Literature, and our possessing so many great Critics, whose names would have done honour to any age and country, has ever been a subject of pride and pleasure to me. Germany has also for many years justly boasted of the labours of her sons in restoring the remains of the Classic Writers. I was tempted to visit that Country a short time ago, and became acquainted with some of those eminent men, whose studies have been particularly directed to this class of Literature: my conversation with them was mostly on literary topics; and when speaking of the contemporary Critics of both Countries, these Gentlemen did ample justice to our Nation, and expressed themselves with the candour and praise due to our deservedly celebrated men. But they also spoke with surprise of a taste for Classical Research not being more general amongst us, particularly as so many of our youth possessed the advantages of liberal education; and they seemed to think that the number of our Countrymen who understood and valued the remains of Greece and Rome were comparatively very few. I could not but confess that we bestowed less time and attention on the dead languages than themselves, and that they were certainly less generally understood by us. These conversations led me afterwards to reflect on the cause of the German nation being so much more devoted to Classical pursuits than the English, and I found various reasons conspired to produce such an effect. Their being obliged to abstain from political disquisition, and our extreme fondness for it, which so much withdraws the attention from more quiet pursuits, appeared to me as one cause. Another doubtless proceeds from so many more of our Nation entering into Commercial engagements, which are too often allowed to occupy us entirely, and to prevent our pursuit of literary attainments. But a very principal cause proceeds, I am convinced, from their having possessed an advantage which I think we have not been ready enough to perceive; they have had elementary works in their own language, while we have been content with the old system of gaining our knowledge from works in a dead one. But I am happy to perceive that this greatest of all obstructions to our acquaintance with the writers of antiquity, is fast sinking before us. Dr. Valpy, by his excellent Greek and Latin Grammars, in which the rules are written in our own tongue, has done much for our Schools. Dr. Carey's English work on “Latin Prosody" has smoothed the path to the attainment of that difficult subject. We have long enjoyed the benefit of Seale's English Tract on Greek Metre, but the introduction of many new metrical canons since his time, has rendered his work almost useless and perplexing to Students. Mr. Webb's "Elements of Greek Prosody and Metre," written in English, and recently published, has, however, removed this difficulty, and by the assistance of this useful and excellent guide, our youth may triumph over the obstacles which before prevented their obtaining a ready knowledge of that abstruse subject. Other Gentlemen have also written elementary works in English, of great value to learners; and it is my wish to encou rage more to pursue this beneficial course, which induces me to trouble you, Mr. Urban, with this address. For the path to the Temple of Learning being made less rugged, we may justly expect that the number of those will be greater who desire to enter her portal, and thus will English Gentlemen be more generally furnished with sources of the highest entertainment, than they at present enjoy. With most earnest wishes for the good old cause of Learning, I remain, yours, &c. J. H. S. Mr. URBAN, THE May 4. HE invention of letters being one of the most important branches of philological science, and a subject of profound research, hath afforded an ample scope for disquisition among the learned. After all, Sir, there being no certain monument of alphabetic writing known before the time of Moses, and the Law of the Two Tables, it seems the most safe to rest the subject as derived from that source and period. The invention of letters, however, did not rest with the production of the first and original writing by Moses, but afforded a grand example for the introduction of of alphabetic writing among all nations in subsequent times even down to the present age, when Europeans travelling among people of every country of the earth, and especially among unlettered and barbarous nations, are found capable of reducing oral language to writing; which is of all others the most convincing proof of the surprising advantages of alphabetic writing, and its vast benefit to imankind. Universal learning, together with the Christian Religion, having for a long period taken its seat and establishment in Western Europe, and the Art of Printing having contributed to the general diffusion of knowledge; the moderus having moreover improved the form of their books, by the almost universal adoption of the Roman characters, which, for the simplicity of their construction, and beauty of their shape, are likely to become the universal characters for all oral languages that are now and may hereafter be reduced to writing, it seems a subject of some importance to inquire more fully into the powers of our system of characters. The English Alphabet is a copy of the Roman, with