
what had since become of him. Oh, let them not allow the confessional to be introduced into this country under any pretext. It was Satan's strongest engine. But it was a painful fact that the confessional was being introduced into English churches; and he prayed that God might defend us from the consequences.


NO. I.

THE whole of Scripture is full of exhortations to praise, and supplies us with a most interesting history of the power and progress of sacred music.

The first sound heard on earth was the voice of praise; when the corner-stone thereof was laid, "the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. (Job xxxviii. 7.) And when the work of redemption, for which this earth was created, shall have been finished, and the temple of God, of which our globe is but the scaffolding, shall have been completed, the headstone thereof shall be brought forth with shoutings, singing, Grace, grace, unto it. (Zech. iv. 7.)

In tracing the history of music, we find its employment in celebrating divine rites common to every nation, from the rude instruments and wild yells of the savage, to the entrancing tones of the organ, and sensuous harmonies of modern Italy. The most ancient composition in sacred poetry extant, is the hymn of praise sung by Moses and Miriam at the Red Sea. We afterwards meet with the song of Deborah and Barak, and with Hannah's thanksgiving, 'when her heart rejoiced in the Lord, and her mouth was enlarged over her enemies.' Throughout the history of the Jews, we have various instances of the important place assigned to praise as a part of the worship of God; and several incidents show that their music was not confined to the celebration of great events, nor to thanksgiving for special mercies. It was used as a vehicle of prophetic utterance. (1 Sam. x, 5; 1 Chron. xxv. 1-7; 2 Kings iii. 15.) It was also specially appointed by the Lord to be used in battle. (2 Chron. xiii. 12; xx. 21, 22.) Sacred music, however, evidently held a subordinate place among the Jews, until the time of David; he it was who first elevated it to that position which it occupied in the temple service. No one can read his history, as it is recorded in the Book of Kings and Chronicles, without being struck with the extent and magnificence of his arrangements for conducting the service of praise in the sanctuary. Out of 38,000 Levites, 4000 were set apart to

praise the Lord with the instruments which David had made-(1 Chron. xxiii. 5); and of so much importance was this part of the service of the temple esteemed, that it was maintained day and night(1 Chron. ix. 33); the Levites being divided into twenty-four courses for that purpose. (1 Chron. xxv.) The arrangements of Solomon were on a scale of equal magnificence. His own songs, we are told, were one thousand and five. And it is remarkable, that, according as the successors of David and Solomon did good or evil 'in the sight of the Lord,' so did the music of the temple revive or decline. We find that the good kings, such as Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah, 'restored the singers, the sons of Asaph, to their place, according to the commandment of David;' and the same is recorded of Ezra and Nehemiah after the captivity.


In the New Testament, the spiritual ¦ priesthood take up the song, not now confined to 4000 Levites, but the duty of the whole Church, who 'are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that they should show forth the praises of Him who hath called them out of darkness, into his marvellous light.'-(1 Pet. ii. 9.) great High Priest himself set us the example, by singing a hymn with his disciples, on the night in which he was betrayed. In the writings of the apostles, frequent allusions are made to the use of hymns among the early Christians. In 1 Cor. xiv. 26, Paul refers to the practice of singing hymns when the disciples met together. And in writing to the Colossians, he exhorts them to teach and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in their hearts. He elsewhere declares his own resolution to sing with the spirit, and the understanding also.

In the writings of the Fathers, various allusions are made to the value of sacred music. Augustine describes how by it 'unbelievers were won to receive the truth, the common people captivated, and the faithful found it a way of mutual consolation and exhortation,

Coming nearer our own day, we have the example of the Reformers, who vigorously set themselves to redeem music from the neglect into which it had fallen, and used it as a powerful auxiliary to enable them to accomplish their great work. No man held it in higher estimation than Luther. The souls of Luther and his contemporaries,' says D'Aubigné, 'elevated by faith to the most sublime contemplations, roused to enthusiasm by the dangers and struggles which incessantly threatened the infant Church, inspired by the poetry of the Old, and the hope of the New Testament, soon began

to pour out their feelings in religious songs, in which poetry and music joined, and blended their most heavenly accents, and thus were heard, reviving in the sixteenth century, the hymns which, in the first century, soothed the sufferings of the martyrs. Many were the hymns composed, and rapidly circulated among the people, and greatly did they contribute to arouse their slumbering minds.'

