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DIP"SACUS. Flowers in an ovate or roundish capitulum; common calyx (involucre) polyphyllous, foliaceous; proper calyx monophyllous, superior : corol tubular, 4-cleft: seed solitary, with a wine-glass form egret: receptacle, conic, paleaceous. 48.56-(tassel).

GALIUM. Calyx 4-toothed: corolla flat, 4-cleft: fruit dry: seeds 2, roundish: (leaves stellate). 47-57--(bedstraw). S.

HOUSTONIA. Calyx half superior, 4-toothed: corolla salver-form, 4-cleft capsule 2-celled, many-seed, opening transversely. 47. 57)-(Venus' pride). S.

MITCHEL LA. Cal cylindric; limb 4, s. exsert; stigma 4-.

te: corols 2 on each germ, funnel-form; tube lose on the inside: stamens scarcely seeded. 48. 57--(partridge-berry). S. LINNE'A. Calyx doub; that of the fruit 2-leaved, inferior; that of the flower 5-parted: corolla bell-form, 5-lobed; stamens somewhat didynamous; stigma globose: berry 3-celled, dry, generally producing a perfect seed in but one cell. 48. 58--twin-flower).

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RUBIA. Calyx 4-toothed corolla 4 or 5-cleft, bell-form: berries 2, oneseeded, (stamens 4-5; leaves stellate). 47. 57-(madder).


COR"NUS. Calyx 4-toothed: drupe with a 2-celled nut. Some species have a 4-leaved involucrum. 45. 58-(dogwood, false box). S.

LUDWE'GIA. Calyx 4 parted, persistent: corol sometimes 0: capsule quadrangular, 4-celled, inferior, many-seeded. 17.88.-S.

B. Flowers inferior.

PLANTA'GO. Calyx 4-cleft : corolla 4-cleft, reflexed: capsule 2-celled, opening transversely stamens exsert, very long. 54. 31-(plantain, ribwort). S. ECHIUM. Calyx 5-parted; segments subulate, erect: corol sub-campanulate; tube very short; border unequally 5-lobed, the lower segment acute and reflexed; orifice naked: stigma bifid; seeds tuberculate, not perforated at the base. 41. 42.


LY'CIUM. Corolla tubular, having the throat closed by the beards of the filaments: stamens often 5: berry 2-celled; many-seeded. 28. 41-(matrimony).


ICTO'DES., General calyx a spatha; spadix simple, covered with flowers; perianth corolla-like, deeply 4-parted, permanent, becoming thick and spongy: style pyramid-form, 4-sided; stigma simple, minute; berries globose, 2-seeded, inclosed in the spongy spadix receptacle: 2. 7-(skunk-cabbage).


HAMAME'LIS. Involucrum 3-leaved: perianth 4-leaved or 4-cleft: petals 4, very long, linear: nut 2-celled, 2-horned. 54. 78-(witch-hazel). Flowers in autumn, and perfects its seed the following spring. S.


I'LEX. Calyx minute, 4 or 5-toothed: corolla 4-parted, wheel-form: style 0: stigmas 4; berry 4-celled, cells 1-seeded. 43. 95-(holly).



A. Flowers 1-petalled, inferior; seeds naked in the bottom of the calyx.


MYOSOTIS. Calyx half 5-cleft or 5-cleft; corolla salver-form, curved, 5cleft, vaulted, the lobes slightly emarginate; throat closed with 5 convex converging scales: seeds smooth or echinate. 41 42--(scorpion grass). S.

CYNOGLOSSUM. Calyx 5-parted: corolla short, funnel-form, vaulted; throat closed by 5 converging convex processes; seeds depressed, affixed laterally to the style. 41. 42-(hound-tongue). S.


BORA'GO. Corolla wheel-form, the throat closed with rays. 41. 42—(borage). ANCHU'SA. Calyx 5-parted; corolla funnel-form, vaulted; throat closed;

seeds marked at the base, and their surface generally veined. 41. 42-(bugloss).

