The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, 第 12 卷R. C. and J. Rivington, 1821 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 60 筆
第 23 頁
... Exit CASCA . BRU . What a blunt fellow is this grown to be ? He was quick mettle , when he went to school . CAS . So is he now , in execution Of any bold or noble enterprize , However he puts on this tardy form . This rudeness is a ...
... Exit CASCA . BRU . What a blunt fellow is this grown to be ? He was quick mettle , when he went to school . CAS . So is he now , in execution Of any bold or noble enterprize , However he puts on this tardy form . This rudeness is a ...
第 24 頁
... [ Exit . Thunder and Lightning . Enter , from opposite sides , CASCA , with his Sword drawn , and CICERO . Cic . Good even , Casca : Brought you Cæsar 7 me . - home 9 ? - doth bear me hard ; ] i . e . has an unfavourable opinion of The ...
... [ Exit . Thunder and Lightning . Enter , from opposite sides , CASCA , with his Sword drawn , and CICERO . Cic . Good even , Casca : Brought you Cæsar 7 me . - home 9 ? - doth bear me hard ; ] i . e . has an unfavourable opinion of The ...
第 27 頁
... Exit CICERO . Enter CASSIUS . CAS . Who's there ? CASCA . A Roman . CAS . Casca , by your voice . CASCA . Your ear is good . Cassius , what night is this ? CAS . A very pleasing night to honest men . CASCA . Who ever knew the heavens ...
... Exit CICERO . Enter CASSIUS . CAS . Who's there ? CASCA . A Roman . CAS . Casca , by your voice . CASCA . Your ear is good . Cassius , what night is this ? CAS . A very pleasing night to honest men . CASCA . Who ever knew the heavens ...
第 32 頁
... Exit CINNA Come , Casca , you and I will , yet , ere day , See Brutus at his house : three parts of him Is ours already ; and the man entire , Upon the next encounter , yields him ours . CASCA . O , he sits high , in all the people's ...
... Exit CINNA Come , Casca , you and I will , yet , ere day , See Brutus at his house : three parts of him Is ours already ; and the man entire , Upon the next encounter , yields him ours . CASCA . O , he sits high , in all the people's ...
第 34 頁
... Exit . BRU . It must be by his death : and , for my part , I know no personal cause to spurn at him , But for the general . He would be crown'd : - How that might change his nature , there's the question . It is the bright day , that ...
... Exit . BRU . It must be by his death : and , for my part , I know no personal cause to spurn at him , But for the general . He would be crown'd : - How that might change his nature , there's the question . It is the bright day , that ...
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Agrippa Alexas Antony's bear blood BOSWELL Brutus CASCA Cassius CESAR CHAR Charmian CLEO Cleopatra Coriolanus Cymbeline death doth edition editors Egypt emendation Enobarbus EROS Exeunt Exit eyes fear fortune friends Fulvia give gods Hamlet hand hath hear heart honour IRAS JOHNSON Julius Cæsar King Henry King Lear Lepidus look lord Lucilius Lucius madam MALONE Mark Antony MASON means MESS Messala metre musick never night noble Octavia old copy old reading old translation passage play Plutarch poet Pompey pray Proculeius queen RITSON Roman Rome SCENE second folio sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir Thomas Hanmer SOLD soldier speak speech spirit stand STEEVENS suppose sword tell thee Theobald thing thou art thou hast thought Timon of Athens Titinius translation of Plutarch Troilus and Cressida unto WARBURTON word