Warton, in his history of English poetry, tells us, that to Calvin belongs the merit of having, with the advice of Luther, established the singing of psalms translated into the vernacular language, as a prominent part of public worship. The version of Psalms published by Clement Marot, formed an appendix to the catechism at Geneva, and became a characteristic mark, or badge of the Calvinistic worship and profession. Our own Knox, too, was equally zealous in the cause of psalmody, and compiled a work, an edition of which, published in 1615, exists to this day. So great was the zeal with which the Reformers cultivated sacred music, that psalms and hymns are termed by Burney the opera songs of the sixteenth century. Roger Ascham, writing from Augsburg in 1551, says, Three to four thousand singing in a church at one time is but a trifle.' And in our own land, psalmody was wont to be equally popular, when the voice of praise was heard daily ascending from every cottage.

The importance of sacred music is manifested by the power which it exerts over the feelings, in all the varied and trying relations of life. "The expression of sacred music comprehends every emotion which can agitate the human breast, and must be felt rather than described. The subdued tones of awful adoration; the impassioned fervour of desire; the humility of prayer; the wailing of penitential sorrow; the glad tones of thanksgiving, and the loud chorus of praise-all these must have their own peculiar utterance, and must be pervaded by a depth and solemnity which shall distinguish them from the meaner affections of humanity.' Its employment as a channel of rejoicing, is probably at once the most ancient and universal use attached to it. There seems to exist, in the heart of every man, an instinctive desire to sing when he is glad; and the Apostle James, in allusion to this propensity, points to the outlet through which the feelings ought to seek vent: Is any merry? let him sing psalms.' Equally potent is this divine antidote for the sorrowing heart. It calms the troubled soul, cheers the drooping spirit, and sheds a halo round the gloomiest picture. The evil spirit which haunted Saul was expelled by David's skilful lyre. At midnight,


Paul and Silas sang praises to cheer their hearts in prison. Luther frequently employed music as an encouragement to himself and his friends. 'On his way to Augsburg,' D'Aubigné relates, every man was aware of the dangers which threatened the Elector, and hence many in his escort marched with downcast eyes and sinking hearts. But Luther, full of faith, revived the courage of his friends by composing and singing with his fine voice that beautiful hymn, since become so famous

"Eine vaste burg ist unser Gott.

Our God is a strong tower."

This hymn was sung during the Diet, not only in Augsburg, but in all the churches of Saxony, and its energetic strains were often seen to revive and inspirit the most dejected minds.'

The Moravians, in their account of their missions in Labrador, testify how frequently they were wont to solace themselves with music, when their hearts were dispirited, and well-nigh cast down, by their want of success. Again, it is a source whence may be drawn much enjoyment and real delight, whether social or solitary. Hence the injunction of David, which his own experience abundantly confirmed: 'Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good: sing praises unto his name, for it is plea


So also the command of Paul, where, condemning at the same time the so-called enjoyment of sensual indulgence, he says, 'Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; speaking unto yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.' -(Eph. v. 18, 19.) Further, its power over the soul tends to increase devotion, From the constitution of the mind, its emotions are strengthened by exercise and utterance; more especially is this the case, when the mysterious power of sympathy acts upon it, as in the house of God. Doubtless, the emotions to which the music of the sanctuary gives rise, may in many hearts only prove spurious feeling and natural sentiment. Still all who have felt the grace of God must be constrained to acknowledge the power of sacred music, as a divinely-appointed means of elevating the spirit. But the tendency to abuse alluded to, calls for constant watchfulness. Lastly, sacred music is one of the most efficient means of realizing heaven. “The liveliest emblem of heaven that I know upon earth,' says Richard Baxter, 'is when the people of God, in the deep sense of his excellency and bounty, from hearts abounding with love and joy, join together both in heart and voice, in the cheerful melodious singing of his praises.'

