ePub 版

Berkeley is censured and removed. His death

English troops in America. The results of Bacon's rebellion
Culpepper in Virginia as governor for life

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Illiberality and dishonesty of his administration

His reappearance. His patent cancelled. Howard of Effingham succeeds him
Rebels and kidnapped men and boys sent to the colonies

Despotism attempted and resisted in Virginia

Tendencies to liberty and union

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The directorship of May; of Verhulst. Peter Minuit buys Manhattan island 495

New Netherland and New Plymouth. Population of Manhattan in 1628
A church. Reprisals. The board of nineteen. Privileges of patroons
The Dutch monopoly of manufactures. Large purchases of lands.

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His second expedition. Lord Baltimore. A Dutch fort at Hartford
Gustavus Adolphus and New Sweden

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The New Netherland assembly demands public protection
Grant to the duke of York. New England soldiers at Brooklyn
Stuyvesant and the burgomasters. New York surrenders
Delaware capitulates. Concessions to New Jersey. The slave trade
The Elizabethtown purchase.

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James Carteret. Invasion of Lewistown. New York city incorporated
Convention at Hempstead. Swedes and Finns resist

The demand by New York of annual assemblies denied.
New York reconquered. Louis XIV. invades Holland

Victory of the Dutch. Rights of neutral flags. Fate of New Netherland



Unity of the human race. Progress of emancipation

Power of the people in England. Progress of intellectual freedom

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He preaches freedom to the people; and meets resistance

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He accepts universal and necessary truths. The Bible. Christianity

Quaker morality. Vows. Power. Riches

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