phase welcomed by free-traders, who wish to avoid sectionalism, and demand that all industries shall enjoy equality before the laws.

The Populist or Fusion Regents of the Kansas State Agricultural College at their meeting last month adopted a resolution making the terms of the faculty, like those of teachers in the lower schools, expire annually. One of the objects of this resolution, it was apparent, was to secure the reorganization of the faculty. President Fairchild, who had been at the head of the institution during seventeen years, at once presented his resignation, in order not to embarrass the Board or injure the College by a conflict. This resignation was accepted by the Regents, on the ground, as one of them afterwards explained, that, while President Fairchild's work as a teacher had commanded their highest regard, his views on "the distribution of wealth" and the advisability of an extended course in political economy in the College differed radically from their own. Board immediately elected the Professor of Political Economy President of the College, and re-employed several other mem


bers of the faculty for positions to be designated thereafter. The new Presi dent, Thomas E. Will, is a Harvard graduate, who was formerly Professor of Political Economy in Lawrence University, Wisconsin, and lost his position there, his friends assert, because of his theological and economic views. He is an evolutionary socialist in political economy, and heartily supported Mr. Bryan in the recent campaign. Among the professors reelected were some Republicans--one who had been the chairman of a county Republican convention during the recent campaign-but the object of the changes was clearly to make the instruction at this College strongly Populistic. The Regents would probably defend their action on grounds which it is easy to state. The Populists in this country feel rather bitterly concerning the conservatism of the universities. Many of them believe that teachers of economics in colleges dependent upon endowments are made afraid to speak the "truth they needs must feel," and they are endeavoring to meet proscription by proscription. But a new wrong of this sort, so far from neutralizing the old, simply intensifies everywhere the intolerance which is the enemy of truth and progress. Honesty is not more essential to the character of merchants, or chastity to the character of women, than is fearlessness in stating convictions to the character of teachers. In so far as the Kansas Populists have proscribed professors because of their views, to that extent they have struck a blow at the integrity of their teaching force, and lowered university standards wherever the influence of their action extends. It is satisfactory to record that the dignity and devotion to the College manifested by President Fairchild during this trying ordeal have raised him up innumerable friends-some of them in the ranks of the Populists.

What was left of the Arbitration Treaty after its emasculation by various amend ments has been defeated in the United States Senate by a vote of 43 in favor to 26 against; the Treaty thus lacked four votes of the two-thirds majority required for ratification. The division was not along party lines, nor strictly along sectional lines; but, speaking broadly, the

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