years printer, &c. of Long-lane, West Smithfield. lo Piccadilly, Elizabeth, daughter of the Rer. W. Hammerton, of Tong, near Leeds. In Bridge street, aged 78, the widow of the late John Freeman, Esq. At Hilbampton, near Worcester, aged 67, Thomas Selby, Esq. of the Mote, Ightham, Kent. At Paris, Count Shee, a Peer of France. March 6. At Tasmore, the wife of James Bradshaw, Esq. At Swinesthorpe, near Lincoln, John Dew Pomfret, Esq. of Tenterden, Kent. Mr. George Belsham, linen draper, &c. of Rayleigh, Essex. Mr. Belsham, with some friends, took a boat, and went to Sheerness upon business. They returned about ten o'clock the same evening, and had cast anchor a short distance from the shore, the tide at the same time flowing very fast; but the wind had not then increased to that height which was shortly after experienced. The party had nearly all got into the small boat; in doing which Mr. Belsbam, with a grateful mind, uttered the pious ejaculation, "Thank God, we have got back safe!" at the same instant the last person entered the boat, in doing which he caused it to swamp, when Mr. Belsham fell overboard, and notwithstanding every exertion on the part of his com. panions, who themselves recovered the hoat, they could not rescue him from a watery grave. In Oxford-row, Bath, the relict of the late J. Wasey, Esq. of Prior's Court House, Berks. At Islington, Peter Duthoit, Esq. At Spration, Northamptonshire, Fanny Helen, only daughter of Robert Ramsden, jun. Esq. March 7. At Camberwell, in her 60th year, Ann, wife of Capt. Philip Lamb, R.N. In Beaumont-street, the son of W. H. Roberts, Esq. At Brompton, aged 73, Mrs. Farran, widow of the late Mr. Robert F. of South Lambeth. At Whitchurch, Salop, aged 12 years, Skipton, eldest son of the late Rev. Robert Mayow, of Lathan, Lancashire. -Whilst skaiting on the Rectory Pool, the ice unfortunately gave way, and he was precipitated into a watery grave; and his younger brother, in attempting to save him, had nearly shared the same fate. At Grundisburgh, near Woodbridge. Suffolk, in his 80th year, Brampton Gurdon Dillingham, Esq. At Brussells, aged 69 years and seven months, bis Highness the Duke of Arenburg-He lost his sight by an accident at the age of 24 years, and was remarkable for the intelligence with which be repaired this loss by the aid of his other sonses. At Paris, Elizabeth Courtenay, wife of G. Blount, Esq. (brother of the late Sir Walter B) As she was proceeding to pay a visit to Lady Newbury, the open carriage in which she sat was overset, and she received so much injury in her fall, that she did not survive the accident more than six hours. She was the daughter of John Chichester, Esq. of Aslington, Devonshire. At Sharrow Head, near Sheffield, Major Gen. Pat. Mackenzie, Colonel of the 3d Roval Veteran Battalion. At Warwick, Marv, wife of Walter Ruding, Esq. late of Westcoates, near Leicestershire. March 8. At St. Magnus, near Bremen, J. E. Heyman, Esq. late of Hackney. At Pentonville, aged 77, Rich. Brewer, esq. an eminent solicitor in Cow-lane (now called King-street,) West Smithfield. He was elected in 1774 into the Common Council for Farringdon Without, and was many years Deputy of the North side of that extensive ward. At Hanbury, Worcestershire, the Rev. W. Burslem, many years Rector of that place. InGreat George-street, Hanover-square, the wife of Thomas Talbot Harington, Esq. of Seaforth House, Simon's Town, Cape of Good Hope. At