bipeds in two insular rabbit warrens; why not inclose the immense commons of our British empire, and try to exhibit some fat prize colonial farmers and landholders, as well as fat native oxen. We have only to invite the settlement of steady young men, with small capitals, and give a power of returning, after five years, to labourers. But our limits will not allow us to expatiate on the subject; and we therefore warmly recommend Mr. Kingdom's work to the particular notice of our merchants and legislators, as presenting a fertile field for the adoption of measures, in our opinion, both wise and indispensable. Mr. Savage's pamphlet is a welldigested tract, properly exposing the precariousness and danger of settling in America; and, we know, that he is well supported by other authorities. We shall conclude with observing, that the empire subject to the Crown of Great Britain is immense and growing; that it appears destined to civilize one full half of the globe; and that, while its native territory cannot afford to keep seventeen millions at home, its foreign property is equal to the support of one hundred in comfort. It wants only a wise conjunction of interest and intercourse with its coJonies, and accordant habitancy, to render its navy, commerce, revenue, resources, and fellow-feelings, a common interest. A merchant's family would play their cards into each other's hands easily, upon this plan; and why not a nation? For instance, if a horse-shoe at Onandinga in America costs 5s." (Savage, p. 50.) it is evident that, similar wants existing in our own colonies, there are ample encouragements for exportation of our own wrought goods, of a certain kind, for many years to come. Add to this, a future colonial navy in aid of the Mother Country, against the jealous anger of her elder Daughter, if time and prudence do not wear out her enmity, and incline her to peace and union. 27. A Letter to the Bishop of St. David's, occasioned by his Lordship's Misconceptions and Misrepresentations of a Pamphlet, entitled, Reflections concerning the Expediency of a Council of the Church of England and the Church of Rome, being holden,' &c. By Samuel Wix, A. M. F. R. and A. S. &c. δυο. pp. 102. Rivingtons. UPON all controvertible points, mankind are prone to think in extremes; and novel propositions in politicks or religion produce new parties, or new schisms. Mr. Wix, thinking that the wicked Lady of Babylon might be easily brought to repentance and reformation, proposed to reconcile her to the chaste Protestant part of her family. The Bishop of St. David's thinks that the result might be dangerous, as either leading to corruption of innocence, or at least to new schism. We perfectly believe Mr. Wix to have had the best intentions, and we know, in justification of him, that Popery and Protestantism are not so much distinguished 'by differences, as by the simple proceeding in the latter of omission. Amputation, pruning, rubbing off lichens and mosses, were the chief processes used in the Reformation. But, as it is an axiom in politics, never to force innovation, but to wait till the public mind is prepared to receive it, we are justified in thinking, from the strong opposithin tion to the Catholic Bill, and the rooted inveteracy of Protestants to Popery, that such a seasonable period is not arrived. In all measures of dubious result, every thing possible should be left to time, which produces more changes in human events than any other cause whatever. Time may induce the Roman Catholicks themselves to undertake the revisions and reforms so desired by Mr. Wix, but so long as enmity exists between them and the Protestants, it is a rule that no confidence is to be placed in a reconciled enemy; and therefore we may fear that the object of such a proposed reconciliation would only be in reality to draw the Protestants into a snare. all events, we think that the affair should be left to circumstances; and dismiss the subject with expressing our full conviction, that both the Bishop and Mr. Wix adorn their profession, and have excellent intentions, though of opposite opinions. At 28. Hints on Conversation; with consolatory Reflections on Adversity, Melancholy, &c. translated from the French [of Mons. Bordeton] by a Lady. 2d. Edit. cr. 8vo. pp. 339. Rivingtons, &c. THE study of this useful book would go far towards forming a wise and and prudent character. The most valuable part is certainly that which regards conversation. As it is observed of foolish young men, that they very commonly act first, and think afterwards, so it is certainly right that people should reflect before they speak, and in all these cautionary processes for managing conversation this book excels. There are variousideas in this work, some of which we shall select. "We never use raillery with a friend whom we tenderly love." p. 65. "Silence is the wisest measure that we can adopt in our intercourse with the obstinate." p. 89. "Those who feel reluctant to bestow commendation are generally unworthy to receive it," p. 