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Pours on the wounded mind her opiate balm, [calm, And bids the bursting heart be firm, be Teaches the pious Christian how to die, And points the path to bliss and immor


Mr. Freston died in his 63d year, on the 25th of December, 1819, after a long and painful illness, which he supported with the greatest resignation. He was a kind father, a warm-hearted friend, a pious Christian, and a zealous advocate for the doctrines of the Church of Eng. land.

His publications were, "Provisions for the more equal maintenance of the Clergy," 1784, 12mo (anonymous); a volume of Poems, 1787, 8vo; a Discourse of Laws, 1799; an Address to the People of England, 1796, 8vo. (anonymous); a Collection of Evidences for the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1807, 8vo; Sermons on the most important Doctrines of Christianity, &c. &c. 1809, 8vo.

THOMAS JENKINSON WOODWARD, Esq. T. J. Woodward, Esq. (whose death is noticed in p. 189), was a native of Huntingdon, where his family had been long established. In early life he had the misfortune to lose both his parents, and inheriting a handsome patrimony, was sent to Eton School, in which distinguished seminary, under the superinsendance of the late Dr. Bernard, he made good proficiency in classical learning, and laid a solid foundation of those acquirements in general Literature, which proved the ornament and delight of his maturer years. On leaving Eton, Mr. Woodward was admitted a student of Clare-hall in the University of Cambridge, where he proceeded in 1769 to his degree of bachelor of civil law; and shortly afterwards married the daughter and heiress of the late Thos. Manning, esq. of Bungay in Suffolk, of whom honourable mention is made in our Magazine for 1787, p. 181. By this union he secured to himself a source of domestic happiness, which has flowed on uninterrupted for the enviable term of fifty years. Mr. Woodward is survived by his widow, but leaves no family. During his residence at Bungay and in its environs, he was appointed a Magistrate and Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Suffolk; and on his subsequent residence at Walcot House, an estate situate at Diss in Norfolk, he was also appointed to the same offices for the latter county. In the discharge of these important du -ties, which he continued to fulfil for both counties to the final period of his life, he displayed an active and vigorous

mind; sound discrimination, an even temper, and a most impartial judgment. No man ever died more universally re. gretted, both by his private friends, and by the whole community around him, who mourn their loss of an excellent and upright magistrate, of a most discreet and confidential adviser, to whom they had ready access on all occasions, and of a most kind and benevolent friend.When the volunteer system was esta blished, Mr. Woodward had a commission given him of Lieutenant colonel of the Diss Volunteers, by whom he was so generally beloved and esteemed in this new office of their commander, that at the end of their labour in the service of their country, they presented him at parting with a handsome piece of plate, as a testimony of their united approbation and regard. With talents which would have done him honour and credit in any direction, the department of science to which his taste and inclinations more peculiarly inclined him, was the study of English Botany. To this favourite pursuit he devoted for many years a considerable portion of his leisure hours; and by his valuable researches and discoveries in that elegant branch of natural philosophy has justly merited and obtained a very high rank on the list of modern botanists. Exclu. sive of several learned and ingenious papers in the Linnæan Transactions, of which Society he was one of the original members, Mr. Woodward has not favoured the world with any distinct botanical work; but the extensive assistance he confessedly gave Dr. Withering in the second edition of his "Botanical Researches," the frequent references made to his name in most of the later publications on this subject, and the continued correspondence kept up with him by Botanists, both at home and abroad, on abstruse questions relating to plants, in themselves bespeak his attainments, and prove the estimation in which he was held by men of letters. In the social circle of his friends, he was uniformly a cheerful, animated, and structive companion, and rendered himselt a welcome guest at every party, by much store of various knowledge, much anecdote, and the pleasantry and urbanity of a perfect gentleman. Surpassed by none in devotion to his Prince, and in sincere attachment to the Constitution of his country, both in Church and State, he studiously avoided all uunecessary discussion of questionable points, and every topic which might indicate or foment a spirit of party: thus evidently showing that he was actuated by no other zeal than the love of mankind, and influenced by no other ambition than the honest desire of supporting that happy and established form of Government under which he lived. By these amiable and peaceful qualities, and by his exemplary moral worth, if not as a patriot, he shone at least as a man and Christian, and shed a lustre on the faith he professed; by these he won the affections and tender esteem of his friends whilst he lived, and will long survive in their recollection, and in their fond and unavailing regret "tam cari capitis."