SYM PHYTUM. Limb, or upper part of the corolla, tubular-swelling; the throat closed with subulate rays. 41. 42-(comfrey).


HELIOTROPIUM. Calyx tubular, 5-toothed; corolla salver-form, 5-cleft, with teeth or folds between the divisions; throat open. (Spikes recurved, involute). 41. 42—(turnsol).

B. Flowers 1-petalled, inferior; seeds covered.

(Capsule 1-celled).

ANAGAL"LIS. Calyx 5 parted; corolla wheel-form, deeply 5-lobed; capsule opening transversely, globose, many-seeded; stamens hairy. 20. 34(scarlet pimpernel). S.

LYSIMACH"IA. Calyx 5-cleft; corolla wheel-form, 5-cleft; capsule 1-celled, globular, 5 or 10-valved, mucronate; stigma obtuse. (In some species the filaments are united at the base). 20. 34--(loose-strife). S.

PRIMULA. Umbellets involucred: calyx tubular, 5-toothed; corolla salverform, 5-lobed; tube cylindric; throat open; divisions of corolla emarginate ; capsule 1-celled with a 10-cleft mouth: stigma globular. 21. 34-(primrose cowslip).

(Capsule 2-celled-rarely 3-celled).

VERBAS"CUM. Calyx 5-parted; corolla wheel-form, 5 lobed, somewhat irregular; stamens declined, hairy; capsules 2-celled, 2-valved; valves inflexed when ripened, many-seeded. 28. 41-(mullein). S.

NICOTIANA. Calyx urceolate, sub-tubular, 5-cleft; corolla funnel-form, 5-cleft, limb plaited: stigma notched, capitate; stamens inclined; capsules 2-celled, 2 to 4-valved. 28.41-tobacco).

CONVOL"VULUS. Calyx 5-parted, with or without 2 bracts; corolla funnelform, plaited; stigma 2-cleft or double; cells of the capsule 2 or 3; each one or 2 seeded. 29. 43-(bind-weed). S.

IPOME'A. Calyx 5-cleft; naked; corolla funnel or bell-form, with 5 folds; stigma globe-headed, papillose; capsule 2 or 3-celled, many seeded. 29. 43-(cypress vine, morning glory). S.

(Capsule 3 to 5 celled).

PHILOX. Calyx prismatic, 5-cleft; segments converging: corolla salverform, 5-lobed, with a tube somewhat curved; filaments unequal in length, attached to the inside of the tube of the corolla; stigmas 3-cleft; cells 1 seeded, seeds oblong, concave. 20. 44-(lichnedia). S.

DATU'RA. Calyx tubular, angled, caducous, with a permanent orbicular base; corolla funnel-form, plaited; capsule 4-valved, 2-celled, and each cell half divided; generally thorny. 28.41-(thorn-apple). S.

AZA'LEA. Calyx 5-parted; corolla tubular, half 5-cleft, somewhat oblique ; stamens on the receptacle, declined; stigma declined, obtuse, usually ending with 5 short papillæ; capsule 5-celled, 5-valved, opening at the top. 18.50 (wild honeysuckle). S.

VIN"CA. Corolla salver-form, twisted, border 5-cleft, with oblique divisions; throat 5-angled; seed naked, oblong; follicle-like capsules 2, erect, terete, narrow. 30. 47.

(Seed in a berry).

SOLA'NUM. Calyx 5 to 10-parted, permanent; corolla bell or wheel-form, 5-lobed, plaited; anthers thickened, partly united, with two pores at the top; berry containing many seeds, 2 to 6-celled. 28. 41-potatoe, nightshade, bitter-sweet). S.


CAPSICUM. Corolla wheel-form; berry juiceless, inflated; anthers converging; calyx angular. 28. 41-(red pepper).

C. Flowers 1-petalled, superior.
(Seeds in a capsule.)

CAMPANULA. Calyx mostly 5-cleft; corolla bell-form, closed at the bottom by valves bearing the flattened stamens; stigma 3 to 5-cleft; capsules 3 to 5-celled, opening by lateral pores. 29. 52--(bell-flower). S.