Sacred music, however, possesses other advantages, apart from those more directly connected with personal edification. By praise, men proclaim the goodness of God, and testify to his loving-kindness and tender mercies; thus others are persuaded to taste and see that God is good. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord,' says David: 'the humble shall hear thereof and be glad '-(Ps. xxxiv. 2); and Paul, reprobating the custom of singing in an unknown tongue, does so on the ground of its thereby failing to edify others. How shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest?'-(1 Cor. xiv. 16.) It cannot be asserted that sacred music is a direct instrument of conversion; but assuredly it may be, and often has been, used as a means of arresting the thought-ration and gratitude singing— less, and making the careless reflect.

possess in a high degree, that which Cicero declared to be the secret of the true orator, "the power of self-excitement."' The feelings of this minister have, we doubt not, been often experienced out of the pulpit as well as in it. When the heart is full, its emotions will seek vent by expression. Hence it may often be observed, that the last psalm of a service is the most lively, and is sung with more animation than the others. On the evening of a communion Sabbath, for instance, who has not felt his soul elevated, by the loud burst of


Numerous instances are on record of the profligate being allured to the house of God through the agency of psalmody. It is related of Dr Bray, that, when he found the young men in his parish were in the habit of loitering about the churchyard, or sauntering in the neighbouring grounds, till the service was far advanced, he used to order a psalm to be sung before prayers began, which had the effect of making them come flocking into the church, and obliged them to be present both at prayers and preaching, Lastly, the music of the sanctuary is calculated to cheer and enliven ministers of the gospel. 'Not long since,' says a minister, 'we worshipped in two congregations on the same Sabbath. In one, nearly the whole congregation united in singing the psalms, which were selected as appropriate to the sermon. The effect upon our feelings was electrical. We entered the pulpit, feeling that to preach was a task which we were but little prepared to perform. By the time the second psalm had been completed, so exhilarating and elevating had been its effect upon us, that that feeling had passed away, and preaching became a pleasure. The agreeable services of the morning led us to anticipate those of the evening with pleasure. Psalms appropriate to the occasion had been selected, the congregation was larger than the one in the morning, but when the singing commenced, it was confined to a few voices in a distant gallery. The effect was chilling in the extreme. We dragged through the services, and retired to spend a restless night, in thinking over the unsatisfactory scenes through which we had passed. We have a profound admiration for the man who can preach a solemn and impressive sermon, after the singing of two or three cold and heartless tunes. He must certainly

'How bright these glorious spirits shine! Whence all their white array?'

sung to the stirring tones of St Asaph? And who can listen unmoved to the swell of three thousand voices, at the close of our General Assembly, with fervent ado

'Pray that Jerusalem may have

Peace and felicity?'

Such instances show the power of psalmody, when the heart and understanding find utless, if grace always fed the flame, its terance in grave sweet melody; and doubt results would be oftener more apparent.

But it must be abundantly evident to any one who has given the subject the slightest consideration, that sacred music is treated with neglect, and that the end for which psalmody was instituted as part of our church service, has not been accomplished; and we must be constrained to acknowledge, after listening to the voice of praise in some of our Scottish congregations, that there exists in sacred music an element which has never been deve

loped-an element which is capable of producing the most powerful effects, and fitted to give to psalmody an importance which, at least in our day, it has failed to reach. Were the hearts and voices of our

worshippers duly attuned, Presbyterial singing might soon eclipse the heartless choir, and rival, nay, far surpass, the thunders of the organ.



