
life, even more than your words, declare your real principles.

6. While it is very desirable that you should, by firm reliance on the atoning blood and precious righteousness of Christ, get rid of that 'fear which hath torment,' yet some fears are salutary. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death.' You cannot fear God too much. Sanctify Him and make Him your dread. Nor can you be too much afraid of sin. Nor can you be too fearful of being left by God to the deceitfulness of your own heart. Many of our fears are the means of our preservation. Be not high-minded, but fear.'

7. Never trifle nor jest with sacred things. It is profaneness. It must harden the heart. It cannot fail to induce a sad confusion of mind. You cannot be too solemn and reverent when you speak or think of divine things. Never smile at a witticism on divine things. Some wits are madmen.

8. Try to do something every day for God; nay, live to Him every hour and moment. Be always trying. He who never fails, will never succeed. There is no good horseman who has not been often thrown. There is no good swordsman who has not been often disarmed. There is no good Christian who has not often wept at the failure of his devices for the glory of God and the happiness of man. Keep trying.

9. Beware of superstition, fanaticism, melancholy, and a morbid conscience. All these are foes to piety. I mention them together, because they are often united. If any thing be not sin or duty in God's Word, make it not such in your creed. Beware of sleepless nights and nervous prostration. Be not righteous overmuch.' Nature is feeble. Lay not upon her heavier burdens than the Lord has done. Fanaticism is a wild-fire that will destroy intelligent piety.


10. Think much of the goodness of God, and especially of his mercy to you. Christ is full of grace and truth. Do not forget the bright view of things. This will furnish one of the best means of estimating your responsibility, and one of the best stimulants to exertion in behalf of a perishing world. If you have no pity for the heathen, you are no child of God.

11. If favoured with high religious joy, and seasons of sweet communion with God, boast not. Vain glory is the bane of communion with God. When Moses' face shone, he covered it with a veil. Some things in religion are best known only to God and our own hearts.

12. Avoid all conduct of a doubtful kind. Many consciences are defiled by yielding to fashion or importunity, not


only against convictions, but even against doubts. God never shuts us up to the necessity of doing a doubtful deed, whereby guilt may be incurred. We always sin when we do an act the lawfulness of which we are not clear about. Go not into the twilight. Live in the sunlight of Bible truth.

13. Waste not your time in idle fears and thoughts of the future in this world. To you the future may be very short, The things you most fear will probably never disturb you. If evils come, they will probably be such as no foresight of men can anticipate. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.'

14. Love all who love our Lord Jesus Christ. Love them tenderly. Bigotry and a narrow mind are great sources of misery, and great sins also. No man is more to be pitied, no man is in greater danger, than he who rejects those whom Christ receives, or who says to any child of God, 'Stand by thyself, I am holier than thou.' You have joined the Church you prefer. That was right. But remember that there are some people in all branches of the true Church of Christ, who please the Lord better than some in the branch to which you belong.

15. Be ever ready to give a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear; but avoid angry controversy. It is unfriendly to growth either in knowledge or in grace. Friendly discussion of even religious doctrine is often useful. But you are yet a private and a feeble Christian. You are not now set for the defence of the gospel.' A feeble defence is often worse than none. Be sure that you understand a matter before you decide upon it. He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and a shame unto him.'

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16. If you shall fail of eminence in a life of piety, it will probably be as with most others, by inattention to comparatively little duties and little sins. It was the little foxes' that 'spoiled the tender grapes.' All defections begin with little things. Nothing is positively of little importance, which effects the honour of God and the safety of the soul.

17. Be stedfast. A miserable changeling in the days of bloody Mary, said that he was a willow, not an oak. I hope you will be an oak, not a willow. He whose heart and purpose have no stability, is not fit for the kingdom of God. The

Bible often says as much. If you are naturally firm, still remember that grace alone can make you spiritually so. If you are naturally fickle, be doubly on your guard.