1819. AT Furrackabad, East Indies, July 25. William Renneli, esq. Collector of Government Customs at that station, and youngest son of Major Ren


July 29. At Jooria, in the East Indies, aged 26, Mr. James Roy, Assistant Surgeon in the Company's Service, and third son of Robert Roy, esq. of Fulham.

Aug. 8. At Calcutta, in his 29th year, Capt. G. Hanbury, of the Hon. East India Company's Service, fourth son of the late John Hanbury, esq. of Tottenham, Middlesex. - After passing through the war against the Napaulese, so destructive to British Officers, he was appointed aid-decamp to Gen. Brown; and recently, by the Marquis of Hastings, to his late rank, and to the Staff in the Stud Departinent, in consideration of his activity and zeal in the service, and successful attention to the management and breed of horses. It is due to the memory of this soldier of for tone to state, that he possessed a laudable ambition to excel in whatever he undertook; by which principle he became no less conspicuous in the various sports of the field than in the imperious and aweful duties of the field of battle; from which there are on record several instances of the public notice of his General Officer.

Aug. 24. At Madras, George Anderson, esq. surgeon in the East India Company's service.

Sept. 6. In the East Indies, aged 41, Lieut.-col. John Cook Stokoe, of the 9th regiment of Madras Native Infantry, youngest son of the late William Stokoe, esq. of West Acomb, Northumberland.

Sept. 18. Near Aldelabad (in the East Indies), on the route from Nagpoor to Hyderabad, Major P. G. Blair, of the Artillery, son of the late Dr. Blair, Prebendary of Westminster.

Oct. 9. At Hermita, in the island of Cuba, John Ernest Brune, esq. of Los Hermanos, Madruga, in Cuba, youngest son of Frederick William Brune, esq. of Blankenborg, in the duchy of Brunswick. GENT. MAG. February, 1820.

Dec. 2. At Rio Janeiro, in his 19th year, Bird S. T. Munkhouse, third and last surviving son of R. Munkhouse, D.D.

late Vicar of Wakefeld.

Jan. 14. On the Adelphi Estate, in the island of St. Vincent, Robert Porter, esq. Jan. 27. At Trelowarren, Cornwall, aged 52, Sir Vyall Vyvyan, Bart.

Feb. 1. At the Villa Pen, near Spanish Town, Jamaica, F. Graham, esq. formerly a Representative in the Assembly for the parish of St. Thomas in the Vale, in that island.

Feb. 4. In her 35th year, Sarah, wife of Mr. Christopher Morgan, of Leadenhallstreet, London, and daughter of Thomas White, of Sibton, Suffolk. As an affectionate wife, and an indulgent parent, her loss is most sincerely lamented.

Feb. 4. After a lingering illness, in her 61st year, most deservedly regretted, Hannah, wife of Dykes Alexander, banker, of Ipswich. Her remains were interred in the Friends' burial-ground, in that town, on the 11th, attended by a numerous assemblage of people. Several Friends delivered their sentiments on the melancholy occasion with much effect, and the whole was conducted with becoming seriousness, reverence, and decorum.

Feb. 2. At Dublin, suddenly, Peter

Digges La Touche, esq.

At Camberwell, in her 79th year, Sarah, sister to the late Dr. Moseley, Physician to Chelsea Hospital, &c. (LXXXIX.ii.374.)

At Manley, near Tiverton, Devonshire, aged 68, the widow of the late Henry Manley, esq. surviving her husband but two months; and on the day previous, at Whitehaven, Cumberland, James and Thomas, sons of Thomas Mauley, esq. of Whitehaven, and grandsons of the above.

