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be put in force: by these decrees the nation binds itself to the payment of all public debts contracted by the Kings of Spain, the Juntas, and the Councils of Regency; as also the engagements contracted by the Generals and Intendants, for the wants of the army employed in the defence of the territory. These decrees also declare, that the debts contracted by the Government since the 18th of March 1818, and those to be henceforth contracted for the just cause of the nation, either with foreign powers, friends, or neutrals, or with individuals, of whatever power they may be subjects, shall be religiously acquitted by the nation, even in the case of a declaration of war.

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Francfort, May 20" Sandt, the assassin of Kotzebue *, was executed this morning at five o'clock. So early as half past three o'clock, the infantry and cavalry, and almost the whole population of Manheim, were in motion. Sandt was brought from the prison in an open carriage. His countenance, which was very pale, had in it great expression. A smile was in his lips, and he went to meet death as we should go to a fête. He bowed with much grace to some ladies at a window, and who returned his salute with very evident marks of interest. When he reached the place of execution, which was in a very large plain, he mounted the scaffold immediately. His sentence was read to him; after which he made a speech. Not understanding German, I cannot communicate to you what he said. I observed, however, that he spoke with energy, and at the end raised one of his hands to Heaven, exclaiming that he "died for his country." He did not accept the assistance of a minister of Religion. The executioner took hold of him, and made him sit down on a chair fasten. ed to a small post; he tied his hands, cut off some of his hair, and put a bandage over his eyes. In two minutes after he was no more. All the preparations for the execution were made very slowly; twenty minutes were employed, and ten

• See vol. LXXXIX. ii. 373.

would have been sufficient, as the reading of the sentence and his speech did not take five minutes. Though I at first intended only to see him pass, I was carried forward involuntarily, constantly looking at him. He was dressed in white, but wearing a black great coat, his shirt-collar turned down, and his hair fell in curls on his shoulders. For 15 mouths past bis life had been preserved by the most strengthening regimen. Every effort was made to prevent his sinking under the effects of the wounds which he had inflicted on himself; he was, in fact, very weak; so that he could not mount the scaffold without supporting himself on the shoulders of two persons, which makes the courage that he showed at his death the more extraordinary. He was beheaded with a sabre; and the executioner being obliged to make a second stroke, a general cry arose."

A great number of students from Heidelberg, who travelled with all speed, to be present at his execution, only arrived at the moment when the executioner was exhibiting the severed head. Several steeped their handkerchiefs in his blood. Sandt wore the Germanic costume.


The commercial distress in the United States has produced a great deficiency in the revenue; and the difference between the receipts and expenditure for the year 1820 was estimated at nearly four millions of dollars. A Bill has in consequence been introduced, authorizing a loan of 2,000,000 dollars; the remainder to be taken from the Sinking Fund.

The Demarara Gazette of the 27th of March announces the pleasing fact, that so flourishing is the state of the colony, that the Government has reduced the duty on sugar, three fourths; on rum, twothirds; on molasses, almost four-fifths; on cotton, three-fourths; and on coffee, upwards of one half.

Accounts received from Chili state, that Lord Cochrane had captured the Spanish ships Aguilo, of 1,000 tons, and the Vigonia, of 700 tons, laden with ship-timber, cocoa, &c. in the Guayaquil river.-A letter from the agent to Lloyd's at Santiago de Chili, dated Feb. 18, and received by the Hydra whaler, arrived at Plymouth, communicates the capture of the strong fortress of Valdivia. It was attacked by Lord Cochrane on the night of the 11th of Feb. with 240 soldiers of a Chili regiment, and sailors and marines of the frigate O'Higgins, brig Intrepid, and schooner Montezuma. By daylight, eight batteries were carried; and in the course of the ensuing morning, the town, castles, and fortresses, with 116 pieces of brass cannon, all the Spanish Royal depot, and

400 soldiers, were taken; the transport Dolves (cut out of Talcahuana), and a small vessel retaken. This was the only point the Spaniards had left in the state of Chili. The Aguilo and Vigonia had anchored at Valparaiso."