little exception, perhaps the nearest copy of any extant; and, therefore, considering how many unlettered nations of Africa and America remain to be cultivated in the arts of civilization and humanity, and how far knowledge may be introduced among them by the aid of letters, we should spare no pains to explore these elementary principles of language. But, Sir, there is another very great and most desirable object to be had in view, and that is the decyphering of the whole Chinese language in the Roman characters; which, although first attempted in the elements of Fourmont, it is feared has not been sufficiently persevered in by his more competent successors, for want of duly cultivating the powers of the Alphabet; and indeed of this we have some suspicion, in the difficulties the Jesuit Missionaries have experienced in their essays. The man who shall first translate into the Chinese language the Pentateuch or New Testament in alphabetic characters, will gain immortal honours, and largely contribute to the civilization and evangelization of that vast and populous empire. Severa writers have urged the utility of this plan for the advantage of scholars throughout Europe, in gaining a knowledge of their language and books thus prepared, exclusive of other considerations. I shall here quote from one who has expressed himself in these terins: As long as the Chinese shall in writing make use of their present characters, they can be expected to make no progress in civilization. The necessary introductory step must be the giving them an Alphabet like our own, or the substituting in the room of their language that of the Tartars: the improvement made in the latter by M. De Lengles, is calcu lated to introduce this change." Translations of the Holy Scriptures and Church books have already been made in different languages of Asia, Africa, and America, and in the Roman characters. The English in America have translated the Scriptures into the most barbarous and uncultivated languages by the Roman characters alone: the Dutch, Germans, and other European nations, have succeeded in the same manner in Asia and Africa *, and it is extremely probable that the Roman letters will ultimately prevail over more countries of the earth than the arms of Rome were ever able to conquer and hold in subjection to its powerful dominion. Mr. URBAN, T. Y. April 6. Yumber for March (p. 259), by inOUR having favoured me in your serting a specimen of an intended new Translation of the Psalms, induces me to pursue the subject. Having formerly indulged the too presumptuous idea of being able to give a new metrical Version of the Psalms of David, though the magni * Mr. Elliot, an Englishman, surnamed the Apostle of the American Indians, translated and published the whole Bible in the native language of the Nutak Indians, and found the English letters suffi. cient for this design. The Dutch have long ago translated the New Testament in the Malay language and Roman characier, and some other books; and an Africa, the languages on the West and South coasts are receiving the Scriptures and other becks, all prepared in the Reman character. tude tude of the undertaking prevented its being seriously persevered in; yet there is now a reason for sending you a specimen of the manner in which it was begun. The reason is as follows: It has been suggested that an object of the highest consequence might be achieved, even the improvement of our Church Psalmody, by the following obvious means: if a selection were made of the best versions any where in existence; if an adequate portion were extracted from each, e. g. three or four stanzas, but never more than six; if such as were faulty or imperfect were cautiously retouched, and lastly, in cases where nothing sufficiently faithful or elegant seemed to offer itself (which cases would be numerous), new matter were at tempted to be supplied, and if possible, with proper spirit; not, indeed, the whole of the Psalter, but a competent proportion of it, as the whole would be unnecessary, or perhaps redundant, since of some Psalms more than one portion must be admitted, and possibly two different versions of the same passage, if both have sufficient merit; then it is hoped that one great point would be attained towards the above grand object. Another requisite of the highest importance is the introducing a sufficient variety of appropriate melodies, so as to remove the too prevailing sameness in Church-music, and to increase the effect of that enchanting part of the Divine Service. And for this department a near and dear friend of the writer, fully competent as to taste and experience, has kindly promised to apply himself to the selection of the best music, as well as to point out proper metres for its adaptation. In furtherance, then, of so great and good a work, my request to you, Mr. Urban, is, that as there are most probably many effusions of this sort, some perhaps highly meritorious, in so excellent and long-established a Miscellany as yours, you would be so obliging as to point out as many as can be recollected. And when I contemplate the number of learned Readers of your Work, and of contributors to it, and who enable it still to support its claim to being the first of Monthly Publications, I cannot but indulge a hope that they will be