At Blithfield, Staffordshire, in her 57th year, Louisa Lady Bagot, relict of the late, and mother of the present, Lord Bagot. She was the only surviving daughter of John Viscount St. Johu, of Lydiard Tregoze, eldest brother of Henry St. John, first Viscount Bolingbroke.

Feb. 5. At Savannah, George Forrest, esq. of Oakland, eldest son of John Forrest, esq. of Annan, Dumfries.

Feb. 5. Rowland, eldest son of the late Rowland Richardson, esq. of Streatham, and nephew of Christopher Richardson, esq. of Limehouse.

At Kenton, near Harrow, in her 831 year, Mrs. Griffith.

At Clapham, suddenly, Thomas Miller, esq. late of Graveley, Herts.

At Goddard Hall, near Sheffield, the widow of the late Thomas Sterling, esq. of Sheffield.

Feb. 6. Anne, wife of John Flaxman, esq. of Buckingham-street, Fitzroy-square, R. A. R. A. and Lecturer on Sculpture to the Royal Academy. Mrs. Flaxman was an excellent Greek scholar, and her taste in the Fine Arts was of a superior description. To her knowledge of composition the Professor was often indebted for much of the admired classical beauties of his groupes.

Eleanor, youngest daughter of Henry Deaitry. Esq. of Bedford-row.

Feb 7. At White Hill, near Carmarthen, aged 88. Mary Thomas, leaving behind her an husband (to whom she had been married 64 years), five children, twenty grandchildren, and eighteen great grandchildren -She was carried to her grave by four of her grandchildren.

At Bentley, Hants, Frances Clementina Teresa, daughter of the late Thomas Barton, esq. Bencher of the Hon. Society of the Inner Temple.

In Abercromby place, Edinburgh, Alexander Serzuegour, the eldest son of Heury S. Wedderburn, esq. of Wedderburn.

In Somerset-street, Portman square, in her 64th year, the wife of John Liltingston Pownall, esq.

Feb. 8. At Fair View, near Dublin, aged 82, the relict of the late Robert Birch, esq. of Turvey House, Dublin.

Feb. 9. At Louth, aged 95, Mr. Edward Blyth, many years an eminent grazier and dealer in stock, and an extensive wool-merchant, of which article he has been known to purchase upwards of 100,000 tods annually. Several of the principal improvements in the town of Louth are the fruits of his speculations. He retained his mental faculties, in a great measure unimpaired, till within about a month of his dissolution.

At Walworth, in his 62d year, David Langton, esq.

Sarah, relict of the late Paul Phipps, esq. of Kingston, Jamaica.

At Coates Hall, Yorkshire, the widow of the late Col, Flint.

Feb. 11. In Burton-crescent, in his 31st year, Dorothy, wife of H. A. Hardıman, esq. of Grenada, and daughter of Thomas Clarke, esq. of Monterose, Antigua.

At the Rectory House, Hambledon, Augusta Laura, daughter of the Rev. H. C. Ridley.

In Wyodham-place, Montagu-square, aged 74, Sarah, relict of J. Burgoyne, esq. late of Feltham, Middlesex.

Feb. 12. At Clifton, Gloucestershire, Elizabeth Gibbes, wife of the Hon. Jobn Foster Alleyne, President of hus Majesty's Council of the Island of Barbadors.

in Euston-square, in bis 50th year, H. Aboott, Esq.

At Modmabro, Waterford, Humphrey Jones, esq.

Age 77, Samuel Clarkson, of Gilliflower Hill, Noninghamshire. He was found

dead in his bed by the side of his wife; and next morning, about seven o'clock, aged 80, Anne his wife!-They were together in life, and in death not divided.

Feb. 13. The Rev. John Sibree, of Frome, Somersetshire, thirty years a pastor of a dissenting congregation,

In his 63d year, William Robinson, esq. of Apollo buildings, Walworth,

In her 83d year, the widow of the late William Wilson, of the Minories.

