INSCRIPTION For the Spot where the HERMITAGE stood on St. Herbert's Island, Derwent-Water. . If thou in the dear love of some one friend Hast been so happy, that thou know'st what thoughts Will, sometimes, in the happiness of love Make the heart sink, then wilt thou reverence This quiet spot. St. Herbert hither came This island's sole inhabitant! had left A Fellow-labourer, whom the good Man lov'd As his own soul; and when within his cave Alone he knelt before the crucifix While o'er the lake the cataract of Lodore Peal'd to his orisons, and when he pac'd INSCRIPTION For the House (an Outhouse) on the Island at Grasmere. Rude is this Edifice, and Thou hast seen With the ideal grace. Yet as it is Do take it in good part; for he, the poor From the great city; never on the leaves The skeletons and pre-existing ghosts Snug Cot, with Coach-house, Shed and Hermitage. It is a homely pile, yet to these walls The heifer comes in the snow-storm, and here The new-dropp'd lamb finds shelter from the wind. His pinnace, a small vagrant barge, up-piled Among the mountains, and beneath this roof He makes his summer couch, and here at noon Spreads out his limbs, while, yet unborn, the sheep Panting beneath the burthen of their wool Lie round him, even as if they were a part Of his own household: nor, while from his bed He through that door-place looks toward the lake And to the stirring breezes, does he want Creations lovely as the work of sleep, Fair sights, and visions of romantic joy. To a SEXTON. Let thy wheel-barrow alone. In thy bone-house bone on bone? "Tis already like a hill In a field of battle made, Where three thousand skulls are laid. These died in peace each with the other, Father, Sister, Friend, and Brother. Mark the spot to which I point! Take not even a finger-joint : Andrew's whole fire-side is there. |