A capacious and safe harbour, named Port Macquarrie, has been discovered in New South Wales, two hundred miles North-East of Port Jackson.

(To be continued in the Supplement).



PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. May 23. The Eton Montem, so called from a mount at Salt-hill, to which the Eton Scholars go in military procession on Whit Tuesday in every third year, was held this day there was an immense assemblage of persons to witness the ceremony, which was honoured with the presence of his Majesty, who contributed 100%. towards the collection usually made for the Captain of the School. Mr. Wilder, son of the Rev. Dr. Wilder, was the fortunate youth, and the collection exceeded 1100%.

Two atrocious acts of cruelty were committed lately near Oxford: one, cutting off the shoulder of a sheep, with its fleece on, while alive!-the other, stabbing and miming a mare in foal when grazing in Christchurch meadow.

Count Itterberg, son of Gustavus, the Ex-King of Sweden, arrived at Bennett's Hotel, Inverness, on the 7th inst. He is on a tour to view what is most remarkable in that part of the Empire.

The late calamitous state of Ireland, owing to the stoppage of the different banks, exceeds all description. Business is at an end in the province of Munster, and whole districts are nearly ruined. The butter trade, which promised to be very brisk in Cork and Waterford, is nearly suspended.

A Letter from Dublin, dated June 12, says, "We are here in a truly deplorable situation, in cousequence of the failure of the Banks. Heretofore the Dublin Banks were considered impregnable; and, notwithstanding all the ruin and dismay in the country, there was no run upon any of them.-Things, however, are changed, Alexander's Bank closed this morning. This failure, it is thought, will do more injury than all the others put together. Two curious anecdotes, illustrative of the distressed condition of Ireland at the present moment, are mentioned in conversation: -1st. Lately, a five-pound private note was offered in Cork for a leg of lamb, and refused.-2d. In Limerick, a man worth 1500l. or 1600l. a year, had asked a party to dinner. As for credit, it was out of the question; and if he could not pay the butcher, the poulterer, and pastry cook in cash, he could hope for nothing to lay be

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fore his friends. He was not without money, he bad a 10%. national note. But who could give change for so mighty paper? His only resource was, to write to his friends, very ingenuously describing to them his situation, and begging that they would defer their visit until he could procure either credit, or change of a 104 note !"

Such were the deplorable accounts of the state of credit in Ireland; but we are happy to add, that confidence has been in a great measure restored by the promp titude of Government in affording relief. The House of Commons on June 17, agreed to a resolution, "That whatever sums may be advanced by the Bank of Ireland to such merchants, &c. possessed of funds ultimately more than sufficient to answer all demands upon them, but who have not the means of converting those funds into money in time to meet the pressure of the moment, under the di rection of Commissioners, not exceeding 500,000, should be made good by this House, together with an interest at the rate of 5 per cent."

June 17. Hollybrook House, the seat of Richard Beecher, esq. in the county of Cork, was this week destroyed by fire; and a small part of the furniture only was saved.

Nearly 40001. has been subscribed towards a new Observatory at Cambridge.

Sir Thomas Mostyn, bart. of Mostyn, has made a reduction to his tenants of 25 per cent. in their rents.

C. H. Leigh, esq. has upon a farm of his, near Pont-y-Pool, a very large hollow oak-tree; in the cavity of which his tenant, Mr. Williams, has, during the win-` ter, fed six or seven calves. Two gentlemen on horseback lately rode into it, one of whom turned his horse round, and came out again without dismounting.

June 2. Between three and four, p. m. a vivid flash of lightning, instantaneously. followed by a loud and terrific explosion, as of a large piece of ordnance, rather than the usual roar of a thunder clap, struck a large spreading elm tree, growing in the village of Hardwick, Bucks, and descending by two of the principal branches, shattered and tore off one of them, and passing downward, left a track of its course by a broad furrow in the bark,


on one of the limbs on the South east side, and on the other on the North side, and being attracted probably by the iron work affixed to the post of the Parish Stocks, about five or six feet from the trunk of the tree, also tore off one of the angles of that post from top to bottom.