101. "The man addicted to boasting is usually found to be precipitate in his decisions." p. 137. The conclusion is a masterly piece of eloquence; we mean from p. 321, to the end. 29. Discourses on the Three Creeds, and on the Homage offered to our Saviour, on certain and particular occasions during his Ministry, as expressed in the Evangelical Writings, by the Greek term poex. Preached before the University of Oxford at St. Mary's in the years 1816, 1817. With a copious and distinct Appendix to each set of Sermons. By Edward Nares, D. D. Select Preacher, Regius Professor of Modern History, &c. 8vo. pp. 343. Baldwin and Co. IT is evident, that the Unitarians take for the corner-stone of their fabric the presumed insult to the Unity of Deity, by the participation of Christ. We do not attempt to follow Dr. Nares through all his learned exhibitions of Fathers and Criticks. We shall only observe, that the stress is laid upon the three Creeds in particular, because every word of each may fairly be considered as an argument adversus hæreses: and upon this thesis Dr. Nares, p. 49, seq. dilates in a very ingenious man ner. As, however, Mr. Carlile, the sixth, seventh, or eighth worthy of the nine Worthies, not of Christendom (as our children's books call the other antient set) thought proper to ground his republication of Paine's Benthamisu upon the same principle as GENT. MAG. February, 1820. the Unitarians, we shall quote Dr. Nares in this part. He exhibits from pure Philosophy the fallacy of the dogma used by that unfortunate Faquire, whom the barbarous priests of the law have placed upon the stool of repentance, not the Pythian Tripod, as being an impostor in oracular concerns. Christ, Dr. Nares observes, is designated in the Nicene creed, as being "of one substance with the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God. And what can this imply, but that the attributes of Deity are common attributes, which for what we know may possibly be communicated, but cannot be divided; for there cannot be two omnipotents under any possibility of opposition or nonconformity to each other. I know, there may be always philosophers, or at least free-thinkers, at hand to tell us, that our belief still involves a contradiction; that we may fancy we believe such a distinction of person, and such a unity of attributes, but that such a subsistence is metaphysically impossible. I have an answer to return to this, which cannot, I think, be subject to any suspicion. It is not the answer certainly of any prejudiced advocate of theological subtleties, or divine mysteries, but of a Philosopher, and a Free-thinker. I speak of Mr. Hume. In a short essay on the unity of the Deity, he pronounces it to be not inconsistent with the nature of the Deity, that there should be two or more beings of the very highest order, whose essence and actions may be so regulated by the nature of the beings themselves, as to be altogether concordant and harmonious. The nature of the Divine Being, he adds, is so far out of our reach, that we must absolutely be at a loss to apply to it unity or multiplicity. I am not pretending to cite this as any proof of the Trinity, but merely as the testimony of an eminent metaphysician, against the imprudence of those, who would reject a community of attributes among the three persons of the Godhead, as an absurdity or contradiction. The Orthodox contend for nothing more than such an unity of essence and attributes as shall secure to all the operations of the Deity, a perfect harmony and concordance." pp. 61, 62. Now if there be no absurdity in the doctrine of a Triune God, upon what rational ground is the Scripture which affirms it perverted or rejected? Dr. Nares has given us a valuable stock book for Divines. 30. The more, The modern TENIERS, -aye, and something [plore. Which they shall find who carefully exWESTALL! the splendid one! thy works delight The eye untutor'd, and the feeling heart. Oh could a verse like mine thy toils requite Poetic feelings from thy canvas start, The name of REIGNAGLE shall here unite; Nor be his son forgotten in his art. ARNALD transports us to some pastoral scene, [valleys green. Mountains, and shady groves, and pleasant And thine is richness, PHILLIPS! without glare; Softuess and spirit, nature with her grace. And long may TURNER's genius, brilliant, rare, Shine forth, oh Freedom, on thy dwelling place! With him we seem to breathe the ambient air, And with new feelings nature's beauties trace. Nor will the feeling heart is praise refuse. OWEN! thy hand twines fast the friendly Thy name's enough, on Britain's heart im prest, muse; Hail to thee, President! the honour'd WEST!" knot, And on thy works with pleasure oft I And CALLCOTT's pencil strays where na- SIR GEORGE BEAUMONT's a favourite of mine, And yours too if you're a man of taste, Rich and harmonious his pictures shine; HILTON, this verse shall with thy name be grac'd. UNA! how sweetly he did thee define, Like some fair jewel, amid brown rocks plac'd; DEWINT, I often like your pictures well, And VINCENT's too, for mine and many they excel. CHANTREY'S a worthy name! those children slept A lovely sleep in marble. BONE'S enamels Are precious things. And what should intercept My mentioning thee, RENTON, as the lay swells; Rich, classic, vigorous, thy works have crept Around and hold my mind in gentle trammels. EDRIDGE'S portraits are rich and powerful, Like some in oil, or gardens when they're flowerful." A few other Artists are noticed; but these may suffice. 