LOBELIA Calyx 5-cleft; corolla irregular, often irregularly slitted; anthers cohering, and somewhat curved; stigma 2-lobed; capsule 2 or 3-celled. 29. 52-(cardinal flower, wild tobacco). S.

DIERVILLA. Calyx oblong, 5-cleft, with 2 bracts; corolla 5-cleft, twice as long as the calyx, funnel-form; border 5-cleft, spreading; stigma capitate; capsule oblong, 4-celled, naked, many-seeded. 48 58-(bush honeysuckle. S. (Seeds in a berry.)

LONICE'RA. CAPIFO'LIUM. Calyx 5-toothed; corolla tubular, long, 5-cleft, unequal; stamens exsert; stigmas globose; berry 2 or 3-celled, distinct; seeds many. 48.58.-(trumpet honey suckle). S.

XYLOS TEUM. Calyx 5-toothed, with 2 connate bracts; corolla tubular; border 5-parted, nearly equal; berries in pairs, united at their bases, or combined in one; 2-celled. 48. 58--(fly honeysuckle, twin-berry).


MIRABILIS. Corolla funnel-form, coarctate (compressed or narrowed) below; calyx inferior; germ between the calyx and corolla; stigma globular. 54. 32-(four-o'clock).

D. Flowers 5-petalled, inferior.
(Seed in a capsule.)

IMPATIENS. Calyx 2-leaved, deciduous; corolla irregular, spurred; anthers cohering at the top; capsule 5-valved, bursting elastically when ripe. 24. 73-(touch-me-not, jewel weed). S.

VIOLA. Calyx 5-leaved or deeply 5-cleft, corolla irregular, with a horn behind (sometimes the horn is wanting or a mere prominence); anthers attached by a membranous tip, or slightly cohering; capsule 1-celled, 3 valved. 29.80. -(violet). S.


CLAYTO'NIA. Calyx 2-leaved or 2-parted, the leaves valve-like corolla 3petalled, emarginate; stigma 3-cleft: capsule 1-celled, 3-valved, 3 to 5-seeded. 13. 86--(spring beauty). S.

CEAN'OTHUS. Petals scale-like, vaulted: claws long, standing in the 5-cleft, cup-form calyx; stigma 3 berry or capsule dry, 3-grained, 3-celled, 3-seeded, 3-parted, opening on the inner side. 43. 95-(New Jersey tea) S.

CELAS"TRUS. Calyx 5-lobed, flat: corolla spreading: capsule obtusely 3angled, 3-celled, berry-like valves bearing the partitions on their centres ; cells 1 or 2-seeded: stamens standing around a glandular 5-toothed disk: style thick stigma 3-cleft: seeds calyptred or arilled. 43. 95-(staff tree, false bittersweet).


GOMPHRE"NA. Calyx 5-leaved, coloured; exterior one 3-leaved; 2 leafets converging, keeled; petals 5, villose, (or rather no corolla ;) nectary cylindric, 5-toothed capsule opening transversely, 1-seeded: style semi-bifid. 55. 30(bachelor's button).


(Seed in a berry.)

VITIS. Calyx 5-toothed, minute: petals cohering at the tip, hood-like, withering style 0: stigma obtuse, capitate: berry 5-seeded, globular, often diœcious; seeds sub-cordate. 46. 72-(grape vine). S.

AMPELOP"SIS. Cissus, calyx, minute, 4-5-toothed: petals 4-5, unconnected above, deciduous: germ surrounded with a glandulous disk: berry 2-4 seeded 46. 72. S.

E. Flowers 5-petalled, inferior.

RIBES. Calyx bell-form, 5-cleft, (sometimes flat): corolla and stamens inserted on the calyx: style 2-cleft: berry many-seeded 36. 85-(currant, gooseberry). S.


HED'ERA. Petals oblong: berry 5-seeded, surrounded by the calyx: style simple. 46. 58-(European ivy).