18. Get and maintain clear views and deep impressions concerning the glorious doctrines of salvation by grace alone. Human merit is naught. Ever say, 'what I am, I am by the grace of God.' What hast thou, which thou hast not received?' 19. Come to Christ daily for cleansing and salvation by His blood. Come as you came the hour you first fled to Him. Come naked, guilty, defiled, poor, helpless, and lost. He is all your salvation.

up the cause of the oppressed in Florence; and when another Roman Catholic journal in the same country had bitterly opposed that view of the question, and had contended that Protestantism ought to be crushed, because it tended to Socialism, the Journal des Debats retorted by pointing to England, which Protestantism, according to that able journal, had made what she was. With regard to the mission to Florence, he should observe that, as so much information had already been laid before the public upon the subject, he should not deem it necessary upon that occasion to detail to them at any length those efforts in which he had had the 20. Often think how soon your toils, and happiness to be engaged. He believed tears, and temptations will be over, and they had acted discreetly in postponing how sweet, and pure, and unfading the until the present period the great meeting bliss of heaven will be. To be spiritually-in London for the denunciation of the minded, is life and peace.' To be heavenly- atrocious persecution in Florence, because, minded, is to be eating the grapes of Eschol if they had attempted to interfere at an before we enter the promised land. An- earlier moment in the matter, they might other day, and you may be for ever with have injured that prospect of the relief to the Lord. At most a little moment' the Madiai, which they had been led to will end the warfare, and open heaven to entertain. The deputation had had good all believers. reason to hope that the release of those victims of Romish persecution would have been speedily effected; but they had been grossly deceived; and not only had they been deceived, but people in a far higher position had also been deceived. That, however, was nothing more than the carrying



Notes of Speeches delivered in Exeter Hall, out of the doctrine of the Roman Catholic

January 25, 1853.

THE EARL OF CAVAN.-The subject which had called them together that day, was not limited to Tuscan persecution, but was seriously interwoven with our own best interests. No one who had seen the rapid and determined advance which the gigantic system of Popery was at present making, not only in this country, but throughout the whole of Europe, could fail to believe that the time had come when those who had hitherto looked upon that subject with indifference ought to be up and stirring. That system had already been the ruin of every country by which it had been embraced, and had been destructive of the social, moral, and religious condition of mankind. But, thanks be to God, they had his word for it in the Apocalypse of St John, that Babylon would yet be thrown down, never to rise again. The mighty struggle had begun, and it was for England well to consider what part she should take in it-England, which had become the wonder of the world by means of Protestant truth. He was glad to find that he had the admission of a leading Roman Catholic journal in France, that it was to Protestantism she owed her elevation. He alluded to the Journal des Debats, which, greatly to its own credit, had taken

Church, according to which no faith was to be kept with heretics. If an oath were not binding on the members of that Church, how could it be expected that any promise would be binding on them? He had been associated with gentlemen from different countries in the deputation to Florence; and he was happy to be able to state that the most perfect unanimity and cordiality of sentiment had pervaded all their proceedings. Many of them had met each other in Florence for the first time; and yet they had from the first moment understood each other's wants, and sympathized in each other's wishes. He felt persuaded that they owed the happy spirit in which their labours had been conducted, and their personal safety throughout the journey, in a great degree, under Divine Providence, to the earnest prayers of their fellow-Christians, not only in this country, but throughout all Europe. The members of that meeting had already seen in print the correspondence which had taken place between the deputation and the Tuscan minister, as well as a statement of the whole of the proceedings. He hoped that all the documents connected with the case would soon be published in some concise and convenient form, and that they would then become known throughout every portion of the kingdom,

a Bible, and a magistrate could imprison a man during a period of twelve months, on the evidence of a single policeman. The law had recently been rendered still more oppressive, and at present, any person in that country, who entertained a religion contrary to the established one, was punishable by death. However atrocious those enactments might appear, they merely carried out the principles of Popery they merely showed that Popery had not altered from what it had ever been in any country in which it had possessed unlimited power.

