
What a taking was he in, 21.
are these so withered, 88.
boots it at one gate, 193.
care I how fair she be, 151.
constitutes a state, 380.
dire effects, 252.
God hath joined, 568.
has been has been, 227.
has posterity done, 381.
he knew what 's, 213.
is a lie, 490.

is a man profited, 568.
is and must be, 180.
is done, is done, 94.
is friendship, 348.

is Hecuba to him, 110.

is impossible can't be, 392.
's in a name, 77.

is one man's poison, 149.
is worth in anything, 216.
is writ is writ, 476.

is yours is mine, 25.

makes all doctrines clear, 218.
man dare I dare, 95.

men daily do, 27.

[blocks in formation]

When shall we three meet, 88.
taken to be well shaken, 392.
the good
man yields his

breath, 437.

the sea was roaring, 301.
two dogs are fighting, 314.
we two parted, 456.
Whence and what art thou, 177.
is thy learning, 302.

Where dwellest thou, 75.

go the poet's lines, 536.
I would ever be, 503..
my Julia's lips do smile, 159.
none admire, 324.
the bee sucks, 18.
the tree falleth, 559.
thou lodgest, 542.

was Roderick then, 449.
your treasure is, 565.
Whereabout, prate of my, 92.
Wherefore art thou Romeo, 77.
for every why a, 213.
in all things, 65.

Wherein I spake, 124.

Wheresoever whensoever, 378.
Whether in sea or fire, too.
While I was musing, 547.

stands the Coliseum, 475.
there is life, 302.
Whining school-boy, 41.
Whip, in every honest hand a, 130.
me such honest knaves, 123.
Whipped the offending Adam, 62.
Whipping, who should 'scape, 109.
Whips and scorns of time, 111.
Whirligig of time, 48.
Whirlwind, reap the, 565.
rides in the, 252.
Whirlwind's roar, 343.

sway, sweeping, 331.

Whisper, full well the busy, 346.
hark they, 295.

of the throne, 523.
well-bred, 362.

Whispered it to the woods, 188.
Whispering I will ne'er consent
consented, 486.
lovers made, 344.

tongues can poison truth, 431.
wind, bay'd the, 345.

with white lips, 471.

Whispers of each other's watch,63.
of fancy, 320.

the o'erfraught heart, 97.
Whist, the wild waves, 17.
Whistle, blackbird to, 212.

clear as a, 305.
her off, 128.

paid dear for his, 316.
them back, 348.

Whistle wel ywette, 3.

Whistled for want of thought, 224.
Whistles, pipes and, 42.
Whistling aloud, 307.

of a name, 275.
White as heaven, 149.

black and gray, 180.
fire laden, 494.
radiance, 494.
so very white, 398.
wench's black eye, 79.
whose red and, 46,

will have its black, 598.
Whited sepulchres, 569.
White-handed Hope, 195.
Whiteness of his soul, 471.
Whitens in the sun, 452.
Whiter than driven snow, 327.
Whitewashed wall, 346.
Whither thou goest I will go, 542.
Who a sermon flies, 155.

as they sung. 195.
breaks a butterfly, 287.
breathes must suffer, 241.
builds a church to God, 279.
but must laugh, 287.
can hold a fire, 52.
dares do more, 91.
does the best, 262.
fears to speak, 511.
love too much, 299.
loves a garden, 362.
ne'er knew joy, 296.
never mentions hell, 279.
o'er the herd, 449.
overcomes by force, 173.
shall decide, 278.
shall telle, 3.

steals my purse, 127.
sweeps a room, 155.
think not God at all, 193.
think too little, 222.
would not be a boy, 469.
would not weep, 287.

Whoe'er she be, 163.

was edified, 362.

Whole duty of man, 561.
head is sick, 561.
heart is faint, 561.
of life to live, 437.
world kin, makes the, 74.
Wholesome, nights are, 100.
Whom begot, by, 296.

the gods love, 489.
Whooping, out of all, 42.
Whores were burnt alive, 241.
Whose dog are you, 294.
Why a wherefore, every, 213.
all this toil, 417.
and wherefore, 65.

