ePub 版

97 Olmsted, Victor H., and Stephen D. Fessenden. Employer and employee under the common law.

Washington, D. C., 1901. 13 p. 8°. (U. S. Bureau of labor. United States Department of labor exhibit, PanAmerican exposition, 1901. Monographs on social economics. 3.)

Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Bureau of labor, Nov. 1895, no. 1: 95-107. HD8051.A5,no.1

98 Pap, Géza. The international aspect of workmen's insurance. (In International law association. Report, 1908. London, 1909. JX24.15 1908

8°. p. 511-516.)

99 Paulian, Louis. Le Congrès de Milan sur les accidents du travail.

Journal des économistes, Nov. 1894, 5. sér., v. 20: 235-243.

100 Pic, Paul Jules Victor. Traité élémentaire de législation industrielle; les lois ouvrières. Ouvrage récompensé par l'Académie des sciences, morales et politiques. Prix Le Dissez de Penanrun, 1904. 3. éd. entièrement refondue, et mise au courant de la législation la plus récente. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1909. xiii, 1121, (2) p. 8°.

Bibliographical foot-notes.

"Responsabilité du patron à raison des accidents du travail.— Risque professionnel et assurance": p. 748-839; Bibliographie: p. 748-750.


101 Profumo, L. G. Le assicurazioni operaie nella legislazione sociale.

Torino, [etc.]: Fratelli Bocca, 1903. xxi, 402 p. 8°. (Biblioteca di scienze sociali. vol. xliii.)

"Le assicurazioni operaie en Germania e negli altri stati d'Europa. Austria, Inghilterra, Francia, Danimarca [etc.]": p. 192-239; "Esame critico dei varii sistemi di assicurazione operaia, specialmente del sistema tedesco: 1. I benefizi del sistema tedesco”: p. 240-262; 2. "Le quattro forme vigenti dell' assicurazione operaia. I loro difetti e il sistema migliore a seguirsi": p. 263-308; "Le assicurazioni operaie in Italia, precedute da un cenno storico sul movimento sociale": p. 309-380.



102 Renouard, Alfred. La législation des accidents du travail en France et à l'étranger.

Réforme sociale, Apr. 15- May 1, 1886, v. 11: 415–424; 470–



103 Rouxel. Congrès international des accidents du travail.

Journal des économistes, Oct.-Dec. 1889, 4. sér., v. 48: 60–69.

104 *Sainte-Claire Deville, Édouard. La responsabilité des patrons envers leurs ouvriers et l'assurance collective contre les accidents du travail.

[Le Caire: Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1910.] 304-309 p. 4°.

105 Schwedtman, Ferdinand Charles, and James A. Emery. Accident prevention and relief; an investigation of the subject in Europe, with special attention to England and Germany, together with recommendations for action in the United States of America.

New York: For the National association of manufacturers of the United States of America, [1911]. xxxvi, 481 p. Illustrations. Plates. Diagrams. 8°.



106 Seager, Henry Rogers. Social insurance, a program of social reform. The Kennedy lectures for 1910, in the School of philanthropy, conducted by the Charity organization society of the city of New York.

New York: The Macmillan company, 1910. v, 175 p. 12°. (American social progress series.)

CONTENTS.-The common welfare.-Industrial accidents, illness, and premature death: prevention.-Industrial accidents, illness, and premature death: compensation.-Unemployment: causes and remedies.-Provisions for old age.-Next steps in social advance.



107 Shadwell, Arthur. Industrial efficiency; a comparative study of industrial life in England, Germany and America. New ed.

London, New York and Bombay: Longmans, Green, and co., 1909. xx, 720 p. 8°.

"Workmen's compensation and insurance": p. 403–422.


108 Smith, Sion B. Liability for industrial accidents. Mines and minerals, Mar. 1911, v. 31: 501-503.

109 Snow, Alpheus H. Social insurance.



University of Pennsylvania law review and American law

register, Feb. 1911, v. 59: 283–297.

[blocks in formation]

110 Streeter, Frank S. "The world moves".

(In Maine state bar association. Report, 1910-1911, Augusta, 1911.

8°. v. 17, p. 16-48.)

"Workmen's compensation acts": p. 26-41.

111 Tarbouriech, Ernest. La responsabilité des accidents dont les ouvriers sont victimes dans leur travail. Histoire, jurisprudence et doctrine, bibliographie, travaux parlementaires jusqu'à la date du 24 mars 1896.

Paris: V. Giard & E. Brière, 1896. xv, 516 p. 8°. (Bibliothèque du Collège libre des sciences sociales.)

"Bibliographie": p. 459-471.

Reviewed by Charles Rist in Revue d'économie politique, 1898, v. 12; p. 90-94; and by F. Souvaire-Jourdan in Revue du droit public et de la science politique, 1897, v. 7, p. 346–353. 10-15472


112 Taylor, Washington Irving. Employer's liability to their workmen for accidents incurred in the course of their employment, and state regulation of dangerous industries. New York: Van den Houten & Co., printers, [1889]. 125 p.8°. Thesis (PH.D.)—Columbia university. 8-7778†


113 U. S. Bureau of foreign commerce. Labor in Europe. Reports from the consuls of the United States in the several countries of Europe on the rates of wages, cost of living to the laboring classes, past and present wages, &c., in their several districts, in response to a circular from the Department of state.



Washington: Government printing office, 1885. 2 v. 8°. (United States consular reports.)

