nicer y, the eir anmagic their rn for m the or the earied tre for under ersity, Conve golden would Ids by veu. Dowers in the , and mend. adage 8 Cartion of awyer as the from ament nastic ibacy, t least, mestic SUPPLEMENT TO VOLUME XC. PART I. Embellished with a View of FOUNTAINS ABBEY, YORKSHIRE. fr. URBAN, May 30. 'HE ruins of Fountains Abbey have been frequently described in your gazine; more particularly by Mr. rter, in his Pursuits of Architectural 1ovation, vol. LXXVI. p. 625, and a very intelligent anonymous Corpondent, in vol. LXXXVIII. i. PP. i. 582. The latter description so pily combined information with ertainment, that I regret he has favoured us with the continua0. At the same time that I exss a hope that he will soon fulfil promise, allow me to offer to ur Readers a view of part of the ide of that beautiful ruin (see the ite) drawn and engraved by Mr. oses Griffith, the Draftsman and mpanion of Mr. Pennant in his cerated Tours. Mr. URBAN, S. R. April 6. LLOW me to suggest a few ideas on establishing a Fund for the phans and Widows of Lawyers. Within a very few years there has en a Theatrical Fund established, der the patronage and protection his Royal Highness the Duke of ork, for the relief and support of cayed Actors and Actresses. For the benefit of decayed Muians, the lovers of harmony, as well many other individuals in society, t moved by the concord of sweet unds, but impelled by the common elings of humanity, have united eir common efforts to raise above e pressure of want, and the inciental decay of age, the vocal and in rumental performers, who in their etter days exerted their powers to mmunicate the enraptured charms f music, to delight the ear of the earer. GENT. MAG. Suppl. XC. PART I. A Equally honourable to the nicer feelings of sense and harmony, the Literati of our country hold their annual meetings, expressing in magic numbers of metrical harmony their sensations in sympathetic concern for men of genius and letters, whom the pursuits of literature, with unwearied natural endowments of genius, or the toil, have not been able to secure for them in the decline of age, or under the pressure of sickness and adversity, the common comforts and conveniences of life. Had the treasures of the golden mine been collected in earlier days, the genius of Lloyd had not drooped within the walls of dreary imprisonment. Chatterton, perhaps, would not have ended his youthful dayseheu! valdè deflendus-in sad and gloomy despair. Savage might not have wandered in the open fields by day, nor have passed the sleepless night, exposed to the pelting storm, under the broad canopy of Heaven. These departed spirits I wish to call forth from the land of darkness, to set in motion the dormant powers of the Bar, to form a Society in aid of many meritorious characters in life, who, by long study and application to their profession, are winding up the lengthened hours of life in the midst of parchments and tape, and dust and cobwebs-deficiente crumená. In the time of old, when the adage Nullus Clericus nisi Causidicus car ried in its features the expression of strict and literal truth, the Lawyer was altogether exempt, so far as the combination of character went, from leaving a distressed family to lament and bewail his loss. His monastic life, or his religious state of celibacy, disqualified, or disengaged him at least, from all the social habits of domestic life. life. To a recluse and solitary exist ence, his vows of sanctity, and obedience to a different order of things, from what now prevails in this Protestant country, restricted and confined all his views. But whilst from these streamlets diversified numbers draw the waters of comfort, the grander and broader channels of British generosity seem in a more peculiar manner to claim our notice, as worthy of our imitation in the humbler walks of life. Consistently with the heavy, I might, perhaps, say with truth, the irredeemable, weight of our National Debt, liberal is the general provision for the Army, extending from the private soldier to the higher rank of bis commander. The eye cannot look to the Military School at Chelsea, without regarding with secret pleasure and charitable pride, the order, regularity, and neatness, of the well-clad boys and girls, the sons and daughters of the defenders of our country--at the same time passing its just eulogium of praise upon the Commander-in-Chief, who hath set an example to other parts of the country, to go and do likewise. Let the respected Judges of the land, with the profession at the Bar, together with the various Conveyancers and Solicitors in town and country, gratified with the additional view of Chelsea College, and the happy counteuances of the Pensioners there comfortably supported, take in view the half-p -pay List of reduced officers, and the provision for the widows of officers, with the Arsenal at Woolwich; and from thence be stimulated to adopt some measures to relieve the exigencies of men equally meritorious in their different engagements in life, aud equally incapable, many of them, from the changes and chances of the profession, from leaving a decent provision for their families and children. As a further stimulus to so good a work, needing only the hand of some one to set the wheel in motion, look we to the wooden walls of Great Britain; and recollect the numberless seamen, who in this blessed time of peace are either now enjoying the domestic comforts of Greenwich; or their wives and children deriving no small degree of support from the provision made for them by the State. From this reference to the Navy, 1 would wish to hold up to the public eye an exemplar imitabile. But, that this digression may not lead me further astray from the chief object in contemplation, let me suggest a few outlines for abler heads to improve, and more powerful bands to execute; requesting that the present question might be regarded rather as a subject of earnest entreaty to others to lay the chief corner stone, progressively raising a monument which might prove useful to the