Why did you kick me, 391.

don't the men propose, 502.
is plain as way to parish
church, 41.

man of morals, 166.
should every creature drink,

so pale and wan, 157.

Wicked cease from troubling, 543-
flee when no man pursuetli,


forsake his way, 563.

little better than one of the, 54-
no peace unto the, 563.
or charitable, intents, 105.
something, this way comes,96.
Wickedness, method in, 149.
tents of, 549.

Wickliffe's dust shall spread
abroad, 415.

Wide as a church door, 79.
was his parish, 2.

Widow of fifty, 383.

some undone, 146.

Widow's heart to sing, 542.
Widowed wife, 451.
Wielded at will, 192.

Wife and children impediments
to great enterprises, 136.
giving honour unto the, 577.
of thy bosom, 541.

the weaker vessel, 577.
true and honourable, 84.
with nine small children, 600.

Wight, if ever such, were, 126.
she was a, 126.

Wild and willowed shore, 444.
in their attire, 88.
in woods, 228.
thyme blows, 33.

with all regret, 521.

Wilderness, love in such a, 442.
lodge in some vast, 360.

of sweets, 185.

Wild-fowl, concerning, 48.
Wiles, simple, praise blame, 404.
Will, be there a, 384.

complies against his, 219.

current of a woman's, 260.
for if she, she will, 260.
glideth at his own sweet, 410.
I should have my, 8.

my poverty, not my, 8o.
not when he may, 599.
one man's, 16.

or won't, a woman, 260.
puzzles the, 111.

serveth not another's, 141.
to do the soul to dare, 448.
unconquerable, 170.

[blocks in formation]

blow, come wrack, 99.
blow thou winter, 42.
bloweth where it listeth, 571.
breathing of the common, 412.
by measure, 156.
constancy in, 466.
crannying, 471.
dances in the, 227.

fly on the wings of the, 547.
God tempers the, 326.
he that observeth the, 559.
him fate seemed to, 229.
idle as the. 87.

ill blows the, 606.

ill, turns none to good, 7.
large a charter as the, 41.
let her down the, 128.
passeth over it, 550.
run before the, 341.

sits the, in that corner, 26.
sorrow's keenest, 410.
stands as never it stood, 7.
streaming to the, 172.
tell which way the, 152.
that follows fast, 459.
that grand old harper, 529.
they have sown the, 565.
thunder-storm against the,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

good, needs no bush, 437
invisible spirit of, 127.
is a mocker, 554.
look not upon the, 555.
not look for, 144.
of life is drawn, 93.
that maketh glad, 550.
Wine-press alone, trodden the,

Wing, damp my intended, 189.
from an angel's, 416.
human soul take, 482.
sail is as a noiseless, 472.
the dart, 467.

Winged hours of bliss, 440.
sea-girt citadel, 469.
the shaft, 467.

Wings, add speed to thy, 177-
flies with swallows', 70.
girt with golden, 195.
healing in his, 565.
lend your, 295.
like a dove, 548.
of borrowed wit, 151.

of night, falls from the, 532.
of silence, float upon the, 195.
of the morning, 551.

of the wind, fly upon the, 547.
riches make themselves, 555.
shadow of thy, 546.
shakes the, 227.
shall tell the matter, 559.
spreads his light, 293.

Wink and hold out my iron, 62.
Winking Mary-buds, 132.
Wins his spirits light, 335.
Winter comes to rule the year,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


price of, is above rubies, 545.
shall die with you, 544.
the prime, 187.
wake, though, 180.
will not enter, 515.
with mirth, 347.