48th Cong., 2d sess. House. Ex. doc. 54, pt. 1-2. 2299-2300 Material arranged by countries. See heading "safety of employes" under each country.

[ocr errors]



Bureau of labor. Laws relating to compensation for industrial accidents in foreign countries. Part of the forthcoming Twenty-fourth annual report of the Commissioner of labor.

Washington: Govt. print. off., 1909. 277 p. 8°.




Summary of foreign workmen's compensation

Its Bulletin, Jan. 1908, no. 74: 121-143.

Includes the following: Austria, Belgium, British Columbia, Cape of Good Hope, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Queensland, Russia, South Australia, Spain, Sweden, Western Australia; British workmen's compensation act of 1906. HD8051.A5,no.74

116 U. S. Bureau of labor. Summary of foreign workmen's compensation acts.

Its Bulletin, Sept. 1910, no. 90: 719–748.

Includes laws of the following: Alberta, Austria, Belgium, British
Columbia, Cape of Good Hope, Denmark, Finland, France, Ger-
many, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Neth-
erlands, New South Wales, New Zealand, Norway, Quebec,
Queensland, Russia, South Australia, Spain, Sweden, Transvaal,
Western Australia.
HD8051.A5, no.90
Workmen's insurance and compensation systems


in Europe.

Washington: Govt. print. off., 1911. 2 v.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

report of the Commissioner of labor, 24th, 1909.)

61st Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 132.

Charles P. Neill, commissioner.

Bibliography at end of each section.

CONTENTS.-V. 1. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany.— v. 2. Great Britain, Italy, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden. Appendix. Laws relating to compensation for industrial accidents in foreign countries. HD8051.A3 24th 11-12159/3


118 Verein für Socialpolitik. Die Haftpflichtfrage. Gutachten

und Berichte.

Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1880. 154 p. 8°. (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik.


CONTENTS.-Adolf Held, von Erwin Nasse.-I. Gutachten über die Haftpflichtfrage beim Betriebe gewerblicher Unternehmungen nach österreichischem Rechte, von A. Randa und A. Braf.— II. Die Haftpflicht gewerblicher Unternehmer nach englischem Rechte, von V. v. Bojanowski.-III. Ueber Haftpflichtgesetzgebung in Belgien, von M. van der Rest; (uebersetzt von L. Erhardt). IV. Ueber Haftpflicht im Königreich der Niederlande, von A. Kerdijk.—V. Die Grundsätze des französischen Rechts über Haftpflicht, .von Petersen.-VI. Die Haftpflichtfrage nach dem in der Schweiz geltenden Rechte, von F. v. Wyss.-VII. Das Recht der Vereinigten Staaten in Bezug auf die Haftpflicht von Unternehmern für Verletzungen ihrer Arbeiter, von J. H. Whiting; (uebersetzt von H. W. Farnam).—VIII. Zur Fortbildung des Haftpflichtgesetzes vom 7. Juni 1871, von J. Baron.-Anhang:1. Nachtrag zu dem Aussatze: Die Haftpflicht nach englischem Rechte.-2. Bericht über verschiedene Aussichten, betreffend die Haftpflichtfrage, von A. Held. HB5.V4,v.19

119 Villari, Pasquale. Employers' and workmen's liability laws. Chautauquan, June, 1898, v. 27: 291–294. AP2.C48,v.27 Translated from an article entitled "Gl'infortuni del lavoro," in Nuova antologia, 1898, v. 157: 385–414. AP37.N8,v.157

120 Volkswirtschaftliche Chronik für... 1904-1910. Abdruck aus den Jahrbüchern für Nationalökonomie und Statistik. Jena: G. Fischer, 1905-11. 7 v. 8°.

See index under Haftpflichtversicherung, Unfallversicherung, etc. ca 6-30 Unrev'd


121 Weber, Adna F. Workmen's compensation acts of foreign


U.S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, May, 1902, no. 40: 549-551.


122 Willoughby, William Franklin. Workmen's insurance. New York, Boston: T. Y. Crowell & company, [1898]. (2), xii, 386 p. 12°. (Library of economics and politics, ed. by R. T. Ely, [no. 14].)

"Bibliographical note": p. 379–386.


123 Wolff, Henry W. Accident insurance.


Economic review, July, 1895, v. 5: 297–318.

Employer's liability; what ought it to be?
London: P. S. King, 1897. 118 p. 8°.



125 Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande. Berlin: Verlag der Arbeiter-Versorgung, 1900-08. 5 v. 4°. Issued in 20 parts, with 23 supplements, the latter numbered la15a, 18a; 1b-6b, 8b. Each part has special title-page and short bibliography. In this list the parts relating to each country will be found entered under the name of the country.





Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Europa nach ihren Systemen.

[Berlin: C. T. Wiskott, 1902?] 32 p. 8°.

Caption title.

From Internationaler Arbeiter-Versicherungs-Congress. 6. Tagung-
Düsseldorf-17. bis 24. Juni 1902.


(In Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 3d ed. Jena, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 65–90.)

Literatur: p. 90.

Contents.-A. Die Unfallversicherung in Deutschland.-B. Die Unfallversicherung in Oesterreich.-C. Die Unfallversicherung in den übrigen Staaten.


127 Zwiedineck-Südenhorst, Otto von. Sozialpolitik. Leipzig und Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1911. vii, (1), (2), 450 p. 8°. (B. G. Teubners Handbücher für Handel und Gewerbe.) "Die soziale Versicherung": p. 377-422. 11-7885


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