June 24. On account of a reduction in the wages of the coiliers, great numbers in the neighbourhood of Wellington, in Shropshire, lately left their employment, and manifesed a riotous disposition. The masters and men agreed to refer the matters in dispute to the Magistrates; who decided in favour of the workmen, which immediately quieted all disturbances.


THE QUEEN. Thursday, June 1.

Her Majesty the Queen of England arrived at St. Omer's, a town about 24 miledistant from Calais, at half-past five o'clock in the morning. She appeared exhausted from the fatigue she had undergone; but soon recovering herself, she resumed her wonted spirits.

The persons who composed her Majes ty's suite occupied five carriages. The first was that in which Alderman Wood and Count Vasali arrived.

She immediately wrote three letters, one to the Earl of Liverpool, another to Lord Melville, and a third to his Royal Highness the Duke of York. The first of these important documents was a demand that a palace should be forthwith prepared for her reception, as she intended proceeding to London without delay; the second, to Lord Melville, as First Lord of the Admiralty, was a desire that a Royal yacht should be sent on Friday, to Calais, to receive her on board; and the third, to the Duke of York, was a recapitulation of both demands, as well as a protest against the manner in which she had been treated.

June 3. This evening Mr. Brougham and Lord Hutchinson arrived at St. Omer's; Mr. Brougham was first introduced to her Majesty, who was taking coffee: after a few complimentary observations on both sides, Mr. Brougham announced to the Queen that Lord Hutchinson, who had formerly been a warm friend of her Majesty, and who was now a confidential friend of the King, had come, in the spirit of sincere friendship to both, to make some proposals in his Majesty's name. Consequently proposals were offered to her Majesty, that 50,000 per annum, should be settled on bet for life, subject to such coudi.

tions as the King might impose; and that she was not to assume the style and title of the Queen of England. A condition was also attached to the grant that she was not to reside in any part of the United Kingdom, or even to visit England. These proposals were rejected with the utmost indignation.

In a short time after her Majesty left St. Omer's, and embarked at Calais for Dover. A deputation of the inhabitants of the town presented an Address to the Queen. She then proceeded through Canterbury, where another Address was presented to her, and arrived at London on Tuesday evening. Her Majesty pursued her route over Westminster Bridge, and by Pall Mall, to the house of Mr. Alderman Wood, in South Audley-street, to reside there for a short time. Considerable dif ficulty was experienced in leading up ber Majesty's barouche to the door. The tide of popular feeling was at its flood, and the air rang with repeated cheerings. After the Queen had at length entered, there seemed to be no disposition to dis perse; vehicles of every kind maintained their position, and the crowd stood compact and immoveable. In a few mi nutes the Queen appeared, and by a dignified obedience, acknowledged the tokens of affectionate loyalty by which her reception had been graced. Her Majesty walked from one end of the balcony to the other, and, having bowed to all around, withdrew.

Mr. Denman, the Queen's SolicitorGeneral, called soon after her arrival, and had an interview with her Majesty. Mr. Denman, then, by desire of her Majesty, proceeded to Mr. Brougham, who soon after returned with him to South Audleystreet. Both these gentlemen remained some time in consultation with her Majesty; and after their departure, her Majesty sat down to dinner with Lady Anne Hamilton and Mr. Alderman Wood, the Alderman's family having, immediately after they received her Majesty, left the house, and proceeded to Fladong's Hotel. There also the worthy Alderman himself went in the course of the night, leaving his house and servants entirely to the use of the Queen.

On Tuesday, the day of the Queen's arrival in London, the King sent the following Message by Lord Liverpool to the House of Lords:

The King thinks it necessary, in consequence of the arrival of the Queen, to communicate to the House of Lords certain papers respecting the conduct of her Majesty since her departure from this kingdom, which he recommends to the immediate and serious attention of thm House. The King has felt the most auxious desire to avert the necessity of da closures

closures and discussions, which must be as painful to his people as they can be to himself; but the step now taken by the Queen leaves him no alternative. The King has the fullest confidence that, in consequence of this communication, the House of Lords will adopt that course of proceeding which the justice of the case, and the honour and dignity of his Majesty's Crown, may require."

