
Bowed beneath the mountain of thy sin, and perished

-but for Godhead;

There stood the Atlas in his power; and Prometheus, in his love, is there,

Emptying on wretched man the blessings earned from heaven.

Put them not away, hide them in thy heart, poor and penitent receiver;

Be gratitude thy counsel unto good, and wholesome love unto obedience.

Proverbial Philosophy.


"O how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men."-Ps. xxxi. 19.

The Lord will sooner make windows in heaven than disappoint expectations raised by His own promises-rightly understood. He has a thousand ways to help us, when all our resources seem utterly to fail. If He enable us to devote ourselves with a single eye to the care of His concerns, He wi

assuredly take care of ours; and give us, either in kind or in kindness, more than we can either think or ask.




The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it."—Prov. x. 22.

Oh cease ye then from misery's bitter vine,
To wring despair's tremendous anodyne !
Oh lift your parched and fevered lips above,
To the full well-spring of Eternal love :
And all may yet be well;-the present-past
Be flung behind-the horizon brighten fast;
E'en the dark clouds, that roll their rage away,
Catch Hope's own rainbow from the breaking day;
And life, erewhile so dark, and drear, and dull,
Grow calm, and fair, and bright, and beautiful :
Or, should earth's dearest, loveliest ties be riven,
The soul spring nearer to her native heaven;
Spurn the cold confines of her clay abode,
And find life-love-peace-glory-all-in God!



"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."- St. John, xiii. 35.


'Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."-Gal. vi. 9.

E’en now a radiant angel goeth forth,—

A spirit that hath healing on its wings,— And flieth east and west, and north and south, To do the bidding of the King of kings : Stirring men's hearts to compass better things, And teaching brotherhood, as that sweet source, Which holdeth in itself all blessed springs ;

And showing how to guide its silver course, When it shall flood the world with deep exulting force.

Faint not, O Spirit, in dejected mood,

Thinking how much is planned, how little done! Revolt not, Heart, though still misunderstood! For gratitude, of all things 'neath the sun,

Is easiest lost-and insecurest won.

Doubt not, clear Mind, that workest out the right For the right's sake! the thin thread must be spun, And patience weave it, ere that sign of might,— Truth's banner,-wave aloft, full flashing to the light.


"Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."-Ps. cxxxix. 23, 24.

To God let us open continually these hearts of ours; to Him, their all-seeing Creator; to Him, their merciful Redeemer; to Him, their gracious Sanctifier! to Him let us open them, that He may read them to us, and cleanse them for us.



"In her tongue is the law of kindness.”—Ps. xxxi. 26.

Speak kindly to thy fellow man,

Lest he should die, while yet
Thy bitter accents wring his heart,
And make his pale cheek wet.

Speak to him tenderly, for he
Hath many toils to bear;
And he is weak, and often sighs,—
As thou dost-under care.


Speak to him lovingly, he is
A brother of thine own;

He well may claim thy sympathies,
Who's bone of thine own bone.

Speak to him meekly, he may be
A holier man than thou;
And fitting it may be for thee,
To him with reverence bow.

Speak to him solemnly,-for thou
And he must surely meet,
To make account for idle words,
Before the judgment-seat.

Speak to him faithfully,-thy word
May touch him deep within,
And save his erring soul from death,
And cover o'er his sin.


Our sufficiency is of God."-2 Cor. iii. 5.

Would that I were more closely bound
To my Beloved, who ever lives!
Would that my soul were ever found
Abiding in the peace He gives !


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