A. Corolla 1-petalled, inferior.

GENTIANA. Calyx 4 or 5-cleft: corolla with a tubular base, bell-form, without pores, 4 or 5-cleft: stigmas 2, sub-sessile: capsule 1-celled oblong: columellas 2, longitudinal: stamens but 4, when the divisions of corolla are 4. 47. 46-(gentian).

CUS"CUTA. Calyx 4 or 5-cleft, corolla 4 or 5-cleft, sub-campanulate, wither

ing: capsule 2-celled, dividing transversely at the base; seeds binate. 29. 43 (dodder).

B. Corolla 5-petalled.

PA'NAX. Polygamous. Umbelled. Involucrum many-leaved: calyx 5toothed in the perfect flower, superior: berry heart-form, 2 or 3-seeded: calyx in the staminate flower, entire. 46. 59-(ginseng).

C. Corolla wanting.

CHENOPO'DIUM. Calyx 5-parted, obtusely 5-angled, inferior: style deeply 2cleft: seed 1, lens-like, horizontal, invested by the calyx. 12. 29-(pigweed, oak of Jerusalem).


UL"MUS. Calyx bell-form, withering; border 4 or 5-cleft: seed 1, enclosed in a flat membranaceous samara. (Stamens vary from 4 to 8). 53. 99(elm). S.


BE'TA. Calyx 5-leaved: seed kidney-form within the fleshy substance of the base of the calyx. 12. 29-(beet).

D. Plants umbelliferous: flowers 5-petalled, superior: seeds 2.

(Seeds prickly or hispid.)

SANICULA. Seeds with hooked prickles, oblong, solid: umbels nearly simple, capitate: flowers polygamous, involucre few-flowered: calyx 3-parted, permanent. 45. 60. S.

DA'UCUS. Seeds striate on their joining sides: outer sides convex, having hispid ribs involucrum pinnatifid: flowers sub-radiated, abortive in the disk. 45. 60-(carrot). S.

Seeds sub

URASPER"MUM. SCANDIX. MYRRHIS. CHAEROPHYLLUM. linear, solid, acute-angled, not striate; ribs 5-acute; angles a little furrowed, hispid; the joining sides furrowed, and attached to a 2-cleft columella-like receptacle: style subulate, permanent, rendering the seed caudate : involucrum none or few-leaved. Fruit stiped, oblanceolate, polished, part of it hispid. 45. 60-(sweet cicely).

(Seeds with wing-like ribs.)

ANGEL"ICA. Seeds with three ribs on their backs, and winged margins : intervals between the ribs grooved: germ oval, corticate; general involucrum none. 45. 60-(angelica).

PASTINA'CA. Seeds emarginate at the apex, somewhat winged: ribs 3 besides the wings: intervals striate; joining sides 2-striate: germ oval, compressed, perianth-calyx entire: petals entire, incurved, sub-equal involucrum none. 45. 60-(parsnip).


ANE'THUM. Seeds flat or convex, 5-ribbed: germ lenticular, compressed : calyx and petals entire: involucrums none. 45. 60-(fennel, dill).

(Seeds with 3 ribs, nearly equal.)

CA'RUM. Seeds oblong-ovate, striate: petals carinate, emarginate, inflexed; involucrum about 1-leaved. 45. 60-(caraway).

(Seeds with 5 ribs, nearly equal.)

CO'NIUM. Seeds 5-ribbed; ribs at first crenate with flat intervals between them; germ ovate, gibbous; perianth entire; petals unequal, cordate, inflexed; general involucrum about three to 5-leaved: partial ones mostly 3-leaved, unilateral. 45. 60-(poison hemlock).

CICUTA. Seeds gibbous-convex; ribs 5, obtuse, converging, with intervening tuberculate grooves and prominences; joining sides flat; germ sub-globose, corticate, compressed laterally; calyx obsolete, 5-toothed; petals cordate inflexed; partial involucrums 5 or 6-leaved, or wanting. 45. 60-(water hemlock). S.