Although they had failed in the primary object of their mission, their time had no been mis-spent. They had made inquiries as to the condition and prospects of true religion in the land they had visited, and they had unhappily been led to believe that the difficulties and dangers with which the professors of that religion had to contend in Tuscany, had been much greater than Englishmen unacquainted with the subject could ever have anticipated. The downcast look of those oppressed people showed how dreadful was the persecution to which they were subjected, while, through the weight of their cares, there REV. BAPTIST NOEL.-Let them mark shone out gleams of the inward peace with the law which the Vicar of Christ, acting which they had been visited. They had in the person of the universal monarch, to contend against the hostility of masses had laid down for the guidance of his of priests, who were almost as numerous ecclesiastics. But not only had that man, as the army; against the iron rule of the who stood in the place of the Almighty Austrian force, and against the watchful upon earth-an alter Deus in terris-not vigilance of the gens-d'armes. They were only had he given that order, but the not allowed to possess any Bibles, they Council of Trent itself that representahad no churches or chapels, and they were tive of the universal Church-that infalnot allowed to assemble together in any lible authority in which Catholics gloried, way for any religious purpose. Whenever and from the absence of which they looked any of them did happen to get hold of a with such contempt upon members of the Bible, it was evident from their counte- Protestant faith, had decreed as follows:nances that they received with intense 'It remains for the sacred synod to addelight the words of eternal truth and sal- monish all princes, so as to afford their vation. Some of them had made applica- help, that they do not permit the things tion to be allowed to meet together, for the decreed by it to be depraved or violated by purpose of praying and of reading the heretics.' What had the Grand Duke of Bible, in the presence of officers of police, Tuscany done but obeyed the commands of so that it could be seen that they were the Pope and of the council? He had inactuated by no sinister or political motive; terdicted the use of the Bible because the but that application had been refused. It Council of Trent had interdicted it. He was evident, therefore, that the object of had forbidden his subjects to become Protheir persecutors was to crush Protestant-testants, and to desert the Catholic Church, ism, and to prevent the reading of God's holy Word. There was a touching circumstance connected with the captivity of Francesco Madiai, which was not, perhaps, generally known in this country, and which showed the rigour of the Romish system of persecution. The poor man had been locked up alone in a cell, and so dreadful had the absolute silence of the place become to him, that he had begged of the governor of the prison, that his watch, which had been taken from him, might be restored to him, in order that he might bear its ticking; but the governor had stated, in reply to that prayer, that there was no need of watches for persons of the prisoner's, description. It was no wonder that under such treatment the poor man's mind had become so depressed that he seemed at times to have altogether lost the use of his faculties. In order further to elucidate the rigours employed to prevent the spread of Protestant principles in Tuscany, he would inform the meeting that in that country the police could imprison a man during a period of eight days, on the bare suspicion of his having

but he had done so because that council had so ordained it before. The Grand Duke was by nature a mild and benevolent prince, but he had acted, in the case of the Madiai, in pursuance of what appeared to him to be his duty, and he (Mr B. Noel) would ask those who supposed the Duke of Tuscany might have shrunk from such an obligation, what was the difference between his position and that of the Duke of Alva, the governor of the. Low Countries, towards the close of the sixteenth century, or the position of Charles IX., at the same time king of France? Both of those great men had acted upon those regulations by the direct instruction of the Council of Trent, and of the Vicar of Christ, then reigning over the Catholic Church. There was no assignable difference between the case of Charles IX., guided by Pope Pius V., and the Duke of Tuscany, guided by Pope Pius IX. Directed by the Pope who ruled the. Church of Rome in his day, Charles IX. had sentenced all his, Protestant subjects to be exterminated, ordered a universal massacre, and kicked the dead carcass of