In Lower Grosvenor-square, Frederick William, son of R. Eden Duucombe Shafto, esq.

At Totteridge, in his 96th year, Gen. the Hon. Sir Alexander Maitland, Bart. Colonel of the 49th foot. Sir Alexander was one of the oldest officers in the army; and, we believe, the last surviving servant in the household of Frederick Prince of Wales, father of his late Majesty.

At Dublin, aged 68, Leonard Macnally, esq. of the Irish Bar. He practised originally at the English Bar, but was induced by the late celebrated Mr. Curran to transfer his talents to his native country. He was a lawyer of acute mind, and we!! versed in what is called Crown Law. He was also the author of several dramatic pieces, including the opera of "Robin Hood."

Feb. 16. In Curzon-street, May Fair, the Right Hon. Lady Mary Hennetta Erskine, sister to the Earl of Rossten. At Wormley, Herts, aged 77, Thomas Cotterell, esq.

At Chichester, aged 65, Mary, wife of John Quantock, esq.

At Brighton, Major-general John Lind


On Putney Heath, the relict of the late Dr. Wood, of Boutingford, Herts.

Feb. 17. At Hailatron, near Bath, aged 65, P. Edward Scobeli, esq. M. D.

Feb 18. At Coughton, Herefordshire, in her 90 h year, the relict of the late Thomas Strong, enq. of Garratt, Sorrev.

At her brother-in-law's, in Lincoln's inn fields, Jane, fourth daughter of the late Thomas Byers, esq. of Newbottle. At Edinburgh, George Kincaid, esq. sugar-reliner.

Henry Barnes, esq. of Geneaushiew House Hereford. He was for many years an active and useful magistrate in his neighbourhood. In him the peor always found a ready and kind protector; they and his family will ever find his loss irreparable.

At her father-m law's, Sir Wathen Waller, bart. aged 28, the Hon. Marianne Curzon, only daughter of the Right Hon. the Baroness Howe.

At Prosprot House, Woodford, Essex, in her 54th year, Mrs. Janet Enslie.

In Soho square, Thomas Brand, esq. Rb. 19. At her house on Bush Hill, EnGeld, in her 70th year, Mrs. Frampton,

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Aged 67, Henry Silverlock, esq. of ChiIn Pulteney-street, Bath, the widow of the late W. Sheppard, esq.

In Hackney-road, Sarah, wife of Mat. Sturt, esq. of his Majesty's Customs.

Feb. 21. In Wimpole-street, William Shedden, esq. fourth son of Robert Shed. den, esq. of Gower-street.

In Harley street, the relict of the lave John Dixon, esq. of Cecil-ledge, Abbott's Langley.

At Hackney, in her 30th year, Sarah, wife of Leonard Collmann, esq. of Broadstreet buildings.

In the Council Chamber in the Hall, in the Market, Norwich, in his 52d year, without a struggle and without a gasp, Thos. Beck, esq. He was elected Sheriff of that city in 1802; Alderman of the Great Ward of Mancroft in 1808; served the office of Mayor in 1809; and was laly appointed one of the Deputy Lieutenants for the county of Norfolk.

At West End, Hampstead, Rachel, third daughter of Mr. Chater, wholesale stationer, of Cornhill.

At Hampstead, in his 73d year, the Hon. Jobu Dimsdale, Baron of the Russian Empire.

At Pinner, in his 68th year, M. Tho

mas, esq.

Feb. 22. lu his 29th year, the Rev. T. S. Smith, M.A. and Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, the eldest son of Mr. Dan. Smith, of Windsor.

At Gateshead, in Durham, Emina, sister of Mr. Justice Richardson.

At Brighton, Eliza Frances, youngest daughter of Henry Francis Wintle, esq. of Walworth, Surrey.

At Melville House, Fifeshire, the Earl of Leven and Melville.