sensible of something like a pride, or a duty, in promoting such an undertaking as is here contemplated. To any of these gentlemen the present applicant would be obliged by the information, through your pages, where any single specimen may be found diffused amongst the works of our English Bards; or would request them to communicate, through your columus, any happy effusions which may remain still in MS. I say single specimens, all or most of the regular Collections of Psalms having been already consulted. B. N. T. A short Specimen of a New Transla tion of the Psalms of David. PSALM I. * It is proper to note that this first Psalm is merely prefatory to these divine Melodies; and what more appropriate Introduction can be conceived to a Book whose chief aim it is to inculcate virtue, and to deter from vice? And here we immediately see what was uppermost in the mind of the Royal penitent, as it ought to be in that of every one of us, viz. that essence of all Christianity, the redemption of the sins of mankind by Jesus Christ, then only in expectation, and a matter of faith, but now most mercifully accomplished, aud become a matter of knowledge. In particular, the Royal Psalmist foreknew that this was to be effected by the Son of God, who was to be son of his own family, according to the flesh; and he foreknew also, that this Divine Person and his holy religion would be persecuted by the Powers of this world. VI. N Vol. LXXXIX. i. p. 22, in the the Lincolnshire, it is stated that Sir Edward Harwood, Knight, was born at Bourne in that county. This is a mistake, which has been evidently copied from Fuller. In his "England's Worthies in Church and State," he writes, "Sir Edward Harwood, born nigh Burn [Lincolnshire], was a valiant soldier and a pious man. His having killed a man in a quarrel, put a period to all his carnal mirth. No possible provocations could afterwards tempt him to a duel: be refused all challenges with more honour than others accepted them, it being well known that he would set his foot as far in the face of his enemy, as any man alive. He was one of the four standing Colonels in the Low Countrys, and was shot at the siege of Mastricht, 1632." This is the account of Fuller, who seems to have inaccurately transcribed the information with which he was supplied by another. A small Tract was published in 1642, and is now very scarce, entitled "The Advice of that worthy Commander Sir Edward Harwood, Colonell; written by King Charles his command, upon occasion of the French King's preparation and presented in his life-time by his owne hand to his Majestie: Hitherto being a private Manuscript, Also a relation of his Life and Death, &c." London, 4to, 1642. This Tract is in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. IV. p. 255; and is quoted by Hume, in his History of England," vol. VI. p. 178. Sir Edward Harwood was born at Hagburne in Berkshire, about the year 1586; in which place, and at Streatley and Goring, his family have occasionally resided, and possessed property almost to the present period. "His birth was gentile, and from a roote fit to engraft his future education and excellency; furnished he was with such learning as his age was capable of; his spirit (though sad enough) yet accompanied with much natural mettal and courage, and look't above other callings, to that which narrow-minded and effemi nate men close not with. He soon attended the schoole of warre of those times, where quick and curious designes issued into dayly action and execution. There my Lord Veere, who could well distinguish of men, cast his eye upon him, by whose favour, exhaled by his owne worth, he was not long ascending the usuall step, whereon the warre placeth reward for its followers. They live, who know how dear hee was to that justly-lamented Prince Henry, who took such delight in him, that his closset thoughts were open to him; from whom that noble Prince got no small advantage in his military way. He was also ever precious to King James of blessed memory, so also no lesse in the esteem of our now gracious Soveraign, witnessing their royall affection toward him in severall expressions of their favours. The illustrious Princesse, the Queene of Bohemia, who, hearing of his death, cried out in a great passion, 'Oh, that uggly towne of Mastricht, that bath bereeved me of so faithfull a servant l' Also, to that mirrour of his time, the last Lord Harrington, to whom he was so endeared, that he offered to hazard estate, liberty, and life, for his good, as by divers of his letters still extant appeares. To the late Duke of Buckingham, who, after the defeat of the Ile of Rhee, remembering what service hee did at Cadiz voyage, in bringing of the retreat, cried out, Oh! Ned Harwood, Ned Harwood, that I had had thee here!' To the last Lord Steward, to the old Earle of Southampton, to the late Earle of Bedford, to this now Earle of Essex, and to the now Earle of Leycester, who was sometime his Colonell, to the Earle of Warwick, to the Lord Carlton, and to most of the chief nobility of this kingdome, whose letters, found among his papers, mention such real affection as is scarcely credible from men of their qua lity. Neither was hee a little deare to that highly honoured lord, the Lord Craven (who beside the late reall expression of love to his