31. A Dictionary of the Peculiarities of the Italian Language; being a Collection of Sentences from the most approved Italian Authors, particularizing those Verbs, Prepositions, &c. which govern different Moods and Cases; and forming a Sup • Supplement to all other Italian Dictionaries. By M. Santagnello, Author of a Grammar, and Exercises. large 8vo. pp. 312. Whittaker. AS a proper mode of facilitating the study of the Italian language M. Santagnello's Dictionary (which has our good wishes for its success) is thus introduced, and the plan described: "The Work which I have now the honour of submitting to the judgment of the Publick, may be considered as the fruit of long and successful experience, in removing innumerable difficulties that obstruct the progress of the student, and. for which no remedies are to be found in the most elaborate Dictionaries or Grammars. It has not been my intention to collect all the various idioms of the Italian language, but rather to cull, with brevity and selection, certain idiomatic terms and modes of speaking which practice and observation have induced me to consider as the most essential to be inculcated in teaching; to point out the diversified shades of meaning, by the confusion of which so many solecisms and barbarisms disfigure the composition of the learner; to fix the attention upon those niceties of distinction in the use of verbs, particles, and prepositions, which so frequently perplex and darken what is in itself extremely simple and perspicuous, when illustrated by analogous examples; finally, to reduce into order and systematic arrangement all those precepts and directions, which have been suggested by loug and unwearied endeavours to facili of the Counties of Hereford, Monmouth, and Gloucester. 8vo. pp. 16. Gloucester: published by Desire. AN elaborate and instructive dis course. 34. The Duty of exerting our Faculties, as the Means of superior Knowledge and Power. A Sermon, preached on Trinity Monday, June 7, 1819, before the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, and the Corporation of the Trinity-House, in the Parish Church of St. Nicholas, Deptford, and published at their Request. By the Rev. John Hewlett, B. D. Morning Preacher at the Foundling Hospital; Chaplain in Ordinary to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent; and Rector of Hilgay, in the County of Norfolk. 8vo. pp, 24. Rivingtons. AN appropriate, plain, and energetic Discourse, from Genesis, i. 26. 35. A Letter to the Right Reverend Richard, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. By the Author of "An Essay on Light Reading, &c." 8vo. pp. 23. Gye, at Bath. A respectful address to the venerable Prelate, on the excellence of the Liturgy; and friendly advice to the Clergy, and to their Congregations. 36. A Friendly Address to the Manufacturers in those Districts which are now suffering from the Stagnation of Trade. 8υο. pp. 25. Rivingtons. THIS cheap Tract well answers its tate the cultivation of the Italian language title, and cannot be too widely distri in a volume calculated to hold, as it were, a medium between a Dictionary and a Grammar." 32. London Medical Intelligencer; or, Monthly Analytical Compendium of the Medical, Surgical, and Physical Contents of the Transactions of Learned Societies, the Quarterly and Monthly Journals and Reviews; and also a List of New Publications; forming a concentrated Record of Medical Literature. 8vo. pp. 16. Burgess and Hill. THE title expresses the character of this little publication; of its utility there can be no doubt, in the execution of its condeused analytical contents we observe the respectable assistance of no common literary individuals in the Medical Profession. 33. The Antiquity of Free-masonry illustrated a Sermon preached before the Royal Berkeley Lodge, Gloucestershire. By the Rev. T. D. Fosbrooke, M. A. F. A. S. Past Provincial Grand Chaplain buted by the affluent. 