THE PHILADELPHIA Printing Ink Works. PATENTED APRIL 7th, 1871. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Tenth and Lombard Sts., Philadelphia. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSON & CO. Established January 7th, 1804. All the Editions of the "WORLD” Newspaper have been for years, and are printed from Printing Ink manufactured by CHARLES ENEU JOHNSON & CO. PERKINS & GOODWIN, Paper Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Book and News Printing Paper, AND PAPER MANUFACTURERS' MATERIALS. All the Editions of "The World" and "The World Almanac" are printed on paper furnished by us. Cash Advances made upon Consignments of Paper, Rags, Etc. No. 84 DUANE STREET, GEO. F. PERKINS, EDWD. GOODWIN, JR. 3 doors East of Broadway, NEW YORK. Celebrated American FALCON Nos. 505, 20, 28, 75, 18, Etc. Pens. Embracing Every Style and Finish. FACTORY, MOUNT VERNON, N. Y. Office, 75 John Street, New-York. MISFIT CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, VERY CHEAP, AT THE Old Place, 112 FULTON ST., N. Y. J. A. BENDALL. SEND FOR A PRICE-LIST. RATES OF EXPENSES (including taxes) TO TOTAL INCOME, 10.97. 66 The 'SAVINGS BANK PLAN," recently introduced by this Company, has proved a great success, from the fact that policies bear on their face a Definite Cash Surrender Value and are as negotiable as a Government Bond. CHAS. M. HIBBARD, Act'y. E. W. DERBY, M.D., Consulting Phys'n. GEO. F. SNIFFIN, Secretary. HENRY W. JOHNSON, Counsel. YOU DOLLAR ? FOR ONE DOLLAR WE WILL SEND, POSTAGE-PAID, HAVE 1. It contains ALL THE NEWS of the past seven days, collected by the agents and correspondents of the NewYork Daily World, and in fullness, accuracy and enterprise in this respect is unequaled. 2. Its AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT contains the latest news of farm experiments at home and 3. Its GRANGE NEWS, to which attention is specially called, is a feature which can be found in no other paper. 4. For the FIRESIDE DEPARTMENT, in addition to its other attractions, such as poetry, miscellany, 5. The MARKET REPORTS, brought down to the hour of publication, are the best that can be made. Each market is reported by one whose special knowledge and training make him the best authority upon that subject in the United States. For accuracy and completeness the market reports of The World are unrivaled. "The World is not only the best, but the cheapest newspaper ever offered the farmer." SEMI-WEEKLY (104 Nos.), $2 PER YEAR. DAILY (313 Nos.), $10 PER YEAR. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT UPON APPLICATION. Address, "THE WORLD," 35 PARK ROW, NEW-YORK. MANUFACTORY OF THE SPENCERIAN STEEL PENS, BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. SPENCERIAN DOUBLE ELASTIC STEEL PENS. The superiority and excellence of these justly celebrated Pens are appreciated, as is shown in their constantly increasing sale. They are comprised in 15 numbers, of which one number alone has an annual sale of more than 6,000,000. The Spencerian Pens are Manufactured of the very best material by the most expert workmen in Europe, and are famous for their elasticity, durability and evenness of point. THE SPENCERIAN PENS ARE FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. For the convenience of those who may wish to try them, sample cards containing all the FIFTEEN numbers, securely inclosed, will be sent by mail on receipt of 25 cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., 138 and 140 Grand Street, New-York. ENVELOPES. The subscribers beg leave to call the attention of dealers in Envelopes to the extensive assortment and superior quality of those manufactured by them. Their machinery for manufacturing Envelopes is the latest and best, folding and gumming them in the most perfect manner. The assortment embraces over seven hundred kinds, including every size and kind of paper wanted, such as the ordinary White and Colored, Manila, Cloth-Lined, Parchment, Bond and Onion Skin for foreign letters. " Envelopes of a any size made to order. They would especially call attention to the superior gumming of their Envelopes by machinery. A call from all who purchase Envelopes is solicited. Samples sent with price-list when requested. SAMUEL RAYNOR & CO., Nos. 115 and 117 William Street, NEW-YORK. |