Bath, the Right Hon. Lady Louisa Butler, aunt to the late Earl of Lanesborough. March 9. At Stone Castle, Kent. at an advanced age, the relict of the late J. T. Savary, Esq. of Greenwich. At Beverley, Lieut. Gen. Cheney. At Tooting Common, aged 27, MaryAune, wife of Robert Taylor, jun, esq. of Tolmer's Hall, only child of the Rev. John Watkins, of Clifton Campville, Staffordshire. At Kennington, in his 71st year, Robert Atkinson, esq. March 10. This night, on an alarm of fire being given, Mr. W. H. Goldwyer, a respectable Surgeon, in Bridge-street, Bath, left his house to attend it. In Maryport-street, he fell down in a fit; and, although the most prompt medical assistance was afforded, the vital spark had filed. At Newington Green, the widow of the late Robert Wyatt, esq. John R. Cocker, esq. of Lower Gros venor-street. In Quebec-street, in her 83d year, Mrs. Augusta Manners, second and only surviving daughter of the late Right Hon. Lord William Manners, and aunt to Sir William Manners, bart. W. Raleigh Smith, esq. Collector of the Customs at Southampton, and late Chief Magistrate of that town. At Brightou (having survived his youngest daughter only a fortnight), in his 46th year, At Northaw, Herts, in his 64th year, Nathaniel Gould, esq. of Manchester. Suddenly, aged 68, Samuel Rush, esq. March 11. At Holloway, in his 67th year, Mr. Robert Thorne, one of the oldest letter-founders in London. At Hammersmith, in his 64th year, J. Plank, esq. In Park-street, Grosvenor-square, Rich. Warren, esq. formerly Lieut. Col. in the 3d regiment of guards. In his 40th year, Mr. Edmund Aikin, architect, fourth son of Dr. Aikin, of Stoke Newington.. In Great Sorrey-street, in his 86th year, W. Sims, esq. formerly Collector of his Majesty's Customs at the Port of London. March 12. At Bory St. Edmund's, at a very advanced age, the relict of Sir Wil. Jiam Dolben, bait. of Finedon Hail, Northamptonshire. Martha-Maria, wife of Richard Arkwright, jun. esq. of Ashbourn Hall, Derbyshire. Sir Alexander Mackenzie, of Avoch, Ross-shire. March 13. In Burton Crescent, James White, esq. At Stamford-hill, in his 82d year, G. Burge, esq. In Gower-street, aged 25, Mr. William Oliver, late of the Hon. East India Company's service. March 14. At Newington, in Surrey, in his 74th year, Mr. Thomas Bateman, one of the principal Clerks in the 41, and 51. per cent. Anunity Offices, in the Bank of England; and Father of the Worshipful Company of Vintners in the City of London, of which Company he was chosen Master in the year 1796. He was a map whose whole conduct through life was most strictly just, honourable, and faithful. At Wandsworth, in his 77th year, J. Mackie, esq. At Stoke Newington, Anne, the wife of Daniel Goff, esq. At Knightsbridge, aged 84, Michael Uns derwood, M.D. thany years Physician to the British Lying-in Hospital, and the accoucheur who was engaged at the birth of her late Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte. - Dr. Underwood was the only surviving Licentiate in Midwifery of the London College of Physicians, that class having been no longer distinguished froin other Licentiates. In Sloane street, in his 81st year, Gen, Walker, of the Royal Artillerv. At Archer's Lodge, near Southampton, Sam. Harrison, esq. many years Magis. trate of the County of Hants. March 15. At Lympston, Devonshire, aged 85, Elizabeth, widow of the late Capt. Edward Howorth, R. N. - This Lady was well known in the literary world, and for the many admirable productions of her pencil. In Long Acre, in her 82d year, the mother of Mr. Abbott, auctioneer, of the Strand. Al Newbury, Berks, the Rev. J. P. Hew. lett, M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford. At Bromley, aged 84, Mr. Jacob Chaille, of the East India Company's Home Service. March 21. In his 78th year, Mr. W. Fouch, of Norton-falgate. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE for March, 1820. By W. CARY, Strand, BILL OF MORTALITY, from February 22, to March 21, 1820. AVERAGE PRICES of CORN, from the Returns ending March 18, 1820. INLAND COUNTIES. Wheat Rye Barly Oats Beans d.s. d.s. d. 127 327 626 541 2 Essex 943 6 Sussex 342 1 Suffolk 8. Wheat Rye Barly Oats Beans. d.s. d.s. d.s. ds. d. 71 332 036 627 438 4 74 435 036 626 939 2 70 900 038 0.24 8480 71 540 034 226 038 10 442 4 024 441 10 Cambridge63 400 032 919 124 241 3 Norfolk 69 1139 032 922 66 639 437 323 024 339 10 10 43 8 347 2 100 0 125 5 37 3 726 10 00 0 824 500 0 025 550 0 69 400 041 75 000 043 Salop 73 548 10 40 550 0 Chester 66 600 Warwick 72 200 0 38 0 Cardigan 64 000 042 024 400 0 034 0120000 Montgomery 68 900 035 228 300 Radnor 71 500 034 5/28 9000 Carmarth. 66 200 032 017 2000 Average of England and Wales, per quarter. Glamorgan 69 000 032 022 000 0 17 141 5136 5124 10,45 5 Monm. 73 900 034 825 600 0 PRICE OF FLOUR, per Sack, March 27, 65s. to 70s. Kent Bags...... 31. 3s. to 31. 12s. Kent Pockets ........ AVERAGE PRICE OF HAY 31. 8s. to 31.188. 3/. 35. to 31. 10s. 31. Os. to 31. 105. AND STRAW. March 27: St. James's, Has 47 10.61. Straw 11. 11s. 6d. Ciover 51. 4s 6d-Whitechapel, Hay 41, 8s. Straw 17. 161. Clover 67. 108.-in thfield, Hay 41 2s 6d. Straw 11. 14s. Clover 61. 18s. 6d. To sink the Offal-per stone of 8lbs. COALS, March 27: Newcastle 32s. 6d. to 42s. Od -Sunderland, 338. Od. to 43s. 6d. SOAP, Yellow 86s. Mottled 98s. Curd 102. CANDLES, 11s. 6d. per Doz. Moulds 13s. Od. 10-Days Ano. Bank EACH DAY'S PRICE OF STOCKS IN MARCH, 1820. Red. 3pr.Ct. 3 per 14 pr.Ct. 15 per Ct. B. Long Irish. Imp. 3 India Stock. 3pr.Ct. Con. Ct. Con. Con. Navy. 69 968 77 88 4103184 p.cent. Stock. 68 S. S. N. S. S. 3pr.Ct. India bouds. Ex. Bills. Omnium. 214 687 I dis. par. 2 6968774 888월 104184 pr. 213 14 224 69 68 13 15 pr. 1 dis. par. 78 58 1044 184 68 4 shut 14 15 pr. 2 1 dis. 68 sbut shut 104 37 18 13 14 pr. 3 2 dis. shut 68 shut shut 104 + shut 76 13 14 pr. 3 1 dis. 7 shut shut 68 shut shut 104 shut 13 15 pr. 2 1 dis. 8 shut shut 68 shut shut 10444 shut 684 76 14 15 pr. 1 2 dis. 9 shut shut 68 shut shut 104 34 shut 14 pr. 14 dis. 10 shut shut 68 shut shut 1034 shut 14 15 pr. 2 3 dis. 11 shut shut 68 shut shut 1024 shut 105 14 pr. 2 dis. par. shut 1034 shut 14 pr. 21 dis. 14 shut shut 60 shut shut 104 32 shut 105 14 15 pr. 2 1 dis. 15 shut shut 68 snut shut 104 shut 68 14 16 pr. 1 pr. 2 dis. 16 shut sbut 68 shut shut 104 32 shut 1 2 dis. 17 shut shut 6 shut shut 103 shum 677 68 16 pr. pa 2 dis. 18 shut shut 68 shut shut 1037 4 shut 16 17 pr ld's, par. shut 104 32 shut 15 16 pr. 1 2 dis. 21 shut shut 65 shut shut 104 shut 68 13 dis. 22 shut shut 6 shut shut 1044 4 shut 684 15 16 pr. 1 2 dis. 23 shut shut 68 shut shut 1045 shut 677 15 16 pr. 1 3 dis. shut 1037 4 shut 68 757 13 12 pr. 2 3 dis. 10 7 pr. 2 3 dis 9 11 pr. 2 dis. par 29 shut RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. Bank-Buildings, London. Printed by A. Nichols and Su, 25, Parliament Street, Westminster. |