THE Sacred Oracles not only speak of God as essentially spiritual, but of man as really human. All the great men of Scripture are, with one glorious exception, but imperfect and erring beings. There are some who delight to exhibit the faults of these imperfect saints, who denounce their errors, and question the propriety of recording such offences as theirs in a book like the Bible. But it is better that scepticism should have its

remaining in these good men, but we must admire the grace which purged, pruned, and chastened them; and admit that it was better they should enter into life maimed,' and learn in their experience the force of the Scripture admonition, 'Let him that thinketh he standeth, taketh heed lest he fall.' The great moral of Scripture bioworst may rise: it stands like a beacon light to warn the presumptuous and encourage the penitent; and is but another evidence that 'all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be completely furnished unto all good works.'




AT the early twilight of an autumn day, before the cheerful beauties of an open stove, sat Esther and Hope. Esther's long visit at her uncle's, with its varied and interesting incidents, still formed the topic of conversation. She had been absent from home more than a year, and a month only had witnessed her return. John sat in a low chair, close by the fire, a sore throat and a bad cold having confined him at home all day; and, after all, it was not a very severe confinement, inasmuch as both John and Nat greatly delighted in the society of their sisters. Mr Hunter was still down in town, while Mrs Hunter and Lizzie were on their way home.

bones to snarl at than that superstition should have had its idols to worship. The biography of Scripture is only what we expect to find in any correct history of man; and the book that purposes to lay bare the anatomy of the human heart, and to illustrate its disease and its remedy, must have many pictures calculated to disgust the mock purity of the sentimen-graphy is that the best may fall, and the talist. As it was intended, not only to teach the way of righteousness to man, but to point out the way of salvation to sinners, we needed, not only a perfect copy of the law, and one perfect example to illustrate it, but many other examples to exhibit to us the deceitfulness of the heart, the danger of temptation, the evil of sin, and the necessity and nature of repentance. He who has never felt the need of repentance will not find much to interest or instruct him in the biography of Scripture; but he who is convinced of sin, and alarmed for his safety, will turn to the experience of others, and as he reads of their transgressions, their repentance, and their pardon, he also will seek mercy where they sought and found it. He has there the example of some who 'obtained mercy, that in them Christ Jesus should show forth all longsuffering and patience, for a pattern to them who should hereafter believe in his name.' We often form a false estimate of the character of Old Testament saints, by forgetting that as they had neither our privileges nor responsibilities, they ought not to be judged by our light, but by the law of their own times; and if there were any amongst them whose privileges were so great that the common rule is no standard for them, still we would require to know more about some things of which we are now ignorant, before we can be competent to give a right judgment on their character and experience. We know that some of them were honoured to reveal much of the will of God, and to be instrumental in forwarding his work on the earth; but we do not know the influence which such distinguished privileges, on the pride of the human heart, nor their tendency to make men forget the necessity of a constant dependence on the power of their heavenly Father; and there were few who, like Paul, had the privilege of a sinless infirmity, to keep them from being 'exalted above measure.' We know that they all needed salvation, but we do not know how far they went astray before they were afflicted, nor what kind of discipline was best adapted to sanctify their natures, and keep them near to God. We know that they were forgiven much, and that they loved much; but we do not know how far the sense of forgiveness inflamed the ardour of their love. We may regret to discover the evidence of depravity still

'Here is an invitation to the Parkers' great party, for Thursday evening,' spake Hope, who had just answered a summons at the door.

"To their great party! O, yes; why, I shall certainly go; shall you not, Hope?' cried Esther, with great animation.

'But our missionary sewing-meeting is to-morrow night,' said Hope.

'O, we must go to the Parkers'; they will expect us, by all means.'

'Why must, Esther? We can say we are engaged our meeting is prior and more important than the party. I am sure we should not be missed in one of their crowded routs.' So urged Hope.

'O, we ought to go. Everybody will be there-it will look so singular for us to be absent. Yes, only for once, at any rate.' Thus argued Esther; and with precisely the same arguments does every pleasureseeker urge obedience to his inclination. Hope was not convinced. Affection whispered, 'Go with your sister-it will please her.' Duty asked, with august simplicity, 'Is it right?