the greatest man in his dominions, Admiral Coligny, and when his courtiers were overcome with the scent of the decaying body, declared that the smell of a dead enemy was sweet to him. He had acted so because the Church of Rome had taught him so to act. He had done so for Catholic purposes, and was impelled by Catholic regulations directed to Catholic ends; and if the Grand Duke of Tuscany, at the present day, performed the same tragic drama, he but proved himself the legitimate successor of a king who had acted under the guidance of Pope Pius V. If the governor of the Low Countries had boasted of having brought, within a short time, 18,000 sufferers to a violent death; if he had done that under the instigation of the same Pope Pius V., and had himself officiated at the martyrdom of some of the disciples of Jesus Christ, he (Mr B. Noel) asked whether that governor promised, as he had been, eternal happiness, by the saintly Pope of that day, was in a position in any respect different from that foreign potentate who was now under the guidance of the Romish Church, and against whose late acts they had assembled to protest. But it might be said that Pope Pius IX. was a bigot; he was; but let them remember, that for his bigotry and his intolerance the Catholic Church had sainted him. If Pius V. for these saintly atrocities had been deemed worthy of canonization, by what better road could Pius IX. hope to arrive at sainthood than by directing the Grand Duke of Tuscany to immolate, upon the altar of bigotry, as many of their Protestant brethren as came within the reach of his power?

CAPTAIN TROTTER. He would detail to them some of the facts which had been brought under his knowledge during his recent mission to Florence; for he believed that the more individual facts were brought home to their feelings, the more would they be inclined to enter upon an energetic course of action. He came there, not to tell them what Rome had been two or three centuries ago, but what she was at the present day; and he believed he could state facts which would rouse them, not to bitter and angry feelings against Romanists-God forbid that he should excite any such feeling-but to a determination to use every effort in their power to overthrow a system fraught with so many evils. He would tell them Rome was at present the same that she had been centuries ago, not only in forms and in doctrine, but in her deadly enmity to the truth of God. He believed that there were thousands of Roman Catholics who were ignorant alike of the working of their own religious belief, and of the true character of Protestantism; and he hoped that meetings such as that

might have the effect of inducing many Roman Catholics to consider calmly and impartially the ground on which they stood. Let him remind them that there were at present going on in the sister kingdom circumstances, as regarded the spread of God's truth, exceedingly similar to those which were going on in the kingdom of Tuscany. He rejoiced to have that opportunity of speaking of the great work which was at present being accomplished by the Irish Society. There were at this moment thousands in Ireland leaving the religion in which they had been bred for the simple faith of Christ, and reading that faith in his Word; and there were in Tuscany at this moment not less than 20,000 individuals who within the last three or four years had been brought by the perusal of God's Word to distrust the Roman Catholic faith, and who were determined on searching the inspired writings for the true religion, although he could not say that they had as yet actually embraced the doctrines of Protestantism, It had been stated that there were not many Bibles in Tuscany, but he differed from that statement, and although great pains had been taken by the police to find out and to destroy the Bibles, he believed that many of them were still in existence, and were deeply cherished by their owners. The Protestants of this country had reason to feel ashamed at their indifference to the Divine Word, when they considered with what profound devotion it was received by their oppressed brethren in Tuscany. One gentleman in that country had told him that he had no opportunity of reading the Bible, except by getting up in the night when his servants were asleep, and when his movements could no longer be watched by the spies at the other side of the street. In the middle of the night he rose with his wife and children, and then read to them the Word of God as the only means of instructing them. The poor Midiais were persons of a respectable class; they had been highly esteemed for their devout and consistent Christianity; they had been regarded with great affection even by Roman Catholics, on account of their modest and amiable deportment. But their condition was at present most deplorable. During a period of ten months previous to their condemnation, they had been shut up in a prison with the lowest and most degraded classes in Florence; and the husband, as they had already been informed by Lord Cavan, had, since his condemnation, been denied the privilege of having his watch, to the sound of which he was anxious to listen, for the purpose of relieving his painful solitude. The husband and wife were at present separated from each other, but they were upheld by the