Wisdom's aid, 339.

gate, suspicion sleeps at, 180.
Wise above that which is written,

and masterly inactivity, 395.
as serpents, 567.
as the frogs, 313

Bacon or brave Raleigh, 290.
be not worldly, 154.
convey the, call it, 20.
depend for cure, 224.
do never live long, 69.
fair ST oken exceeding, 74
father knows his own child,

follies of the, 317.
folly to be, 329.
in slow, 205.

in their own craftiness, 544.

in your own conceits, 572.
made lowly, 419.

passiveness, 416.

saws and modern instances,

[blocks in formation]

Wisest censure, mouths of, 126.
man who is not wise, 403.
of men, oracle pronounced,

virtuousest, 188.

Wish her stay, who saw to, 187.
not what we, 340.

was father to that thought, 62.
Wished she had not heard it, 125.
that I had clear, 245.

Wishes lengthen as our sun de-
clines, 265.

Wishing of all employments, 264.
Wit, a man in, 296.

among lords, 367.

and wisdom born with a man,


brevity is the soul of, 108.
cause of, in other men, 60.
devise, write pen, 29.
eloquence and poetry, 166.
enjoy your dear, 198.
he had much, 212.

her, was more than man, 226.
high as metaphysic, 213.
in the combat, 459.
in the very first line, 348.
invites you, his, 367.
is a feather, 274.

is nature to advantage dressed,

is out when age is in, 27.
men of, will condescend to
take a bit, 246.
miracle instead of, 268.
no room for, 209.

of one, and wisdom of many,

one man's, 601.
plentiful lack of, 108.
skirmish of, 26.

so narrow human, 280.
that can creep, 287.
too fine a point to your, 9.
too proud for a, 347.
whole, in a jest, 148.
wings of borrowed, 151.
wisdom and, are little seen,

[blocks in formation]

Withered and shaken, 507.

and so wild, 88.
Withering on the stalk, 418.

on the virgin thorn, 32.
Withers are unwrung, 113.
Within, I have that, 101.

is good and fair, 436.
that awful volume, 451.
Witnesses, cloud of, 576.
Wits, encounter of our, 68.
homekeeping youths have
homely, 19.

to madness near allied, 221.
will jump, 605.

Witty in myself, 60.
it shall be, 306.
though ne'er so, 13.
to talk with, 157.
Wizards that peep, 562.
Woe a tear can claim, 477.
all eloquence to, 480.
amid severest, 328.
awaits a country, 447.
bewrays more, 13.

day of, the watchful night, 426.
doth tread upon another's
heel, 117..

feel another's, 295.
fig for, 140.
gave signs of, 189.
heritage of, 481.

is life protracted, 317.
luxury of, 459.
man of, 444.

melt at others', 299.
mockery of, 296.

ponderous, 239.

rearward of a conquered, 135.

sabler tints of, 335-

sleep the friend of, 427.

some degree of, 324.

succeeds a woe, 159.

tears of, 458.

touch of joy or, 372.
trappings and suits of, 101.
Woe-begone, so dead in look so,

[ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

man, 236.

nobly planned, 404.
one that was a, 117.
perfected, 539.

scorned, like a, 256.
she is a, 65.

smiled, till, 439.

still be a, to you, 259.
stoops to folly, lovely, 349.
such duty oweth, 44.
supper with such a, 303.
take an elder, let the, 46.
that deliberates, 251.

that seduces all mankind, 301.
therefore may be woo'd, 75.
therefore to be won, 65.

will or won't, 260.

win with his tongue, 19.
Woman's eyes, light that lies in,


looks, my only books were,

nay doth stand for naught,


reason, none but a, 19.

whole existence, love is, 486.
will, current of a, 250.
Womanhood and childhood, 532.
Womankind, faith in, 521.
Womb of nature, 178.

of pia mater, 30.
of the morning, II.
of uncreated night, 175.
Wombe of morning dew, 11.
Women and brave men, 470.

bevy of fair, 191.
framed to make, false, 125.
like princes, 324.
pardoned all, 490.
passing the love of, 542.

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