37. Edmund and Anna, a simple Ballad, with other Poems. By Edward Green, Corresponding Member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, and Author of "Observations on the Drama," &c. 12mo. pp. 68. Allman. MR. GREEN, after observing that "the excess of the sublime itself becomes the ridiculous; still more so, perhaps with the simple;" "submits the Ballad and the other trifles to the good-natured criticism they stand so much in need of;" and adds, "that, among the very few humble productions he has obtruded on the world, this is the first and only one he has hitherto offered to it from motives of selfadvantage." We are glad to see that these modest pretensions have been rewarded by a handsome list of subscribers, If the. Poems are not of the firstrate excellence, they are at least harmonious. ANTIQUARIAN AND PHILOSOPHICAL RESEARCHES. CITY OF POMPEII. The following is an extract of a letter from a young Gentleman who has visited the ruins of Pompeii, to his friend in Liverpool: "This City is situated about a quarter of a mile from the Bay of Naples. We entered the ruins through a gate by the road side, into a barrack yard, which appeared to have been a fortress, and was, no doubt, at one period of time, contiguous to the Mediterranean sea. We were here shewn the original wooden stocks, in which a soldier was found sitting on a stone with his legs fastened, the unfortunate man being discovered by the workmen employed to remove away the soil. Several pillars of the Corinthian order still remain, forming a dilapidated colonnade, some of which are tolerably entire, and rendered particularly interesting, by having the soldiers' names very legibly engraved thereon, in their own hand-writing. We next inspect ed the two theatres, the stage, orchestra, and seats, being still discernible, with some broken particles of the marble pavement. Not far thence is the Temple of Hercules; the altars and the other relics of idolatrous superstition, as well as a variety of fanciful cornices, and other architectural ornaments, still exist in a very wonderful state of preservation; even the original paintings on the walls are to be seen without the least deterioration. We walked through most of the principal streets, and into the houses, the floors of which were richly covered with Mosaic and Roman pavements: over the front doors, carved on stone, are all the names of their quondam inhabitants, among whom we observed that of Sallust. It is not by any means difficult to discover baths, coffee-houses, bake-houses, and other shops of trade, even the custom-house and other public offices. There is a subterraneous wine manufactory on the North side, near the city gates, which was examined with great attention: it is very extensive, and contains the earthen vessels and bottles where in the wine had been kept; they were arranged in the same precise order as previous to the awful eruption which desolated the city: the interior of this place much resembles cloisters, the roof being arched with strong stones. It was in these vaults where the unhappy inhabitants sought refuge from the sudden and overwhelming shower of fire and ashes, whence, alas! they never returned. Several bodies have subsequently been dug out. We were shewn two or three skulls, in the possession of the keeper. The "A part of the antient walls remain on the North-west corner of the city; and on the outside, conformably to pristine custom, are the tombs and monuments ofeminent persons, in as good preservation as when first erected; the inside contains the ashes, in small potters' vessels, fixed in cavities of equal sizes. Pompeii stands on a circumference of about three miles, and retains its original form and situation, with all the squares, forums, temples, streets, and houses, as perfect as possible, considering the whole has been buried under ground nearly 1750 years. workmen are clearing away the rubbish with great success. During our visit they were in a house near to the Temple of Isis, where, it was conjectured, a medical person had resided, as several surgical instruments were found in the soil; we also observed some paintings, finely executed, on the plaster of the walls, emblematical of such a profession. The labour is conducted with the greatest circumspection, every particle of the soil being put into small baskets, and afterwards examined in the presence of officers. It was with great difficulty I was enabled to bring away a part of the hinge of a door, special orders having been given by Ferdinand for nothing to be taken away without his permission. "Such is the City of Pompeii; and, from the circumstance of the streets being paved with large square pieces of lava, leaves not a doubt but this beautiful country had long been previously visited by such awful storms; nay, I will venture to carry my presumption still further, by supposing that even under Pompeii another city might be discovered, if public curiosity and spirit only ventured on the research." FOSSIL ANIMAL REMAINS. In making some further excavations lately in caverns in the vicinity of Breage, in the department of Lot, the workmen laid open a depository of bones, some of horses; some of the rhinoceros, of the same species of which fossil fragments have been found in this country, in Germany, and in Siberia; and others belonging to a species of stag, now a nondescript, with horns pretty much resembling those of a young rein-deer. They were collected, and presented to the Academy of Sciences, at Paris, by M. Cuvier, and are now in the King's cabinet. ANCIENT FAVISSE. The Giornale Arcadico for July last, contains an account of the discovery of three |