living, ære perennius. From the impression on my mind of the bigh and exalted character of the Noble Peer who presides in the Court of Chancery and equally well disposed to believe that twelve Judges never held the scale of Justice with cleaner hands, or with nicer feeling to the common cause of humanity; entertain no question of doubt, but that each, and every one of them, in the four Courts of Record, would become, when properly solicited, the patrons of an institution, having for its object, the relief and assistance of the Orphans and Widows of Lawyers. The same sanguine hope of success I should also expect to derive from his Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor General. I would, therefore, suggest the following rude Plan, to be worked into better shape by some benevolent mind who will take the cause in hand. The primum mobile must be set in motion by some one. Let me, therefore, recommend that, in July next, at the General Quarter Sessions at Chelmsford, an Address be made to the Chairman, requesting him to present a Petition to the Judges at the Summer Assizes, that they would become the Presidents of a Society, uniting their endeavours to provide for the Orphans and Widows of Lawyers. The High Sheriff might be solicited to be the Vice-President of this infant institution. A Treasurer, Secretary, and Stewards, would with no difficulty be found amongst the subscribing gentlemen of the profession. Most or all of the gentlemen in the Commission of the Peace, with the gentlemen of the Grand Jury, 1 should reckon, as cheerfully and readily contributing their aid to forward and promote this benevolent design. The The Clergy, who feel a lively sense of gratitude to several friendly lawyers who are subscribers to the Fund for the Relief of their poorer Members, for their Widows and Orphans, would give their names to add to the List of general Subscribers. Upon this question, might not the two counties of Essex and Herts be united in this labour of love? Subscription books, I think, should be opened in the principal market towns of each county, to receive the names and residence of the liberal donors, who may be pleased to contribute annually five or ten shillings, or twenty. Courts of Audit, the time allotted for receiving subscription money, and every other necessary appendage, would be easily arranged. Seasonable it would be, in order to set this intended Institution upon a firm basis, that whatsoever sums might be collected in the present and in the subsequent year, should not be applied to the purposed intent of the Charity, till the year 1822, in order to give a secure and firm foundation for the superstructure of the Charity, I have only to add, as a Priest of the Temple, the devout expresssion of the heart, Deus det incrementum. MR WILLIAM CHARLES DYER. R. ARTHUR YOUNG, in a Letter dated Bradford Hall, Sept. 2, 1816, thus writes: "In the counties of Rutland and Lincoln, the practice is to attach land to cottages, sufficient to support that number of cows which the cottager is able to purchase; they are tenants to the chief landlords, and not sub-tenants to farmers, yet these latter are very generally friends to the system well they may be so, for the poor rates are next to nothing, when compared with such as are found in parishes wherein this advantageous system is not established. In the late minute inquiries made by the Board of Agriculture, into the state of the labouring poor throughout the kingdom, many persons were written to who reside in the districts where this system is common, and it was found by their replies, that the practice stands the test of the present distress as well as it supported the opposite difficul ties of extreme scarcity. It is much to be regretted, that so admirable an example is not copied in every part of the kingdom. In those counties where no such practice is met with, it is very rare indeed to meet with a labourer who has saved any money; their reliance is entirely on the parish, and their present earnings dissipated at the alehouse. Not so in Lincolnshire; the men who wish to marry save their money to buy cows; and girls who design to have husbands take the same means to secure them. Sobriety, industry, and economy, are thus secured; and children are trained from their infancy to the cultivation of a garden, and attending cattle, instead of starving with unemployed spinning-wheels. "No object can better deserve the attention of men of considerable landed property; if some change of management, decisive in its nature, does not take place. poor rates will continue to increase, till they will absorb the whole landed revenue of the kingdom." LETTERS FROM THE CONTINENT. Paris, August 11, 1818. YESTERDAY we went to Galig nani's, a reading-room in the Rue de Richelieu, where the English Newspapers and Reviews are taken. Since my last I have become well acquainted with the localities of Paris which is a very easy place to find one's road in. Its utmost extent is four miles, and in some directions not more than three. There is no comparing two places so different as London and Paris. London is the seat of trade for all the world-at Paris there is no trade at all. In London there is a great proportion of opulent people in the middle and higher classes at Paris all the splendour is about the Royal Palaces; and the rest of the people are shopkeepers and labourers. Almost all the welldressed men in Paris appear to be connected with Government, or are officers in the army, on whole or half pay. There are hundreds of these descriptions who wear no particular dress, but are distinguished by a little red ribbon on one of the button-holes of their coats. The sentinels (who are numerous) are required to salute these persons whenever they pass; and the poor sentinels are always at work, and have sometimes to carry arms ten or twelve times in a minute.-On Sunday, during service, we visited the Abbey of St. Germain, an old Saxon building with two towers and spires; the organ did not play, and the singing was accompanied by a serpent. It was the |