A similar Message was also sent to the House of Commons.

June 7. In the House of Commons, Mr. Brougham delivered a Message, on behalf of the Queen, to the following effect:

"The Queen thinks it necessary to inform the House of Commons, that she has been induced to return to England, in consequence of the measures pursued against her honour and her peace for some time past by secret agents abroad, and lately sanctioned by the conduct of the Government at home. In'adopting this course, her Majesty has had no other purpose whatsoever but the defence of her character, and the maintenance of those just rights which have devolved upon her by the death of that revered Monarch, in whose high honour and unshaken affection she had always found her surest support. Upon her arrival, the Queen is surprised to find that a message has been sent down to Parliament, requiring its attention to written documents; and she learns with still greater astonishment that there is an intention of proposing that these should be referred to a secret committee. It is this day 14 years since the first charges were brought forward against her Majesty. Then, and upon every occasion during that long period; she has shown the utmost readiness to meet her accusers, and to court the fullest inquiry into her conduct. She now also desires an open investigation, in which she may see both the charges and the witnesses against her -a privilege not denied to the meanest subject of the realm. In the face of the Sovereign, the parliament, and the country, she solemnly protests against the formation of a secret tribunal to examine docomments, privately prepared by her adversaries, as a proceeding unknown to the law of the land, and a flagrant violation of all the principles of justice. She relies with full confidence upon the integrity of the House of Commous for defeating the only attempt she has any reason to fear. The Queen cannot forbear to add, that even before any proceedings were resolved upon, she had been treated in a manner too well calculated to prejudge her cause. The omission of her name in the Liturgy; the withholding the means of conveyance Usually afforded to all the branches of the Royal Family; the refusal even of an answer to her application for a place of residence in the Royal mausions; and the

studied slight, both of English ministers abroad, and of the agents of all foreign powers over whom the English Government had any influence-must be viewed as measures designed to prejudice the world against her, and could only have been justified by trial and conviction."

On Thursday evening, June 8, the Queen, acting upon the advice of her most distinguished friends, determined to remove from the house of Ald. Wood, and take up her residence at the house of Lady Anne Hamilton, in Portman-street, Portman-square.

On Friday, June 9, the following communication was transmitted by her Majesty to Lord Liverpool :

"The Queen, in compliance with the advice of her Counsel, and of several Members of the House of Commons, thinks it proper to inform Lord Liverpool, that she is ready to receive and take into consideration any proposition that is consistent with her honour, which his Lordship may be disposed to make on the part of his Majesty's Government."

In consequence of the Queen's Message, several communications passed between her Majesty and the Ministers; the substance of which was, that she was to receive 50,000l. a year, to be enjoyed by her during her natural life, and in lieu of any claim in the nature of jointure or otherwise, provided she would engage not to come into any part of the British dominions; and provided she engaged to take some other name or title than that of Queen, and not to exercise any of the rights or privileges of Queen, other than with respect to the appointment of Law Officers, or to any proceedings in Courts of Justice. These negotiations were pending for several days.

On Thursday, June 22, the House of Commons, on the motion of Mr. Wilberforce, came to a resolution, declaring its opinion, "that when such large advances have been made towards an amicable arrangement of the present unhappy differences, her Majesty, by yielding to the earnest solicitude of the House of Commons, and forbearing to press farther the adoption of those propositions on which any material difference of opinion yet remains, would by no means be understood to indicate any wish to shrink from inquiry, but would only be deemed to afford a renewed proof of the desire which her Majesty has been graciously pleased to express, to submit her own wishes to the authority of Parliament; thereby entitling herself to the grateful acknowledgments of the House of Commous, and sparing this House the painful necessity of those public discussions which, whatever might be their ultimate result, could not but be distressing to her Majesty's feelings, disappointing to the hopes

of Parliament, derogatory from the dignity of the Crown, and injurious to the best interests of the Empire." ar

On Saturday, June 24, a deputation of the House of Commons waited on her Ma. jesty. The deputation consisted of Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. Stuart Wortley, Sir T. D. Aclaud, and Mr. Bankes.