Susannah, wife of Richard Pearson, esq. of Great Dunmow, Essex.

At Deptford, in his 52d year, Mr. N. Davis, Surveyor and Engineer.

At South Abbey Cottage, Bollosolla, near Castletown, Isle of Man, in her 61st year, the relict of the late Lieut.-col. T. Wrixon, of the 50th foot.

Feb 23. At Malpas, Cheshire, greatly respected, aged 66, Thomas Payser, esq.

M. Greffulh, a Peer of France. He had the honour of receiving at a ball in his house the Duke of Berri on the very evening of his assassination. His death was in consequence of the shock he experienced on hearing of that dreadful event. -Madame Greffuth, his lady, is in a very alarming state of health.

At Weymouth, Anthony Bell, esq. surveyor.

At Purney, the relict of the late Wm. Pycroft, esy. of Edmonton.

At Pavis, Harriet, youngest daughter of the late Gen. Robinson, of Denston hall, Sutfolk.

At Dartmouth, Eliza, daughter of Capt. John Hine, of the East India Naval Service.

At Tileburst Cottage, Berkshire, in his 70th year, Col. Sheldrake, of the Royal Artillery.

Feb. 24. In Southampton-street, Camberwell, aged 87, Mrs. Sarah Brayfield, widow. Her memory and understanding were unimpaired to the last. She was a lineal descendant, on the paternal side, from the celebrated Presbyter of the Church of England, the Rev. Luke Milbourn, contemporary of Pope; and has left an only son to deplore the loss of an affectionate parent.

At Dawlish, Matilda Anne, second daughter of the late E. Horlock Mortimer, esq. of Bellefield Lodge, Wilts.

At Colney Hatch, aged 80, Stephen Atkinson, esq.

At his chambers, in Lincoln's inn, aged 64, James Read, esq. Barrister-at-Law.

At Stockwell, in his 86th year, James Wood, esq. formerly of Lombard-street, banker.

At Daventry, in his 47th year, Col. Dae vid Rattray, late Lieut.-col. of the 63d regiment.

At Windsor Castle, aged 65, the Rev. Dr. Cookson, Canon of Windsor, and Rector of Binfield, and of West Ilsley, Berkshire.

At Hildersham Hall, Cambridgeshire, aged 72, Thos. Fassett, esq.

At Yaxley, Huntingdonshire, aged 84, the widow of the late Win. Child, esq.

The wife of George Slack, esq. of Walcot Terrace, Lambeth.

At Overden House, Sundrish Kent, in his 16th year, Henry, second son of T. P. Meyers, esq. of Court Lodge, Rattle, Sussex, and of the Island of Barbadoes.

Feb. 25. In her 73d year, Mary, wife of Thos. Day, esq. of Watford, Herts. In Albion-place, Blackfriars, in his 81st year, Mr. Woodmeston.

At Lisbon, aged 36, Martin Harrison,


Feb. 26. Jas. Welt, esq. many years in the service of the East India Company. In

In his 65th year, John Akenhead, esq. of Cannon-street road.

At an advanced age, Arthur Atherley, esq. one of the Chief Magistrates of Southampion.

Edward George Redshaw, only son of the Rev. J. Brasse, of Wood House, Stanstead, Essex.

Feb. 27. In Lombard-street, Charles Ball, esq. formerly of Merrow, near Guildford, Surrey, eminent as the inventor and manufacturer of superior baukers' note paper, and late of the firm of Ball and Ashby, engravers, &c.

At Acton Lodge, aged 70, Mrs. Hervey. Mary, wife of Mr. Kell, solicitor, of Lewes.

In Lower Brook-street, the Rev. John Toke, Vicar of Beaksbourne, and Rector of Harbledown, Kent.

Feb. 28. At Cavan, Ireland, the relict of the late Patrick Smith, esq. of Barlieborough.

In George-street, Portman-square, in her 49th year, the widow of the late Sir Augustus Floyer.

