Byron's Plays: A ReassessmentBRILL, 1982 - 222 頁 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 45 筆
第 116 頁
... human control . This the primitive man saw with terror as a sacrilege and it led to a sense of antagonism between ... human evil -- of human guilt as well as of the suffering incurred thereby.28 26 Nietzsche , The Birth of Tragedy ...
... human control . This the primitive man saw with terror as a sacrilege and it led to a sense of antagonism between ... human evil -- of human guilt as well as of the suffering incurred thereby.28 26 Nietzsche , The Birth of Tragedy ...
第 132 頁
... human characters in Cain than in Manfred . In Manfred , the protagonist was the only human character and the others were all supernatural characters . We cannot distinguish between the various supernatural characters , but this is not a ...
... human characters in Cain than in Manfred . In Manfred , the protagonist was the only human character and the others were all supernatural characters . We cannot distinguish between the various supernatural characters , but this is not a ...
第 167 頁
... human spirit and human pride : Thou art a symbol and a sign To Mortals of their fate and force ; Like thee , Man is in part divine , A troubled stream from a pure source ; And Man in portions can foresee ; His own funereal destiny ; His ...
... human spirit and human pride : Thou art a symbol and a sign To Mortals of their fate and force ; Like thee , Man is in part divine , A troubled stream from a pure source ; And Man in portions can foresee ; His own funereal destiny ; His ...
Abel action actors Aholibamah Anah Angiolina Antony Arimanes Arnold Astarte audience Azaziel Barbarigo beautiful blood Byron's plays Byronic hero Caesar Cain's characters Childe Harold Childe Harold Canto Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Coleridge conspirators corruption crime Critical death Deformed Transformed destruction Devil Doge Doge's Don Juan drama dramatist Dryden English evil father feel Giaour Greek Heaven and Earth human Ibid Israel Bertruccio Jacopo Foscari Japhet John Dryden London Lord Byron Loredano Lucifer Macbeth Manfred Manfred's Marino Faliero Medwin metaphysical mind moral motives murder Murray Myrrha nature Nietzsche palace Parisina passions patricians PMLA poems poet poetic Poetry points Prometheus protagonist realize rebel rebellion remorse reveal Romantic S.C. Chew Salemenes Sardanapalus scene Shakespeare Shelley Siegendorf Socrates soul spirits stage Stanza Steno Stralenheim suffering T.S. Eliot theatre thee thou thought torture tragedy tragic tried Ulric unities University Press Venice Vols W.B. Yeats Werner Wilson Knight wrote