Her Majesty received them in the drawing room, where she was attended by Lady Anne Hamilton, and by Messrs. Brougham and Denman on her right and left side, in their full-bottomed wigs and silk gowns. The members of the deputation were severally introduced to her Majesty by Mr. Brougham, and had the honour of kissing her Majesty's hand. Mr. Wilberforce then read the Resolutions of the House of Commons. The following reply was then read by Mr. Brougham:

"I am bound to receive with gratitude every attempt on the part of the House of Commons to interpose its high mediation, for the purpose of healing those unhappy differences in the Royal Family, which no person has so much reason to deplore as myself. And with perfect truth I can declare, that an entire reconcilement of those differences, effected by the authority of Parliament, on principles consistent with the honour and dignity of all the parties, is still the object dearest to my heart.

"I cannot refrain from expressing my deep sense of the affectionate language of these resolutious. It shews the House of Commons to be the faithful representative of that generous people to whom I owe a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. I am sensible, too, that I expose myself to the risk of displeasing those who may soon be the Judges of my conduct. But I trust to their candour and their sense of honour, confident that they will enter into the feelings which alone influence my determination.

"It would ill become me to question the power of Parliament, or the mode in which it may at any time be exercised. But, however strongly I may feel the necessity of submitting to its authority, the question, whether I will make myself a party to any measure proposed, must be decided by my own feelings and conscience, and by them alone.

"As a subject of the State, I shall bow with deference, and, if possible, without a murmur, to every act of the Sovereign Authority. But, as an accused and injured Queen, I owe it to the King, to myself, and to all my fellow subjects, not to consent to the sacrifice of any essential privilege, or withdraw my appeal to those principles of public justice, which are alike the safeguard of the highest and the bumblest individual."

Wednesday, June 14.

A Court of Common Council of the City of London was held for the purpose of presenting a Congratulatory Address to Queen Caroline, on her arrival in this country,— The Address was proposed by Mr. Favell. The Sheriffs having waited on the Queen, to know at what time she would be pleased to receive the Address, her Majesty appointed Friday, at one o'clock. On that day the Lord Mayor, in full state, attended by Aldermen Wood, Thorp, Waithman, Mr. Sheriff Rothwell, Mr. Sheriff Parkins, the Common Serjeant, City Officers, and about 90 members of the Common Council, set out from Guildhall about twelve o'clock, and proceeded to her Majesty's residence in Portmau-street, accompanied by an immense concourse of people. Every arrangement had been made for the reception of the Corporation. After their admission, the Common Serjeant read an Address.

Her Majesty was evidently much affected during the reading of the Address, but bore the pressure of her recollections with dignified self-command. The Queen returned a most gracious answer.

Friday, May 12.

In the Court of King's Bench, in the case Richard Hayes, clerk, v. E. A. Kendall, Esq. Mr. Chitty moved for a rule to shew cause why a commission should not be sent out to Rome, for the purpose of examining his Holiness Pope Pius VII. Cardinal Gonsalvi, and other church dignitaries of that city, in order to support certain special pleas of justification to au action for a libel brought by the plaintiff, a Catholic clergyman of Ireland, against the defendant. The cause was set down for trial by special jury at the sittings after next Term; and it was sworn that the defendant could not safely proceed to trial without the testimony of the above named witnesses. A rule to shew cause was granted.

Tuesday, May 16.

In the cause of Lord Hawke e. Corri, calling herself Lady Hawke, in the Consis tory Court, Sir W.Scott dismissed the suit. Thursday, May 18.

The anniversary festival of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy, which has for its object the apprenticing the Children of the necessitous Clergymen, took place in St. Paul's. The Cathedral had to boast the attendance of a great number of persons of rank, fashion, and respectability. The collections both at the door, and after dinner at Merchant Tailor's-hall, were very considerable.

Tuesday, May 23.

At a General Meeting of the Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline, and for the reformation of Juvenile Of fenders, several Resolutions were passed,


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