truth of God. He was heard to say that in consequence, no doubt, of the representations which had been made on their behalf, the officials of the prison had been led to treat them with greater kindness. He should add, however, that they were still exposed to cruel rigours. Rosa Madiai, who was suffering from a spinal complaint, had been removed to a cell so damp that the shoes on her feet had become mouldy. In that cell, as it had been described to him-for the members of the deputation, with the exception of Lord Roden and the Count de Gasparin, had been refused admittance to the prisonthere were a stool, a bench, and a bedstead, but each of those articles was kept in its place by a chain, and they were placed so far from one another that the prisoner could not at any time avail himself of the advantage of a double support. He would relate to the meeting a circumstance in which he believed they would take a deep interest. The poor persecuted Protestants in Florence had been told that on every Saturday evening, between the hours of nine and eleven o'clock, their brethren, throughout Europe, would unite with them in prayer; and although they could not meet themselves to pray, they would expect that at that time the prayers of their fellow-Protestants in other lands would be offered up in their behalf. It was a significant fact that the old guillotine which had been put aside at Lucca had been cleaned up and brought to Florence, and that in the month of December last an executioner had been appointed, and was at present ready to employ the instrument against the poor Bible readers in that city. A policeman was stationed at the door of every foreign Protestant place of meeting in Tuscany, and if any native of the country entered such a place he was immediately brought to justice. In fact, the people of that country were forced to continue Roman Catholics, or else to submit to the most rigid persecution. But whom did the advocates of the Romish system rely most upon as regarded their expectations in this country? They relied most upon the Puseyites and High Churchmen of England. They did not rely on the barefaced aggressions of Popery only, but they calculated that their work would be best done by those who were spreading Popery through the Church of England itself, by means of the chosen ministers of that Church. He believed that people in this country who did not belong to the Romish connection marked their books with crosses, and doves, and bleeding hearts. Now, these things were the end of the wedge, and ought not to be countenanced. In some of our churches he found the clergymen assimilating themselves as

much as possible, in their dress and ceremonies, to the priests of the Roman Catholic religion. What was the meaning of all that? Surely such things could not tend to the spread of true Protestantism. The week before last he had entered a Protestant place of worship in a large town not fifty miles from London, in order to see, as he had been told that he should see, the minister and the members of the congregation bowing to what was called the altar; and there he had found the minister dressed, with very little exception, in the same manner as a Roman Catholic priest. Let them open their eyes in time; let them not go to sleep upon that matter. Mere talking would not put down Romanism or Puseyism. That could only be done by energetic work. He had not himself sought to become a member of the deputation to Florence, but he would bless God to the end of his life that he had been selected as one of its members. He would never forget their last meeting, and the prayers which had been offered up in three languages. There had first been a prayer in English by Lord Roden, then a prayer in French, and then a prayer in German : and all present had felt the event as a most happy and holy one. He would mention a fact which had recently taken place in Florence, and which showed how unchanged the dark spirit of the Romish Church still continued. A young woman of a distinguished family in that city had returned home from a convent, where she had been educated for some years; and her brother, having observed on a table a letter addressed by her to her confessor, had taken it up without any particular object, and, after having read a few lines, his eyes were riveted on certain words which appeared to him almost diabolical. These words were to the following effect: -'Do you suppose, that after having been under your instruction so many years, I have not been able to deceive my mother?" It appeared that the priest had trained up this young lady to worm out the secrets of her own family, and to find out if the Protestant faith was spreading among its members. How awful was such a circumstance! Another remarkable case had

been mentioned to him. A poor man, who had been a Roman Catholic, had been led by reading the Word of God to become, so to speak, a Protestant, but his wife still continued attached to the faith in which she had been reared. The husband told her not to state in the confessional what were his religious opinions, whereupon she said that the coufessional was like the tomb, which speaketh not. She had made known to her confessor the belief of her husband, and the result was that he had been seized, and the public did not know

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