brother, and for his many great, noble, and pious workes, deserves to have his name written upon pillers of brasse), who, when he heard of his death (as was related to his brother), cast himself on his bed, and cried out, hee had lost his father!' such was his love and affection of him. Moreover, when his death was noised in the army, there was such a general lamentation for his losse, that his Excellency was faine to send speciall command to still it, least the enemy should take courage, as thinking it were for some of greater quality. And his Excellency himself, when following the hearse, was heard to say to Count Earnest, He had lost his right hand in the losse of Monsieur Harwood.' His name amongst souldiers was, in omni ore, tanquam mel suatis est, est, el tanquam instrumenta musica in convivio lauto. "Hee soone ascended (in the States' service) to the highest step that Englishmen usually tread, and that was a Collonell. Religion, fidelity, and prowesse, so met in him, that there seemed a constant strife among them which should most appeare, and often shewed themselves together, by which he brooke the back of that proverb, Nulla fides pietasque viris qui castra sequuntur. His purse stood open to the advancement of every worke of piety in England and Holland. Hee gave a large summe annually to the redeeming impropriations, the ruine whereof was none of his least griefes. In the quelling the Arminian faction, hee alone was trusted with a message to King James; and, upon his return, Barnevell went to his last home. In the leaguer of the Busse he had the charge of the Velloe, when Picolominy was in the bowels of the countrey with 10,000 men; in which service hee watched thirty whole nights on horseback, and never in that time came in bed, and, in conclusion, by his providence and vigilancy, discharged that great trust, and fully secured the countrey. At Cadiz voyage, which was a matter of trust and great difficulty, hee had imposed on him the charge of bringing up the reare, where the enemy setting upon many scattered troupes, bee brought them off with safety, by an honourable retreat. For want of which, at the Isle of Ree, how many brave English lost their lives, and our nation much of its honour. His valour was unstained, as all the services he was in can beare large testimony thereof. To be short, hee was first hurt by a granade in the foot at Mastrich (a sufficient warrant to have exempted him from the service for that day), yet would he not leave the prosecution of the designe, though often disswaded and advised of the great dan ger he adventured by the worthy gentleman Captaine Skippon, now SerjeantMajor General for the citie of London; but going often into the trenches to view the enemy's workes, in a scarlet coate, gave the enemy so faire a marke, that he received from the wall a sudden shot out of a small brasse piece, which struck him was true to his principles (a rare virtue in low his calling, but very adequate and To this curious Tract is prefixed a short copy of verses in English, and another in Latin, "In Memoriam Coll. Harwood, Equitis Aurati ;" written by his nephew, M. Draper. In 1651, on the report of King Charles II. coming to Oxford, New College was fortified by Colonel Draper, who was then in the service of Cromwell. The manor of Silchester in Berkshire belonged to his family, which was sold in 1700, by the Lady Draper (relict of Sir Thomas Draper, Knt. and Bart.) to Lord Blessington, an Irish Peer. Sir Edward Harwood was of an antient family, which had been settled in Berkshire for many generations. Of Sir Edward Harwood was at the fatal Battle of Prague, in Nov. 1620, where the Prince of Anhault, General to the King of Bohemia, was with his whole army totally defeated. other military services in which he was engaged, see "Memoires de Frederic Henri de Nassau, Prince d'Orange, Depuis 1621 jusqu'en 1646;""Histoire de la Vie et Actes memorables de Frederic Henry de Nassau, Prince d'Orange, Par. I. commelyn Amsterdam, 1656;” “The Commentaries of Sir Francis Vere," mongst the most gallant captains of 1657, in which he is numbered athe age, "whose effigies do at once both guard and adorn Kirby Hall, in Essex, where the truly religious and honourable the Lady Vere doth still survive, kept alive thus long by special providence, that the present age might more than read and remember eight." what was true godliness in eightyT. H. Mr. URBAN, May 6. through the heart; and was from thence, Montagu's idea, that mineral VER since Lady Mary Wortley by command of the Prince of Orange, carryed to the Hague, where he was interred with as much honour as ever was any that dyed in those parts, of his qualitie. Hee *It is incredible what large sums were advanced in a short time toward so laudable a work."-Hist. of the Church, p. 301. His brother George Harwood, a merchant of London, was appointed, about 1625, one of the twelve trustees for the purchase of impropriations. waters, which are provided by Nature, are the best, perhaps the only real remedies," has grown pretty general, English Watering-places have become receptacles to which shoals of people rush, under the fusion of a summer sun, to produce refreshing dews for inordinate perspiration; and, with the full idea that health and pleasure are inseparable from these removes, |