In his 76th year, Gen. Hartcup, of the
Royal Engineers.
Harriet, second daughter of Mr. James
Asperne, bookseller, of Cornhill.

At Paris, George Macquay, esq. of Stephen's Green, Dublin.

Feb. 29. At her brother's house, the Ravenhurst in Bordesley, near Birmingham, Esther Lowe, in her 79th year.

In Lansdown-place, Brunswick-square, the wife of Thos. Lowten, esq. of the loner Temple.

At Vaynor-park, Montgomeryshire, J. Winder, esq.

In Cork-street, aged 78, the Rev. G. Chatfield.

At Sidmouth, Harriet, youngest daughter of Sir E. Strackey, bart. of Rack heath, Norfolk.

Suddenly, in an apoplectic fit, while finishing a Portrait of Prince Leopold, Mr. Percy, the artist, well known for his exquisite models in miniature size.

Lately. At Pimlico, in his 80th year, Ralph Rookby, esq. many years Page and Gentleman Porter to his Majesty.

In Saville-row, Mile-end road, aged 67, John Laurie, esq.

At Kennington. Lieut. col. Gomersall, C.B. of Gomersall, Yorkshire.

At a very advanced age, in Belgrave.. place, Pimlico, the relict of the late J. B. Kennet, esq. of Hoxton, Serjeant at Arms to the King (son of the late Alderman Kennet), and aunt to Lady R. Sheffield, of Upper Wimpole-street.

In Brunswick place, City-road, aged 67, S. Sanders, esq. one of the Serjeants at Arms to his Majesty.

In the Commercial-road aged 35 years, after a few days illness. Capt. John Bishop, Conimander of the Juno, in the Cape Trade.

March 1. Near Bideford, North Devonshire; Robt. Mathews, youngest son of Commissioner Woodriff, of the Royal Navy.

At Aiglish, near Killarney, aged 115, T. O'Sullivan, the Irish Bard. He expired while sowing oats in the field of one of his great grand children, aud at the moment he had finished singing one of his own favourite Lyrics. He also followed the occupation of a cooper, and made a churn from which butter was taken for the christening of his 26th great grand child.

In Gower-street, in her 89th year, the widow of the late Mr. Alderman Gill, who died in 1798 (see vol. LXVIII. p. 264; and his epitaph in vol. LXXXVI. i. p. 13).

At Peckham, aged 60, Mr. Win. Stuart, late of the Cudbear Company, Westmin


At Armagh, Ireland, in his 25th yeary James Johnston, esq. brother of Dr. Jobuston. R.N.

March 2. At Hamburgh, William de
Drusina, esq.
In his 85th year, Starling Day, esq. of

In Charterhouse-square, Henry Jenkinson Sayer, esq. auditor of the Charterhouse.

In Seymour-street, aged 50, Miss Percy. March 3. At the Deanery, Battle, Katherine Anne, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Birch, Dean of Battle.

At Bath, the Rev. John Potticary, of Blackheath.

At Aspeden, Herts, in his 74th year, Hale Young Wortham, esq.

In Cadogan-terrace, aged 42, John Grant, esq. of Wallebow, in the Island of

St. Vincent.

In Great George-street, Westminster, in his 67th year, John Hosier, esq.

At Putney, Elizabeth, wife of H. Legge, esq.

At Wendlebury, Oxfordshire, John Walker, esq.

At Apsley, Bedfordshire, Elizabeth, wife of J. Pat. More, esq. and sister of the late Jos. Howell, esq. of Markyate Cell, Hertfordshire (see vol. LXXXIX. ii. 377).

At Cheltenham, the relict of the late Sam. Harman, esq. of the island of Antigua.

March 5. At Bath. Elizabeth, wife of John Mand, eoq of Hillingdon. Middlesex. At the Bishop of St. Asaph's, in Glou. cester-place, Mrs. Luxmore.

At Hermitage-place, Islington-road, in his 67th year, Mr. John Evans, for many years

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