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Then I will say "Yes" for you, Esther,' said the sister, slowly disappearing at the parlour door.

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Yes,' echoed from within the parlour -'and Nay for me,' added Hope, without. 'I formed my resolution in a clear light, and I will abide by it.'

A thoughtful pause succeeded Hope's return to her chair. The eyes of the three were bent upon the ever-varying brightness of the coals; though the bright coals evidently fashioned no part of their thoughts.

By-and-by the family circle gathered in; toast and tea smoked upon the suppertable; but though the whole aspect of things looked as cheerful as could be, nobody seemed disposed to conversation.

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Father,' at length commenced John, who was sipping his gruel from his low seat by the fire, when there is a party and a prayer-meeting both on the same night, which ought religious people to go to ?'

'Which do you think, my son?' asked the father.

John blushed, and hesitated, and nestled in his chair. He found it was a delicate and unexpected point which he was called upon to decide.

Which, my son? can you not tell?' again asked the father.

"I think I know,' muttered John. Well, sir, your opinion. I dare say it will coincide with my own,' said Mr Hunter, encouragingly.

'Why, I should think, to the prayermeeting,' and he stole a regretful and sorry glance towards his eldest sister

'Why so, my son?' Mr Hunter was famous for a reason, much to his children's perplexity sometimes.

'Because God's cause is greater than any body's else; and the missionary cause is God's, my Sabbath-school teacher says,' answered John, looking down.

'Very good, John; and our attachment to it should be strong enough to lead us to prefer its interests upon all occasions, when other interests clash with it. In a word, we ought to be faithful to it. But what suggested the question, my son ?

'I was only thinking,' answered John, nervously kicking his foot.

Both Hope and Esther felt uncomfortable, but from very different causes. A day passed away.

'I cannot decline now, I am sure, it will look so,' repeated Esther to herself again and again. Then she spoke about the visit as a thing of course, and busied herself in the necessary preparation.

After tea on Thursday evening, the sisters hastened to their chambers; Hope's toilet was soon made. In her blue frock, and plain white collar, she came to offer assistance to Esther, who was in vain striving to arrange some ornaments about her hair.

'I cannot for the life of me fix them to my taste,' cried Esther, pettishly. Hope succeeding no better, she angrily cast them aside.

'I must go now, dear Esther,' said the youngest-I wish we were going the same way.

'Go with me, then,' exclaimed the sister, with visible asperity.

Hope shook her head and sped down stairs; the entry door soon closed after her retreating footsteps.

The young ladies of the missionarymeeting had already assembled in Mrs Carpenter's little back sitting-room, into which Hope Hunter was cordially welcomed by Fanny Carpenter. I knew you would not leave us,' she exclaimed, grasping her hand.


Oh, no, no,' was the emphatic reply. Behold this happy circle! One-twothree-there are eight. They gather about a large table, covered with lamps and a green cloth-various kinds of work, finished, half completed, just begun, are spread out. There is brilliant worsted work, there a comfortable pair of woollen socks, and the prettiest imaginable cap. Some knit, some sew, some embroider-how busy are they! What diligence in every motion! They look up, and question, and talk. Then Fanny Carpenter reads. They seem occupied with the contemplation of great realities; a thoughtful seriousness is on every face-hearts are warmed and hands fly faster. Evening advances-one and another put aside their work; a small round box is in the middle of the tablewherefore is it? See the money drop in! Hope, Fanny, Sarah, Anne, are drawing near it! Half-crowns, crowns, shillingshow the silver clinks! Bank bills are there too-the fruit of labour, of painstaking, of resolute self-denial. Sweet voices now float in music-a hymn is sung

they pause and kneel in prayer; a timid voice breaks the stillness in the language of earnest, yet subdued supplication. Then they arise to go away. Will any one say,

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