A'PIUM. Seeds convex externally; ribs 5, small, a little prominent; germ sub-globose; perianth entire ; petals equal, roundish, inflexed at the apex; involucrum 1 to 3-leaved or wanting. 45. 60-(celery, parsley).

CORIANDRUM. Seeds sub-spherical; germ spherical; perianth 5-toothed; petals cordate inflexed, outer ones largest; involucrum 1-leaved, or wanting. 45. 60-(coriander).


ARETHU'SA. Fruit ovate, sub-solid, having bark; ribs acute and turgid, intervals acute-angled ; joining sides flat, striate; involucrum 1-sided, or none. 45. 60-(fools' parsley).



A. Flowers superior.

VIBURNUM. Calyx 5-parted or 5-toothed, small; corolla bell-form, 5-cleft, with spreading or reflexed lobes; stigmas almost sessile: berry or drupe 1seeded. 43. 58-(snowball, sheep-berry, high cranberry). S.

SAMBU'CUS. Calyx 5-parted or 5-cleft, small; corolla sub-urceolate, 5-cleft; stigma minute, sessile : berry globose, 1-celled, 3-seeded. 43. 58-(elder). S. B. Flowers inferior.

RHUS. Calyx 5-parted,; petals 5; berry 1-seeded, small, sub-globular. 43. 94-(sumach, poison-ivy). S.

STAPHYLE'A. Calyx 5-parted, coloured; petals 5 on the margin of a glandular 5-angled disk; capsules inflated, connate; nuts globular, having a cicatrice, 1 or 2 remaining in each capsule, though several appear as rudiments while in bloom. 23. 95--(bladder nut). S.


PARNAS"SIA. Calyx inferior, permanent, 5-parted; corolla 5-petalled; nectaries 5-fringed, with stamen-like divisions; globular tips; stigmas sessile; capsule 4-valved, 1 or 2-celled; seed membranaceous margined. 14. 64—(parnassus grass, flowering plantain). S.


ARA'LIA. Umbellets involucred; perianth 5-toothed, superior; petals 5; stigmas sessile, sub-globose; berry crowned, 5-celled; cells 1-seeded. 46. 59 (spikenard, wild sarsaparilla). S.

LINUM. Calyx 5-leaved or 5-parted, permanent; corolla 5-petalled, inferior, with claws; capsule 5 or 10-valved, 10 celled; seeds solitary, ovate, compressed; filaments spreading or united at the base. 14.73—(flax). S.

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DROS ERA. Calyx inferior, deeply 5-cleft, permanent; petals 5, marcescent; anthers adnate; styles 6, or one deeply divided; capsule round, 1 or 3-celled, many seeded; valves equalling the number of stigmas. 20. 68-(sundew). The leaves of all the species are beset with glandular hairs resembling dew. S.

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A. Flowers having a perianth and corolla, without a spatha. TRADESCAN TIA. Calyx inferior, 3-leaved; corolla 3-petalled; filaments with jointed beards; capsules 3-celled, many seeded. 6. 13-(spider-wort). S. BER"BERIS. MAHONIA. Calyx inferior, 6-leaved; petals 6, with 2 glands at the claw of each; style 0; berry 1-celled, 2 or 4-seeded (stigma umbilicate; stamens spring up on being irritated). 54. 78-(barberry.) S.

CLEO'ME. Calyx 4-leaved, inferior; petals 4, ascending to one side; glands 3, one at each sinuate division of the calyx except the lowest; stamens from 6 to 20, or more; capsule stiped or sessile, silique-like, often 1-celled, 2-valved. Does not belong to the class Tetradynamia by its natural or artificial characters. It has no silique, though the capsule appears like a silique, until it is opened. 25. 64--(false mustard).

B. Flowers having a spatha or glume, without a perianth. AMARYLLIS. Corolla superior, 6-petalled, unequal; filaments unequal in proportion or direction, declined, inserted in the throat of the tube. 9. 17– (atamask lily). S.

AL"LIUM. Spatha many-flowered; corolla inferior, 6 parted, very deeply

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